Other News

Cathedral Financial Update – adjusted to 30 June

Cathedral Financial Update – adjusted to 30 June

The Financial Update that appears in the Cathedral bulletin each week is an attempt to share information about our current financial status month to month. It might not be difficult to imagine that accurately reporting our financial reality is a challenging task. “Designations” or “restrictions” on offerings adds a layer of complication as not all […]

Lytton BC Fire

Lytton BC Fire

A letter from the Territory of the People on the fire in Lytton, BC – The Anglican Church of Canada The following is a letter from the Interim Steering Committee regarding the devastating fires in the Lytton area. Donations for emergency relief for those now homeless may be sent to: Marked “Lytton Fire” Territory of […]

Residential Schools Apologies

Residential Schools Apologies

Residential Schools and Missing Indigenous Children Since the discovery of the remains of 215 children in unmarked graves at the Kamloops Indian Residential School, there have been questions about what the Anglican Church of Canada has done in response to the Calls to Action by the National Truth & Reconciliation Commission. There have also been […]

Parish Nurse Wanted

Parish Nurse Wanted

Parish Nurse for CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL, FREDERICTON  NB Permanent part-time position: 20 hours/ week with benefits Definition:  Parish nursing emphasizes the wholeness of body, mind and spirit rooted in the vision of Christ as Healer. A Parish Nurse is a registered nurse who practices holistic health for self, individuals and the community using nursing knowledge […]

Marvellous Macey – Caitlin Bangsund

Marvellous Macey – Caitlin Bangsund

The Delightful Days … From the review on A Mama’s Corner of the World – Marvellous Macey spotlight – Can you va va voom? Do you light up the room? Marvellous Macey does! She may not quite fit the mould, but she is living delightful days. Embrace Macey’s world of imagination and ability to love […]

Basswood gains new life – January 2021

Basswood gains new life – January 2021

Basswood on Cathedral grounds gains new life with carvers When a 2020 summer storm struck and felled a large basswood on the east end of the Cathedral Green, Christ Church Cathedral congregation member and former forester Eric Hadley volunteered to step in and help with cleanup. Unlike many large trees felled by wind storms, Eric […]