Cathedral Faces: Deacon Isabel Cutler

In a letter dated 10 August, 2023, our Bishop has answered a request made by the Dean and the Bishop and Chapter to appoint Isabel Cutler deacon at Christ Church Cathedral. Our congratulations to Isabel and we look forward to having her once again part of the ministry team.

Isabel Cutler was ordained to Holy Orders as a Deacon in the Diocese of Western Newfoundland in July 2019. She and her husband Nathan, who was ordained to the Priesthood in August 2019, served in the Parish of Isle aux Mort, Margaree, FoxRoose on the southwest coast of Newfoundland for two years. This was a miraculous gift for Isabel, after a lifetime of serving Our Lord Jesus in a Lay capacity for most of her life.

Born, raised and educated in the UK, Isabel is aware of the strong Christian influence of her parents; the hospital environment and care of patients she lived alongside; the Anglo Catholic school she attended run by the Community of All Hallows; and the positive vocational attitude towards nursing as she did her general nurse training at St. George’s Hospital, London UK. In 1972 Isabel, armed with her State Registered Nurse, Midwifery and Public Health certificates and two years work experience, came for one year to work as a Public Health Nurse with the International Grenfell Association in St. Anthony, Newfoundland.

She met Nathan and they married in 1974 and had 47 happy years together. They welcomed Jenny, Andrew and Nicholas in quick succession and Isabel is very blessed to have six grandchildren. Fifteen years living in various parts of NL and then 30 years in Fredericton, NB with two years in the UK attending St. John’s College Nottingham where Isabel was able to audit theology courses alongside Nathan. All were times of formation of Isabel’s spiritual life especially in Fredericton. Always a member of Christ Church Cathedral, a longtime member of Mother’s Union, three times member of Bishop and Chapter, Chair of the Missions and Christian Education and Spiritual Growth Committees and then instrumental in starting, alongside a very positive team, the Health Ministry. Isabel held the first Parish Nurse position 2005-2015 while initially still employed as a Labour and Delivery nurse and with the Victorian Order of Nurses.

Isabel completed the Parish Nursing training programme in 2007. Both Isabel and Nathan went to “ACPO” and were accepted as Postulants for Ordination to the Priesthood. Isabel feels very blessed to have so many rich opportunities to have a close relationship with Jesus, through Cathedral and Diocesan programmes, spiritual direction for 25 years and through bible study and the diversity of worship.

It is now two years since Nathan died so very unexpectedly. Isabel is back in Fredericton near her sons and grandchildren whom she loves to spend time with. She likes to paint watercolours and to read, but time runs away! She feels very blessed in having her family close by and also loving friends. God is a God of Surprises as she realizes, at nearly 77 years old, He still has something for her to do as a Deacon. As Nathan used to say, “Life is Wonderful and Full of Wonder”. Alleluia.

- submitted by Isabel Cutler

In 2016, Isabel was featured in the NB Anglican, in an article written by Gisele McKnight. It highlights Isabel's presentation to the Anglican Church Women (ACW), reflecting on the people and places that have made an impact on her life. Read the article.

170th anniversary of Cathedral consecration

Photo from NB Museum, c. 1900

Christ Church Cathedral is an important architectural and historical landmark in Fredericton, and August 31, 2023 marks the 170th anniversary of its consecration.

The Cathedral was consecrated on August 31, 1853. Bishop Medley wrote in his journal on that day,

"The Cathedral, the corner stone of which was laid October 15, 1845, was consecrated this day. All praise be to God, who has enabled me, amidst many difficulties, to finish it. May the Lord pardon all that is amiss, and make it His holy dwelling place for evermore. Amen."

A description of the events was included in a history of the Cathedral published in 1910, during the episcopacy of Bishop John A. Richardson (1907 - 1938).

Photo from 1910 history booklet

The Consecration was of course performed by the Bishop of the Diocese. There were present also the Bishop of Quebec, Right Reverend G. J. Mountain, the Bishop of Toronto, the Right Reverend John Strachan, and Right Reverend Horatio Southgate, a Bishop of the Church in the United States, besides the Reverend Dr. Haight, of New York, Dr. Edson, of Lowell, Mass., Archdeacon Coster, Rector of Fredericton, Reverend Richard Podmore, Curate of St. Anne's Chapel, Reverend F. Coster, Rector of Carleton, and other Clergy of the diocese to the number of sixty. A procession was formed at 10 a.m. in which were several members of the Bench and Bar in their robes, Officers of the 76th Regiment, the Mayor, and other distinguished inhabitants of the city and neighborhood, attended by boys bearing banners.

The sermon was preached by Bishop Southgate from Ps. cxxii., v. 8, 9. It was an able and eloquent address, expressive of the deep joy felt by the members of the American Church in this event as an earnest of the wider extension of catholic unity.

The music at the consecration service was very fine, and included a beautiful anthem by Dr. George Elvey, organist of St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, and was well rendered by a large and efficient choir. The organist was Mr. S. A. Hayter, who had received his training at Salisbury Cathedral. The organ was built by Mr. Naish, who had served his apprenticeship with Walker, the great London organ builder, and who was brought out by the Bishop to do this work.

Photo from 1910 history booklet

The services connected with the consecration of the Cathedral lasted for a week; during which eloquent and appropriate sermons were preached by the Bishop of Quebec, formerly Rector of the Parish of Fredericton; by Dr. Haight, and by Dr. Edson. The Bishop held his first visitation, and delivered his first charge to his clergy on the Thursday of this week. Addresses were presented to the visiting Bishops and Clergy, and also to the Bishop of the Diocese from his clergy, before the proceedings terminated. The crowded congregations, the reverent demeanor of the worshippers, and the large amount of the offertory collections, showed that the great body of the people took a very hearty interest, and an honest pride, in their new Cathedral.

An updated history booklet was published in 1975, during the episcopacy of Bishop Harold L. Nutter (1971-1989).

Learn more about Cathedral history and explore the building virtually.

Mark the anniversary by stopping by on August 31st to explore the Cathedral with our Lead Tour Guide Alex LeBlanc, on the last day of our summer tour season!

PWRDF launches in-Canada emergency response fund

In this year of unprecedented wildfires from coast to coast, including those currently forcing evacuations in the Northwest Territories and British Columbia, the Prinate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) has established a fund specifically for in-Canada emergency response.

The frequency and severity of natural disasters such as wildfires, hurricanes and floods is increasing, affecting thousands of individuals. This new fund will allow a quick response when a diocese asks for support, rather than wait to raise funds for individual disasters. Dioceses can access the new In-Canada Emergency Fund by requesting short-, medium- and longer-term support. This could include emergency accommodations, gift cards to purchase food, water and essentials, counselling and post-trauma supports, or locally identified long-term recovery activities to help rebuild community assets and increase community resilience.

Learn more about the fund and donate online.

Godly Play Training

Door Persons are key figures in supporting the children who gather in community for Godly Play.

On Saturday, 14 October, from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Christ Church Cathedral is hosting a Godly Play Door Person training session. This 5-hour workshop offers a unique way to encourage and support volunteers helping with children’s programs. Leadership will be provided by experienced Godly Play trainers: Archdeacon Cathy Laskey and Anne Pirie.

We will explore the principles and practices of Godly Play, and deepen and expand an experience of Godly Play, particularly the role of Door Person. Participants may be part of a Godly Play program already, and/or have an interest in such leadership with children.

During the day participants will

  • Gain a deeper understanding of how a Door Person supports the circle of children in gathering, listening, wondering, work, the feast and leaving.
  • Experience a full session of Godly Play
  • Participate in discovery sessions on Supporting a Godly Play Environment, Supporting Children in their Work, Relationships and Managing Disruptions

The training workshop is an offering of the Godly Play Maritime Co-ordinating Circle

Participant cost:  $35;  bring your own lunch.

Register at

Praying together: Strength amidst fire SUNDAY AUGUST 27th

Thursday, 24 August 2023


On Sunday August 27th at 7 p.m. EDT I invite Anglicans and friends to join me in a prayer vigil for all those affected by the forest fires in BC and NWT.    The extent of the devastation, the evacuation of thousands of people, the courage and exhaustion of firefighters and caregivers all need to be held in prayer and we know we will find strength together.

Please share this link in your diocese to join me – with I hope some of the affected bishops – on Sunday -

With gratitude for our sharing in the gospel,


The Most Rev. Linda Nicholls
Archbishop and Primate
Anglican Church of Canada

Wildfire destroys Anglican camp in BC

A cross at the end of a dock is nearly all that remains of an Anglican camp in British Columbia ravaged by wildfire.

Camp OAC (Oakanagan Anglican Camp), like New Brunswick's Camp Medley and Camp Brookwood, offers faith-based summer camping opportunities for children and teens, as well as religious retreats and rentals for secular functions and celebrations.

Campers and staff were safely evacuated on Thursday, August 17, but by that evening fire had destroyed almost the entire camp.

ABOVE: the dock at Camp OAC, as shown in the 2023 Anglican Churches calendar. BELOW: Fire burned 90% of Camp OAC, including the dock. The cross remains.

If you own a copy of the Anglican Church Calendar, you may recognize Camp OAC as the photo featured for the month of August. It shows a cross on a deck stretched out over the Oakanagan Lake, with beautiful forested mountains in the background.

In her pastoral letter, The Most Rev. Dr. Lynne E. McNaughton, Bishop of Kootenay, writes,

"Although most of the dock burned, the large white Cross at the end of the dock remains standing. As always the cross is the sign for us that God brings new life out of death. God will sustain us through this loss and rebuilding, that OAC will once again be a place of life-giving Christian community where children, youth, and adults can experience living in right relationship with nature and God."

The destruction of Camp OAC has triggered an outpouring of sadness from the generations of people who have attended the camp since 1950, and donations towards rebuilding are encouraged. Click here to read the update from Camp Director Ian Dixon and find out how you can help.

Please pray for all affected by wildfires and other natural disasters during this year of increased climate change, and pray for those ministering to serve those in need.

Episcopal Church of Roatan / Nelson and Kara Ministry (June 2023 update)

The Reverends Nelson and Kara Mejia are SAMS Canada (South American Mission Society) missionaries and priests in the Diocese of Honduras. Kara Mejia is the daughter of retired New Brunswick priest Gordon Thompson and his wife, Bell.

The Cathedral Missions Committee supports their Ministry in Roatan, Honduras with yearly donations.

By the Revs. Nelson and Kara Mejia:

The ministry of the Church in Roatan has not stopped; the churches are open and the Gospel continues to be preached, and leaders in each of the churches have led the services worshiping Jesus Christ every week. It has been our responsibility to equip those whom God has placed in our hands for every good work of service, as Ephesians 4:12 says. To equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up!


Click here to continue reading the full update from June 2023, and see more photos! We were pleased to see Kara and Nelson in June when they visited New Brunswick to share information about their ministry.

NB Day + Emancipation Day activities on the Green

Once again, some of the provincial celebrations for the August civic holiday will be held on the riverside Cathedral Green, next to the walking trail.

The Cathedral Office will be closed on Monday, 07 August. On that day, we encourage you to spend time with friends and participate in the celebrations!

New Brunswick Day festivities will be held on both sides of Queen Street, at the Legislature and the Beaverbrook Art Gallery. Beginning at 12:00 noon, family-friendly activities and entertainment will include: cultural performances, music, art workshops, street performers, bouncy castles, games, face painting, and a craft market. The Beaverbrook Art Gallery will have free admission from noon to 5:00 p.m.

The Calithumpians theatre troupe will perform at noon on the Cathedral lawn, and the Cathedral will be open for guided tours from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Discover the historical impact of the Cathedral on our city and province!

Emancipation Day will also be celebrated at the same time, with activities on the riverside Cathedral Green from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. This recognizes the Abolition of Slavery Act enacted in 1834 by the British parliament, which became law across all the colonial territories claimed by Great Britain, including land that is now referred to as Canada. Commemorating Emancipation Day along with New Brunswick Day highlights its historical and present-day importance.

Family-friendly activities on the Green will include music with DJ-Wakanda, a photo booth, local artists, and vendors.

A variety of food trucks will be downtown during the festivities, and fireworks will be displayed over the Westmorland Street Bridge, beginning around 9:45 p.m.

Read the details, and come on down to celebrate history and heritage!