Bishop and Chapter News – June 2019

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 17 June 2019 with nine of a usual twelve members present. In the absence of the Chair, Canon Charles Ferris was in the chair. Minutes of the 13 May were adopted. The Dean led a brief review of the Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity. A video clip of a Q&A with Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias was viewed.

Business Arising

  • Housing First Initiative - Penny Ericson visited the meeting. The Fredericton Housing First Services has made a request for proposals to which the Cathedral has responded. Estimated time line is completion November 2019. We now await confirmation of acceptance
  • Giving Policy - most recent draft presented. The Policy includes Appendix of established funds, Gift, and Gift in Kind Information Forms.

From the Dean

The usual reporting on routine ministry commitments. Items of note: continue to work towards resolution to the need for a Verger; there is need for an individual to take the position of Cathedral Treasurer – perhaps the Nominating Committee needs to be engaged?; recognitions of retiring individuals and new ministry of Deacon Debbie Edmondson on 23 June; request for the Cathedral to meet with representatives of a current Visioning Committee from Wilmot United Church; absence during up-coming General Synod 09 - 17 July.


  • Housing First - motion carried to proceed with three home proposal, property corner of Albert and Regent. Cathedral Housing First Committee Terms of reference adopted, P. Ericson, Chair
  • Giving Policy - approved as submitted by Administration and Finance Committee. Giving Policy available from the Cathedral website.
  • Recognitions - the Chapter noted the retirement of our Envelope Secretary and Verger and the departure of Isabel and Nathan Cutler voting letters of thanks to all


  • Treasurer -may unrestricted income: $36,952 May expenses $56,583. May deficit: ($16,377). Half HST charity refund for 2018 received
  • Health and Pastoral Care - word of Cutler’s departure. Training for AED usage being planned. B. Toole and D. Radford co-ordinating Helping Hands. Hospital visitors meet later this month.
  • Property - Odell House sale in process. Awaiting repair of Cathedral west door asphalt entry. Breach in steeple roof has been viewed by drone and a plan for its remediation is in process
  • Hospitality and Welcome - 23 June “Picnic and Pies” planning continues. There is need for task teams to assist. Welcomers continue to be needed for Sunday mornings
  • Administration and Finance - giving policy submitted. Records management project coming to completion. A stewardship task group is working towards strategy(ies) for improving our current circumstances - Mike Toole is the chair. Safe Church training under consideration
  • Christian Formation - recent meeting compiled a list of start-up dates for the Fall. Continuation of current programming with some new initiatives on the horizon including an opportunity for confirmation / reaffirmation of faith
  • Communications - door hanger invitations for 23 June to be delivered in the neighbourhood this coming week. Appeal for material for the Cathedral website to keep its content fresh and inviting. JoyFM will likely partner for the September corn boil


Next meetings: 16 September; 21 October; 18 November; 16 December

Bishop and Chapter News – March 2019

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 18 March 2019 with seven of a usual twelve members present. Minutes of the 11 February meeting were adopted. In the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair, the meeting elected the Dean to the chair. The Dean led members in consideration of information about the vocational diaconate as it exists in the Diocese of Fredericton with reference to the 2016 Iona Report and the status of the diaconate in the Anglican Church of Canada.

Business Arising

Committee work plans - some committees have current plans. All encouraged to work towards the goal for their respective groups

•  Committee minutes - a reminder that minutes in the sole possession of committees should be sent to the Cathedral Office for filing

•  Housing First Project - S. Mayo offered an update on recent developments. Project leadership has asked the Cathedral to potentially submit a project application to facilitate available government funding. A group needs to be assembled to oversee the Cathedral’s specific housing first property ownership

•  Annual Meeting - members debriefed regarding the 24 February meeting. Anecdotal comments from various sources were shared. L. Meehan will work towards devising a tool to solicit congregation feedback on specific questions to inform planning in the future


•  From the Executive Director of the National Trust for Canada with thanks for the use of our facilities and our participation in various aspects of the October 2018 Conference

•  Letters of Bishop appointments of B. Greenwood and K. Percy to the Chapter

•  Thanks from Kathleen Snow on congratulations re Mothers’ Union

•  2019 Town Tour Promotional information from the Calithumpians

From the Dean

Normal duties reported. A request to be made of our Bishop to appoint an individual in deacon’s orders to Cathedral ministry. Plans to attend the Conference of North American Deans 02-05 May 2019. Lenten studies continue.


Welcoming initiative and growing the congregation - led by L. Meehan. How has our recent emphasis on welcoming been received? While newcomers obviously appreciate the opportunity to connect, regulars also note the changed atmosphere when we are intentionally welcoming. How might we continue to make this a priority with the knowledge that it could have significant impact on growth? Several thoughts were discussed. There is a specific need for more volunteers to be welcome teams at the various Sunday worship times. The conversation prompted some other ideas and possible directions.

Brief discussion by way of orientation for new members S. Mayo (Mission/Outreach) and C. Macdonald (Worship). Work plans, terms of reference and recent history would be of help


•  Treasurer - in the absence of the Treasurer, the financial report to the end of February 2019 was reviewed. Expenses continue consistently $7000- 8,000 +/- over income per month so far this year.

•  Worship - intent to gather a small group to discuss Easter worship. Service for Healing and Wholeness 09 March considered success

•  Health and Pastoral Care - Leaving in April, Carole Hines has resigned as coordinator of Helping Hands. An automated electronic defibrillator (AED) has been purchased for the Cathedral


07 April, 4 p.m. Choral Evensong (Guilds of St. Joseph)
14 April - Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week
21 April - Easter Day, 8, 10, and 11:45 a.m.

Next meetings: 13 May; 17 June                                                              GMH

When a congregational meeting is not … Annual 2019

It’s no secret that most people don’t get too excited about Annual Meetings. They can be long and they can be tedious and they can even be boring. But they shouldn’t be!

BurstThe Annual Congregational Meeting is a once a year chance to hear about what has been accomplished in the past year and the hopes and aspirations for the coming year. Read the Annual Report here.

Under the capable leadership of Lynn Meehan and the Welcoming and Hospitality Committee, the eight committees of Bishop and Chapter are hoping to make the upcoming ACM more than just an ACM.

An intentional goal has been set to bring more people out to the meeting and to have them leave looking forward to next year’s meeting! That’s an ambitious goal and to that end, some changes and additions have been made to the program.

It’s clear that one thing this congregation enjoys is a chance to share fellowship over a meal! And so, this coming Sunday, there will be a joint service at 10:30. The joint service is meant to make it easy for attendees of all three services to worship together and go directly to the Hall for lunch. No need to go home or find something to do until the meeting starts! Lunch will be a smorgasbord of the best chilis by the best chili makers (homemade vegetable soup for non-chili aficionados) and a ‘Noodle Town”, build-your-own pasta buffet for youngsters. Beef, chicken and vegetarian chili options will be available, along with sweets, hot chocolate bar (think whipped cream and other toppings), tea, coffee, juice and popcorn.

Not only do we want you to bring your children along, Kurt Schmidt, our Christian Formation director and the Christian Formation Committee, is working on a fun-filled afternoon of entertainment for them.

Annual Meeting posterA focus of the meeting will be on getting to know the eight committees of Bishop and Chapter, their members, highlights of their past year’s work, and a glimpse at what they hope to accomplish going forward into 2019. We often hear congregational members say that they don’t have a clear understanding of what happens beyond Sunday services at Christ Church Cathedral. In short and lively 2 minute presentations, the Committees hope to change that! Maybe you will find a place for your skill or talent on one of those committees?

Yes, there will be “normal” ACM duties. We can’t, nor should we, avoid this portion. We need to focus on business. We need to discuss budgets. But we need to do it in the context of understanding how much our Church means to us and to those that it supports through its various ministries. So, we are hoping that you will attend, that you will read your Annual Report, that you will listen carefully to what is being done with not a lot of dollars and that you will enjoy every minute of this afternoon of fellowship.

And, by the way, did I mention that there will prizes. For example, Fredericton Tourism will have a display set up with Wellness and Family Activity information for all. You must be present to have an opportunity to win one of their “Freddy Beach Family Activity Gift Packs."

Please mark February 24th on your calendar and plan to attend what will be so much more than a typical Annual Congregational Meeting.

Gail MacGillivray

Annual Meeting Slider

Bishop and Chapter News – February 2019

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 11 February 2019 with twelve members present. Minutes of the 21 January were adopted. An article, “Joyful Stewardship” by Linda Buskirk (Episcopal Church Foundation) was discussed. The Chapter agreed on the value of developing a stewardship statement to help guide a culture of joyful stewardship in the future

Business Arising

  • Road Home letter of intent - Cathedral intent to be involved as a partner has been expressed. Project awaiting news on federal government funding
  • By-Law update - completed, filed, distributed and posted to the web
  • Committee work plans - template created to be shared with members
  • Project 2045 - inaugural meeting held. Monthly meetings on the last Monday of the month will follow

From the Dean

Usual commitments maintained. Meeting re World Day of Prayer planning, chapter committees when possible, focus on annual reporting. With an intention of attending the conference of North American Deans in May, there may be a possibility of scheduling some vacation at a different time this year but will advise

For Decision

  • 2018 Financials- Kendra Patrick (Bringloe Feeney Accounting) was in attendance to review year end reports. Following review, the draft statements were approved and, with the management letter (review engagement report) will be included in the report to the 2019 Annual. This is the second year under review engagement so processes for clarity are still being modified
  • 2019 Budget - finalizing the budget. Questions about comparisons with 2018 budget actuals matching financials resulted in agreement on the need for some further investigation, which the treasurer will see to. regarding the accounting restricted funds used and issues of possible depreciation not recognized by budget numbers
  • Congratulations - to Kathleen Snow on election to the Board of Trustees of the Worldwide Mothers’ Union


2019 Annual Meeting - plans for Annual meeting reviewed


  • Nominating - progress on securing nominations is difficult
  • Administration and Finance - Diocesan Stewardship Officer Mike Briggs met with committee to discuss a draft giving policy and stewardship in general. A stewardship task group has been created. An automated external defibrillator to be purchased
  • Christian Formation - review of purpose and goals of the Family Faith Fiesta, “Do I Have to Kneel” event reported on website
  • Communications - continue with facilitating committee reports for Annual, maintaining social media and web communications
  • Welcoming and Hospitality - pilot of welcome initiative struggling for signups for welcomers. Taking the lead in planning for Annual meeting event
  • Property - Odell House sale preparation. An issue with the boiler at the Cathedral is being identified
  • Mission/Outreach - Monday morning dropin continues. Belize scholarships being administered. Dessert and Games 17 February to support Belize scholarships
  • Health and Pastoral Care - One pastoral visitor has stepped down. Service of Healing and Wholeness. 09 March, 5 p.m.


17 February - Dessert and Games Night
24 February - 10:30 a.m. worship, luncheon, Annual Meeting
03 March - World Day of Prayer
05 March Pancake Supper; 06 March - Ash Wednesday

Next meetings: 18 March; 13 May; 17 June


Bishop and Chapter News – January 2019

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 21 January 2019 with ten of a usual twelve members present. Minutes of the 17 December meeting and notes from the 14 January were adopted. The Dean offered some reflections on the church liturgical year and specifically the Feast of the Presentation (Candlemas), reading from Luke 2:22-38.

Business Arising

Road Home letter of intent - no update
By-Law update - the December 2017 version will be modified with nominating committee details
Lower hall floor - repair completed
Committee work plans - most committees working toward finalizing
Thanks to E. Saunders - thanks have been communicated
Letter of thanks - template for letter to large gift donors TBD
Welcoming - Chapter members encouraged to assist by signing up to be welcomers. Spots have been added for welcomers on Sundays

From the Dean

Usual commitments during the past month both Cathedral and diocesan. Christmas attendance about 550. Many to do’s at this time of year with year end requirements: annual returns, reporting. Working toward further clarifications and simplification of financial reporting. Committees and groups asked to submit 2018 minutes or notes

For Decision

2019 Budget - the current draft was accepted with minor revisions. Most committees have reduced amounts in an attempt to balance income and expenses. Based on 2018 revenue, a significant deficit would seem likely in 2019.
Project 2045 - task force to address the future of the Cathedral and Memorial Hall, terms of reference and membership adopted


2019 Annual Meeting - Hospitality/ Welcoming and Communications proposed a plan for a new format annual meeting on 24 February. One 10:30 a.m. worship followed by a luncheon, meeting to begin at about 1:00 p.m.. Committees all asked to provide 2 minute presentations on 2018 accomplishments and a look ahead to 2019. Chapter agreed and will support the plan.


Nominating - nothing to report
Administration and Finance - meeting with the Diocesan Stewardship Officer soon. Records management and giving policy projects continuing
Christian Formation - Cathedral revealed event 27 January. Strategic planning will form the framework of the 2019 work plan
Communications - continuing with usual efforts with Facebook and web site
Welcoming and Hospitality - current trial of welcoming initiative of Sundays at 8, 10 and 11:45 a.m. going well with a need for volunteers with the need for volunteers, especially at 10 am . Planning for Annual Meeting new format
Property - proceeding with preparations to sell O’Dell House. Lower hall floor repaired.
Mission/Outreach - programs continue. Belize Missions Dessert and Games Night 17 February. No Road Home project update
Health and Pastoral Care - budget prepared. Meeting next week
Worship - additional budget request for flowers and ribbons for Christmas wreaths. Need to review internal communications re memorial flower gifts


17 February - Belize Missions Dessert and Games night
24 February - 10:30 a.m. worship, luncheon, Annual Meeting

Next meetings: 11 February, 24 February Annual Congregational Meeting at 1:00 p.m.; 18 March


Bishop and Chapter News – December 2018

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 17 December 2018 with eight of a usual twelve members present. Minutes of the 19 November meeting were adopted. The Dean lead discussion on the Gospel for Advent 4, Luke 1:39-55, the Song of Mary, highlighting its prophetic and subversive characteristics.

Business Arising

Road Home letter of intent - being finalized for sending
By-Law update - the December 2017 version needs to be modified with nominating committee details and signed by the Bishop
Lower hall floor - beginning of repair to begin this week
Hall kitchen refrigerator and freezer - installed. Refrigerator purchased; upright freezer donated with our thanks
J. Edwards memorial - sent to Parish of Fundy and the Lakes. Letter of condolence sent to our bishop
Thanks to E. Saunders - letter still to be sent

From the Dean

The Dean briefly reviewed the past month and pointed to up-coming events. Particular reference to the welcoming initiative underway and success of the 12 December Carol Sing


ACW thanks - letter received following the Anglican Church Women Sunday, the Reign of Christ, 25 November.

For Decision

Stipend and salaries - 2019 Diocesan scale of minimum stipends increases by 2.5% (cost of living). Dean’s stipend set at $58.824 ($16,607 above minimum) $1500 housing and $350 car replacement per month. Staff salaries to increase by 2.5% 2019
Safe Church Officer - adoption of the position description and the appointment of Michael Toole, effective immediately
O’Dell House sale - the Property Committee empowered to make preparations for the sale of the property advisedly in the spring of 2019. By diocesan policy, such funds are held for purposes of clergy living accommodation - interest can be used for housing allowance


2019 budget - +/- $75,000 deficit looks likely for 2018. Current revenue not meeting expenditures. Many costs are 'fixed.' Key questions include: How much increase in weekly offerings is reasonable? Should revenue be supplemented with trust funds? Staff or facility reductions? 14 January special budget meeting, 2019 budget to be finalized at the regular January meeting.
Committee work plans - recommended that each committee create early in the new year a work plan for the next twelve months


Treasurer - We continue to carry an excess of expenses compared to revenue. While it is possible to balance year end by spending down on unrestricted investments, the goal would be that we pay our way
Administration and Finance - work on current items continue: records management, giving policy, new safe church officer
Christian Formation - family faith fiesta, Taizé, DYI (young adults), Godly Play, youth groups all successfully functioning
Communications - good feedback on Carol Sing and Christmas publicity efforts
Welcoming and Hospitality - 16 December was the beginning of the new trial welcoming initiative. Adjustments until mid-February
Property - lower hall floor, monitoring steeple roofing issue, O’Dell House sale issues, repaired west door asphalt has cracked again


23 Dec - Lessons and Carols; Christmas Eve 4, 8, 11 p.m.; Christmas Day 10 a.m.; New Years Day with our Bishop and reception 11 a.m.

Next meetings: 14 and 21 January, 11 February, Annual Congregational Meeting 24 February GMH

Bishop and Chapter News – November 2018

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 19 November 2018 with eight of a usual twelve members present. The Dean lead discussion on an article “Financial Transparency” from the Episcopal Church Foundation.

Business Arising

Nominating Committee - membership: C. Schmidt, T. Fetter and G. Hall. Working to secure nominations for 2019 elections
Verger resignation - having been received for 30 June
Sexton’s employment letter - has been updated with the modification three weeks vacation
National Trust Conference - several members of Chapter and others were able to attend. Some important contacts, next steps pending. The Bishop’s “joint ad hoc group” with representation from the Cathedral and Diocesan Synod has been dismissed with thanks

From the Dean

The Dean reviewed usual items of commitment over the past month noting seasonal worship and events up-coming:
Christmas worship schedule as usual: Christmas Eve 4, 8, 11 p.m.; Christmas Day 10 a.m.. Advent Procession 02 December; Christmas Lessons and Carols 23 December
Community Christmas Carol Sing Wednesday, 12 December 7 p.m. an opportunity to invite family and friends.

For Decision

Lower hall floor - repairs to deteriorated tiles to address health and safety to be done as soon as possible, as professionally recommended and at a cost of $7000-8000 (from Hall renovation fund)
Hall refrigerator -to be replaced (about $6219) after quotes reviewed)
By-Law re Nominating Committee - a motion was carried finalizing revision to make election of the committee by the annual meeting
Welcoming and Hospitality - terms of reference adopted. Work plan offered is perhaps a potential model for committees
Gift thanks - having received a gift of $10,394 from Ethel Saunders the Chapter carried a motion to send our thanks
J. Edwards Memorial - that we make a gift of $100 in memory of our Bishop’s wife, Janet and send a letter of condolence
The Road Home Project - that The Cathedral send a letter of intent to pursue joining the Housing First initiative with four Cathedral units in 2019. Information to come


Treasurer - October - Revenue: $44,499, Expenses $39,573 Year-to-Date: Offering $34,860 below 2017; Expenses $53,443 above 2017. A rebate of $3000 from the Diocesan Synod (clergy travel pool and employee benefit payments).
All committees considering 2019 budgets
Administration and Finance - work on current items continue: Cathedral records management, giving policy, safe church
Christian Formation - current programs being monitored with some new initiatives to be considered soon (possible congregation retreat)
Health and Pastoral Care - Good response to health information session on 03 November. Individual pledges in support of Parish Nursing continue to come in and are appreciated
Communications - Gearing up for Christmas events. Potential for neighbourhood invitation to Carol Sing on 12 December
Welcoming and Hospitality - several welcome initiatives being rolled out: for Sundays including welcome desk (Cathedral Connections), signage, welcoming volunteers and a welcome kit
Property - current issues: hall refrigerator, lower hall floor, steeple roofing breach (potentially costly), vandal severed lightning rod copper repair ($317?), O’Dell House balcony repair in the spring


Bishop Hockin Advent Series; seasonal events and worship as reported

Next meetings: 21 January, 11 February, Annual Meeting 24 February


Bishop and Chapter News – October 2018

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 15 October 2018 with ten of twelve usual members present. Bishop Edwards joined the Chapter for the first hour. Minutes of the 17 September 2018 meeting were adopted.

Business Arising

St. Margaret’s Scouts - meetings have moved to the Parish Church.
Nominating Committee - membership to be appointed and an amendment to Cathedral By-Law to be considered
Treasurer Address to Congregation - 2 minutes for regarding current financial status to be scheduled in the next few weeks
Anglican Foundation of Canada - annual contribution of $100 sent
National Trust Conference - individuals to attend identified


Property (re) development. Bishop Edwards was present primarily to share a status update on property issues. The Bishop reminds everyone that with many opinions, ideas and options to consider, things can get complicated, take time and in some cases be costly to investigate. He shares our wish that decisions be made in the very near future. He shared a couple of specific possibilities as to what the next steps could or should be (including one very new). It was agreed that the congregation soon needs to be informed and involved.

From the Dean

The Dean reviewed usual items of commitment since the last meeting. Items of note:
Discernment Committee - a committee to guide a Cathedral congregational member in discernment leading to ordered ministry in process (Bishop’s office)
11 November - is a Sunday. 10 a.m. worship to 9:45 a.m.
Stewardship - is the management of our resources: skills, talents, assets, time, money. Improved stewardship was identified as a priority item during the 2018 review of the Dean. He suggests our need to be more conscious of improving our stewardship mindset both corporately and individually. He noted that currently no one person or committee in our corporate structure is responsible for issues of stewardship, and asked if this should be addressed.

For Decision

Nominating Committee - In accordance with by-laws a motion was carried appointing the Dean, Catherine Schmidt and Tom Fetter reporting to the Annual Meeting in February. A change in process for future years was presented in the form of an amendment to the by-laws. Going forward it has been proposed that the Committee be elected by the annual meeting rather than by the Bishop and Chapter.
Lou McKnight vacation - additional week granted for 2019.


Treasurer - presented the summary financial statement to the end of September. While we can be hopeful that October - December giving will strengthen, we are currently well below our anticipated position to date. Expenses exceed unrestricted income by $92,378 to 3rd quarter.
Administration and Finance - project items continue: Records management, giving policy, land title migration, lay staff manual, By-Law considerations
Christian Formation - meeting this week. Fall startup of various programming has materialized as expected
Health and Pastoral Care - Brief update on current programs and activities. Pledged contributions towards salary of the parish nurse are currently close to the annual target.
Communications - Chair of Hospitality attended the last meeting to identify some synergies. Regular efforts continue
Hospitality, Welcoming and Membership - a first meeting held. Welcome strategies and final terms of reference being considered


Diocesan Synod - 03 November; Evensong - 21 October

Next meeting: 19 November 2018


Bishop and Chapter News – September 2018

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 17 September with twelve of twelve usual members present. Minutes of the 18 June 2018 meeting were adopted. The Dean provided an article entitled “Forming an Effective Nominating Committee.” Members of the Chapter discussed our current practices and considered potential improvements.

Business Arising

  • Ending Homelessness in Fredericton - a follow up meeting was held on 15 September with updates on the status of the Project. A small group from the Cathedral will be gathered to consider next steps
  • Mission and Outreach Belize Budget - at this time, it appears the 2018 budget may cover anticipated expense

From the Dean
The Dean reviewed usual items of commitment since June noting that summer seemed unusually busy. Items of note included:

  • pending appointment of Caroline Vanicek as head server
  • first Sunday of October being Thanksgiving, evensong on 14 October
  • up-coming this fall one individual wishing to enter discernment leading to ordination. Discernment committee will be needed
  • 11 November is on Sunday. 10 a.m. worship moved to 9:45 a.m.
  • clergy conference with Hugh Halter attended in August on “Your Church in the Future.” Will share with Chapter in the future

For Decision

Hall usage - after determining that the downstairs hall floor is unsafe, it was decided to inform Scouts Canada to seek other meeting space

Property (re) development - a lengthy discussion about status of the conversation regarding Cathedral and Diocesan properties. Bishop’s consultant currently working with the Cathedral on a “future mission plan.” A congregational meeting has been recommended by R. Goodfellow (October). National Trust Conference 18-20 October to focus on religious heritage buildings - diocesan/Cathedral participation


  • Treasurer - to date, expenses exceed revenue in the amount of approximately $80,000. Compared to last year to date, revenue is down by about $47,000. Considerable concern expressed by members of the Chapter. No conclusions were drawn as to specific causes. Suggestions, including encouraging e-offering and a Sunday presentation by the Treasurer, were made and discussed.
  • Christian Formation - programme in Fall startup: Godly Play, Taizé worship, ALPHA (19 September), Family Faith Fiesta, Youth Groups. A brief overview of our experience with Godly Play was shared
  • Administration and Finance - Odell House and Cathedral Hall properties being migrated this week to land titles. On-going communication with the Diocese regarding creating a policy on giving. Manual being reviewed to re-establish policy for staff
  • Health and Pastoral Care - Programmes resuming. Interest in Fit Club is down. Support group for care givers of those with dementia being created. Brochure in production
  • Communications - Summer projects included neighbourhood invitations to corn boil and other event promotion
  • Property - South door repair still being investigated; investigation of potential a memorial tree planting on the green; lower hall floor has been assessed as unsafe; asphalt repair at west door should happen this month
  • Worship - will call a meeting next month
  • Hospitality, Welcoming and Membership - committee bing formed and will first address terms of reference. Meeting 20 September. Suggestion for larger freezer at the hall to be considered

Bishop’s Town Hall, Fredericton (Canon XXI) 27 September 7:00 p.m.
Archdeaconry Greater Chapter - 18 October
Diocesan Synod - 03 November 2018

Next meeting: 15 October 2018


Bishop and Chapter News – June 2018

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 18 June 2018 with eleven of twelve usual members present. Vice-Chair Charles Ferris chaired. Minutes of the 14 May 2018 meeting were reviewed, items of unfinished business noted and the adopted. Watching the introduction video for “Surprise the World,” the Dean lead a short discussion. How to continue BELLS?

Business Arising

Ending Homelessness in Fredericton - a group of 10 considered this project following the meeting of the Archdeaconry Greater Chapter in May. Unfortunately, resource persons were unable to be present. There seems to be some lack of clarity about what’s specifically needed if Anglican parishes were to partner. Monitoring continues

•  Mothers’ Union expenses - the amount directed for worldwide MU work by K. Snow was forwarded to the Cathedral Branch
•  Joy FM - the Dean has met twice with representatives and looks forward to a greater degree of partnership with them in the future
•  Frank Morehouse thanks - for work on Fredericton Deans poster
•  Anglican Foundation - a contribution to the Foundation, directed to be annual, has not yet been sent

From the Dean

•  Normal commitments - 2 care home visits for Communion, 4 visits to hospitals, 3 home Communions, 4 staff meetings; Chapter and Committee related meetings; Clergy College, Clergy Day, Diocesan Council, Diocesan Finance Committee, Property Development Committee meeting with 4 teleconferences.
•  Surprise the World: BELLS - sermon series concluding 24 June. 4 in attendance at video night. Ways to continue BELLS?
•  Bishop of Qu’Appelle Bike Ride - hoping to create a 15 July event of worship at 4 pm followed by BBQ on the Cathedral green. JoyFM willing to partner
•  Cathedral worship podcasts - average hits have reached a fairly consistent 60 per day average since listing with TuneIn Radio
•  Cathedral staff annual reviews - underway

For Discussion

“Designated Funds” - Past assumptions about offerings for specific purposes (“designated”) being “saved” need clarification. Monies tagged for purpose to be used first for items currently in the Budget is advice from 2017 review engagement. Further education required.

For Decision

•  Terms of reference - adopted Property and Mission Outreach committees
•  Missions request - a motion to increase 2018 Mission Outreach budget to allow increase of St. Hilda’s School support, graduate bursaries and support for Paul Jones to university was tabled. Offerings down. Funds available will need to be confirmed
•  “Designated Funds” - that we reduce a list of 55 to about 11 to clarify and expedite managing and using offerings given for specific purposes and continue to reduce those funds as possible


•  Treasurer - offerings are about $30,000 +/- below budget year to date
•  Christian Formation - planning session held. Followup next week
•  Administration and Finance - giving policy in process; records management project continues
•  Health and Pastoral Care - First Aid training 25-26 June. New programming initiatives being considered for fall
•  Communications - 09 September outside worship in view. Conversations with Joy FM should result in positive cooperation
•  Property - green winter kill considered; west door pavement irregularity will be addressed; south door replacement pending


Ordination 24 June 2018; 09 September outdoor worship/corn boil

Next meeting: 17 September 2018