Bishop and Chapter News – Oct 2016

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday evening, 17 October with ten of thirteen members present. Minutes of the September meeting were adopted. The Dean shared portions of the workbook that accompanies the book “Divine Renovation: From a Maintenance to a Missional Parish” by James Mallon focusing on the role of the pastor and the need for functional teams.

Business Arising

•    Hall Front Steps – Repair has been delayed possibly to spring.

From the Dean

•    Routine activities – a summary of pastoral and programme activities was outlined as usual
•    Meetings – Scheduling meetings continues to be one of the more frustrating challenges. Perhaps scheduling farther in advance would be more effective.
•    Leadership in isolation – further to the need for a change in leadership culture, leadership operating in isolation remains one of our corporate challenges.  Leaders need to gather to themselves effective and well-rounded teams for ministry tasks.  The Chapter needs to operate in an overseeing, strategic planning role.
•    To do’s pending – current priorities are Baptism Preparation for 06 November and calling together a Server Guild.
•    Thanksgiving Break-in – Police investigation is on-going.

Items for Decision

•    Chapter membership – Edmond Biden elected to membership as chair of Buildings and Property with thanks and appreciation.
•    Safe Church PolicyDiocesan policy is now in force.  Health and Pastoral Care Committee will lead implementation.
•    Signage – Communications Committee propose a new Cathedral sign for the southeast green and were granted permission to execute at a cost of between $500-600.
•    Church Lighting – a proposal has been made to change outside flood lighting at the Cathedral to LED at an estimated $1500 per year energy saving.  Referred to Property Committee for action.

Items for Discussion

•    Changing Church Culture – follow-up on of “Divine Renovation” by James Mallon.  Discussion on changing the culture towards better health.  Recognizing what we do well,  implementation of a strategy is needed.  The Dean was asked to provide a summary of areas where we are now effective and those not.  Executive charged with preparing a proposal for next steps.


•    Financial – the Treasurer indicated that income is ahead of the previous year at about 7%.  Gathering information from Cathedral ministries for preparing the 2017 budget needs to begin now. Committee chairs asked to begin that process.


•    Treasurer Resignation– received from our Treasurer as of 15 December 2016.  The job is beyond what Carol can do at this time. Thanks was expressed to Carol for her service. A detailed list of suggested immediate needs was included and the Executive will facilitate a review of our situation.
•    Harvest Supper – organizational lead needs to be identified as Kathy McBride is unavailable due to unforeseen personal commitments
•    Up-coming Events – were noted and reviewed. Our Calendar.

Next meetings

21 November; 19 December. 16 January, 19 February (Annual Congregational Meeting)


Posted in Bishop and Chapter News.

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