Music Monthly – December 2018

December 2 - First Sunday of Advent

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Great Litany
Missa Secunda - Hassler
Psalm 25:1-9
Rejoice in the Lord alway - Anon. 16th century
88, 178 (439), 546, 96, 560
Passacaglia in C minor BWV 582 - Bach

4.00: Advent Procession with the Great “O” Antiphons
Matin Responsory - Palestrina
Canite tuba in Sion - Guerrero
There is a flower springing - Praetorius
People, look east - arr. Martin Shaw
Dixit Maria - Hassler
E’en so, Lord Jesus, come quickly - Manz
Vesper Responsory - Praetorius
Hymns on Ordo
Fantasia on Wachet auf - Karg-Elert

December 9 - Second Sunday of Advent

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
There is a stream whose waters rise - Gibbons
Gibbons’ Short Service
Benedictus - Gibbons
This is the record of John - Gibbons
486, 103, 93, 445, 467
Processional - Mathias

December 16 - Third Sunday of Advent

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
O Sing joyfully - Batten
Wood in C minor
O Lord, I will praise thee - Jacob
How beautiful upon the mountains - Stainer
98, 112, 109, 59, 106
Sonata in F (4th movement) - Mendelssohn

December 23 - Fourth Sunday of Advent

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
Hail, Blessed Virgin Mary - Italian Carol arr. Wood
Missa Brevis III - Willan
Magnificat - Gibbons’ Short Service
O Wondrous Love - Kuhnau
89, 90, 354, 117, 318
Prelude on Nun komm’ der Heiden Heiland BWV 661 - Bach

4.00: Service of Nine Lessons and Carols
Hodie - Poulenc
Adam lay ybounden - Ord
Al and som - Drinkell
My Dancing Day - W. Noble
Gabriel’s Message - Pettman
Ding! Dong! Merrily on high - Wood
The Virgin’s Cradle Hymn - Rubbra
Psallite unigenito - Praetorius
In the bleak midwinter - Darke
Sir Christemas - Mathias
Hymns on Ordo
Toccata-Prelude on Vom Himmel hoch - Edmundson

December 24 - Christmas Eve

11.00pm: Choral Eucharist of Christmas (BCP)
Ding! Dong! Merrily on high - arr. Wood
Messe de Minuit de Nöel - Charpentier
Psalm 98
118, 121, 132, 122, 138
Dieu parmi nous - Messiaen

December 30 - First Sunday after Christmas

10:00 a.m. Carols for Christmastide
Special Order of Service

2018 Christmas Mothers’ Union Outreach

This past spring the Cathedral Mothers' Union, with the help of members of the congregation prepared a little over 200 'care packs' and handed them out to University of New Brunswick students prior to their final exams.  The packs were well received, and we are hoping to continue our outreach prior to the Christmas exams - preparing even more care packs if possible.  But we need the help of our congregation family!
Sunday, December 2nd from 1-4pm at the Cathedral Hall, we will be baking cookies, writing and decorating a note of encouragement, and packing the care packages to be delivered the following week.  It is our hope that many will be able to join us to help bake cookies, package cookies, write and/or decorate the notes, or pack the care pack bags.
If you are unable to join us on 02 December, donations of individually wrapped packages of hot chocolate or other flavoured drink mixes, individually wrapped candies/treats, or home baked cookies (we are planning on chocolate chip, sugar cookies, and ginger cookies - avoiding nuts) would be very much appreciated, and can be dropped off at the Hall marked MU anytime before December 2nd.
One student came back after receiving a care package and told our member that the hand written note was the best part!  If you'd like to complete some of the notes with some cheerful words of encouragement for the student prior to their exams, packs of blank cards are available.  Please return them by December 2nd.
Many thanks!  If you have any questions, please contact Diane Nash at (506) 455-9698 or <diane.nash at>.

Bishop and Chapter News – November 2018

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 19 November 2018 with eight of a usual twelve members present. The Dean lead discussion on an article “Financial Transparency” from the Episcopal Church Foundation.

Business Arising

Nominating Committee - membership: C. Schmidt, T. Fetter and G. Hall. Working to secure nominations for 2019 elections
Verger resignation - having been received for 30 June
Sexton’s employment letter - has been updated with the modification three weeks vacation
National Trust Conference - several members of Chapter and others were able to attend. Some important contacts, next steps pending. The Bishop’s “joint ad hoc group” with representation from the Cathedral and Diocesan Synod has been dismissed with thanks

From the Dean

The Dean reviewed usual items of commitment over the past month noting seasonal worship and events up-coming:
Christmas worship schedule as usual: Christmas Eve 4, 8, 11 p.m.; Christmas Day 10 a.m.. Advent Procession 02 December; Christmas Lessons and Carols 23 December
Community Christmas Carol Sing Wednesday, 12 December 7 p.m. an opportunity to invite family and friends.

For Decision

Lower hall floor - repairs to deteriorated tiles to address health and safety to be done as soon as possible, as professionally recommended and at a cost of $7000-8000 (from Hall renovation fund)
Hall refrigerator -to be replaced (about $6219) after quotes reviewed)
By-Law re Nominating Committee - a motion was carried finalizing revision to make election of the committee by the annual meeting
Welcoming and Hospitality - terms of reference adopted. Work plan offered is perhaps a potential model for committees
Gift thanks - having received a gift of $10,394 from Ethel Saunders the Chapter carried a motion to send our thanks
J. Edwards Memorial - that we make a gift of $100 in memory of our Bishop’s wife, Janet and send a letter of condolence
The Road Home Project - that The Cathedral send a letter of intent to pursue joining the Housing First initiative with four Cathedral units in 2019. Information to come


Treasurer - October - Revenue: $44,499, Expenses $39,573 Year-to-Date: Offering $34,860 below 2017; Expenses $53,443 above 2017. A rebate of $3000 from the Diocesan Synod (clergy travel pool and employee benefit payments).
All committees considering 2019 budgets
Administration and Finance - work on current items continue: Cathedral records management, giving policy, safe church
Christian Formation - current programs being monitored with some new initiatives to be considered soon (possible congregation retreat)
Health and Pastoral Care - Good response to health information session on 03 November. Individual pledges in support of Parish Nursing continue to come in and are appreciated
Communications - Gearing up for Christmas events. Potential for neighbourhood invitation to Carol Sing on 12 December
Welcoming and Hospitality - several welcome initiatives being rolled out: for Sundays including welcome desk (Cathedral Connections), signage, welcoming volunteers and a welcome kit
Property - current issues: hall refrigerator, lower hall floor, steeple roofing breach (potentially costly), vandal severed lightning rod copper repair ($317?), O’Dell House balcony repair in the spring


Bishop Hockin Advent Series; seasonal events and worship as reported

Next meetings: 21 January, 11 February, Annual Meeting 24 February


2018 Christmas Angels

This year's crop of angels has arrived at the Cathedral!

Paper angels from the Fredericton Food Bank are waiting to be chosen from small trees in the cathedral and in the hall foyer. Each of the 60 angels indicates a specific gift for a needy boy or girl in our city.

Unwrapped gifts, with the paper angels, firmly attached, should be brought to the church or the hall on Sunday, 02 December. Drop-off boxes will be set up near the angel trees in advance.

If you cannot bring your gift on time, please take it to the drop-off box in the hall no later than Monday, 03 December. It might seem early, but it's the Food Bank's deadline for our deliveries, allowing them time to distribute the gifts to the families they serve.

If you prefer to donate money, please write a cheque payable to Christ Church Cathedral and indicate Christmas Outreach on the memo line. Your cheque should reach the church office by Monday, 17 December. These funds will be divided equally among the Fredericton Homeless Shelters, Women in Transition House Inc. and the Fredericton Community Kitchen.

The Fredericton Food Bank has more than 700 children on its list this year. The Outreach Committee thanks you for your generous support in making Christmas special for 60 of them.

Music Monthly – November 2018

November 4 - In the Octave of All Saints - Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist with Baptism (BAS)
Christ hath a garden - Drinkell
German Mass - Schubert
Psalm 24:1-6
Give us the wings of faith - Bullock
285(245), 515, 306, 350, 48, 276
Incantation pour un jour saint - Langlais

4.00: Choral Evensong (BCP)
Smith Responses
Psalms 148 and 150
Gibbons’ Short Service
O quam gloriosum - Victoria
275, 370, 116
Homage to Perotin - Roberts

November 11 - Remembrance Day - Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost

9.45: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
The souls of the righteous - Murray
Darke in F
Psalm 127
My soul, there is a country - Parry
573, 112, 374, 61, 528
Sarabande in modo elegiaco - Howells

November 18 - Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Oculi omnium - Wood
Wood in C minor
Psalm 16
Ave verum - Willan
613, 619, 92, 57, 516
Prelude & Fugue in C major BWV 547 - Bach

November 25 - Last Sunday after Pentecost - The Reign of Christ

10.30: Holy Eucharist
Missa Brevis XIII - Willan
E’en so, Lord Jesus, quickly come - Manz