Cathedral Elections

Thank you to all who submitted annual reports and attended the Annual Congregational Meeting on 26 February, 2023.

Click to read online copies of the Cathedral Annual Report and view the Narrative Budget, "Turning Resources into Grace", a magazine-style brochure which tells the story of our ministry with photos.

We are pleased to announce the election of Jane Hand as Health and Pastoral Care Chair, and Bonnie Greenwood as Mission and Outreach Chair. Victoria Hachey was reelected for another term as as Finance and Administration Chair.

Delegates to Synod are Rosa Macaulay, Catherine Schmidt and Claire McKnight. Substitute delegates are Jim Clowater, Randy Audfroid and Nat Fetter.

Appreciation to all who offered for positions.

The position of Property Chair is vacant and a Bishop’s appointment can be made. Please consider serving in this position.

Bishop and Chapter members, Synod delegates, clergy and staff are listed in every Sunday bulletin. A digital copy of the current week's bulletin can be found at the top right-hand corner of our website (refreshed every Friday afternoon).

2023 Narrative Budget: Turning resources into grace

Telling our story.
Line item budgets are boring. Not only that, but seldom do they tell the real story. It’s too easy for us to make assumptions about how the dollar we give is used or not used on what we specifically consider important. However, no facet of church ministry operates in a vacuum. For instance, music may be one’s own personal focus, but music cannot happen without a warm, dry and lighted space. In fact, if we think deeply, we begin to realize that in a very real way everything depends on everything else.

The 2023 Narrative Budget

Annual Report deadline approaching

Officers, committees, groups and organizations are reminded that annual reports are needed by 31 January 2023. Ideally, emailed in open text or by file attachment to the Cathedral Office. If submitted on paper, please allow a few days before the deadline.

The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held Sunday, 26 February after worship. The 2023 Annual Report (for 2022) will be circulated one week in advance.

Bishop and Chapter News – January 2023

Bishop and Chapter met 0n 16 January 2023 by video conference 11 of 13 members present. Members were asked to read in advance “5 Ideas for Managing Your Church Budget in the New ‘Normal’” by Ken Sloane (Discipleship Ministries - United Methodist Church). The “ideas” included: quarterly planning, approaches to past comparisons, recognizing “inflation dollars,” use of technology to making funding the budget more efficient and, study of building assets. Minutes from 12 December 2022 were adopted.


•   a note of thanks was received from Sexton Ashley Swim


•   funerals (2); outside Communions (1)
•   committee/group meetings (3); nominating committee (2); Narrative Budget Team (2); Chapter Executive (1)
•   usual staff meetings weekly
•   Christmas worship attendance: Eve: 187/70/81; Day 16/39
•   Vacancies

Safe Church Officer
Synod substitute (16-35)
Assistant(s) to the Verger
Mission Outreach

•   Diocesan Finance Committee
•   Vacation 11-25 April 2023


Planning Study - Meeting of Bishop and Chapter, diocesan officers and Source Alliance regarding the planning study being conducted over the next several months to determine potential renovation fund-raising


Amendment - minor correction for accuracy to November 2021 minutes
Reception of report - Cathedral Conditions and Issues Report official acceptance
2023 Budget - several issues pertaining to the 2023 budget were discussed and decided. Larger projects can complicate clear communication about giving targets and progress. Consideration of simplifying weekly bulletin updates in 2023 was discussed and may help continue to keep the most important information before us
Annual Meeting - Sunday, 26 February 2023
Investment - movement of some funds for year-end


Treasurer - December was a strong month for offerings with $84,047 enabling us to finish December in a surplus position ($40,368 offering over expenses). Overall offerings year over year down by $38,000. Underspending on maintenance and staffing, finishes 2022 in a slight surplus position
Administration and Finance - work on 2023 budget with the Stewardship Team working on a narrative version; intend return to staff handbook task; thanks to a retiring offering counter team; new team appointed
Property - continuing to deal with critical issues while minimizing expense where possible
Health and Pastoral Care - Health Ministry struggling to determine what events are appropriate under changing circumstances
Nominating - challenges exist regarding nominations for Chapter


•   24 January - Source Alliance, Chapter and Diocese
•   21 February - Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
•   22 February - Ash Wednesday
•   26 February - Annual Meeting
•   02 April - Palm Sunday


Monday, 13 February 2023                                                                       GMH

Bishop and Chapter News – October 2022

Bishop and Chapter met 17 October 2022 in person with video conference participation with 8 of 13 members present. An article “7 Ways to Make it Easier to Talk About Money” by Ann A. Michel was discussed. The Dean shared his three guiding principles for communication about money: consistency, transparency and removal of emotion. Minutes from 26 September 2022 were adopted with thanks to the Secretary.


•   resignation of Sam Mayo as member of Bishop and Chapter

From the Dean

•   outside Communions (Farraline Place and Windsor Court) (2)
•   committee meetings (3)
•   1 funeral
•   worship for Truth and Reconciliation 30 Sept
•   Farraline fund-raising dinner
•   following legal counsel, final termination letter to Parish Nurse
•   Worship customs under review
•   Life in the Eucharist continues
•   Weekends with Evensong are “full”
•   Baptism preparation underway for one adult on 06 Nov
•   Vacancies
Safe Church Officer, Synod substitute (16-35), Assistant(s) to the Verger

•   Diocesan Finance Committee (1)
•   Synod Planning (1)
•   Bishop’s Counsel (1)
•   Fredericton and York Deanery Clericus (1)

Information and Discussion

Potential Restoration Project - In response to the Conditions and Issues report, Source Alliance is engaged to prepare a “case for support” by mid- November. Interviews will follow to gauge support and possibility. Final report by Spring. We are reminded that such a project will require considerable internal resources and effort. The challenge will be to determine if we have what’s required to launch such an endeavour and if not, what that means for the Cathedral and perhaps, even more importantly, for the Diocese.

Nominating Committee - proposal to be circulated for modification of the Chapter By-Law regarding function of the Nominating Committee

Governance - some initial discussion of “board” vs “ad-hoc” models


Treasurer - there was some progress made on our deficit in September. We continue to be $37,000 + in expenses over revenue. October thus far appears to be a stronger income month especially with Thanksgiving. We’re hopeful we can continue to make progress to the end of year

Property - the retainer with Carmichael as mechanical contractor has been secured. Batteries for Cathedral emergency lighting have been replaced. Several technical manuals have been digitized.

Finance and Administration - clarification on status of Sarah Ecker as Parish Nurse. Hopes to convene our Stewardship Team. Progress on the Staff Handbook (employment policies). Exploring concerns about third-party liability insurance of users of our facilities

Welcome and Hospitality - working toward building committee membership. Considering worship refreshments

Christian Formation - Life in the Eucharist with six participants - First Communion 20 November, Dante’s Inferno study group, Godly Play and virtual Taize on-going. Advent planning in progress


•   Diocesan Synod 05 November 2022 (Cathedral)
•   First Communions - 20 November 2022
•   Ordination 20 November 2022
•   Advent Procession (Lessons and Carols) - 27 November 2022
•   Christmas Lessons and Carols - 18 December 2022


2022 Fall Financial Update

2022 Fall Financial Update

The following is an update of Cathedral financial information as of 31 August 2022. A brief presentation was offered on Sunday, 02 October to congregations at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m..

If you have questions, feel free to contact a member of Bishop and Chapter or get in touch through the Cathedral Office.

Download / View the update here.


Bishop and Chapter News – September 2022

Bishop and Chapter met 26 September 2022 in person with 10 of 14 members present. The article Post-pandemic Church Growth Accelerators by Carey Nieuwhof was discussed. Focus on core mission, community and connection, online worship and agility were among the indicators of church health. Minutes from 20 June 2022 were adopted.

From the Dean

  • outside care facility Communions (3)
  • committee meetings (3)
  • 3 funerals
  • 1 committal
  • 2 memorials (N. Cutler and Elizabeth II)
  • 1 wedding
  • attended 1 funeral out of town
  • Vacancies
    Safe Church Officer
    Synod substitute (16-35)
  • vacation 25 July - 21 August
  • Staff reviews completed
  • Diocesan Finance Committee (2)
  • Synod Planning (1)


  • Property committee membership - a revised list of committee members was adopted
  • Mechanical retainer - establish an agreement with Carmichael for mechanical contractor services including 2 yearly maintenance visits
  • Vote of thanks - to those involved in the execution of the commemoration of her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
  • Financial update - That an update be delivered on Sunday, 02 October

Information and Discussion

Funds for restoration - Source Alliance has begun preparing the case for support for a campaign addressing the results of the Building Conditions and Issues Report. We should expect a completion of the feasibility study by early spring 2023.


Treasurer - offerings are down and expenses are up as we move out of pandemic restrictions. Deficit of about $42,000 Total income is $60,047 behind budget target. Finance and Administration recommending providing congregation with more detailed information

Property - lightning protection system repaired ($7000); 2 trees removed due to disease, shed break in with theft of equipment ($200)

Health and Pastoral Care - Health Ministry is attempting to stay on top of issues, Health Ministry will meet in the near future

Finance and Administration - successful tour guide season, work on Cathedral staffing policies and current employment challenges,, chair of Stewardship Team and safe church officer still vacant, considering issues of third party liability insurance for groups using facilities

Welcome and Hospitality - new chair with committee to be built. Corn boil was on 11 September

Communications - $400 collected for souvenirs over the summer. Souvenirs available to view at Cathedral purchased at the office

Christian Formation - Life in the Eucharist with six participants - First Communion 20 November, Dante’s Inferno study group, Godly Play resumed 25 September.



Bishop and Chapter News – June 2022

Bishop and Chapter met 20 June 2022 in person with 10 of 13 members present. An article entitled “7 Ways to Re-engage Volunteers” (Lewis Centre for Leadership) was considered. Whether it’s due to post-pandemic fatigue, lingering health concerns, or broader cultural shifts, volunteerism hasn’t bounced back as readily as other aspects of congregational life. Susan Beaumont outlines seven ways to revitalize volunteer engagement. Minutes from February, March and May were adopted.

From the Dean

Since the May meeting:

•  Outside care facility Communions (1)
Thomas Hall Shannex booked 18 July
•  Committee meetings (3)
•  Monday lectionary studies concluded 30 May
•  Thy Kingdom Come Novena study weekdays
•  Several recent funerals
•  Baptism 05 June (1)
•  Pentecost celebrations - thanks from archbishop
•  Vacancies: Safe Church Officer; member of Chapter (Hospitality);
Synod substitute (16-35)
•  Diocesan Synod 05 November 2022 (Cathedral)
•  Staff reviews in process (1 complete)
•  Parish Nurse on medical leave since 16 May
•  Tour guide hiring in process
•  Usual diocesan commitments


Financial Campaign Planning Study - In order for the Cathedral to consider launching a financial campaign, professional assistance will be required. The Chapter Executive has explored four possible candidates to execute a study to determine the feasibility of a campaign. By motion, the Chapter approved preceding with negotiations with Source Alliance (Moncton) towards being engaged to conduct such a study.


Items for Information - several documents were circulated for information including:

•  Update on progress on Cathedral and Memorial Hall network upgrades and security system installation project (Peter Jacobs)
•  Source Alliance Proposal
•  Cathedral Building Condition and Issues meeting (12 June) summary (thanks to Ann Deveau)

There was some discussion on the need to communicate with the congregation regarding our financial status and the timing of the same.


Treasurer - offerings are trending downward and not meeting budget predictions thus far in 2022. Reporting to the Synod re applications to Canadian Employment Wage Subsidy - the Cathedral has not qualified in 2022. $26,428 revenue deficit to 31 May. While compensation being received from Diocesan Synod was not anticipated to fund the 2022 budget, it has been needed to do so.

Property - meeting on 20 June for the purpose of review and prioritizing Conditions and Issues Report findings

Worship - attempts made to recruit for worship duties. Beginning refreshments following summer worship being considered

Health Ministry - Sarah Ecker continues on medical leave which began 16 May.

Finance and Administration - tour guide applicant interviews have been completed and decisions have been made. Contracts will be made this week with guides on duty 01 July. Hank Williams has graciously agreed to provide training


•   Staff vacations as reported in the bulletin
•   Dean vacation 25 July - 21 August
•   Sunday worship schedule continuing

•   Next meeting 19 September 2022                                                   GMH

Cathedral Building Conditions and Issues Report

The Building Conditions and Issues report was prepared by the engineering firm of Heritage Standing Inc. (HSI).  The report contains a total of 36 recommendations, and classifies each recommendation as one of;

  • Emergency
  • High Priority
  • Medium Priority
  • Low Priority
  • Operational consideration

For each recommendation the report details the scope of the recommended work, the necessity for it, and the consequences of inaction.

A summary of the recommendations by category, with the current available funding, is included as an appendix.

To successfully complete this task will require developing partnerships with donors who share our interest in maintaining a historic heritage property.

Successfully raising the $8.5 to $9.0 million for restoration of the Cathedral is only a partial solution.  In addition, we need to develop revenue sources that will support the annual maintenance at its required levels.

An experienced consulting firm was engaged in the Fall of 2022 to assist in the significant challenge of determining fund-raising potential.

Read the full Report

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2022

Bishop and Chapter met 16 May 2022 by video conference with 10 of 13 members present. There was discussion of an article by the Dean titled: “Looking back and forth.” Looking to the past is much easier than looking forward but the decisions we make today will influence the future. Adoption of minutes of the March meeting was deferred to the next meeting.

From the Dean

A brief summary of activity since the last meeting:

  • Two Communions at Farraline Place
  • Diocesan Finance Committee
  • leadership vacancies include Hospitality Committee, Safe Church Officer and Synod Substitute (16-35 yrs)
  • Monday lectionary studies continue through Easter
  • advertising currently for tour 2022 tour guides
  • Easter Day attendance at about 200
  • update on honorary clergy
  • issue with office file synchronization has been solved
  • in the process of a design refresh of the weekly email. A problem receiving mailings seems is being experienced by some.


Investment account - Creation of an Investors Edge account for the purpose of trading a specific block of stocks on behalf of a Cathedral group


Future restoration - the recently received report on condition and issues regarding the Cathedral focuses on necessary work to be considered a priority, listing with advice on the urgency of those renovations and repairs. The Report will be shared with the congregation before summer with the hopes of accompanying it with some interpretation and an opportunity for informed discussion.

With the involvement of our Bishop, some consideration is being given to the kind of professional support needed for such a project and to date one informal interview has been conducted exploring those ends. Decision on if and when action will be taken will follow.


Treasurer - work continues as we fine-tune accounting now using new accounting software – modifying reporting templates and adjusting processes. Expenses over income was about $630 in the month of April. To 30 April expenses exceed revenue by $28,630 with offerings about $27,000 below what was budgeted / expected. Establishing the Investors Edge Trading account. Canada Employment Wage Subsidy diocesan surveys continue to be submitted each month but no additional payments are expected

Property - no Committee meeting to report. Several conversations and connections during the past several months

Christian Formation - a recent meeting dealt with some informal evaluation and review of Lenten programming. The Committee now looks ahead to Thy Kingdom Come and summer

Communications - a recent meeting discussed the issue of compensations for video live streaming for outside groups. Articles and items of interest are always needed for the website – writers welcome

Worship - a meeting is being planned conscious of some upcoming opportunities and continuing re-evaluation of our pandemic status

Health Ministry - Parish Nurse Sarah Ecker is currently on a medical leave. Specific circumstances not known at this time.

Administration and Finance - advertisement for tour guides. Work will continue on narrative budget and staff employee handbook.


  • That we convey our congratulations to Wayne Squibb on the occasion of his receiving an honorary doctorate of letters degree from the University of new Brunswick on 26 May 2022.
  • That we offer our thanks to the donor, whose wish is to remain anonymous, of $15,000 for the Cathedral sound system upgrade project.


  • Thy Kingdom Come - 26 May - 05 June
  • Day of Pentecost and conclusion of Bishop’s Pilgrimage 05 June
  • Tentative meetings: 20 June, 19 September