Bishop and Chapter News – June 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 12 June 2017 with six of ten members present. Minutes of 15 May 2017 were adopted.

A conversation about the Article: “Want to Reach Kids with the Gospel? Ask These Questions First” – Wycliffe College Institute of Evangelism – Tiffany Robinson. Four questions:

  1. Why do we want children in the church?
  2. How do we welcome families and children?
  3. What is our goal for the children in our midst?
  4. Is the whole community on board with nurturing children in the faith?

A timely and interesting discussion with the current initiative of employing a half-time Director of Christian Formation.

Business Arising
• Stipends and salaries – To be discussed. Staff reviews to be completed by the end of June. Compensation considerations part of the annual budget process.
• Cathedral Restoration Fund transfer – request made to bank to transfer from savings account to Diocesan Consolidated Investment Fund. Other transfers as agreed in process
• Sexton appointment – letter of permanent appointment to the Sexton
• Christian formation – salary of half-time position for decision
• Chapter vacancy – Social and Hospitality
• HST rebates – the Treasurer has submitted applications for 2015 and 2016 reimbursement to CRA

From the Dean
• Routine activities – summary of regular items including; diocesan meetings; Cathedral meetings: Cathedral trust funds management; Records management; Chapter Committees; home and hospital visits; marriage preparation; 1 funeral. Vacation: 7-20 August. Absent Sunday 02 July for a Parish 150th Anniversary.
• Pentecost – outdoor worship and BBQ following on 04 June well received. Some talk of the possibility of a corn boil in September
• O’Dell House – concern about the deteriorating condition of the porch and understandings regarding care-taking
• Current priorities – Ordination 18 June, Director of Christian Formation interviews; staff reviews by end of June
• Up-coming – Friday organ concerts and summer recital series

Items for Decision
• Designated Funds – a large number of “funds” exist labelled “designated. The Executive will consider disposition and collapse as possible and appropriate and report to the next meeting
• Director of Christian Formation – discussion and decision about salary for offer to the successful candidate

• Treasurer – the current regular monthly summary financial statement was reviewed
• Communications – intentions to create a Cathedral promotional video on hold for the moment. Photo directory well received
• Health and Pastoral Care – National Parish Nursing Conference in held in Fredericton in June. Health Ministry relayed a report from Kathleen Snow
• Properties – Hall step repair should be proceeding soon; sign standards on the green to be installed, south choir room door painted

Next meetings:
21 August (tentative); 18 September; 16 October; 20 November; 11 December


Posted in Bishop and Chapter News.

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