Hear our youth surveys requested

Hear Our Youth's Voices Surveys

The YIG team is conducting a series of surveys for parishes, families (parents and grandparents) and youth (ages 12-25) to gather information, thoughts and opinions in regards to youth ministry and spiritual practices.

Youth and Intergenerational Ministires TeamIt should take less than 15 minutes to fill out one of the surveys. The data gathered will be used to give the YIG team an idea of what spiritual practices and youth ministry is like within the Diocese. A report and workshop/presentation will be featured at the next Diocesan Youth Ministry Conference on September 29, 2018 at St. Paul's Rothesay. We hope to see you and the survey participants attend.

After you complete the surveys you will receive instructions in how to enter a draw for 1 of 3 $50 Cineplex gift cards for youth and one free week at Camp Medley each for parishes and families.

The surveys can be done online using the links below:

Hear Our Youth's Voice Family
Hear Our Youth’s Voice – Youth 

or find them on the Team's Facebook page.


Youth and Intergenerational Ministries Team


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