Bishop and Chapter News – Sept 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 18 September 2017 with seven of ten members present. Minutes of 12 June 2017 were adopted. S. Dibblee was acting recording secretary. Director of Christian Formation Kurt Schmidt attended as an invited guest and lead the Chapter in a brief exercise focusing on the Gospel of the previous Sunday […]

Bishop and Chapter News – June 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 12 June 2017 with six of ten members present. Minutes of 15 May 2017 were adopted. A conversation about the Article: “Want to Reach Kids with the Gospel? Ask These Questions First” – Wycliffe College Institute of Evangelism – Tiffany Robinson. Four questions: Why do we want children in […]

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 15 May with eight of eleven members present. Minutes of the 20 March 2017 were amended and adopted. The Dean led a conversation focussing on Acts 17:22-31 – “the altar with the inscription: ‘to an unknown god.’” What can we do to get outside of ourselves and our worship […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Mar 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 20 March with nine of thirteen members present. Minutes of 15 February 2017 were adopted. A brief conversation was lead by the Dean based on Ephesians 5:8–20 encouraging consideration of what it means to be “light” and how we are light to one another and the wider community. Business […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Feb 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Wednesday evening, 15 February with nine of thirteen members present. The meeting was postponed from 13 February due to weather. Minutes of the 16 January 2017 meeting were adopted. The Dean offered some reflection on the Gospel for the coming Sunday and the nature of truth as it is considered […]

Bishop and Chapter News – January 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday evening, 16 January with twelve of thirteen members present. Minutes of two December meetings were adopted. 10 December a planning session with our Bishop at which Treasurer Kevin Percy was appointed. 19 December was the regular monthly meeting primarily focussed on details of preparing the 2017 budget. The Dean […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Nov 2016

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday evening, 21 November with nine of thirteen members present. Minutes of the October meeting were adopted. The Dean offered some reflections on the reality of the kingdom of God among us, leading us into a conversation about ways in which we might move towards becoming less maintenance and more […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Oct 2016

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday evening, 17 October with ten of thirteen members present. Minutes of the September meeting were adopted. The Dean shared portions of the workbook that accompanies the book “Divine Renovation: From a Maintenance to a Missional Parish” by James Mallon focusing on the role of the pastor and the need […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Sept 2016

  Bishop and Chapter met on Monday evening, 19 September with ten of thirteen members present. Minutes of the June meeting were adopted. The Dean shared a reflection on leadership culture. Business Arising • Employment – David Drinkell began as Director of Music (half-time) on 17 July. Adam Lewis began as Sexton (full-time) on 25 […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Jun 2016

Bishop and Chapter met this past Monday with nine of 13 members present. Minutes of the May meeting were adopted. Business Arising • Employment – letters being finalized for Director of Music and Parish Nurse. Sexton permanent full-time position currently being advertised with applications closing 04 July • Hall Front Steps – No update on […]