Bishop and Chapter met 15 June 2020 by video conference with 11 of 14 members present. The Dean lead a devotional (Get Moving! “In the matter of drudgery,”) by Oswald Chambers with associated scripture. Minutes of 20 April 2020 were adopted.
Business Arising
- 10 am refreshments (Worship and Hospitality) - no development
- Project 2045 - pandemic isolation preventing progress but cooperation with the Diocesan Synod is noted
- Housing First land transfer - transfer documentation complete
- Restoration Fund By-law - posted as adopted
- Committee detailed budgets - some committees confirmed
- Corporate worship - Operational Plan Task Group presented a current version of the Plan. Beginning 24 June, every other Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. Eucharist proposed for now. Information and update to congregation will be circulated soon
From the Dean
Activities and ministry according to the “new normal” with more and more happening by video conference. During the last month: weekly staff meetings, daily offices, Sunday worship by YouTube, audio podcasts and various committee meetings both Cathedral and diocesan. Six meetings of the Operational Plan Task Group. One committal, one grave-side funeral, continuing contacts as possible.
Property Committee - terms of reference and membership adopted
Treasurer - To 31 May we have stepped up to the appeal for offerings. Wage subsidy received from Federal Government $23,580. Funds held as designated: $39,602. To date, expenses exceed income by $4,319. The request continues for financial support and to maintain offerings. Thanks to all for the response and exceptional effort made thus far.
Property - work plan well defined with a number of issues pending: steeple roof repair, water leaks in the nave, choir door steps, bishop’s graves, windows, 10 year repair plan to be refreshed
Communications - Issue #4 of Cathedral Connections complete and awaiting publication. Committee work mostly by email
Health and Pastoral Care - telephone network calls continue. Health Ministry committee met 27 May.
Worship - 11:45 music recording this week. Continuing with YouTube worship on Sundays. Mostly focussed on requirements of our Operational Plan. Consultation regarding video equipment needed
Christian Formation - Faith Alive! Class 27 May. “Faith Forward” will coordinate various opportunities for Cathedral members to become involved in a faith building/faith formation series of activities. Taizé worship continues Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. God Is Indestructible study during Thy Kingdom Come with about 12 attendees.
Mission and Outreach - Community Kitchen teams cannot serve during pandemic protocols. Student Scholarships ($4000) and St. Hilda’s School support ($1000) scheduled for September. Outreach vouchers next on 29 June, Hall steps only.
Finance and Administration - Cathedral and office phones now on VOIP (voice over Internet protocol) system. Photocopier is operational. Continue to attempt establishing e-transfer as a giving option. About 60 letters encouraging giving were sent and response was very positive. 2019 year end financial review engagement included several recommendations requiring followup. Stewardship Team has a narrative budget for 2021 on its agenda.
24 June 2020 - 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Holy Eucharist with Operational Plan protocols in place
Next Meetings
- 20 July, 24 August (if needed)
- 21 September
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