Bishop and Chapter News – September 2018

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 17 September with twelve of twelve usual members present. Minutes of the 18 June 2018 meeting were adopted. The Dean provided an article entitled “Forming an Effective Nominating Committee.” Members of the Chapter discussed our current practices and considered potential improvements.

Business Arising

  • Ending Homelessness in Fredericton - a follow up meeting was held on 15 September with updates on the status of the Project. A small group from the Cathedral will be gathered to consider next steps
  • Mission and Outreach Belize Budget - at this time, it appears the 2018 budget may cover anticipated expense

From the Dean
The Dean reviewed usual items of commitment since June noting that summer seemed unusually busy. Items of note included:

  • pending appointment of Caroline Vanicek as head server
  • first Sunday of October being Thanksgiving, evensong on 14 October
  • up-coming this fall one individual wishing to enter discernment leading to ordination. Discernment committee will be needed
  • 11 November is on Sunday. 10 a.m. worship moved to 9:45 a.m.
  • clergy conference with Hugh Halter attended in August on “Your Church in the Future.” Will share with Chapter in the future

For Decision

Hall usage - after determining that the downstairs hall floor is unsafe, it was decided to inform Scouts Canada to seek other meeting space

Property (re) development - a lengthy discussion about status of the conversation regarding Cathedral and Diocesan properties. Bishop’s consultant currently working with the Cathedral on a “future mission plan.” A congregational meeting has been recommended by R. Goodfellow (October). National Trust Conference 18-20 October to focus on religious heritage buildings - diocesan/Cathedral participation


  • Treasurer - to date, expenses exceed revenue in the amount of approximately $80,000. Compared to last year to date, revenue is down by about $47,000. Considerable concern expressed by members of the Chapter. No conclusions were drawn as to specific causes. Suggestions, including encouraging e-offering and a Sunday presentation by the Treasurer, were made and discussed.
  • Christian Formation - programme in Fall startup: Godly Play, Taizé worship, ALPHA (19 September), Family Faith Fiesta, Youth Groups. A brief overview of our experience with Godly Play was shared
  • Administration and Finance - Odell House and Cathedral Hall properties being migrated this week to land titles. On-going communication with the Diocese regarding creating a policy on giving. Manual being reviewed to re-establish policy for staff
  • Health and Pastoral Care - Programmes resuming. Interest in Fit Club is down. Support group for care givers of those with dementia being created. Brochure in production
  • Communications - Summer projects included neighbourhood invitations to corn boil and other event promotion
  • Property - South door repair still being investigated; investigation of potential a memorial tree planting on the green; lower hall floor has been assessed as unsafe; asphalt repair at west door should happen this month
  • Worship - will call a meeting next month
  • Hospitality, Welcoming and Membership - committee bing formed and will first address terms of reference. Meeting 20 September. Suggestion for larger freezer at the hall to be considered

Bishop’s Town Hall, Fredericton (Canon XXI) 27 September 7:00 p.m.
Archdeaconry Greater Chapter - 18 October
Diocesan Synod - 03 November 2018

Next meeting: 15 October 2018


Bishop and Chapter News – June 2018

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 18 June 2018 with eleven of twelve usual members present. Vice-Chair Charles Ferris chaired. Minutes of the 14 May 2018 meeting were reviewed, items of unfinished business noted and the adopted. Watching the introduction video for “Surprise the World,” the Dean lead a short discussion. How to continue BELLS?

Business Arising

Ending Homelessness in Fredericton - a group of 10 considered this project following the meeting of the Archdeaconry Greater Chapter in May. Unfortunately, resource persons were unable to be present. There seems to be some lack of clarity about what’s specifically needed if Anglican parishes were to partner. Monitoring continues

•  Mothers’ Union expenses - the amount directed for worldwide MU work by K. Snow was forwarded to the Cathedral Branch
•  Joy FM - the Dean has met twice with representatives and looks forward to a greater degree of partnership with them in the future
•  Frank Morehouse thanks - for work on Fredericton Deans poster
•  Anglican Foundation - a contribution to the Foundation, directed to be annual, has not yet been sent

From the Dean

•  Normal commitments - 2 care home visits for Communion, 4 visits to hospitals, 3 home Communions, 4 staff meetings; Chapter and Committee related meetings; Clergy College, Clergy Day, Diocesan Council, Diocesan Finance Committee, Property Development Committee meeting with 4 teleconferences.
•  Surprise the World: BELLS - sermon series concluding 24 June. 4 in attendance at video night. Ways to continue BELLS?
•  Bishop of Qu’Appelle Bike Ride - hoping to create a 15 July event of worship at 4 pm followed by BBQ on the Cathedral green. JoyFM willing to partner
•  Cathedral worship podcasts - average hits have reached a fairly consistent 60 per day average since listing with TuneIn Radio
•  Cathedral staff annual reviews - underway

For Discussion

“Designated Funds” - Past assumptions about offerings for specific purposes (“designated”) being “saved” need clarification. Monies tagged for purpose to be used first for items currently in the Budget is advice from 2017 review engagement. Further education required.

For Decision

•  Terms of reference - adopted Property and Mission Outreach committees
•  Missions request - a motion to increase 2018 Mission Outreach budget to allow increase of St. Hilda’s School support, graduate bursaries and support for Paul Jones to university was tabled. Offerings down. Funds available will need to be confirmed
•  “Designated Funds” - that we reduce a list of 55 to about 11 to clarify and expedite managing and using offerings given for specific purposes and continue to reduce those funds as possible


•  Treasurer - offerings are about $30,000 +/- below budget year to date
•  Christian Formation - planning session held. Followup next week
•  Administration and Finance - giving policy in process; records management project continues
•  Health and Pastoral Care - First Aid training 25-26 June. New programming initiatives being considered for fall
•  Communications - 09 September outside worship in view. Conversations with Joy FM should result in positive cooperation
•  Property - green winter kill considered; west door pavement irregularity will be addressed; south door replacement pending


Ordination 24 June 2018; 09 September outdoor worship/corn boil

Next meeting: 17 September 2018


Bishop and Chapter News – March 2018

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 19 March 2018 with ten of twelve usual members present. J. McGarry was welcomed to the Chapter. Minutes of 19 February 2018 regular meeting and 24 February 2018 following the Annual, were reviewed and adopted. The Dean shared a video created by Creation Matters (Diocese of Ottawa) entitled “Mission Per Square Foot” which showcases St. Luke’s Church, Ottawa. This parish is using sacred space in new and creative ways. A discussion followed.

Business Arising
• “Jingle All the Way” - Clarification on donation still pending
• Ending Homelessness in Fredericton - A meeting for members of the Congregation (and Fredericton area churches) is Saturday, 24 March 2018 at the Cathedral Memorial Hall. Area Anglican churches have been invited. All encouraged to attend. <>
or view the post on the Cathedral web site.

From the Dean
• Normal ministry commitments - 4 home visits, 2 visits to hospital, 2 care home communions, 3 home Communions, diocesan and Cathedral meetings. Preparing for Holy Week and Easter.
• Vacation - 03-16 April 2018

For Discussion
Governance - The Chapter continues to work towards facilitating current terms of reference for its committees. The Executive is continuing to work intentionally with committees either updating existing or creating new versions. The purpose of the documents is to bring greater clarity and transparency to the ministry management structure and assure that communication flows effectively and efficiently within the organization of Cathedral life. Good progress.
Support inquiry - was made about financial support related to Mothers’ Union travel for Kathleen Snow. Christian Formation Committee will explore on behalf of the Chapter.

For Decision
• Terms of reference for the committee on Health and Pastoral Care were adopted
• Terms of reference for the committee on Christian Formation were adopted
• that $50,000 be transferred from the general operating account to investment account where it will gain a return until needed

• Treasurer

- diocesan financial return for 2017 has been submitted
- renewal with WorkSafeNB
- progress being made in revising coding of accounts
- charities return to Canadian Revenue Agency almost complete and should be submitted this week

• Formation - terms of reference completed. Up-coming Family Faith Fiesta, Godly Play training, intergenerational worship on Good Friday
• Administration and Finance - two forms tabled regarding Safe Church administration
• Health and Pastoral Care - terms of reference completed. Ministries functioning well. Isabel Cutler has been appointed coordinator of the pastoral visitors.
• Hospitality/Welcoming/Membership - working at assembling a committee. Congregational volunteers needed. Contact Lynn Meehan.

Holy Week 25 - 31 March 2018
Easter Sunday regular Sunday schedule

Next meetings:
14 May 2018, 18 June 2018 GMH

Bishop and Chapter News – February 2018

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 19 February 2018 with eight of twelve members present. Minutes of 22 January 2018 were adopted. The Dean offered a short study on Mark 8:31–38, the Gospel for the Second Sunday in Lent. What does taking up our cross mean for us?

Business Arising
• Odell house lease - a lease was signed beginning 01 January representing the on-going agreement with the tenants
• Retirement Gift for Diocesan Treasurer - a cheque for $100 has been issued toward this request
• Welcoming brochure/package - the Hospitality / Welcoming / Membership Committee is acquiring membership
• “Jingle All the Way” - performance was a success. Clarification regarding a donation for use of the church is being sought
• Committee terms of reference - efforts continue to develop current terms for each of the Chapter Committees. By spring, a handbook comprehensively describing the function of committees, staff, policies and other operational documents is the goal
• Ending Homelessness in Fredericton - A meeting for members of the Congregation (and Fredericton area churches) will be scheduled in March. Details will follow. <>
• Nominating Committee report - One chapter nomination (chair of Buildings and Property Committee) still required. Nominations from the floor will be called for all positions at the Annual Meeting. It was noted that a more effective approach to procuring nominations with an earlier start would be preferred in the future

From the Dean
• Normal ministry commitments - 1 home visit, 2 visits to hospital, care home communions, 10 days in Belize, diocesan and Cathedral meetings. Annual Report completed
• Lenten Study - response was not robust. We’ll attempt to gently encourage the registrations received to join with a sufficient and adequate number of groups
• Vacation - 03-16 April 2018

For Discussion
Annual Meeting - Annual Report is available. Kendra Patrick of Bringloe Feeney will present financials. Child care will be available. Sandwich and finger food luncheon at about 1:00 p.m., Lynn Meehan will prompt arrangements. The Dean will inquire about audio requirements.

• Treasurer - Review Engagement for 2017 is complete with financials and report included in the Annual Report.
January totals indicate expenses in excess of revenue by $9,353
The completed 2018 Proposed Budget was circulated for information purposes
• Formation - continuing work on Terms of Reference. First Family Faith Fiesta on 18 February had attendance of 60-70.
• Administration and Finance - work on current projects: records management, safe church continues
• Health and Pastoral Care - continuing to address terms of reference. Health Ministry operates efficiently and effectively under the guidance of the Parish Nurse and the structure in place. Isabel Cutler has been appointed by the Dean to coordinate Pastoral Visitors

25 February - Annual Congregational Meeting
23 February, 5 and 12 March - Bishop Hockin Lenten series
Holy Week 25 - 31 March 2018

Next meetings:
18 March 2018
14 May 2018
18 June 2018


Bishop and Chapter News – Dec 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 11 December 2017 with ten of twelve members present. Minutes of 20 November 2017 were adopted. The Dean led a reflection on the O Antiphons of Advent which included consideration of associated scripture.

Business Arising

Cathedral By-Law - amended version as proposed was approved by the Bishop of Fredericton 01 December 2017 and posted to the web
• Safe Church Forms - forms tabled in November with minor revisions to be considered
• Chapter Vacancy - a motion to recommend a Bishop’s appointment of Lynn Meehan as Hospitality/Welcoming/Membership chair
• Committee Terms of Reference - the intention is for the Executive to work with Chapter members to assure that terms of reference exist for each Committee of the Chapter

For Discussion

The Road Home (Fredericton Project to End Homelessness) - Penny Erikson addressed the Chapter about this current project following the “Housing First” philosophy. Possibilities for the Cathedral to be involved were briefly discussed. There will be an appeal to Anglican parishes in and around the City. An information session with more details will be planned during January. Visit the website <> to explore.

Items for Decision

• Approval of Forms - two forms adopted for use:
- Permission for Personal Health Information Release Form
- Volunteer Information Form

From the Dean

• Normal - 3 home visits, 4 visits to hospital, diocesan and Cathedral meetings
• Seasonal - preparations in process


• Treasurer - briefed the Chapter on several items:
- update on current financials and the 2017 budget
- thanks and a reminder to be sent to those who pledged support for parish nursing
- requirements for up-coming review engagement in January
- preliminary information preparing a budget for 2018
• Buildings and Property - some additional lighting changes to LED and considering renovation work to Cathedral south door and porch
• Formation - Life in the Eucharist completed, Godly Play, Taizé worship. ALPHA concludes this week.
• Administration and Finance - Records management project continues. Facilitated completion of forms (Decision)
• Mission and Outreach - Belize Mission, progress on Community Kitchen Teams coordination
• Health and Pastoral Care - progress toward budget needs for 2018; Afternoon Tea held on 07 December
• Hospitality/Welcoming/Membership - Lynn Meehan attended as guest and is looking forward to offering leadership in this area

Annual Report - final deadline for reports is 31 January. Committee Chairs to facilitate collection before that date.


17 December - Christmas Lessons and Carols
24 December - 10 am; 4, 8, 11 pm
25 December - 10 am
01 January - 11 am New Years with the Bishop
27 January - Belize Mission

Next meetings:
22 January. 19 February, Annual Meeting 25 February 2018 GMH

Bishop and Chapter News – Nov 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 20 November 2017 with twelve of thirteen members present. Minutes of 16 October 2017 were adopted. The Dean led a brief information sharing and conversation regarding children and Communion. Bishop’s Directive 3.1.2 contains guidelines for practice. A brief overview of Life in the Eucharist was discussed.

Business Arising
Review Engagement – has been scheduled with accountants for January 2018. This will be a regular part of year end preparation in the future.
Trust and Endowment Funds – continuing to work with the Stevenson/Eddy report to provide a better accounting structure and presentation of Cathedral funds. The up-coming review will be useful as we better incorporate this information into our financial reporting
Cathedral By-Law Amendments – a motion to adopt a third draft of proposed amendments was carried. With the signature of our Bishop, the new By-laws will come into force
Volunteer Position Descriptions – working toward Safe Church regulation compliance, seven descriptions approved
Chapter Vacancy – a continuing search for a member to chair the Hospitality/Welcoming/Membership Committee of the Chapter.
2018 Stipend – at the request of the Dean and in accordance with diocesan requirements, a decision was made regarding the Dean’s stipend for the coming year: 5% increase (minus a cost of living increase in the 2018 minimum stipend scale)

Items for Decision
1. Nominating Committee – the Dean and two appointed lay members of the Chapter (Sally Dibblee and Kevin Percy) one of whom will be the chair. Three member terms expire this year, two of which may be renewed for another three year term. Three delegates to Synod (two adults, one youth) and their substitutes will needed for election, Nominations invited.
2. Committee terms of reference – some Chapter committees lack terms of reference. Some remaining organizational challenges. Executive will work with committees to clarify over the next couple of months.

From the Dean
Normal – 6 home visits, 5 visits to hospital, several home/hospital Communions, 1 funeral, diocesan and Cathedral meetings including Life in the Eucharist and Belize mission
Request for use of Green – an inquiry has been received about using the green north of Queen for a Saturday community event in the summer of 2018 or 2019. A formal proposal to be received

Treasurer – financials to 31 October presented and considered. Internal income above normal due to the “Fabric Grant” and a Development grant for Christian Formation from the Synod
Buildings and Property – lawn signs installed, Cathedral insulation
Communications – Two Minutes for Cathedral Ministry
Formation – Life in the Eucharist, Godly Play, Taizé worship
Administration and Finance – Records management
Mission and Outreach – Belize Mission, Soup Kitchen coordinator needed
Health and Pastoral Care – Information Session on Dying
Worship – Workshop on reading scripture 28 October (attendance 30)
Hospitality/Welcoming/Membership – in need of leadership

03 December – Advent Lessons and Carols
17 December – Christmas Lessons and Carols
24 December – 10 am; 4, 8, 11 pm
01 January – 11 am New Years with the Bishop

Next meetings:
11 December; 22 January. Annual 25 February 2018 GMH

Bishop and Chapter – Two Minutes for Cathedral Ministry

At diocesan synod (04 November 2017) our Bishop laid out a challenge to all our congregations. He said about our future:

“We will be looking outward, rather than inward. We will not be concentrating on what is good for us but what is the best for others. We will be making a difference in the communities where we live with the intention of seeing people enter into communion with God through Jesus the Son.”

To do that effectively here at the Cathedral we need to strengthen and organize ourselves so we can be God’s disciples in the community. This means we are going to need a higher level of hands-on congregational involvement in our action teams and working groups.

As Lay Chair of Bishop and Chapter I am hearing more and more that a shrinking number of willing workers are trying to keep up with growing needs. So how do we turn this around?

James, the brother of Jesus, has given us a hint when he said in his 4th chapter: ‘What good is it my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds?’ Then he adds: “Show me your faith without deeds and I will show you my faith by what I do.”

Perhaps it starts with each of us asking ourselves: “How do I thank God for the blessings I have received?” and “What gifts has God given me, and how am I using them for the building up of our congregation and our outreach ministries?” In other words, what am I doing to support the mission of the church?

We are trying to build a volunteer culture that values ‘teamwork’ where ‘many hands make light work’ and where individuals – without being asked – volunteer their time and talent.

We have probably 25 or 30 hard-working groups and committees that operate under 8 ministry areas established by Bishop and Chapter: Health and Pastoral Care, Christian Formation, Worship, Mission and Outreach, Property, Hospitality and Social, Administration and Finance, and Communications. Bishop and Chapter members provide leadership and coordination, but it is in the day-to-day good work of the 25 or 30 different groups that the real work, God’s work, gets done.

If you feel called by the Spirit to offer your time and talents here are a few of the many groups that would appreciate having you join them:

  • The Monday Morning Outreach group would love to have more people to prepare food or to sit and talk with our guests
  • The Guild of St. Joseph needs a few more men with handyman skills especially some who are younger
  • There is always need for Sunday morning greeters
  • The four Cathedral teams who serve and clean up at the Community Kitchen need new members
  • The Christian Formation team and Kurt Schmidt are developing exciting new programs for youth and young families, including Godly Play, which starts this morning. They have an immediate need for people with gifts in the areas of woodworking and artistry.
  • If you have gifts in the area of administration or finance or office work, there are many ways you can help.
  • If you have a gift in music, we have a wonderful choir and many other ways to use those gifts.
  • The Anglican Church Women (ACW) is a wonderful group of women that support the mission work of the church and draw us together for meals and special occasions.
  • We have a growing number of elderly members of our congregation. Some are housebound and some are unwell. Perhaps you’d like to be a friendly visitor.
  • We all know the power of prayer. Perhaps you would like to join our prayer team in support of those with special needs.

Finally I bring to your attention a very important vacancy on Bishop and Chapter. We have asked several different people but we are still in need of a person who has gifts in the area of hospitality and welcoming. Some we asked said they’d be part of this group, but no one has offered to join Bishop and Chapter and coordinate this work. We are especially anxious to put in place a simple system that properly and purposefully welcomes newcomers to our Sunday services. We need to discuss what that looks like and we need someone to start the ball rolling.

The message today is that we need you ...

In a book that Bishop and Chapter recently used as  study, Divine Rennovation: From a Maintenance to a Missional Parish, Father James Mallon said that growing churches dedicate time and talent to ‘welcoming and belonging’ programs because it is through those programs that newcomers first join the church. Only then they can begin to explore important questions of faith.

We all lead busy lives and there never seems to be enough time. Some might say “I thought Bishop and Chapter did most of the work.” Some might assume there are lots of volunteers. Some might see or hear a notice, but wait for a personal phone call. Some might think my weekly offering of money is my gift to the church. Some might underestimate their gifts and think ‘they don’t need me.’ Well, the message today is that we do need you. Many more of you.

If you believe your life has been blessed by God, offering your time and talent for the building up of his church is one way to say thank you. I invite you to speak with me or another member of the Chapter (the names are in the bulletin), or speak with Dean Geoffrey if you feel called to help. Thanks for listening.

Jim Morell, Lay Chair of Bishop and Chapter

Listen to other 2 Minutes for Cathedral Ministry presentations