Back to volunteering at the Community Kitchen

Back to volunteering at the Community Kitchen

While the Cathedral teams' regular Saturday volunteer shifts at the Community Kitchen have not yet resumed, Cheryl and Peter Jacobs have begun volunteering for a weekly shift, and they shared this reflection.

After three months of missing our every 4th Saturday evening shift at the Fredericton Community Kitchen due to the restriction of volunteers during our provincial lockdown, we discovered that the Kitchen was welcoming volunteers again with some revisions.  In order to have as few different volunteers in the Kitchen as possible, they are asking people to commit to a weekly shift and those shifts are now four hours rather than the normal two.  We decided that weekly on Saturday was not going to work for us, but with permission for me to leave work early one day a week, we have committed to Thursday afternoons from 2:00-6:00 and we started June 25.

Having volunteers in to help at all is a recent change. For several weeks, the amazing chefs and other staff carried the load of preparing and serving three meals a day on weekdays and two on the weekends - averaging 14,000 meals each month.

Much has changed at the Kitchen with the COVID-19 pandemic.  Each meal is now placed in a take away container; this along with a wrapped dessert and baggie of cutlery, napkin, salt, pepper, sugar and coffee whitener, are bagged for quick and easy taking.  Cold drinks are made ready and coffee is poured to order in paper cups. Meals are dispensed by the chefs on duty from behind a plexiglass shield mounted on a cart in the doorway.  In the main dining area, most of the chairs are stacked on the sides and groups of tables are used as prep stations.

On our first Thursday shift, we helped prepare food items for use in future meals (e.g., Peter and a third volunteer Brian, cut 40 pounds of carrots while Cheryl cracked 40 dozen eggs for scrambling), prepared many cutlery bags, served up the take away containers and washed the pans and cooking utensils.  The time passed quickly as it always did before.  And Cheryl did not miss having to clean the chairs.

We did miss, of course, the interaction with the guests. Heather, the chef our Cathedral team had been working with on Saturdays for several months, commented she misses hearing the happy interaction of the volunteer teams and the guests. Expecting this new way of serving to carry on for a long time we mused about what it will be like in the winter when guests who have no place to go cannot come into a warm building to sit and eat.

The Kitchen is still looking for some volunteers to fill a few weekday and Saturday slots, on a weekly basis.  The daily morning shift runs from 9:00am - 1:00pm.  If you have some time to spare and would like to participate in this worthwhile activity, just send an email to  You can also help by donating funds or food items to the pantry box program (supplying food to about 180 families with children from the school lunch program). More details can be found at

- by Cheryl and Peter Jacobs

Beginning in-person worship

Beginning in-person worship
Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton NB
19 June 2020

A joke has gone somewhat “viral” on social media in Christian circles over the last few weeks. The Dean’s version follows.

A young Christian man, relatively new to the faith, was approached by the “father of lies,” Satan himself, just after the onset of the announcement of a pandemic caused by the nova coronavirus leading to lock down in early 2020. “Take that!” said the devil. “I’ve singlehandedly closed all of your churches with one tiny virus!” “On the contrary,” replied the young man. “You’ve singlehandedly opened churches in every home of every one who calls themselves a Christian!”

Many are asking, “When can we return?” All of us long for what was. We took our normal all too much for granted when it was ours and we suddenly find ourselves in a different world. That’s not to suggest with any certainty that “things” won’t one day return to what we remember. But we have been called to alert. The possibility and even likelihood of pandemic has always been nearer than most are willing to admit. With the particular illness of the current pandemic our health, especially the health of our most vulnerable, is at stake and that we need to continue to take it very seriously.

A Cathedral task group has been hard at work to examine information available to us including from public health officials and our own local situation to determine our best and safest response to the current circumstance. We need to minimize risk while at the same time be conscious of the spiritual needs of the Cathedral and the wider community and continue to be who we are. We can not officially be out of step with what is recommended and required by public health, knowingly or unthinkingly puting any at risk.

We have lots of advice and good information about how we can begin to gather safely. Initially there is no suggestion that, nor can we, simply return to what most of us consider “normal.”

As of this writing, the Bishop and Chapter has concurred with recommendations of the Task Group that we begin with celebrations of the Holy Eucharist, every other Wednesday, beginning on 24 June (The Feast of St. John the Baptist). This or any future gatherings will need to adhere to direction found in the then current “Operational Plan.” The Plan is a requirement of the NB Department of Health and will guide us as we gather safely. Modifications to it will be made as appropriate and necessary.

We all need to be aware – in-person worship is not going to look or feel like what we remember, at least not initially. What will be different?

•  anyone with a symptom of any illness needs to stay home
•  total participant limits assured by a system of reservation for worship
•  face masks will be worn by members of the congregation at all times
•  strict screening before entry
•  physical distancing (2 metres) maintained at all times
•  frequent hand washing, use of hand sanitizer and not touching surfaces unnecessarily
•  strict protocols in the administration of the Sacrament
•  no food or refreshments served or shared
•  socializing only from a distance and preferably outside

Hoping to offer as much clarity as possible, the following step by step guide may be of help. If your wish and intention is to attend worship at Christ Church Cathedral, these are 10 things you need to know:

1.     Self-monitor. If you have any reason whatsoever to believe that you have an illness, stay at home, even if you have successfully reserved as a participant

2.     Reserve. Visit the Cathedral Worship Sign-up (Cathedral website – top right corner “Cathedral Signups” Signup as “Worship Participant” for the desired event. If you haven’t signed up before you’ll be asked for your email address. If you’re signing up for more than one person, please leave a comment with the details. There is a maximum number.

OR telephone (506) 406-2548 and leave a voicemail message indicating:
1) your name 2) your telephone number 3) the service you wish to attend
Reservations should be made before 8:00 p.m. on the previous day and telephone requests will be confirmed by phone.
Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis. Consideration will be given to those who have not been able to attend due to limitations

3.     Enter. Greeters will answer questions and instruct you about what you need to know

4.     Face mask. If at all possible, it is preferred that you bring your own non-medical face mask and begin wearing it before you enter the Cathedral. Face masks cannot be worn by some. Be accommodating of those without them

5.     Screening. Read the posted screening questions. If you answer “yes” to any of the questions, please do not enter. A greeter will ask for confirmation

6.     Seating. Follow the direction of Greeters regarding seating beginning to fill pews from the front

7.     Materials. There will be no prayer books or hymn books in the pews. If materials are considered required, they will be available for pickup upon entry. Please take them home with you

8.     Communion. At Communion, approach in one line in the centre aisle, observing physical distance markings. Return to your pew by way of the side aisles. The host will be safely delivered in your hands

9.     Exit. After worship, Greeters will direct exit beginning from pews at the back

10.   Socializing. Outdoors only and observe physical distancing (2 metres)

As we make our first attempts to organize in-person gatherings, we’ll continue to monitor public health protocols, what works and what does not and adjust our Plan and processes accordingly.

At least some of the volunteer needs we’ll have as we begin are listed here. As we progress, these are likely to increase. Training will be provided. Please contact a member of the Operational Plan Task Group, leave your offer at the worship reservation phone number or watch Cathedral Signups for opportunities to help.

Special tasks
Cleaning and sanitation
Reservation administration

Worship duties
  Reading scripture
Sacristy duties
Greeter duties

                       The Task Group
Wayne Burley                                (506) 440-8663
Thomas Gonder                            (506) 230-4968
Geoffrey Hall                                 (506) 450-7761
Catherine MacDonald                  (506) 209-1226
Kathleen Snow                              (506) 461-8201
Mike Toole                                   (506) 455-4530

View or download the current Operational Plan
(Refresh your browser tab or window to assure you have the latest version)

Cathedral Worship Sign up

Worship Reservation Telephone  (506) 406-2548

Bishop and Chapter News – June 2020

Bishop and Chapter met 15 June 2020 by video conference with 11 of 14 members present. The Dean lead a devotional (Get Moving! “In the matter of drudgery,”) by Oswald Chambers with associated scripture. Minutes of 20 April 2020 were adopted.

Business Arising

  • 10 am refreshments (Worship and Hospitality) - no development
  • Project 2045 - pandemic isolation preventing progress but cooperation with the Diocesan Synod is noted
  • Housing First land transfer - transfer documentation complete
  • Restoration Fund By-law - posted as adopted
  • Committee detailed budgets - some committees confirmed
  • Corporate worship - Operational Plan Task Group presented a current version of the Plan. Beginning 24 June, every other Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. Eucharist proposed for now. Information and update to congregation will be circulated soon

From the Dean

Activities and ministry according to the “new normal” with more and more happening by video conference. During the last month: weekly staff meetings, daily offices, Sunday worship by YouTube, audio podcasts and various committee meetings both Cathedral and diocesan. Six meetings of the Operational Plan Task Group. One committal, one grave-side funeral, continuing contacts as possible.


Property Committee - terms of reference and membership adopted


Treasurer - To 31 May we have stepped up to the appeal for offerings. Wage subsidy received from Federal Government $23,580. Funds held as designated: $39,602. To date, expenses exceed income by $4,319. The request continues for financial support and to maintain offerings. Thanks to all for the response and exceptional effort made thus far.

Property - work plan well defined with a number of issues pending: steeple roof repair, water leaks in the nave, choir door steps, bishop’s graves, windows, 10 year repair plan to be refreshed

Communications - Issue #4 of Cathedral Connections complete and awaiting publication. Committee work mostly by email

Health and Pastoral Care - telephone network calls continue. Health Ministry committee met 27 May.

Worship - 11:45 music recording this week. Continuing with YouTube worship on Sundays. Mostly focussed on requirements of our Operational Plan. Consultation regarding video equipment needed

Christian Formation - Faith Alive! Class 27 May. “Faith Forward” will coordinate various opportunities for Cathedral members to become involved in a faith building/faith formation series of activities. Taizé worship continues Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. God Is Indestructible study during Thy Kingdom Come with about 12 attendees.

Mission and Outreach - Community Kitchen teams cannot serve during pandemic protocols. Student Scholarships ($4000) and St. Hilda’s School support ($1000) scheduled for September. Outreach vouchers next on 29 June, Hall steps only.

Finance and Administration - Cathedral and office phones now on VOIP (voice over Internet protocol) system. Photocopier is operational. Continue to attempt establishing e-transfer as a giving option. About 60 letters encouraging giving were sent and response was very positive. 2019 year end financial review engagement included several recommendations requiring followup. Stewardship Team has a narrative budget for 2021 on its agenda.


24 June 2020 - 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Holy Eucharist with Operational Plan protocols in place

Next Meetings

  • 20 July, 24 August (if needed)
  • 21 September

And when can we return?

Someone recently asked a church member when they expected their church to "re-open." They responded with, "I didn't know it was closed!"

Just because doors of a building are locked doesn't mean we're closed. Over the days of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been forcefully reminded that "the Church" is not the building.

"The response of the Cathedral to the reminder that our financial commitments remain, even during a pandemic, is very encouraging and to be commended," said Dean Hall. "Many if not most of our usual ministries continue and there are many in new forms and disguises. We continue to be the Church and the financial support of our membership to the on-going ministry of the Cathedral needs to be recognized."

"While ceasing corporate worship and bringing in-person gatherings to a halt at Christ Church Cathedral was challenging," said Dean Geoffrey Hall, "re-opening and meeting new safety requirements is going to be the far more difficult task. We've learned many lessons along the way about how to be the Church even when not physically present to one another, and there are many lessons left to learn as we move towards what's often referred to as the new normal."

Following NB Health guidelines and implementing requirements and restrictions is going to need the co-operation of everybody. Summing up most of those requirements as they apply to the Cathedral is a detailed "operational plan" describing how we will proceed with gathering. The organization and the safeguards that will be in place need to be documented and understood.

What might be most challenging for us all is what the "new normal" is going to look like. Some of us are eager to return to gathering but at the same time, we need to be very conscious of keeping everyone as safe as possible. Physical distance and number maximums are going to introduce challenging aspects needing our full attention. No corporate singing, sharing of food (or hugs), or socializing, is going to make "church" look and feel very different. And, it's all still changing rapidly making the need to stay in step with what health authorities are telling us imperative.

We're not in any rush to open things up.

Among the changes we can expect are: the need to reserve for worship attendance, screening procedures upon entrance, directed seating, face masks, no corporate singing, and closely followed protocols around the administration and making of Communion.

"None of this is outside of our capability," said Dean Hall. "It's just going to need to be well planned, administered and maintained. We're not in any rush to open things up. We'll do it when we're ready, when we're confident we can minimize risk and can assure the safety of all."

Part of that process is creating the detailed "operational plan" required to be on-site should the gathering be monitored by Provincial officials. We need to be able to illustrate that we have carefully planned and be able to account for the circumstances under which we gather, the implementation of safeguards, procedures and restrictions.

"The current lifting of restrictions for religious gatherings by NB Health (up to 50 indoors) is very generous," said the Dean. "We need to receive that gift with all manner of seriousness."

A task group has been at work over the last several weeks considering the details of the "operational plan." That group includes Wayne Burley, Catherine MacDonald, Kathleen Snow, Thomas Gonder, Mike Tool and the Dean of Fredericton. It's a document that will be ever-changing and adjusted. The most recent version will be at the same link on the Cathedral website.

"We need to express our thanks to these individuals so willing to put the time and effort into the planning needed on our behalf," said the Dean. "There will be need for volunteers for all sorts and descriptions of the new and necessary. Even what we've "always done" may need to be done differently. Please consider saying 'yes' to requests for help."

The operational plan is very close to completion (current version here) but decisions are still being considered and nothing is carved in stone. Information should be available this week regarding our way forward.

Episcopal Church of Roatan/ Nelson and Kara Ministry (June 2020 Update)

Roatán Update June 2020

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. (Philippians 1:3-5, NIV)

We give all glory and honour to the Lord for your partnering with us. Without your support and especially your prayers, our ministry would never have been possible or impact our generation. We give our heartfelt special thanks to all of you for your sacrificial giving.

Emmanuel Community Kitchen Project (Soup Kitchen)

As we said in the previous update (Roatan Update May 2020) in response to the effect of the pandemic, on June 4th we started cooking for 100 people, most of them from the congregation at Emmanuel Church. We cooked rice, beans, tortillas and chicken, and a member of every family came to church to pick up the food, following the regulations of biosecurity and especially social distancing.

We expect next Wednesday to cook for about 150 people in the community of Brick Bay where we have St. Peter’s Episcopal Church. The goal is to cook one day for Coxen Hole and another for Brick Bay or more, if we can, as financial resources allow.

A website has been set up to publish the progress of the project and collect donations for food.  It is  capable of taking not only single donations but recurring donations as well.  It will also be linked to our blog.

To support this project please go

We have already had a commercial smoker donated toward this effort, an electric stove, and an electric rice cooker for 300 people. We are looking for a propane stove, a refrigerator, and a freezer.  After tourism returns and people get back to work, the kitchen equipment will be retained to help feed the very poor on the island but on a smaller scale.

Please pray that all the resources will be obtained and any obstacles overcome to establish this project for the benefit of  individuals and families impacted by Covid 19 on the Bay Islands.

Impact of Covid 19

We continue to face Covid 19. To update you in Honduras, at the moment we have 5690 cases, 235 deaths and 583 people who have recovered.

We in Roatán have one case confirmed at the moment, and we are expecting more confirmations in the next few days. We hope most of the test results will be negative.

The Island is still closed — no one can come in or go out.

By now we have over 200 people in quarantine, including islanders that the authorities brought back home from the mainland, and the marines who were working for cruise companies.

Roatan Couldn’t open churches for services

At Emmanuel Episcopal/Anglican Church we expected to open our building for services on Sunday 24th of May.

This privilege to open our buildings was cancelled, because on Saturday 23rd the first case arrived in eastern Roatan. A group of nine people arrived in Roatan illegally by boat, the authorities put them in quarantine and tested them, and one  of them tested positive.

We hope we can open our building soon, but the most important thing is to do it safely, according to the government regulations and those of our Diocesan Bishop and his team in the Episcopal Church in Honduras.

Please pray that we can continue to be safe from the Covid 19 virus, and we pray the same for all of you.

Financial Support

On the financial side, we continue to be very positive and to pray and praise God with faith and thanksgiving. We also ask you to continue to pray about our finances, that for the rest of the year our support will stabilize and be sufficient to cover our needs. At the moment our balance is very low. Therefore, please consider sending a special offering to cover our expenses and needs.

To donate now, please click on the following link (or copy and paste it into your browser):

Or you can visit the Diocese of Fredericton’s website ( then go to “Donate” for various ways to give online. Be sure to select “Honduras Mission Fund”.

Cheques should be made payable to “The Diocesan Synod of Fredericton” and sent to: Anglican Diocesan Synod of Fredericton, 115 Church Street, Fredericton, NB E3B 4C8

Phone: (506) 459-1801

All cheques should have “Honduras Mission” noted on the reference line.

We greatly appreciate your prayer and financial support to date and trust that you will continue to support us.

Please continue to pray for:

1.   Please continue to pray for Roatan and Honduras at a difficult time caused by Covid 19.

2.   Pray for Stephen Mejia Thompson, our son who was accepted at Providence University College in Manitoba. Providence awaits him in September 2020. His flight on June 10th was cancelled, but we hope he can get another one soon.

3.   Please pray for our Diocese in Honduras that is starting the process to elect a Suffragan Bishop to assist our Diocesan Bishop, Lloyd Emmanuel Allen.

4.   Continued and stable financial support for the next three years as we continue to serve the Lord in Roatán, Honduras.

5.   The ongoing construction in Coxen Hole. Pray for the remaining installation stages: Cement concrete for the floor at the moment.

6.   Our congregations: St. Peter by the Sea in Brick Bay, and Emmanuel in Coxen Hole.

7.   Please pray for the Rev. Robert Browning and for his ministry to English-speakers in Eastern Roatán.

8.   For youth leadership, that God will provide someone to minister to and guide the young people.

9.   Spiritual and practical outreach in the local communities.

10.  For leadership for the Church in Roatán.

11.  The Episcopal Church in Honduras, for the process toward self-sufficiency and to be continued in 2020.

Thank you to all who have faithfully prayed and faithfully given to support this incredible work of ministering to the people in our congregations.

Matthew 25:40: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Your prayers and continued support enable us to continue touching people’s lives with Jesus’ love.

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.     Ephesians 3:20-21

Empowering the Church

Learning, Growing and Serving

Nelson and Kara Mejia

Episcopal Church of Roatan/ Nelson and Kara Ministry (May 2020 Update)

Roatán Update May 2020

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. (Philippians 1:3-5, NIV)

We give all glory and honour to the Lord for your partnering with us. Without your support and especially your prayers, our ministry would never have been possible or impact our generation. We give our heartfelt special thanks to all of you for your sacrificial giving.

Emmanuel Community Kitchen Project

In response to the effect the pandemic has had on the people of Roatan, Emmanuel Episcopal Church/Teach Them To Fish is temporarily repurposing the glass recycling shop to be the ‘kitchen’ of a soup kitchen project.  Our goal is to feed as many people as we can in the coming months until tourism can return to the island.  Since about 85% of the population relies on tourism for their living, there are going to be families literally starving if we don’t pull together as a community to make sure everyone gets food for the rest of the year. According to the local authorities and the central government, local businesses will be open on May 18th from 6 am to 8 pm. Construction and churches are included in this and will  be open.

We as the Episcopal Church/Teach Them to Fish are ready to set up the kitchen and begin training. Last Friday 15th we began training. We used the smoker and we fed about 50 people including 13 that are in quarantine by the Covid 19 team.

The church’s plan is to start serving lunch to the local area around Emmanuel Episcopal Church once or twice a week until we can scale the operation up to as many days per week  as we can afford.  Our goal is to serve meals daily for three to five hundred people around the Island.

A website is being spun up to publish the progress of the project and collect donations for kitchen equipment and food.  It will be capable of taking not only single donations but recurring donations as well.  It will also have links to other local efforts and events and a blog.

We have already had a commercial smoker donated toward this effort.  We will begin training on how to use it now that the authorities will let us circulate.  The first loads of wood and ‘practice’ meats have also been donated.  We are looking for a six or eight burner stove, a refrigerator, and a freezer.  We are talking with the local grocery stores to sell us food at wholesale prices.  After tourism returns and people get back to work, the kitchen equipment will be retained to help feed the very poor on the island but on a smaller scale.

Please pray that all the resources will be obtained and any obstacles overcome to establish this project to benefit individuals and families affected by the impact of Covid 19 on the Bay Islands.

Impact of Covid 19

We continue to face Covid 19 and for two months we have experienced a new way of life. To update you on  Honduras, at the moment now we have 2646 cases, 142 deaths and 289 people who have recovered.

As well, we remain under curfew until May 17th, by order of the president. We in Roatán have no cases at the moment, and we hope we won’t; as a result of this, the central government and the local authorities will let businesses open in Roatan from May 18th from 6am to possibly 8pm; this is to support the local economy and also as a pilot project to implement in other cities and departments on the mainland. The Island is still closed — no one can come in, and every business needs to implement all the requirements established by the government.  

Solidarity Bags

In response to this difficult time for our parishioners we continued delivering bags of groceries among our congregation on May 5th and we expect to distribute more bags. Also one of the gas stations in Roatan brought groceries specially for the mothers in our church on Mother’s Day. 

Roatan opens churches for services

At Emmanuel Episcopal/Anglican Church we expect to open our building for services on Sunday 24th of May. This privilege is just in Roatan, and in the next few days we will receive the regulations we need to follow for the services. Also we will need the approval of our Bishop Lloyd Allen. We will need to use shoe disinfectant, masks and hand sanitizer; otherwise the authorities said a person can’t come into the church building. If a congregation  is bigger than 50 members, we need to hold two services to protect the people. Please pray that we can continue to be safe from the Covid 19 virus, and we pray the same for all of you.

Financial Support

On the financial side, we continue to be very positive and to pray and praise God with faith and thanksgiving. We also ask you to continue to pray about our finances, that for the rest of the year our support will stabilize and be sufficient to cover our needs. At the moment our balance is very low. Therefore, please consider sending a special offering to cover our expenses and needs.

To donate now, please click on the following link (or copy and paste it into your browser):

Or you can visit the Diocese of Fredericton’s website ( then go to “Donate” for various ways to give online. Be sure to select “Honduras Mission Fund”.

Cheques should be made payable to “The Diocesan Synod of Fredericton” and sent to: Anglican Diocesan Synod of Fredericton, 115 Church Street, Fredericton, NB E3B 4C8

Phone: (506) 459-1801

All cheques should have “Honduras Mission” noted on the reference line. We greatly appreciate your prayer and financial support to date and trust that you will continue to support us.

Please continue to pray for:

1.   Please continue to pray for Roatan and Honduras at a difficult time caused by Covid 19.

2.   Pray for Stephen Mejia Thompson, our son who was accepted at Providence University College in Manitoba. Providence awaits him in September 2020. His flight on June 10th was cancelled, but we hope he can get another one soon. 

3.   Please pray for our Diocese in Honduras that is starting the process to elect a Suffragan Bishop to assist our Diocesan Bishop, Lloyd Emmanuel Allen.

4.   Continued and stable financial support for the next three years as we continue to serve the Lord in Roatán, Honduras.

5.   The ongoing construction in Coxen Hole. Pray for the remaining installation stages: Cement concrete for the floor at the moment.

6.   Our congregations: St. Peter by the Sea in Brick Bay, and Emmanuel in Coxen Hole.

7.   Please pray for the Rev. Robert Browning and for his ministry to English-speakers in Eastern Roatán.

8.   For youth leadership, that God will provide someone to minister to and guide the young people.

9.   Spiritual and practical outreach in the local communities.

10.  For leadership for the Church in Roatán.

11.  The Episcopal Church in Honduras, for the process toward   self-sufficiency and to be continued in 2020.

Thank you to all who have faithfully prayed and faithfully given to support this incredible work of ministering to the people in our congregations.

Matthew 25:40: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Your prayers and continued support enable us to continue touching people’s lives with Jesus’ love.

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.     Ephesians 3:20-21 

Empowering the Church

Learning, Growing and Serving

Nelson and Kara Mejia