2017 Thanksgiving Pastoral Letter

Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton NB
Thanksgiving 2017

Dear Friends,

Listening to the news over the last several months is not for the faint of heart. Wildfires to the west, flooding in Central Canada, the impact of hurricanes and tropical storms in the Caribbean and the southern United States, perhaps even a personal tragedy or hardship – all easily prompt the question: What is God doing here?

The question is not new. The People of God in the Church of God, the nation of Israel and the Hebrew people before them often asked that question. In the midst of the hardships of life, how can we be assured we worship a loving, caring God? Why would an all-powerful God allow bad things happen to good people? Human logic takes us quickly to the conclusion that either God is not all-powerful or we are not “good” people. Sometimes we’re even tempted to believe, if God for a day, we could do the better job.

Scripture invites us to an alternative perspective. We live in a creation fallen from perfection. God didn’t make it that way, it went its own way. While God wills the best for us and for all that was made, for a return to perfection we must patiently wait. God’s people are reminded throughout the Old and New Testaments that what is required of us is thanksgiving. Even in the face of disaster, there is much for which to be thankful. “Give thanks always and in everything,” St. Paul tells churches in his letters to them.

I sometimes find myself feeling a bit guilty that we live in a little corner of the world mostly blessed by temperate weather, beautiful landscape and abundance. We have much for which to be thankful. Still, personal tragedy strikes, we are acquainted with illness and grief, people not so far away are without work, shelter or food. In the midst of the bad, God calls those who are his to a humility and an attitude that makes them lights in a world often far too dark. We live not fearful of scarcity but rather celebrate the abundance. God does provide.

You’re invited to gather with us at Christ Church Cathedral as we offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving and pay our vows to the Most High. On the weekend of Sunday, 08 October 2017, we’ll follow the normal schedule of worship times. If you are unable to join us but wish to make Communion where you are, please contact the Cathedral Office (506) 450-8500.

Have a blessed thanksgiving.




Geoffrey Hall (The Very Rev’d)
Dean of Fredericton


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