Fabrics, falls and frontals: the Cathedral displays works of eccesiastical art

Fabrics, Falls and Frontals

G. MacKnight PHOTO

It began with a query from someone in a parish in the diocese: Do you ever exhibit all the needle-work Christ Church Cathedral has?

That query came to fruition on April 13 when dozens of people came in to view all that was on display: “the fabrics, falls and frontals that grace pulpit and altar,” as the Cathedral bulletin announced.

The Cathedral’s Anglican Church Women hosted the event, with guides, the Rev'd Canon Pat Drummond, a skilled fabric artist, and verger Hank Williams, giving information to curious visitors.

The many years of work illustrate the signs and symbols of the faith, and “the variety of stitches used that enhance these magnificent ecclesiastical hangings – some of which date to the 19th century.

Lucy’s Sewing Group members were on hand to explain the work behind the altar linens on display. This group meets weekly to work and chat and many work at home on their needlework for the Cathedral and other projects. Refreshments were appreciated by those who dropped by for an enjoyable afternoon admiring the many works of art.

Dean's note:
Lucy's Sewing Guild continues today in memory of Lucy McNeill, a skilled, energetic and passionate proponent of eccesiastical art expressed through church fabric art.

Posted in Cathedral Art, Events, News.

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