Bishop and Chapter News – January 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday evening, 16 January with twelve of thirteen members present. Minutes of two December meetings were adopted. 10 December a planning session with our Bishop at which Treasurer Kevin Percy was appointed. 19 December was the regular monthly meeting primarily focussed on details of preparing the 2017 budget. The Dean offered reflections on Epiphany, the challenge of mission in our current context and encouraged the Chapter to identify their own epiphanies with the intention of sharing those by invitation. (John 1:35-42).

New member, the Ven. Wandlyn Snelgrove, Archdeacon of Fredericton-elect was welcomed. Guests Kathleen Snow and Chris Stevenson joined at 8:00 p.m. to address the topic of Safe Church

Business Arising

• Priorities – Two growth priorities identified in December planning were 1) cradle to grave Christian formation and 2) intentionality of welcome, hospitality and invitation. Motion carried to accept.
• Stipends and salaries – while a cost of living increase was applied to Dean’s stipend and staff salaries, further consideration pending
• 2017 budget – further revision since December. Now almost in final form to be finally adopted at the next meeting.

From the Dean

• Christmas worship – attendance review
• Routine activities – a quick review of normal activities during the past month
• October break in – note that the individual charged is to be in court for sentencing on 18 January
• 2016 Financial status – 2016 expenses appear to have been met comfortably with income. Issue of designated or target giving needs consideration by way of our accounting. A “giving policy” needs to be developed to communicate management assumptions clearly.
• Youth mission request – financial support requested for April
• Christian formation – doing some investigation about possibilities regarding a staff position in Christian formation

Items for Decision

• Nominating Committee – the Committee is the Dean, Jim Morell and Catherine Schmidt

Items for Discussion

• Safe Church – diocesan Safe Church (Regulation 4-4) is in effect. K. Snow and C. Stevenson have prepared an analysis of what needs our attention in order to work towards compliance. While significant detail has been determined for health and pastoral care ministries, there are larger questions and decisions to be made about processes and adjusting requirements to our own context. A “Safe Church Officer” is recommended by the regulation. Three individuals have been identified to work with the Chapter and the Officer (once appointed) as we endeavour to implement over the next several months.


• Treasurer – K. Percy presented a comprehensive list of his recent work and priorities as he settles in to the office of Treasurer

Up-coming Events

Friday Organ Concerts at 12:10 p.m.
• Conversation re formation – 29 January 2:00 p.m.
• Choral Evensong, Installations and Collation – 05 February
• Annual Meeting – 19 February (26 February snow date)

Next meetings: 13 February, 20 March.


Posted in Bishop and Chapter News.

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