Walk with our Bishop 2018 – Archdeaconry of Woodstock

This year's Bishop's Pilgrimage will be in the Archdeaconry of Woodstock.

Our Bishop invites others to walk with him for a part of his journey. Details about what you need, how to prepare and the detailed schedule are included on the Pilgrimage Blog.

"It has been wonderful to participate in this pilgrimage without actually walking! This blog has allowed many of us to take part, thanks very much for that. Our prayer will be that the Lord will work in and through all involved; and that He will bear fruit from this journey for many years to come. May He bless and keep you." (Debbie Collicott - 2015 Pilgrimage)

Ready to walk

Ready to walk at Bathurst

A Pilgrim Blessing

All-powerful God,
you always show mercy toward those who you love
and you are never far away for those who seek you.
Be with your servants on this pilgrimage
and guide their way in accord with your will.
Be a companion for them along their journey,
a guide at crossroads,
strength in their weariness,
defense before dangers,
shelter on the way,
shade against the heat, light in the darkness,
a comforter in their discouragements,
and firmness in their intentions,
in order that, through your guidance,
they might arrive unscathed at the end of their journey and,
enriched with graces and virtues,
they might return safely home;
through Jesus Christ your Son,
who lives and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

Walk illustration

Illustration from the Parish of New Bandon





May God the Father who created you, guide your footsteps,
May God the Son who redeemed you, share your journey,
May God the Holy Spirit who sanctifies you, lead you on life’s pilgrimage,
and the blessing of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
be with you wherever you may go.


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