Bishop and Chapter News – June 2018

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 18 June 2018 with eleven of twelve usual members present. Vice-Chair Charles Ferris chaired. Minutes of the 14 May 2018 meeting were reviewed, items of unfinished business noted and the adopted. Watching the introduction video for “Surprise the World,” the Dean lead a short discussion. How to continue BELLS?

Business Arising

Ending Homelessness in Fredericton - a group of 10 considered this project following the meeting of the Archdeaconry Greater Chapter in May. Unfortunately, resource persons were unable to be present. There seems to be some lack of clarity about what’s specifically needed if Anglican parishes were to partner. Monitoring continues

•  Mothers’ Union expenses - the amount directed for worldwide MU work by K. Snow was forwarded to the Cathedral Branch
•  Joy FM - the Dean has met twice with representatives and looks forward to a greater degree of partnership with them in the future
•  Frank Morehouse thanks - for work on Fredericton Deans poster
•  Anglican Foundation - a contribution to the Foundation, directed to be annual, has not yet been sent

From the Dean

•  Normal commitments - 2 care home visits for Communion, 4 visits to hospitals, 3 home Communions, 4 staff meetings; Chapter and Committee related meetings; Clergy College, Clergy Day, Diocesan Council, Diocesan Finance Committee, Property Development Committee meeting with 4 teleconferences.
•  Surprise the World: BELLS - sermon series concluding 24 June. 4 in attendance at video night. Ways to continue BELLS?
•  Bishop of Qu’Appelle Bike Ride - hoping to create a 15 July event of worship at 4 pm followed by BBQ on the Cathedral green. JoyFM willing to partner
•  Cathedral worship podcasts - average hits have reached a fairly consistent 60 per day average since listing with TuneIn Radio
•  Cathedral staff annual reviews - underway

For Discussion

“Designated Funds” - Past assumptions about offerings for specific purposes (“designated”) being “saved” need clarification. Monies tagged for purpose to be used first for items currently in the Budget is advice from 2017 review engagement. Further education required.

For Decision

•  Terms of reference - adopted Property and Mission Outreach committees
•  Missions request - a motion to increase 2018 Mission Outreach budget to allow increase of St. Hilda’s School support, graduate bursaries and support for Paul Jones to university was tabled. Offerings down. Funds available will need to be confirmed
•  “Designated Funds” - that we reduce a list of 55 to about 11 to clarify and expedite managing and using offerings given for specific purposes and continue to reduce those funds as possible


•  Treasurer - offerings are about $30,000 +/- below budget year to date
•  Christian Formation - planning session held. Followup next week
•  Administration and Finance - giving policy in process; records management project continues
•  Health and Pastoral Care - First Aid training 25-26 June. New programming initiatives being considered for fall
•  Communications - 09 September outside worship in view. Conversations with Joy FM should result in positive cooperation
•  Property - green winter kill considered; west door pavement irregularity will be addressed; south door replacement pending


Ordination 24 June 2018; 09 September outdoor worship/corn boil

Next meeting: 17 September 2018



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