Bishop and Chapter met 17 January 2022 by video conference with 11 of 13 members present. Considerations of an article entitled “Reimagining Church Buildings” - Dave Harder (Lewis Centre for Church Leadership) prompted discussion on what is necessary to see church buildings as assets instead of liabilities. What is the old narrative? How do we shape a new story? Who are church buildings for? How do we listen to the needs of the wider community? 15 November 2021 minutes were delayed and will be adopted at the next meeting. There was no meeting of the Chapter in December 2021.
From the Dean
As a summary of activity since the November meeting:
- Farraline Place Communions (2) / Windsor Court - February 22
- 3 sessions of baptism preparation for 09 January 22 baptism
- Christmas in-person attendance 175
- Diocesan Finance Committee (2)
- Health restrictions required ceasing singing on 28 December
- New Years Day eucharist cancelled
- Current Level 3 no in-person worship - Live stream continues
Future meetings - the future meeting schedule was discussed with considerations of upcoming needs including: Annual Meeting plans and the possibility of a joint meeting with the Finance and Administration and Property committees following receiving the Heritage Standing report. An agreed upon meeting schedule is listed as upcoming.
Annual Meeting - while it’s impossible to anticipate pandemic restrictions, 20 February 2022, 12:00 Noon was set for the 2022 Annual. Should in-person be possible, meeting at the Cathedral with video-conference option. If no in-person, we may consider virtual only or postponement until such time as we are able to meet
Heritage Standing forthcoming report - Heritage Standing is coming close to completing the detailed report outlining Cathedral building needs. There was lengthy discussion to consider how that report can be used to inform our planning for the next several years. It is clear, there are costly repair and maintenance issues ahead, one of the most critical being the roof. Exact costing is impossible but renovations and restorations will be substantial. Organizing and executing a project of that size will be the challenge, recognizing that resources internal to the congregation are woefully insufficient. A proposed initial report reception includes a joint meeting between Heritage Standing, the Chapter and the Finance/Administration and Property committees is anticipated within the next 4-6 weeks
Treasurer - year-end reporting is always a challenge as we ensure that past year income and expenses are recorded properly. December was a good revenue month. We anticipate ending the year with a modest surplus with offerings slightly below budget, federal government subsidies and continuing consistent giving
Health and Pastoral Care - last meeting of health ministry in November. Continuing to stay in touch during changing restrictions
Mission and Outreach - Monday morning continues last Monday of the month in modified format
Property - Ongoing monitoring of Heritage Standing project assessing future Cathedral building needs
Christian Formation - online versions of most activities continue. Looking ahead to Lenten programming
Communications - draft annual report circulated to committee
Finance and Administration - January meeting updates on staff handbook, narrative budget, safe church officer, review of financials and report of envelope secretary. Summer tour guides for 2022
- Tentative meetings: 21 February, 14 March, 16 May, 20 June
- Annual Congregational Meeting: 20 February (27 snow)
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