Belize Missions The Principal writes – October 2019

The following is a letter to our congregation from Jane Martinez, Principal at St.Hilda’s Anglican School in Belize.

Greetings Friends:

I pray that all is well with Friends of St. Hilda’s. Greetings from beautiful Belize.

I know it has been some time since you heard from us here at St. Hilda’s. I must apologize for the delay in response. Our school year has started out with a bang! There are so many things that need attention that some days get very frustrating. Through all that, I must say that we are blessed. The first term is usually our busiest term as we have many activities and holidays that occur during the September to November months. 
This year our enrollment went down due to relocation of some students. We presently have 127 students enrolled. We have  a full staff of ten teachers including one intern.
I have many pictures that I would like to share to give you an idea of some of the activities that have been held at our school so far this year. We have had our September celebrations, Literacy Day,and most recently, our Harvest Thanksgiving Service. 
Please greet the church on our behalf and let them know that we love them and appreciate their continued support. Have a blessed day!
Best Regards,

2019 Confirmation, Reaffirmation, Reception

The page for Faith Alive participants. You're welcome to view the material with the password "faithalive."


Rebranded for 2019-2020! Faith Alive!

We began on 27 November with training for mentors and parents. The first "class" was Wednesday, 04 December beginning with supper at 5:30 p.m.. A schedule of classes and sessions is available on the Faith Alive! page. Any and all are welcome to join in classes that may be of interest beginning on the scheduled Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.

Faith Alive is built on the foundational approach of mentorship. "It takes a church to make a disciple." All participants are encouraged to have a mentor or "friend in faith" to walk along this journey with them.

Have you ever questioned what you really believe?
Have you ever wondered how what you believe compares to the teaching of the Church and its traditions?
Are you concerned about our ability to pass on the Faith to coming generations and the community where we live?

Early in December, with the advent of a new Church year, Christ Church Cathedral will embark on an exciting opportunity for the whole Cathedral Family.

Confirmation is the sacrament in which the Bishop lays hands on a candidate to confirm and reaffirm the vows of Baptism especially praying for the strengthening and guiding Spirit of God their lives.

Reaffirmation is for any and all who have been confirmed but wish they had an opportunity to refresh their understanding of the faith now that a few (or many) years have passed since confirmation. The Bishop will pray with them for the strengthening power of God.

Reception (not the refreshments after worship!) is for those who have come to the Anglican Church from another faith tradition, have been confirmed there by a Bishop, but wish to be more officially received into the Anglican Church (Communion).

As you can see, there is something for everyone, but there’s even more! What will facilitate the preparation for these individuals includes pairing each participant with a friend in faith (a mentor) who walks along side candidates to help where they can and assure that no one is walking alone.

Outline of the Programme

Unit 1: Faith Alive in Scripture and Worship
Discover again how the Bible is the Word of God, our sacred story, and the authoritative basis for all that we preach and teach. Rediscover some of the depth of meaning behind and within Christian worship and prayer traditions

Unit 2: Faith Alive in Doctrine
Review the most basic Christian teachings on creation, who is God?, how are we to live as followers of Jesus Christ and inheritors of the Kingdom of Heaven? We’ll explore how the church is structured and why, referring throughout to the Word that guides us.

Unit 3: Faith Alive in Law and Sign
Learn more about how the sacraments of the Church have for centuries been the physical signs of God’s great love and grace. We’ll discuss some of the spiritual tools readily available to the Christian, and have a guided tour of our Cathedral to explore how the faith is embedded there.

From now until Easter 2020, about every other Wednesday, we’ll meet (beginning with a meal) for teaching, presentations and discussion; alternating weeks are reserved for participants and mentors to meet one-on-one or in smaller groups to follow the session guides provided. Any of the “classes” are open to anyone to join for that or any combination of topics.

Are you interested in being confirmed? Would you like to reaffirm your faith or be officially received into the Anglican Church? Would you consider being a mentor?

Community Kitchen volunteers needed

Volunteers needed in 2020

Can you spare a little time to help at the Fredericton Community Kitchen?

Christ Church Cathedral supplies teams of volunteers who work at the kitchen on Saturdays year-round to help the cook at supper time. Duties include serving food, doing dishes, and cleaning up after the evening meal.

The time commitment is a mere two hours – from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. –  and each team is assigned 13 Saturdays annually. Depending on the size of your team, you will not have to take part every time.

Jason Parsons is co-ordinating the Cathedral's efforts for this worthwhile cause. If anyone is interested in joining a team, Jason can be reached < jayparsons at>

“I'm busy with my day job, my three children and verger duties, but it's a small commitment of time to volunteer,” he said. “It really gives all of us a chance to be the hands and feet of God in our city, and the people who come for supper are so grateful for the work we do.”

Experience isn't necessary, and the work isn't hard.

Experience isn't necessary, and the work isn't hard. You might be peeling potatoes, buttering rolls, making juice, cutting pieces of pie, scrubbing pots, or putting away clean dishes.

“One of our longtime volunteers told me that, too often, church can be about money and politics, not about helping people. He likes giving back in this way as a form of mission,” Jason said.

He also wanted to heartily thank team members who volunteered during 2019. “Some people have been faithfully helping out for many years,” he said. “It's greatly appreciated.”

Ann Deveau

Growing in Giving 2019 What is a Tithing “demonstration” Sunday?

What is a Tithing Sunday?

Many church congregations have found value in creating an opportunity to physically see and experience what tithing would mean for the church community and its individual members.

You’ll remember the Chair of our Stewardship Team, Mike Toole, talked about a stewardship initiative this Fall at Christ Church Cathedral. During the time between now and the end of the Church Year, we’ll try to focus in specific ways to learn and grow in stewardship understanding and practice both personally and as a congregation to the glory of God.

Holy Scripture is much more clear regarding God’s expectations about our giving than many of us realize or are often willing to admit. In Malachi 3, God, speaking directly, invites his people to “test him” ... test him to see if by rendering to him what rightly belongs to him we don’t see the windows of heaven open and pour down overflowing blessing!

Will anyone rob God? Yet you are robbing me! But you say, ‘How are we robbing you?’ In your tithes and offerings! You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me—the whole nation of you! Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and thus put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts; see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing. (Malachi 3:8-10)

The Cathedral Stewardship Team has named 03 November 2019 Tithing (“demonstration”) Sunday. On that day, everyone is encouraged to tithe (give one tenth or 10% of) that one week’s income.

You may have specific questions about Tithing Sunday:

1. What if I’m already tithing?
If you already tithe, please give as you usually do on that Sunday. If you use e-offering and give once per month, please write that on a note and place on the offering plate that Sunday to alert us.

2. How do I calculate what a tithe would be for me?
A “tithe” is 10%. It’s never about the total or even about whether we calculate on gross or net income, but about the “proportion” of what we have that the Bible says already belongs to God. It’s impossible to be too poor to tithe. Tithing is for everyone since its not based on what we think we should have, what we think we should give or even what the total amount of that might be. It’s the proportion of what we have, and that number is one we need to discover if we are to tithe.

First, determine your usual income for a week:

• If your income is received every two weeks, divide that amount by 2
• If income is received once a month, divide it by 4
• If you wish, divide the income from your last income tax return by 52

Second, multiply that number (weekly income) by 1/10, 0.10 (that is, simply move the decimal point one place to the left )

$ 180.06 - a tithe is $18.00
$ 345.56 - a tithe is $34.55
$1245.50 - a tithe is $124.55

3. What if I can’t afford to tithe that Sunday?
Please do your best. Giving should never be compulsory or cause undo hardship. If the number you write on your cheque or the cash you put in your envelope fails to bring a smile to your face, its not the right number! It is, however, always a sacrifice. Focusing a bit in advance might make it possible to prepare by putting enough aside over the next few weeks to participate. The hope is that everyone will have an experience of what it feel’s like to tithe. It will give our community an experience of what a tithing congregation could mean for our ministry together. It’s an opportunity to see what blessing God has in store for those who bless him and his Church. One thing is for certain, God always blesses what we give.

We’ll report the results, with some historical data on weekly giving on the following Sunday, 10 November.

If you use e-offering, an envelope with that date is in the boxed set you received at the beginning of the year. Every participant in the convenient e-offering method of giving is issued a boxed set of envelopes for use occasionally, for giving to the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund and for Festival offerings at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. There are also extra envelopes on church pews on which you can write your name and envelope number, assuring those amounts are added to your yearly income tax receipt.

While the money is needed and will be put to very good use, especially since we are running a growing deficit this year, the main goal is not the money – it’s the experience. Follow what God commands and then watch for the blessings you might not have expected in the days and weeks to follow.

Still not able to participate? Why not take a step towards what a tithe would be for you. Increase what you do give by 1 or 2%. Depending on where you start, if you continue, in a few years you’ll be tithing!

Will you participate on 03 November 2019?

Growing in Giving ... #1 - A Giving FAQ - What about stewardship? What about the tithe?
Growing in Giving ... #2 - What is a tithing (“demonstration”) Sunday?
Growing in Giving ... #3 - Principles of Giving Quiz - how do you rate?
Growing in Giving ... #4 - Ten Truths of Biblical Giving

Anglican Cathedral Musician Opportunity

Christ Church Cathedral, in the Anglican Diocese of Fredericton, is seeking an experienced half-time Director of Music to continue its program facilitating a balance of vibrant traditional and contemporary Anglican worship. As the Cathedral is a centre of excellence in the musical arts in the community of Fredericton, New Brunswick, an RCCO level five or above, organist qualifications and experience are preferred.

Instruments available include a four manual Casavant organ, handbells, a small grand piano and instruments / audio equipment used for contemporary music. The application deadline is November 2nd, 2019. Résumé and covering letter detailing qualifications should be forwarded to the Selection Committee Chairperson, Christ Church Cathedral, 168 Church Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada E3B 4C9 or [email protected]. Questions to [email protected].

For the information of applicants regarding additional employment: St. Thomas University is in close proximity and has a well established fine arts programme. The University of New Brunswick also identifies itself as a centre for the musical arts. Ample opportunity exists in Fredericton for private students in music education.

2019 Thanksgiving Pastoral Letter

Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton, Thanksgiving 2019

Dear Friends in Christ,

The natural rhythm of the seasons brings us to the Church's celebration at Harvest time. Christians are encouraged to give thanks at all times and in all circumstances, but the harvest brings that emphasis especially into focus as we recognize the many gifts of God's created order.

During a difficult time in my life, I had asked a Christian acquaintance for advice. What I received was not what I expected. This person said to me, "Say thank you." At that time, my response was one prompted by the suspicion that the other had not really heard my hardship. I was given assurance that I had been heard and was repeated, "Say thank you." "Thanks for what?" was my response. The answer returned, "Thanks for all you do have and for all the things that are not wrong that could be." As I look back, I realize that advice was directly from the words of Scripture. St. Paul tells the Ephesians in his letter to them that they should

... give thanks to God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 5:20)

That which seemed not so helpful at the time was very good advice, both then and now, even though putting it into practice is often a challenge.

If we strive to look at the world and all that comes to us, good or bad, with an attitude of thanksgiving, it looks very different to us. What if I don't happen to feel thankful right at the moment? "Say thank you." Expressing thanks, saying "thank you," is the first step towards "being" thankful. If we make outward efforts to express thanks, we find we become more thankful and we please God who, scripture tells us, wishes only for us to be mindful of what we receive. A world seen through thankful eyes is a very different place.

While we all have been tried, suffered significant life losses, illnesses and many circumstances beyond our control during the past 12 months, we all also have much for which to be thankful. For the Christian, every day is Thanksgiving Day, but on Sunday, 13 October 2019, during our regular schedule of worship, we'll try to focus that thanksgiving at a time when God's abundance is especially evident in the Harvest.

Join us in saying “Thank you.” Why not bring a friend or family member? Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

View this letter as a pdf

Or use the envelope in your boxed set

Geoffrey Hall (The Very Rev'd)
Dean of Fredericton

Growing in Giving 2019 – A Giving FAQ

1. A Giving FAQ

What about stewardship?

What is stewardship and why is giving important?
God is the source of all we have. Making a portion of what God has given in time, talent and treasure is pleasing to God. Stewardship refers especially to the teaching of Jesus where the steward is the one who manages what the Master has given. Stewardship is simply what we do, with all that we have, after we say, "We believe." Using the gifts God has given us, to do the work God is calling us to do. Healthy stewardship is based primarily on our need to give rather than the church’s need to receive.

Isn’t stewardship just fund-raising – the way the Church compels members to give?
The stewardship practiced by church members definitely impacts the church, but its “our church.” We are the church and the church’s expenses are our expenses. Most of us would never consider not paying our bills. The ministry our church family is able to maintain (much of it in service to our own membership) is closely dependant on the stewardship of the membership in its community.

What about the tithe?

What does it mean to tithe?
The word “tithe” comes from the word tenth. A tithe is the practice of giving the first tenth (10%) of our income to God’s work in the world through his Church. A tithe is not just what we give to the church ie a “2% tithe” is a contradiction in terms. Many see the practice of giving a tenth extending also to time and talents.

Isn’t tithing just an outdated idea from the Old Testament (Covenant)? Hasn’t the New Covenant superceded the Old?
The practice of tithing is a discipline understood by, and taught in, the Hebrew Scriptures. Jesus speaks powerfully about the tithe in Matthew 23:23 and Luke 11:42. Anglican Christians don’t tend to assign degrees of importance to specific verses of the Bible. All of Scripture is the Word of God and everything necessary for salvation is found there. Those who fight the tithe need to fight the Bible.

Is tithing law?
Tithing is a good choice not a rule. The word “tithe” appears 67 times in Holy Scripture. The irony may be that most who submit themselves to the discipline find it enormously rewarding and uplifting.

Are we suggesting that we will magically receive more if we give more?
No. But we are challenged by these New Testament words: “The one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.” (2 Corinthians 9:6-8)

We aren't saved because we give money to God’s work. Salvation is a gift of God's grace that comes through faith (itself a gift from God). We enter life in grace through Baptism, claiming Jesus as Saviour and our submission to his Lordship. We grow in grace through steady participation in worship and ministry. Giving will not affect your salvation. Salvation will definitely affect your giving.

Don’t the taxes we pay in our times equal a good portion of what used to be considered part of the tithe?
Governments have always used taxation to fund public benefit. A tithe is not a tax. If it were, it would be 17% or even 30%. Modern taxes provide the lifestyle and standard of living we enjoy – the medical care we receive, the roads we drive on, the schools our children attend, the street lights we walk by, the public buildings we use. The church has never been just a provider of public services.

What is the difference between a tithe and an offering?
The Bible uses both terms, often together as in “tithes and offerings.” In Scripture, baseline and regular giving is the tenth (tithe). Offerings are additional giving as we are able and desire a special expression of thanks to God: at church festivals, in remembrance of a loved one, for a special achievement, event or other blessing for which we are thankful. We might consider the tithe as what we should give, the offering as the additional we are able to give at special times.

Doesn’t giving to other charities count as God’s work? God doesn’t just work within the church.
While there are many good causes and many opportunities to give charitable dollars, we may need to re-assess why we give what we do and to what causes. We should ask ourselves why we feel the need to support charitable work outside of our faith community and the commitments we have already made while our church family struggles financially.

Why should I tithe?
“Will anyone rob God? Yet you are robbing me! But you say, ‘How are we robbing you?’ In your tithes and offerings! You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me—the whole nation of you! Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and thus put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts; see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing.” (Malachi 3:8-10 - NRSV)

The Lord of hosts dares us to test him. For people of faith, the tithe does not belong to us, it belongs to God. When we give to God that which is his, his response is to bless us with what is ours and more!

Growing in Giving ... #1 - A Giving FAQ - What about stewardship? What about the tithe?
Growing in Giving ... #2 - What is a tithing (“demonstration”) Sunday?
Growing in Giving ... #3 - Principles of Giving Quiz - how do you rate?
Growing in Giving ... #4 - Ten Truths of Biblical Giving


2019 Friends of St. Hilda’s Scholarship Recipient

The following is the application letter from our newest Belize scholarship recipient, Gian Myvette:

Dear Friends of St. Hilda’s:

Greetings from my beautiful village of Georgeville.

On June 25, 2019, I completed my first milestone by successfully having passed the primary school examinations culminating with 8 years of primary school at St’ Hilda’s in Georgeville. The journey had many pot holes and curve balls but with my family support and my faith in God, I was able to walk on the straight and narrow path. My next step is completing high school and pursue higher education.

My passion is in information technology (I.T), I watch my brother fixing computers, assembling parts and installing programs from an early age, this was followed to my mom enrolling me in a two weeks programming class for primary school students at Galen University two years ago. Because of this passion, my mom investigated which of the high schools had a better I.T
curriculum; as a result, I was accepted and subsequently enrolled at Sacred High School in San Ignacio Town, Cayo.

Education is very expensive and my mom is trying to ensure that I am afforded the best education possible. To achieve this, she entered into a payment plan with the Sacred Heart High school and with that I was able to register. I discussed with my mom if I can get a scholarship so that the burden is lessen on her. My mom, as a single parent, will do her best to ensure I get an education, I wish that I too can assist by getting a scholarship.

In my community, most the youths do not enter high school and others drop out of high school due to varying reasons. The end result is that there are no alternative programs that exist in my village for at risk youths. Thus, our village have seen many of my peers doing drugs, getting in problems with the law, and vandalism. I do not want to be a statistic. I want to be a change for my village.

The decision by Friends of St Hilda’s to award a high school scholarship to a deserving student must be truly hard as many of us have needs and you wished you could help all of us. As you deliberate on your decision, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my letter. No matter the result of your decision, I still will work hard, study, pass and continue to be devout
Anglican. My vision is for my peers, my villagers and everyone to see that not because you come from a broken home means that you can’t make something of yourself. Not because my mom is unable to afford me new books or new school bag that it will deter me from completing my education. What is important is my dream and the passion I have for learning and by getting a
degree in information technology; a field which is much needed in Belize.

Thank you and God bless you and guide your decisions.

Future I.T Engineer

In Memoriam – David Drinkell

In Memoriam - David Drinkell

The church family at Christ Church Cathedral continues to mourn the death of organist and director music David Drinkell.

Notes of sympathy and condolences, literally from all over the world, continue to flow in. David was very well known and regarded in the music community. Among the communications are those from Brunswick Street Baptist Church, Fredericton,  the Organ Club (UK) and Belfast Cathedral where they have posted a memorial to David. David's previous post was as organist at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador in St. John's. The Fredericton Daily Gleaner, published a story about David this week. A tribute in the November edition of Anglican Life (Newfoundland Dioceses') by Ashley Ruby, page 11 -- "An Increased Richness in Heaven."

David made the music in Cathedral worship seamless

As a Cathedral member put it this week, "David made the music in Cathedral worship seamless." Indeed, he did. His knowledge of traditional Anglican worship and its music often baffled the best of us, yet he met the challenges of more contemporary musical styles in leading the 11:45 a.m. worship group each Sunday with grace and proficiency. Let us give thanks for his confidence in Christian faith. We are indebited to him, perhaps most for his friendship, but also for his faithful, yet far too short, ministry of music among us.

Later in the day on Thursday, 26 September 2019, the Dean wrote to the Cathedral congregation by way of email:

Subject: News shared with a heavy heart
Date: 26 September 2019

It is with sorrow and a heavy heart that I write with very sad news.

You’ll remember that David Drinkell had, what we all considered, a successful emergency surgery last week. Early in the day on Sunday, it was becoming more apparent that complications from the surgery were developing and Sunday afternoon, David underwent a second surgery to address those difficulties.

Since Sunday, David had been in ICU, on life support and, his condition continued to worsen. Medical tests and scans on Wednesday were not revealing good news about his chances for recovery. Earlier today (Thursday) it was determined that chance had become very slim, if not non-existent. At about 5:30 p.m., life support was removed and David died peacefully at about 7:20 p.m..

It was my privilege that Elspeth allowed me to be present. Kathleen Snow and Janet Mahar were also with us. The care David received from the whole health team at the Everett Chalmer’s Hospital was outstanding and we are all thankful for them. Everything possible was done. Thanksgiving is also due for all who have helped in any way over the last several difficult days, perhaps most especially Marilyn Lewell who has been a rock for Elspeth through much of this ordeal.

Most of us are very conscious of the precarious financial position this creates for Elspeth. There may be opportunities, for those whom are able, to offer support in a financial, as well as other many ways, in the days ahead. We’ll try to coordinate that as best we can and further direction should be forthcoming.

Please pray for David, Elspeth, other members of David’s family and friends who will be hearing this news shortly.

"Lord, now lettest thy servants depart in peace, according to thy word."

God's blessing.

Dean Geoffrey Hall

David's funeral will be at 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, 08 October 2019, at Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton. There will be no visitation prior to the funeral. Long time friend, Anglican priest and Rector of the Parish of Rothesay, the Rev'd Paul Rideout, will be the preacher. Friend of the Cathedral and former director of music, Dr. Willis Noble, will be the organist. A reception at the Cathedral Memorial Hall will follow.

Read David's obituary on the McAdam's Funeral Home website