Why we do what we do

Why we do what we do – the Anglican Communion

Why we do what we do – the Anglican Communion

What is the Anglican Communion? The Anglican Communion is one of the world’s largest Christian communities. It has tens of millions of members in more than 165 countries around the globe. Anglicanism is one of the traditions or expressions of Christian faith. Others include Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran and Baptist. The Communion is organised […]

The Sacrament of Holy Unction

The Sacrament of Holy Unction

Holy Unction There are seven Sacraments recognized in the Anglican Church. Two are referred to as “Gospel” or “Greater” sacraments, the other five, of which Unction is one, as “Lesser” sacraments. All operate according to the Book of Common Prayer definition: “a sacrament is an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.” […]

Do I Have to Kneel? – info about Anglican customs

Do I Have to Kneel? – info about Anglican customs

Approximately 30 people gathered at Christ Church Cathedral on Sunday, January 27th to hear the answer to the question “Do I Have to Kneel?” The afternoon session, which was something of an Anglican primer, included presentations by Hank Williams, Cheryl Jacobs and Dean Geoffrey Hall and was hosted by the Christian Formation committee. The first […]

Why we do what we do – Eucharistic practice and the risk of infection

Why we do what we do – Eucharistic practice and the risk of infection

At Christ Church Cathedral, we take health and safety seriously. From time to time there are questions about precautions followed to reduce the risk of infection in the administration of the Holy Eucharist. First and foremost, we follow our own diocesan Bishop’s Directive 3.4 on the Administration of the Sacrament. This includes making intinction (dipping) […]