
Certificate in Stewardship – Atlantic School of Theology

Certificate in Stewardship – Atlantic School of Theology

Who is This For? AST’s Certificate in Stewardship is available to anyone. People who work or volunteer in the charitable sector, non-profits, university, government, education, church, and other fields will benefit, as well as anyone who would simply like to do some learning and personal growth. As long as you have Internet access and a […]

Stewardship: a foundational document for the Anglican Church of Canada

Stewardship: a foundational document for the Anglican Church of Canada

Stewardship is a core Christian practice rooted in scripture. The Bible offers a commentary on human stewardship that begins with God’s purpose in setting our first ancestor in the garden “to till and keep it,” and ends in the new creation, in a recurring pattern of crisis and resolution. That pattern of human crisis and […]

Season of Creation film screening: The Letter

Season of Creation film screening: The Letter

Join us for a special multimedia event to mark this Season of Creation! On Saturday 23 September, from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. in Cathedral Memorial Hall Lounge, we’ll screen and discuss The Letter, an 82-minute documentary film providing environmental illustration, exploration and context to Laudato si’, the encyclical letter on the care of creation that […]

Help Children Grow in Faith and Generosity

Help Children Grow in Faith and Generosity

10 Ways to Help Children Grow in Faith and Generosity By Ken Sloane   How can parents shape a generous spirit in their children? Ken Sloane outlines ten practical ways families can focus more intentionally on giving and gratitude, compassion, and service so that their children grow in faith and generosity. Who doesn’t want to […]

Season of Creation 2022

Season of Creation 2022

Christians around the world are invited to give particular attention to praying and caring for God’s creation as part of the global Season of Creation, observed from September 1st to October 4th every year. General Synod 2019 passed a resolution adopting the Season of Creation in the Anglican Church of Canada as a time of […]

Cathedral Building Conditions and Issues Report

Cathedral Building Conditions and Issues Report

The Building Conditions and Issues report was prepared by the engineering firm of Heritage Standing Inc. (HSI).  The report contains a total of 36 recommendations, and classifies each recommendation as one of; Emergency High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority Operational consideration For each recommendation the report details the scope of the recommended work, the necessity […]