News from Belize

Ms. Jane Martinez, Principal of St. Hilda's Anglican School in Belize, sent us this update. Please keep Ms. Martinez, her son, the high school scholarship students, and all of the elementary students and staff at St. Hilda's in your prayers.

Greetings Friends,

I pray that this email finds you well. Our school year started out well and so far we are managing by God's grace. There has been a lot of illness among both teachers and students. A terrible flu has been plaguing the schools so we are encouraging students to stay at home until it passes so that it doesn't spread.

I was supposed to share the reports with you since the first week of February but unfortunately, my son was in a motorcycle accident. I am so thankful that he is alive. His pelvic bone is open and both knees got injured. A ligament in his right knee burst as well so he is not allowed to walk for the next six weeks. We have four more weeks to go before his next evaluation. We are praying that both will heal on their own and he will not have to do surgery. It was a scary experience but God is in control. I am presently working from home because he needs someone close by to assist him.

I have attached the report of the three [scholarship] students. I have spoken to all students personally to encourage them to improve in areas where they fell short. Silvia [our new scholarship student] is doing very well in her class. She is a class leader and has received several certificates and awards. She participates in her school's praise dance team as well. They were encouraged to ask for assistance if needed because we are there to support them.

As soon as I am back at school I will give an update of activities that we are engaged in. We are about to start our "Child Stimulation Month" activities which starts March 1st. Our preschoolers will be involved in various activities throughout the month. We are excited to see what all will be accomplished. The theme for this year is "Magic Garden of Skills: Watch us Bloom".

I continue to say thank you so much for your invaluable support and partnership with St. Hilda's Anglican School. We will continue to pray for you as you pray for us as well. We love you all!


Many contributions to the pancake supper

Gary Barfitt, President of the Cathedral Guild of St. Joseph, shared this message of thanks regarding the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper.

Gary Barfitt, David Perritt and Jim Morell - three of the many volunteers who spent time organizing and serving at the 2024 pancake supper.

As we close the books on our 2024 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, on behalf of the Cathedral Guild of St. Joseph, I want to offer a huge thank-you to all those who helped make it a success. Thank you to all the volunteers who worked to get the pancakes, sausages, beans, and gingerbread from the back of the kitchen to the tables in the Hall. There were over 50 people taking care of the many and varied tasks required to feed this year’s over 170 patrons. And the generosity of those patrons raised more than $1900 towards the work of the Guild. We especially thank those people who supported us by attending the event and, apparently, enjoying the meal and the opportunity to spend time with friends.

Stay tuned for our next Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper which will be on Tuesday, March 4, 2025!

The approximately 220 people came and went over a two-hour dinner period, seated "family style" in long tables in the Main Hall. Don't worry, all of the volunteers got to eat, too! It was a great opportunity for conversation with fellow Cathedral members and neighbours from our community.

If you, or anyone you know, left an item at the event, drop by Cathedral Memorial Hall to check the coat rack and the Lost & Found box!

Several members of the Cathedral Communications Committee took photos of the popular event, which are shared below.

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition


Euthanasia is the deliberate killing of someone by action or omission, with or without that person’s consent, for what are claimed to be compassionate reasons.
Assisted suicide is counselling, abetting, or an act of aiding someone to kill himself or herself.
Members of the Coalition believe that euthanasia and assisted suicide should be treated as murder/homicide, irrespctive of whether the person killed has consented to be killed.


To preserve and enforce legal prohibitions and ethical guidelines prohibiting “mercy killing.”
To increase public awareness of hospice/palliative care.
To promote improvement in the quality and availability of hospice/palliative care, and effective methods of controlling pain and suffering.
To educate the public on the harm and risks associated with the promotion of euthanasia and assisted suicide through the use of pamphlets, information seminars, media campaigns and research articles.
To co-ordinate and disseminate research and information on issues related to euthanasia and assisted suicide.
To represent the vulnerable and, where appropriate, advocate before the courts on issues related to euthanasia and assisted suicide.

Visit the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition to learn more

World Day of Prayer 2024

The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement led by Christian women who welcome you to join in prayer and action for peace and justice. The women who wrote the World Day of Prayer Service this year are from Palestine. The Theme is “I Beg You... Bear with one another in Love” based on Ephesians 4:1-3.

March 1, 2024 is the official date chosen as the World Day of Prayer.

Two World Day of Prayer services will held in-person in Fredericton:

  • Friday, March 1, 2:00 p.m. at St. Theresa’s Catholic Church, 1 William Street (off the Royal Road). Wheelchair Accessible. Refreshments to follow.
    Storm date: Saturday, March 2, 2:00 p.m.
  • Friday, March 1, 7:00 p.m. at Brunswick Street Baptist Church, 161 York Street. Wheelchair Accessible. Refreshments to follow.
    Storm date: Sunday, March 3, 2:00 p.m.

An online Canadian National World Day of Prayer Service will be held beginning at 2:00 p.m. AST on 09 March 2024. Reserve a ticket for free here.

The World Day of Prayer service video for 2024 is available to watch online now. The 58 minute video, produced by the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada, can be watched at any time. A 6 minute devotional video is also available.

If you have questions about the work of the Council or the 2024 prayer services, please contact Deborah Heustis with Fredericton Women’s Inter-Church. Email <djheustis at>.

Diocesan pilgrimage for young adults

One of the items on Kurt Schmidt’s to-do list for 2024 is a youth pilgrimage to Grand Manan Island.

Tentatively set for the Victoria Day weekend, the diocese’s half-time Director of Young Adult Formation hopes to lead 6-12 young people and chaperones in hikes, Eucharist, prayer and worship.

It was at the September new clergy orientation, when Kurt, a new employee, met the Rev. David Smith, new priest-in-charge in the Parish of Grand Manan. The two got to talking...

* * * * *

Click here to read the article by Editor Gisele McKnight, on the NB Anglican website.

Ad-LENT-ures 2024

14 February - 23 March 2024

During the Season of Lent, all members of the Cathedral congregation are encouraged to consider individual or small group study or reflection. The 40 days of Lent are an excellent time to take on a discipline of deeper reflection on the Christian life, growing personally in discipleship as well as helping us grow as a community of Christian faith. (See BAS p. 282 and BCP p. 612)

MONDAYS ~ Six sessions beginning 12 February

Home Study and Eucharist
Lectionary study and Communion for a small group. Weekly rotating location in group members' homes, 2:00-3:30 p.m. Facilitated by Dean Geoffrey Hall. RSVP.

TUESDAYS ~ Five sessions, beginning 20 February

Art & Faith
An Ignatian-flavoured contemplative consideration of select works of sacred art related to the upcoming Sunday's gospel. Hosted by Kurt Schmidt. 5:30-6:00pm, Drop-in online via Zoom. Link through the Cathedral calendar.

Book Study: DFA
Book study of Death on a Friday Afternoon: Meditations on the Last Words of Jesus from the Cross by Richard John Neuhaus. Hosted by Alan Sears and James Kerr. 7:00-8:00 p.m., Hall Formation Room. RSVP to Alan Sears. Six sessions. Limited copies of the book available from Kurt Schmidt, $20.

WEDNESDAYS ~ Six sessions, beginning 21 February

Spirituality of Lent
Exploration of contemplative prayer traditions in the context of the liturgical season. Topics may include Centering Prayer, Celtic (Threshold) prayer, group lectio divina, praying with dreams, prayer and poetry, and Franciscan prayer. Various facilitators. 2:00-3:00 p.m. Hall Formation Room. RSVP to Kurt Schmidt.

Diocesan Book Study: LBD
Diocesan book study of Lent with the Beloved Disciple by Bishop Michael Marshall (2024 Bloomsbury Lent Book). Facilitated by Shawn Branch, 6:30 p.m., 60-90 minutes, online. Register through the Diocesan website to receive the Zoom link.

THURSDAYS ~ Seven sessions, beginning 15 February

Taizé Thursdays
Ecumenical and contemplative services of worship that incorporate simple song, scripture and silence. 5:30-6:00pm, alternating formats -- online via Zoom or in-person/livestreamed from the Cathedral. Drop-in. Link through the Cathedral calendar or Cathedral YouTube channel. Curious about Taizé? Read about an online session and in-person Taizé at the Cathedral.

Dante Group
Ongoing study group currently reading The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1879-1880). Hosted by Alan Hall and friends. 7:00-8:00 p.m. Hall Lounge. RSVP.

FRIDAYS ~ Six sessions beginning 16 February

Stations of the Cross
Various versions of the ancient devotional/meditation on the Via Crucis (Way of the Cross). 12:00 noon, Cathedral. Approximately 30-45 minutes long. Drop-in.


Contact Facilitators and Join

Please contact the facilitators directly to: express interest / ask a question / RSVP. Take special note of online options. Flexibility in schedules and locations may be possible within given restraints.

Geoffrey Hall <dean at> (506) 450-7761
Kurt Schmidt <formation at> (506) 259-3711
Alan Sears <asears at>
Shawn Branch <sbranch at> (506) 459-1801
Alan Hall <alanwilliamhall at>
Cathedral Office <office at > (506) 450-8500

Items needed for monthly outreach program

The Cathedral's monthly Monday Outreach Program is looking for specific items to help people in need in our community. Can you donate any of these?

* Hand warmers
* Toilet paper
* Canned meat (e.g. chicken, tuna, etc.)
* Winter boots
* Long Johns and sweatpants for men

Items can be dropped off at the Cathedral Office, 168 Church Street, during office hours, 9:00 am - 12:00 noon, Monday to Friday.

On the last Monday of each month, Outreach volunteers help people in need who visit Cathedral Memorial Hall. They receive canned goods, sandwiches, fresh fruit, muffins, juice and other goodies, as well as a $10 gift card from a supermarket or city transit tickets. Guests may also choose items such as donated footwear and used clothing, toiletries, and towels. The need is great in our city, and the number of guests on January 29th increased to 70 individuals. The recipients, who range in age from toddlers to seniors, were grateful for the assistance. The next Monday Outreach event will take place on Monday, February 26.

Volunteer Mary Lou Cotter packs goodie bags for outreach guests

Thank you to volunteers who help onsite, or with preparation, baking, or donate items or funds. Speak with a member of the Outreach Committee or contact the Cathedral Office if you'd like to help.

Learn more about various outreach initiatives at the Cathedral.