News from Belize

Ms. Jane Martinez, Principal of St. Hilda's Anglican School in Belize, sent us this update. Please keep Ms. Martinez, her son, the high school scholarship students, and all of the elementary students and staff at St. Hilda's in your prayers.

Greetings Friends,

I pray that this email finds you well. Our school year started out well and so far we are managing by God's grace. There has been a lot of illness among both teachers and students. A terrible flu has been plaguing the schools so we are encouraging students to stay at home until it passes so that it doesn't spread.

I was supposed to share the reports with you since the first week of February but unfortunately, my son was in a motorcycle accident. I am so thankful that he is alive. His pelvic bone is open and both knees got injured. A ligament in his right knee burst as well so he is not allowed to walk for the next six weeks. We have four more weeks to go before his next evaluation. We are praying that both will heal on their own and he will not have to do surgery. It was a scary experience but God is in control. I am presently working from home because he needs someone close by to assist him.

I have attached the report of the three [scholarship] students. I have spoken to all students personally to encourage them to improve in areas where they fell short. Silvia [our new scholarship student] is doing very well in her class. She is a class leader and has received several certificates and awards. She participates in her school's praise dance team as well. They were encouraged to ask for assistance if needed because we are there to support them.

As soon as I am back at school I will give an update of activities that we are engaged in. We are about to start our "Child Stimulation Month" activities which starts March 1st. Our preschoolers will be involved in various activities throughout the month. We are excited to see what all will be accomplished. The theme for this year is "Magic Garden of Skills: Watch us Bloom".

I continue to say thank you so much for your invaluable support and partnership with St. Hilda's Anglican School. We will continue to pray for you as you pray for us as well. We love you all!


Posted in Belize, Mission and Outreach.

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