Bishop and Chapter News – May 2018

Bishop and Chapter NewsBishop and Chapter met on Monday, 14 May 2018 with eight of twelve usual members present. Minutes of the 23 March 2018 meeting were briefly reviewed and adopted. The Dean offered some reflections on the person of the Holy Spirit, prefaced with a reading from the Gospel of John 15.26–27; 16.4b-15 . The gifts of the Holy Spirit, the fruits of the Spirit, biblical images and our understanding of them was discussed.

Business Arising

β€’ Operating funds transfer - the $50,000 recommended and approved for transfer to investment has not taken place. Offerings are currently below budget and operating monies may be required in the next few months
β€’ Ending Homelessness in Fredericton - there has not been any significant progress on this item. The Greater Chapter of the Archdeaconry of Fredericton includes this item of its agenda on 17 MayΒ Β  The Road Home
β€’ K. Snow expenses - expenses incurred for Worldwide Mothers’ Union work have been considered by the Christian Formation Committee which has a recommendation.
β€’ Mission Committee and Outreach Committee - E. Hadley reported the proposed meeting was held with progress on how we might create a group with a broader oversight mandate (Committee on Mission/Outreach)
β€’ Jingle All the Way - donation has been received. Communications in conversation with JoyFM regarding a partnership with potential for mutual benefit

From the Dean

β€’ Normal ministry commitments - 3 care home visits for Communion, 5 visits to hospitals, 2 home Communions, 6 staff meetings; several Chapter and Committee related meetings; Deanery clericus, Diocesan Finance Committee, 2018 Synod Planning, 2 Ad hoc Development Committee meetings with 4 teleconferences.
β€’ Bishop of Qu’Appelle rides through NB in July, National Trust for Canada Conference is 18-20 October; L’Arche Fredericton will utilize facilities for shared meals; Staff reviews during June

For Discussion

Committee Terms of Reference - Progress continues to made in the development of Terms of Reference for Chapter committees. Presented for consideration were terms for Building and Properties, Communications, and Worship. Remaining are: Hospitality, Welcoming and Membership and Mission Outreach.

For Decision

β€’ Terms of reference adopted: Worship; Communications
β€’ The Chapter will make a $100 annual contribution to the Anglican Foundation of Canada
β€’ that $1000 be forwarded to our Mothers’ Union Branch for reimbursement of Worldwide Mothers’ Union work expenses


β€’ Treasurer
- offerings are about $27,000 below 2017 year to date
- designated funds review by Executive before summer
β€’ Formation - update on programming; formation planning scheduled
β€’ Administration and Finance - giving policy in process; Dean’s photo poster has been completed with thanks to Frank Morehouse
β€’ Health and Pastoral Care - update on current work. First Aid Training being planned for June
β€’ Communications - web team and social media team developing


Pentecost 10:30 worship - 20 May 2018; "Surprise the World" video night - 30 May 2018; BELLS Sermon series 27 May - 3, 10, 17, 24 June;
Ordination 24 June 2018

Next meeting: 18 June 2018



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