Cathedral Faces – Lois Baker

Lois Baker, a familiar face to the Cathedral family, has been an integral force in the Cathedral since she arrived here from Newcastle in 1956 as a student at Teachers’ College, living in the old Rosary Hall among the nuns. She met her husband, Gerald Baker, in Fredericton, and he wanted to marry her but he thought she was Roman Catholic, because she attended “the biggest church in Fredericton.” He was worried his family might have an issue with him marrying a Roman Catholic.  She soon set him straight!

She and Gerald had four children, two boys and two girls and now five grandchildren. All their children grew up in Fredericton and attended the Cathedral regularly, but only two are still local.

Over the years, Lois has held probably every office possible in the Cathedral.  She was a member of Bishop and Chapter, a Synod delegate for many years, Diocesan President of the Anglican Church Women (ACW) for four years, after being Vice-President for several, and then Past-President for another four – a “life sentence,” she laughs. Lois has also been a member of the Altar Guild, Kitchen and Catering, Friendship Guild and other groups.

She still works unceasingly for the Cathedral family, has many close friends in the congregation, recalls many “wonderful people” she has known and has lots of amusing anecdotes to tell.

Lois has been at the Cathedral since Dean Gray, and remembers many stories about all the Deans from that time to present. She is a fountain of information about every aspect of Cathedral life.

Life has not always been easy for her.  She lost her husband a few years ago, and soon afterwards underwent major surgery in Saint John for an aortic aneurysm — not a smooth time for her.  However, she is very thankful to have now made a full recovery. Lois is a very strong personality and comes from “good genes.”  Her mother is still living and is in an assisted living home in Moncton, after living in her own home until she was 89 years old. Lois learned to drive when she was 30 because, she had a young family considered it was necessary. Her husband worked for the government and was frequently travelling. She tells of him earning an extra ten cents per hour because he was bilingual!

Lois can frequently be seen at the Cathedral and the activities connected with it, but her favourite worship time is Holy Eucharist on Wednesday mornings.

We are thankful to have Lois as a very active and special part of our Cathedral family.

Marilyn Lewell


4 thoughts on “Cathedral Faces – Lois Baker

  1. We were so pleased to see this piece about Lois, a truly dear and loving Christian lady. Dalton and Shiela London

  2. The cathedral without Lois would is unimaginable. You could almost call her “Mrs. Cathedral”! (Wonderful article Marilyn).

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