A time to share: Grief support

Join Isabel Cutler, Deacon, on the fourth Saturday of each month for an informal gathering of Cathedral family members who have felt the loss of a beloved family member or friend. Reflect with others who have been following the same path, supporting each other in a shared experience.

Gatherings will be held inside Christ Church Cathedral, for ease of accessibility.

Join us on the fourth Saturday of each month, 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.

Need prayer?

There are several ways you can request prayer through the Cathedral.

If you would like your name, or the name of a loved one, added to the public Prayer List in the Sunday bulletin, please contact the Cathedral Office. Names will be listed for one month, but may be extended by contacting the office. You may include a full name or first name. Please ensure that you have the consent of the person to have their name listed publicly.

The Cathedral Prayer Network is a committee of caring individuals who provide immediate, confidential prayer. It is different from the public prayer list printed in the Sunday bulletin. Confidentiality is at the core of the group's work. Contact Coordinator Linda Waugh for details or with a prayer request. Phone (506) 450-3057 or email <lmwaugh at live.com>. The group welcomes new prayer volunteers. Learn more.

A team of Hospital Visitors can see patients admitted at local hospitals. Visits can be arranged by contacting the Cathedral Office or the Dean. Please make sure to let us know the unit and room number, as hospital visitors do not have access to patient listings. Learn more.

Communion at home or in the hospital is available. Please contact the Dean to make a request.

Other clergy, staff, and members of the congregation also support these ministries and engage in prayer.



*NOTE* For time sensitive requests, please use the telephone.

Dean Geoffrey Hall: (506) 450-7761 <dean at christchurchcathedral.com>
Cathedral Office: (506) 450-8500 <office at christchurchcathedral.com>
Other Clergy and staff


Supporting students in Belize

Since 2010, the congregation of Christ Church Cathedral has provided a scholarship program for students in Belize. High school is not publicly funded in that country, and finances are a barrier which prevents some children from receiving formal education past Grade 8.

For the 2023-2024 school year, our new scholarship student is Silvia Trapp. She is a 13 year old girl who recently graduated from St. Hilda’s Anglican School in Georgeville, Belize. Silvia lives with her parents and four siblings, and looks forward to the opportunity to be enrolled in Grade 9 this fall.

In addition to Silvia, scholarship students include Caleb Martinez (Grade 10) and Korey Kelly (Grade 11). Unfortunately, Edvin Perez was not able to remain in full-time studies after a long bout of illness after contracting COVID-19, and Gian Myvett was no longer a student in good standing in his high school courses. The Cathedral also provides funds each term to St. Hilda’s Anglican School, the elementary school from which each of these students graduated. Our congregation’s relationship with St. Hilda’s goes back to 2005.

Learn more about the Belize mission, and read quotes below from two of our current scholarship students.

"It’s been a privilege to be given the opportunity to further my education. I am very grateful I was awarded this scholarship. There are many kids like me that are raised by a single parent out there and are wishing for this opportunity. Thanks for the scholarship that was awarded to me and for the continuous support, I look forward to making St. Hilda’s proud, and be an example to the other students that will be awarded a scholarship."

- Korey Kelly

"My educational pursuits would not have been possible without your generous donation. Thank you for supporting me towards reaching my fullest potential."

- Caleb Martinez

Season of Creation film screening: The Letter

Join us for a special multimedia event to mark this Season of Creation!

On Saturday 23 September, from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. in Cathedral Memorial Hall Lounge, we'll screen and discuss The Letter, an 82-minute documentary film providing environmental illustration, exploration and context to Laudato si’, the encyclical letter on the care of creation that was released by Pope Francis in 2015.

The movie tells the story of a recent gathering in Rome where Indigenous and non-Indigenous leaders from many corners of the world met with Francis to respond to Laudato si’. The film is a fine witness and reflection on the climate crisis -- connecting climate change with human migration in Senegal; explaining the influence of unsustainable agriculture on deforestation and loss of human life in Brazil; telling the stories of Australian bush fires and flooding in India; and showing coral reef loss around Hawaii.

The stories in the film are presented in original languages with continuous translation.

Our screening will be followed by a brief reflection discussion.

Please reserve a seat with Kurt Schmidt: <k.schmidt at cccath.ca> or 506-259-3711.

Bishop and Chapter News – September 2023

Bishop and Chapter met on 11 September 2023 with 10 of 13 members present. Minutes of the last meeting were unavailable and will be considered at the next meeting. Members read and briefly discussed “The Ultimate Guide to Delegation” (Nick Blevins) – categories: What to Delegate, To Whom to Delegate, How to Delegate. Resources to Delegate Better and 7 steps to follow included.



•   Preaching through the Season of Creation 01 September - 4 October; vacation 24 July - 13 August; staff meetings 27 June and 05 September, outside Communions (1), committee/group meetings (2), staff and deacon reviews completed, home visits (3), 3 home/hospital communions, 2 funerals / 1 committal / 2 attended, Evening Prayer Jackson Falls 23 August, July/August Sunday worship attendance (75 avg) - 10 September (106).

•   Vacancies: Chapter Property | Vice-Chair | Nominating


Synod Finance Committee (2)


•   17 September 8:00, 10:30, 4:00 every other week resumes
•   18-20 September - Diocesan Clergy Conference, Renforth


Bishop’s letters: appointment of Isabel Cutler, Deacon and permission to administer Communion (D. Beek)


•   Benevolence Policy - adopted as of 11 September 2023
•   Recognition - Canon Rod Black as Honorary Assistant


June Report of Planning Study - Source Alliance returned the final report of the feasibility study (January - May) regarding Cathedral restoration, Our Bishop has one other contact he wishes to make. Cathedral officers and the Bishop considering the next step in light of the current circumstances. Letters of thanks will be sent to planning study participants this week.


Treasurer - Offerings stable but below budget with a 31 August deficit of $55,657. Payroll and Shared Ministry is $36,000 monthly. $9,887 in flow through donations (PWRDF, community ministries etc.) to be transferred. Sunday financial update presentation before the end of September

Administration and Finance - tour guide season has ended with thanks

Worship - no report

Property - noted recent gifts-in-kind with thanks

Health and Pastoral Care - no meeting. Only a few COVID test kits left

Mission Outreach - completed draft Benevolence Policy; Belize Missions Yard Sale for scholarships a success; Mijia’s from Honduras visited 25 June

Communications - no recent meeting. Additional souvenirs were acquired for sale during the summer tour season

Christian Formation - planning for 30 Sept Day of Truth and Reconciliation; Life in the Eucharist postponed to Fall 2024; Godly Play has resumed; discussed possible quiet space on the Green

Welcome and Hospitality - no meeting. 3 committee members + Dean


•   Nominating Committee - 4-1st term / 1-2nd term vacancies upcoming in 2024. T. Maston (Lay-Chair) plans not to let his name stand for a second term
•   30 September - Day of Truth and Reconciliation
•   21 October - Farraline Gala Fundraiser


Monday, 16 October 2023                                                                GMH

Prayers for Truth and Reconciliation

Saturday, 30 September is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and we are encouraged to continue our prayers on that day

Choral Evensong at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, 01 October, 2023
Watch here
Listen here

Read the letter from Linda our Primate and Chris, National Indigenous Anglican Archbishop

The Cathedral Office and Memorial Hall will be closed on Monday, 02 October.


Merciful God, you call us to loving relationship with one another.
Be with us now as we seek to heal old wounds and find joy again in this relationship.
Replace our hearts of stone with hearts of flesh.
Give us the gifts of honesty and openness, and fill us with your healing power and grace.
We ask this in Jesus’s name. Amen.
[The Anglican Healing Fund]

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Chair Yoga in the Cathedral

Chair yoga is returning to the Cathedral after a summer break, and attendees are looking forward to gathering for this gentle exercise.

An initiative of the Health Ministry, the classes are led by experienced yoga instructor Monique Smith.

Ideal for both young and old, chair yoga is a unique way to exercise while sitting in a chair. Classes will be held in the Cathedral, making it easy even for those with mobility issues.

As Monique explains, “As far as abilities, even beginners will feel welcomed! … The key is to listen to one’s body.”

These weekly classes are sure to provide a stress-free way to exercise your body, mind, and spirit in fun and friendly group sessions.

Chair yoga classes resume on Friday, 15 September, held from 10:15-11:00 a.m. All classes are open to the public to drop-in, with no need to register. The cost is $5 per session, payable each week.

Still curious about Chair Yoga? Learn more in the article, Chair Yoga and Why Seated Yoga Poses are Good for You.

5 Things That Undermine an Apology – Prepare/Enrich

Have you ever been on the receiving end of a bad apology? How did it make you feel? Even if you couldn’t articulate exactly what what was off about it, you might have walked away feeling a sense of dissatisfaction, or even more hurt or angry than you were initially. Have you been on the other side of this situation? You tried to apologize to your spouse, but it was not received well. Maybe you felt like you were doing all the right things, but it’s not coming across the way you’d like. What went wrong?

The fact of the matter is, a meaningful apology is more than just uttering the words, “I’m sorry.” Here are five things that can undermine an apology.

1. The “I’m sorry, but…”

If you’re adding “but” to the end of your apology, you’re essentially contradicting anything you said before it. Sometimes it’s an excuse: “I’m sorry I said that, but I was really frustrated.” Other times it’s a way to shift blame: “I’m sorry I did that, but you did it first.” And sometimes, you’re simply trying to offer an explanation: “I’m sorry I was so late and didn’t call, but I took a wrong turn.” It’s natural to want to explain yourself and even to deflect blame away from yourself. However, attaching these conditions to your apology is essentially leaning into an excuse for what you did. Instead, work on taking ownership and ...  Read more