Bishop and Chapter News – Sept 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 18 September 2017 with seven of ten members present. Minutes of 12 June 2017 were adopted. S. Dibblee was acting recording secretary. Director of Christian Formation Kurt Schmidt attended as an invited guest and lead the Chapter in a brief exercise focusing on the Gospel of the previous Sunday (Matthew 18:21–35).

Christian Formation

Kurt Schmidt outlined the work of Director of Christian Formation thus far. Up-coming formation-related events: ALPHA, Life in the Eucharist, monthly Godly Play, monthly Taizé worship opportunities, youth group possible

Business Arising

• Application for a grant from the Diocesan Ministry Development Fund for part of staff formation position (12 months) was submitted and successful
• Work continues on report of “designated” funds and Cathedral trust funds
• A review/audit of Cathedral financials is to be conducted in the near future and at the end of each financial year
• The stipend of the Dean to be reviewed with recommendation for approval in December and annually following
• the Chapter chair of Hospitality/welcoming/membership remains vacant
• the Cathedral Restoration Fund has been invested in the Diocesan Consolidated Investment Fund (DCIF)

Items for Decision

1. By-Law modifications – several minor uncontentious modifications were proposed, discussed and adopted by those present. These include: additional Chapter member (secretary); Nominating and Executive committee chairs; minimum Chapter meetings per year; signing Officers of the Corporation; requirements for annual financial reporting; requirement for annual review of financials; various incidental changes/corrections. Other Chapter member votes and Bishop’s signature required before finalized

From the Dean

• Normal – pastoral and liturgical duties included weddings, funerals, pastoral visitations, diocesan and Cathedral meetings
• Purchases – laptop computer for the parish nurse, popcorn machine, purple (Lent/Advent) processional cope. The recent candle liquification project will be funded by way of a memorial donation


No identifiable lead for organizing a harvest supper at this time


• Treasurer – financials to 31 August were discussed
• Communications – pleased with efforts to communicate 17 September worship/corn boil. Suggestions received re weekly email messages to congregational email subscribers
• Health and Pastoral Care – up-coming events include two health information sessions, Fit Club, perhaps other exercise options
• Property – Hall step repair to be completed; dip in street being currently repaired by the City; replacement of signs on the Green to be erected soon, Cathedral and Hall outside lighting now LED ($1000 annual savings)
• Mission Outreach – decision has been made to plan a mission to Belize early next year. Beverly Morell leader. Missioners needed.


ALPHA begins 27 September, weekly organ concerts, Godly Play 01 October, Life in the Eucharist begins 15 October

Next meetings

16 October; 20 November; 11 December


Bishop and Chapter News – June 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 12 June 2017 with six of ten members present. Minutes of 15 May 2017 were adopted.

A conversation about the Article: “Want to Reach Kids with the Gospel? Ask These Questions First” – Wycliffe College Institute of Evangelism – Tiffany Robinson. Four questions:

  1. Why do we want children in the church?
  2. How do we welcome families and children?
  3. What is our goal for the children in our midst?
  4. Is the whole community on board with nurturing children in the faith?

A timely and interesting discussion with the current initiative of employing a half-time Director of Christian Formation.

Business Arising
• Stipends and salaries – To be discussed. Staff reviews to be completed by the end of June. Compensation considerations part of the annual budget process.
• Cathedral Restoration Fund transfer – request made to bank to transfer from savings account to Diocesan Consolidated Investment Fund. Other transfers as agreed in process
• Sexton appointment – letter of permanent appointment to the Sexton
• Christian formation – salary of half-time position for decision
• Chapter vacancy – Social and Hospitality
• HST rebates – the Treasurer has submitted applications for 2015 and 2016 reimbursement to CRA

From the Dean
• Routine activities – summary of regular items including; diocesan meetings; Cathedral meetings: Cathedral trust funds management; Records management; Chapter Committees; home and hospital visits; marriage preparation; 1 funeral. Vacation: 7-20 August. Absent Sunday 02 July for a Parish 150th Anniversary.
• Pentecost – outdoor worship and BBQ following on 04 June well received. Some talk of the possibility of a corn boil in September
• O’Dell House – concern about the deteriorating condition of the porch and understandings regarding care-taking
• Current priorities – Ordination 18 June, Director of Christian Formation interviews; staff reviews by end of June
• Up-coming – Friday organ concerts and summer recital series

Items for Decision
• Designated Funds – a large number of “funds” exist labelled “designated. The Executive will consider disposition and collapse as possible and appropriate and report to the next meeting
• Director of Christian Formation – discussion and decision about salary for offer to the successful candidate

• Treasurer – the current regular monthly summary financial statement was reviewed
• Communications – intentions to create a Cathedral promotional video on hold for the moment. Photo directory well received
• Health and Pastoral Care – National Parish Nursing Conference in held in Fredericton in June. Health Ministry relayed a report from Kathleen Snow
• Properties – Hall step repair should be proceeding soon; sign standards on the green to be installed, south choir room door painted

Next meetings:
21 August (tentative); 18 September; 16 October; 20 November; 11 December


Bishop and Chapter News – May 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 15 May with eight of eleven members present. Minutes of the 20 March 2017 were amended and adopted. The Dean led a conversation focussing on Acts 17:22-31 – “the altar with the inscription: ‘to an unknown god.’” What can we do to get outside of ourselves and our worship spaces to create a a better sense of belonging and invitation?

Business Arising
• Safe Church Officer – Nathan Cutler appointed
• Stipends and salaries – Administration and Finance Committee will initiate staff reviews to be complete by the end of June
• Christian formation – item for decision
• Sexton appointment – following six-month probationary period
• HST rebates – the Treasurer following up on past applications

From the Dean
• Routine activities – summary of regular items including; diocesan meetings, 3 funerals, Canadian Bible Society luncheon in March
• Refillable liquid candles – Cathedral candles being converted
• Volunteers and leadership – several areas of leadership require volunteers. How do we more effectively engage the congregation in leadership?
• June – August Clergy schedule – will be created in the next week
• Pentecost 04 June – possibility of worship out of doors with BBQ
• Up-coming – Friday organ concerts and summer recital series

Items for Decision
• Resignation – regretfully accepted the resignation of John Ball as member of the Chapter and chair of the Hospitality Committee
• Administration and Finance Committee – terms of reference adopted
• Director of Christian Formation – half-time position will be advertised until 31 May with interviews in June, targeting 01 July as preferred start
• Commendation for Ordination – following the work of the discernment committee, Alan Hall was commended for further discernment leading to ordination
• Transfers to Diocesan Investment Fund (DCIF) – 1. Restoration Fund savings account to be closed and invested as Restoration Fund in the DCIF; 2. Surplus of operating to be invested

Cathedral leadership needs – involvement of congregation in many ministries. e.g. worship greeters, servers, mentors, membership / welcoming team, member of Chapter (Hospitality), stewardship coordinator, Community Kitchen, assistant verger, Helping Hands, visitors, etc. Executive and Communications Committees to develop a plan to challenge all to greater participation

• Treasurer – current summary reviewed; trusts and designated funds being reviewed
• Mission Outreach – refugee sponsorship continuing challenges; Monday morning has concluded
• Communications – will develop a plan that will see leaders of various ministries speak for 2 minutes (max.) as part of weekly worship and the communication of leadership needs
• Health and Pastoral care – safe church implementation is a process
• Worship – recent meeting hosted conversation with related roles

Up-coming Events
• Hall steps repair to begin soon; Pentecost 04 June

Next meetings:
12 June, 21 August (tentative), 18 September


Bishop and Chapter News – Mar 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 20 March with nine of thirteen members present. Minutes of 15 February 2017 were adopted. A brief conversation was lead by the Dean based on Ephesians 5:8–20 encouraging consideration of what it means to be “light” and how we are light to one another and the wider community.

Business Arising

• Stipends and salaries – action on this item will be referred to the committee on Administration and Finance
• Christian formation part-time staff position – investigation continues. Meetings with two potential candidates having been held. We await recommendation from the committee on Christian Formation
• Nominating Committee – a nomination has been made and accepted to fill the Bishop’s appointment required for Bishop and Chapter – chair of Administration and Finance and Vice-Chair
• Diocesan Safe Church Regulation – As requested, the Bishop and Chapter Executive has met with a potential Safe Church Officer
• South Porch Window – repair completed

From the Dean

• Routine activities – summary of regular items
• Sexton – Lou McKnight approaches the end of a six month probationary period. The Dean will meet with him to discuss his continuing
• Statistical Return – submitted to the Diocese
• Verger – plans to attend 2017 Verger Conference and the Dean has indicated the Cathedral will reimburse him for airfare
• Vacation – scheduled for 17 – 30 April 2017

Items for Decision

• Safe Church Officer – Nathan Cutler has been asked to fill the requirement of Safe Church Officer (one day per month) and he has accepted. Nathan will guide the Cathedral congregation towards compliance with the Diocesan Safe Church Regulation as it applies to our congregational needs


• Treasurer – continuing to explore and implement several internal financial management processes to help streamline and regularize how we collectively participate in the tasks required including:

– review of general ledger coding
– acquiring current status on HST rebate through CRA
– assuring that monthly income, expenses and budget include the appropriate items for that report
– working with our bookkeeper to clarify interactions and points of contact
– bi-weekly processing of invoices and cheque requisitions

February expenses considerably higher than income by way of offering and other sources: Income: $37,218 Expense: $46,030.
Fuel, water and electricity costs for February: $9,098
• Mission Outreach – successful fund-raiser for Belize Missions raising $6300. Refugee family continues to have many challenges but progress is being made
• Communications – second and final draft of the 2017 Photo Directory is being edited by the committee
• Christian Formation – will consider more thoroughly options regarding a Director of Christian Formation with recommendation

Up-coming Events

• Holy Week is 09-15 April
• ALPHA begins 29 March
Diocesan Parish Officers’ Day is 06 May

Next meetings: 15 May, 12 June

Bishop and Chapter News – Feb 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Wednesday evening, 15 February with nine of thirteen members present. The meeting was postponed from 13 February due to weather. Minutes of the 16 January 2017 meeting were adopted. The Dean offered some reflection on the Gospel for the coming Sunday and the nature of truth as it is considered in light of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. (Matthew 5:38-48).

Business Arising

• Stipends and salaries – while a cost of living increase was applied to Dean’s stipend and staff salaries, further consideration is pending with a goal of annual review
• Nominating Committee – two nominations for recommendation to the Bishop for appointment and one for election. Nominations for Synod delegates in two categories including age 16-25 have been secured. (See Diocesan Constitution s. 4) Further nominations will be accepted from the floor.
• Diocesan Safe Church Regulation – the task group assigned to propose a Cathedral implementation process has completed its work with the Chapter’s thanks. Items for decision from recommendations.

From the Dean

• Routine activities – summary review of regular work
• Christian formation – continuing to investigate options regarding a possible near future staff position in Christian formation with a beginning focus on children and young families
• Scheduling – for honorary clergy participating in worship Mar-May should begin this week
• Vacation – scheduled for 17 – 30 April 2017
Items for Decision
• Safe Church Cathedral Policy – to become compliant with Diocesan Regulation 4-4 several actions recommended. Decision was made on three first steps:

1) The Executive negotiate and appoint a Cathedral Safe Church Officer beginning with a one year term, with honorarium if necessary, to coordinate implementation
2) That we proceed with initial requirements of training and police record checks for high risk volunteers and staff
3) That Health Ministry proceed with implementation requirements as needed for health ministries

• 2017 Budget – be approved as presented in the current Annual Report and be presented at the Annual Meeting
• South Porch Window – that the stained glass in the south porch be repaired at a cost of about $2000, restoration fund to be utilized

Items for Discussion

• Annual Meeting – some final details regarding child care and lunch were discussed


• Treasurer – absent due to family matters out of province, K. Percy provided the monthly statement for January 2017.

Thanks – were expressed to members ending their term, Dianne Wilkins, Kathy McBride and Catherine Schmidt

Up-coming Events

• Annual Meeting – 19 February (26 February snow date)
• After ALPHA (22 February)
• Belize Dessert Party and Silent Auction (25 February)
• Pancake Supper (28 February)
• Ash Wednesday (01 March)

Next meetings: 20 March, 15 May

Bishop and Chapter News – January 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday evening, 16 January with twelve of thirteen members present. Minutes of two December meetings were adopted. 10 December a planning session with our Bishop at which Treasurer Kevin Percy was appointed. 19 December was the regular monthly meeting primarily focussed on details of preparing the 2017 budget. The Dean offered reflections on Epiphany, the challenge of mission in our current context and encouraged the Chapter to identify their own epiphanies with the intention of sharing those by invitation. (John 1:35-42).

New member, the Ven. Wandlyn Snelgrove, Archdeacon of Fredericton-elect was welcomed. Guests Kathleen Snow and Chris Stevenson joined at 8:00 p.m. to address the topic of Safe Church

Business Arising

• Priorities – Two growth priorities identified in December planning were 1) cradle to grave Christian formation and 2) intentionality of welcome, hospitality and invitation. Motion carried to accept.
• Stipends and salaries – while a cost of living increase was applied to Dean’s stipend and staff salaries, further consideration pending
• 2017 budget – further revision since December. Now almost in final form to be finally adopted at the next meeting.

From the Dean

• Christmas worship – attendance review
• Routine activities – a quick review of normal activities during the past month
• October break in – note that the individual charged is to be in court for sentencing on 18 January
• 2016 Financial status – 2016 expenses appear to have been met comfortably with income. Issue of designated or target giving needs consideration by way of our accounting. A “giving policy” needs to be developed to communicate management assumptions clearly.
• Youth mission request – financial support requested for April
• Christian formation – doing some investigation about possibilities regarding a staff position in Christian formation

Items for Decision

• Nominating Committee – the Committee is the Dean, Jim Morell and Catherine Schmidt

Items for Discussion

• Safe Church – diocesan Safe Church (Regulation 4-4) is in effect. K. Snow and C. Stevenson have prepared an analysis of what needs our attention in order to work towards compliance. While significant detail has been determined for health and pastoral care ministries, there are larger questions and decisions to be made about processes and adjusting requirements to our own context. A “Safe Church Officer” is recommended by the regulation. Three individuals have been identified to work with the Chapter and the Officer (once appointed) as we endeavour to implement over the next several months.


• Treasurer – K. Percy presented a comprehensive list of his recent work and priorities as he settles in to the office of Treasurer

Up-coming Events

Friday Organ Concerts at 12:10 p.m.
• Conversation re formation – 29 January 2:00 p.m.
• Choral Evensong, Installations and Collation – 05 February
• Annual Meeting – 19 February (26 February snow date)

Next meetings: 13 February, 20 March.


Bishop and Chapter News – Nov 2016

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday evening, 21 November with nine of thirteen members present. Minutes of the October meeting were adopted. The Dean offered some reflections on the reality of the kingdom of God among us, leading us into a conversation about ways in which we might move towards becoming less maintenance and more missional in our focus. The discussion took us naturally into considering how “Divine Renovation” by James Mallon might assist us in the task of improving (church) culture

Business Arising
• Cathedral Signage – Word from the Guild of St. Joseph is that it is too late to erect the standards necessary for new signs on the green and that a permit will be needed from the city to install. The project will need to be postponed to spring
• Cathedral outside lighting – we are moving on upgrading fixtures and replacing with energy efficient LED lighting
• Safe Churches policy – online training modules now available. Health Ministry is working toward implementing for ministries under its purview.

From the Dean
• Routine activities – usual activities and duties include facility communions, commitments with diocesan and Cathedral groups and committees
• Board room audio/visual – recommendation
• Absence – 17-21 December to Calgary AB
• Christmas worship – 4, 8 and 11 p.m. Christmas Eve; 10 a.m. Christmas Day
Items for Decision
• Audio/Visual – that the board room be equipped with an internet connected screen for meeting use, viewing video and other learning purposes at an estimated cost of less than $1000

Items for Discussion
• Safe Churches – A broad implementation plan will be necessary as well as appointing a co-ordinator (officer) for the Safe Churches initiative which is now officially a requirement in the Diocese
• 2017 Budget Preparation – with the pending departure of our Treasurer, preparation of the 2017 budget needs to begin now. Groups and committees are asked to communicate budget needs through their respective members of Bishop and Chapter as soon as possible.
• Changing Church Culture – The discussion’s goal was review of our current context, what we do well and areas where we especially need to improve and invest in the next year. A comprehensive list was assembled and a short list of potential priorities identified for more detailed consideration. An in-depth discussion led to a decision to have a Chapter planning session on 10 December, which will be led by Bishop Edwards.

• Financial – a new format report summarizing monthly and year to date receipts and disbursements was received and reviewed.

Up-coming Events
• Advent Procession 4:00 p.m., 27 November
• Advent Friday Organ Recitals
• Christmas Lessons and Carols 4:00 p.m., 18 December
• Bishop’s Reception – 01 January

Next meetings
10 December – planning; 19 December, 16 January
19 February – Annual congregational meeting


Bishop and Chapter News – Oct 2016

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday evening, 17 October with ten of thirteen members present. Minutes of the September meeting were adopted. The Dean shared portions of the workbook that accompanies the book “Divine Renovation: From a Maintenance to a Missional Parish” by James Mallon focusing on the role of the pastor and the need for functional teams.

Business Arising

•    Hall Front Steps – Repair has been delayed possibly to spring.

From the Dean

•    Routine activities – a summary of pastoral and programme activities was outlined as usual
•    Meetings – Scheduling meetings continues to be one of the more frustrating challenges. Perhaps scheduling farther in advance would be more effective.
•    Leadership in isolation – further to the need for a change in leadership culture, leadership operating in isolation remains one of our corporate challenges.  Leaders need to gather to themselves effective and well-rounded teams for ministry tasks.  The Chapter needs to operate in an overseeing, strategic planning role.
•    To do’s pending – current priorities are Baptism Preparation for 06 November and calling together a Server Guild.
•    Thanksgiving Break-in – Police investigation is on-going.

Items for Decision

•    Chapter membership – Edmond Biden elected to membership as chair of Buildings and Property with thanks and appreciation.
•    Safe Church PolicyDiocesan policy is now in force.  Health and Pastoral Care Committee will lead implementation.
•    Signage – Communications Committee propose a new Cathedral sign for the southeast green and were granted permission to execute at a cost of between $500-600.
•    Church Lighting – a proposal has been made to change outside flood lighting at the Cathedral to LED at an estimated $1500 per year energy saving.  Referred to Property Committee for action.

Items for Discussion

•    Changing Church Culture – follow-up on of “Divine Renovation” by James Mallon.  Discussion on changing the culture towards better health.  Recognizing what we do well,  implementation of a strategy is needed.  The Dean was asked to provide a summary of areas where we are now effective and those not.  Executive charged with preparing a proposal for next steps.


•    Financial – the Treasurer indicated that income is ahead of the previous year at about 7%.  Gathering information from Cathedral ministries for preparing the 2017 budget needs to begin now. Committee chairs asked to begin that process.


•    Treasurer Resignation– received from our Treasurer as of 15 December 2016.  The job is beyond what Carol can do at this time. Thanks was expressed to Carol for her service. A detailed list of suggested immediate needs was included and the Executive will facilitate a review of our situation.
•    Harvest Supper – organizational lead needs to be identified as Kathy McBride is unavailable due to unforeseen personal commitments
•    Up-coming Events – were noted and reviewed. Our Calendar.

Next meetings

21 November; 19 December. 16 January, 19 February (Annual Congregational Meeting)


Bishop and Chapter News – Sept 2016


Bishop and Chapter met on Monday evening, 19 September with ten of thirteen members present. Minutes of the June meeting were adopted. The Dean shared a reflection on leadership culture.

Business Arising
Employment – David Drinkell began as Director of Music (half-time) on 17 July. Adam Lewis began as Sexton (full-time) on 25 July. Kathleen Snow began as Parish Nurse (half-time) on 01 September.
Lay Administrators – Permission received from the Bishop for lay administrators of the chalice during worship and the reserved sacrament at home
Hall Front Steps – Repair requirements have been considered and should begin this week.
Chapter vacancies – Christian Formation: Bonnie Greenwood is nominated. Buildings and Property: vacancy created by the resignation of Bob Garland – nomination is in progress
Piano – The Baldwin piano at the Cathedral has been purchased
Offering Counting Procedures – a new process was initiated on 18 September which better follows diocesan recommended procedures and controls

From the Dean
Worship and prayer leadership – the daily office is being said Monday – Friday 8:45 a.m. and 4:45 p.m.. Administrators of home communion are functioning in their role
PastoralFarraline Place and Windsor Court communion in September. Visits to hospitals, home visits and home communions. One funeral.
To do’s – Server Guild startup and training; baptism preparation during October for November baptisms
Items for Decision
Chapter membership – Bonnie Greenwood elected to fill the chair of Christian Formation with the Chapter’s thanks and appreciation.

Items for Discussion
Leadership Culture – leadership “culture” is the habits, practices and assumptions made regarding how an organization operates. The Cathedral is currently operating with a “puppeteer leadership model,” with the assumption that the dean is the puppeteer. Leadership is facilitating the contributions of others. The Dean shared his frustration that he cannot change the culture single-handedly but that it does need to change if we are to become more spiritually mature both individually and corporately. Chapter members having a group with which to work in their particular area of ministry is critical – things happen when people get together. The Chapter will read “Divine Renovation” by James Mallon.

Financial – the Treasurer sent income and expenses report for information. Expenses will return to normal monthly levels and as budgeted for the period September – December.
Mission / Outreach – brief update on the challenges of refugee sponsorship project and Belize Mission support. Visit the missions committee website for information.
Communications – gift items sold during August at the Cathedral. Photo directory project underway. (Universal Portrait Studios)
Administration and Finance – Several policies have been drafted and await consideration and adoption
Hospitality – some changes to a fall supper (30 October) being recommended.

Next meetings
17 October; 21 November; 19 December


Bishop and Chapter News – Jun 2016

Bishop and Chapter met this past Monday with nine of 13 members present. Minutes of the May meeting were adopted.

Business Arising

• Employment – letters being finalized for Director of Music and Parish Nurse. Sexton permanent full-time position currently being advertised with applications closing 04 July
• Hall Front Steps – No update on repair
• Chapter vacancy – (Christian Formation) still in process.
• Piano – option of some funds from a recent bequest proposed

From the Dean

• Daily Offices – Reading of Morning Prayer (8:45 a.m.) and Evening Prayer (4:45 p.m.) at the Cathedral Monday to Friday began 20 June with the assistance of 14 volunteer leaders. Scheduling by way of VolunteerSpot
• Home Communions – 6 lay administrators received initiation
• Cathedral Piano – purchase will be negotiated this week
• Pastoral – Farraline Place and Windsor Court communions. Visits to hospitals, home visits and home communions.
• Vacation – 08 – 21 August 2016

Items for Decision

• Bishop’s Permission for Lay Administration of the Chalice: Lois Baker, Jim Clowater, Isabel Cutler, Gwen Davies, Tom Fetter, Sally Grace, Bonnie Greenwood, Victoria Hachey, Kelley Hall, Gayle Hanson, Dalton London, John Macaulay, Sarah Petite, Keith Radford, Geoffrey Richard, Catherine Schmidt, Doreen Smith, Kathleen Snow, Chris Stevenson, Barbara Toole, James Waugh, Henry (Hank) Williams.
• Bishop’s Permission for Lay Administration of Home Communions: Lois Baker, Isabel Cutler, Dalton London, John Macaulay, Harry Palmer, Kathleen Snow

Items for Discussion

• Member Visitation – Jamie Yeamans presented a draft report outlining results of the questionnaire, conclusions and recommendations. Consensus is that it was welcome and worthwhile, and should be done more often. Summary to web site this month.


• Treasurer – reported that our income and expenditures to the end of May of 2016 compare favourably to 2015 – offerings are up 3.6% over the same period a year ago, and normal expenditures are down 7.5%, in large part due to a staffing vacancy. She also stated that two reviews are underway: one dealing with insurance and the other dealing with the security and recording of weekly offerings and other cash receipts – from their receipt to deposit in the bank.
• Mission / Outreach – all signs point to an early arrival of an archdeaconry-sponsored refugee family.
• Communications – reported that they will be purchasing various Cathedral-related mementoes and gifts items (eg note cards, post cards, photos, puzzles, coffee mugs, etc) for resale in the Cathedral during tourist season and on into the fall.
• Health and Pastoral Care – Chris Stevenson has agreed to assume the chair of the Health Ministry Team

Next meetings

22 August (if necessary)
19 September
17 October