Bishop and Chapter News – May 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 17 May 2021 by video conference with 10 of 14 members present. The Dean lead some discussion on an article entitled “Managing Resources - Part 1 Finances” (Nancy Davidge and Susan Elliott) from “Vestry Papers” of the Episcopal Church Foundation. “hard questions and their corresponding answers are necessary and vital to your church’s health.” Subtitled sections include: Financial Management, Good Financial Management Begins with the Budget, Different Funds for Different Purposes, Taxes, and Annual Audit/Review. Minutes of 15 March 2021 were adopted. There was no meeting of the Chapter in April.

From the Dean

•  a report outlined usual weekly and monthly commitments
•  monthly communions have resumed at Farraline Place
• a proposal will be put forward for new security equipment (door locking and cameras) and upgrade work on the network at the Cathedral and Memorial Hall to support it
•  Thy Kingdom Come (13-23 May) resources have been made available with encouragement to take part
•  noting again an upcoming need for congregational consultation and visioning regarding future facilities development

Items Arising

Parish Nurse - the application deadline closed 30 April with two received. Interviews will be scheduled. Sally Dibblee search committee chair.

Shared space initiative with the Diocesan Synod - operational costing is under development for a plan proposal of a facility on the east side of Church Street

Housing First Project - terms of reference are being developed for the committee that will oversee the project. Members are needed, including an individual for the role of treasurer. Documentation describing the responsibilities is being sought. Projected costs currently exceed identified funding. Construction completion estimate Fall 2021.


Security/Network Project - a motion was carried to proceed with security and network upgrades as proposed at a cost of about $12,000, funds to be identified from existing sources. Nightly security site visits ($300-$400 per month) will not be required upon completion.


Poet’s Corner - proposal for consideration by Peter Pacey regarding an area (Sherman’s Wharf) with some seating and quiet space for reading. The Chapter suggests a written “letter of understanding” detailing responsibilities and expectations to serve as a document for approval.


Treasurer - an overview of current financial statements

Property -the work towards updating a 2015 maintenance and restoration plan has resulted in the potential for a major restoration project. Heritage Standing will work on proposing a cost for the creation of a master plan. Breakin and theft from the storage shed on 12 May.

Health and Pastoral Care - Some health ministry programming continues with the help of volunteers

Mission and Outreach - Belize Missions funding is depleted with no recent fund-raising activity. Housing First priority issue

Finance and Administration - a Stewardship Team meeting will be scheduled. The Treasurer will work with the Committee to provide financial background for future monitoring and planning

Christian Formation - overseeing current programming. June meeting will consider the committee work plan

Communications - an initial meeting with the new chair was 20 April


•  Day of Pentecost (23 May) 8:00, 10:00 and 11:45 a.m.
•  Next meetings (third Mondays) - 21 June 2021



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