2024 Memorial Hall Stair lift project

At the direction of Bishop and Chapter we're moving forward on a project to replace the north entrance stair lift at Memorial Hall. At the moment, we're inaccessible for those confined to a wheelchair or unable to negotiate the stairs. Our hope is installation by the end of summer. The approximate cost is $30,000. We've had indications of support from both the Diocesan Synod and the Guild of St. Joseph. Contributions are being both encouraged and requested and will receive the usual receipt for income tax purposes.

The installation contract was awarded to Lawtons Home Health Care, Halifax for the commercial-grade Garaventa lift Xpress II.

Xpress II - inclined platform

The Garaventa lift Xpress II inclined platform wheelchair lift is designed to provide economical access between two landings.

The platform travels on two rails which are secured directly to the wall or to support towers and is propelled by means of a carriage-mounted rack and pinion drive system. When the platform is not in use it is folded, taking up minimal space on the stairway.

The Xpress II is cost-effective and is ADA compliant. With a variety of standard and optional features available, it can be designed to suit the needs of the user and building owner.

Product details here.

Congregational Meeting

The Dean has called a congregational meeting on Sunday, 16 June 2024 following 10:30 a.m. worship.

Find details of a report to Bishop and Chapter from representatives of the group investigating a public foundation option in the May 2024 Bishop and Chapter News.

The agenda will address a request from the Restoration Trust Fund Committee to amend the Restoration Trust Fund By-Law to make funds available to the Bishop for use by a new Fredericton Cathedral Foundation.

Section 4 reads: "It is declared that the Fund is a trust of which the Chapter is the trustee, the income and capital of which is to be used only to maintain, repair or restore the Fabric."

The proposed amendment will cause Section 4 to read: "It is declared that the Fund is a trust of which the Chapter is the trustee, the income and capital of which is to be used only to [, or make possible to,]  maintain, repair or restore the Fabric."

Jubilee Tea and a Jubilee Tree

From left to right: Susan Watson, Kathleen Snow, Diane Radford, Bonnie Greenwood, Joanne Barfitt, John DosSantos, Michele Leblanc, Lilian Ketch, and Susan Colpitts-Judd.

The Cathedral branch of the Mothers’ Union hosted a Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Tea in June of 2022 and although it was not a fundraising event, we did however, receive donations. After covering our expenses, we decided we wanted to use the balance of the funds to commemorate the Queen’s Jubilee in a lasting way.

The Queen’s Green Canopy initiative was launched to encourage people to “Plant a tree for the Jubilee” to mark her 70 years on the throne. It was subsequently extended to give the opportunity to plant trees in the Queen’s memory.

When we heard of this project, we all agreed that this would be the perfect memorial to our beloved Queen Elizabeth II.

After consultation with Eric Hadley, a member of the Cathedral Property Committee, and with help from other members of the Guild of Saint Joseph, our Jubilee Sugar Maple was planted on the corner of Brunswick and Church Streets on May 12.

Ashley Swim, Eric Hadley, and Harry Palmer planting the tree.

Prior to our May 17th meeting, many of our Mothers’ Union members gathered around our tree, a blessing was read, and a group photo was taken. A cold wind had picked up and almost blew us all away so a re-shoot took place on a sunny and warm May 23rd.

Much appreciation is extended to Eric Hadley, Gary Barfitt, Harry Palmer, and Ashley Swim for delivering the tree from the nursery and planting it for us. Thanks to Gary Barfitt and Bill Robinson for taking the photos.

Submitted by Bonnie Greenwood

The Prayer:

Almighty God, we come before you this day in humility and gratitude as we seek your blessing on the life of this Sugar Maple tree, which is planted to remember our Sovereign Lady and Patron Queen Elizabeth II. May this tree take root in this soil, drawing from it water and nutrients, so it may grow and prosper, bringing beauty in its leaves offering shelter to birds and insects and enriching this place with its presence and life. And we ask this in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.