2020 ADVENT-ure


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With a new Church year  upon us! ...
Why not add something to your devotional life to mark a fresh start?

Listen to Christian Formation Director Kurt Schmidt talk about opportunities for ADVENT-ure

Choose from the following list of diverse opportunities on the Advent weekdays to deepen your prayer or study—you’re encouraged to add at least one new ADVENT-ure to your schedule!



  • Short guided meditation on the upcoming Sunday Gospel in the tradition of Ignatian contemplation (imaginative prayer), 5:30-6:00 pm on Zoom. Link through the Cathedral Calendar or from Kurt Schmidt.


  • Advent of the Heart” series—an in-person study of some of the Advent meditations of Alfred Delp, heroic German priest and martyr of the 20th century. Cathedral Memorial Hall Lounge, 6-7pm. Sign up with Kurt to access the preparatory reading materials.


  • Virtual Taizé worship series, 5:30-6pm on Zoom. A simple and contemplative blend of prayer, song & silence.  Link through the Calendar or from Kurt.


  • “Mini” Advent Lessons-&-Carols series—in-person and live-streamed (both) each Friday evening, 6-6:30pm, with different musical styles and singers featured:
  • 4 Dec—Come Worship Group
  • 11 Dec—Traditional Choir and Organ
  • 18 Dec—Cathedral Youth Group (CYG)

Please use the Cathedral Sign-Ups platform if you would like to attend in person.


Please also consider the diocesan Advent Retreat with Archbishop David, online with live teaching and guided prayer. 11-12 December (Fri-Sat), beginning at 4pm on the Friday.  Register here.

The Cathedral Branch of Mothers' Union has advent wreath candles available for purchase again this year. Contact a branch member or the Cathedral office.

Questions or expressions of interest can be communicated to Kurt Schmidt <formation at christchurchcathedral.com> by phone/text to (506) 259-3711, or contact the Cathedral Office.

Being shaken awake is entirely appropriate to thoughts and experiences of Advent. But at the same time there is much more to Advent than this. The shaking is what sets up the secret blessedness of this season and enkindles the inner light in our hearts, so Advent will be blessed with the promises of the Lord.”  Fr. Alfred Delp, SJ  --  December 1944

Posted in Education, Events, Formation, News, Study Groups.

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