Search Results for "godly play"

Bishop and Chapter News – Oct 2017

Bishop and Chapter News – Oct 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 16 October 2017 with twelve of thirteen members present. Minutes of 18 September 2017 were adopted. The Dean led a brief study of the Gospel from the previous Sunday lectionary (Matthew 22:1-14). Those invited to the wedding banquet rejected the gracious invitation. Others took it lightly. Many are called, […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Sept 2017

Bishop and Chapter News – Sept 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 18 September 2017 with seven of ten members present. Minutes of 12 June 2017 were adopted. S. Dibblee was acting recording secretary. Director of Christian Formation Kurt Schmidt attended as an invited guest and lead the Chapter in a brief exercise focusing on the Gospel of the previous Sunday […]

Installation of Canons and Archdeacon 05 February

Installation of Canons and Archdeacon 05 February

Bishop David Edwards installed the Rev’d Deacon Francene (Fran) Bedell, the Rev’d Greg McMullin, the Rev’d Wandlyn Snelgrove and the Rev’d Allen Tapley as canons of Christ Church Cathedral during a transferred celebration of Candlemas on 05 February 2017. Wandlyn Snelgrove was collated as Archdeacon of Fredericton. The Ven. Patricia Drummond retired from that position […]

Groups and Committees Descriptions

Bishop and Chapter 2 Minutes for Ministry 05 November 2017 The Bishop and Chapter is the official corporate governance body of the Cathedral as directed by the Cathedral By-Laws (01 January 2015). Its chair is the Bishop of Fredericton. A lay chair, usually nominated by the Congregation via the Chapter and appointed by the […]

Groups and Committees

Groups and Committees descriptions can be found HERE. 29 June 2024 Group or Committee Contact Finance and Administration Victoria Hachey Safe Church Officer Dianne Wilkins Envelope Secretary John Macaulay Stewardship Team vacant Nominating Committee Jane Hand Buildings and Property  Greg Young-Morris Guild of Saint Joseph Gary Barfitt Cathedral Long-term Maintenance vacant Restoration Committee Richard Crowe […]

Christmas at the Cathedral

Christmas at the Cathedral

Celebrate Christmas in historic Christ Church Cathedral in downtown Fredericton! You are warmly welcomed to join us in worship, whether you are a Christian who has worshipped in the Anglican tradition, are of another Christian denomination, another faith entirely or, simply interested in understanding more about what our faith community is all about. There is […]