Bishop and Chapter News – March 2019

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 18 March 2019 with seven of a usual twelve members present. Minutes of the 11 February meeting were adopted. In the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair, the meeting elected the Dean to the chair. The Dean led members in consideration of information about the vocational diaconate as it exists in the Diocese of Fredericton with reference to the 2016 Iona Report and the status of the diaconate in the Anglican Church of Canada.

Business Arising

Committee work plans - some committees have current plans. All encouraged to work towards the goal for their respective groups

•  Committee minutes - a reminder that minutes in the sole possession of committees should be sent to the Cathedral Office for filing

•  Housing First Project - S. Mayo offered an update on recent developments. Project leadership has asked the Cathedral to potentially submit a project application to facilitate available government funding. A group needs to be assembled to oversee the Cathedral’s specific housing first property ownership

•  Annual Meeting - members debriefed regarding the 24 February meeting. Anecdotal comments from various sources were shared. L. Meehan will work towards devising a tool to solicit congregation feedback on specific questions to inform planning in the future


•  From the Executive Director of the National Trust for Canada with thanks for the use of our facilities and our participation in various aspects of the October 2018 Conference

•  Letters of Bishop appointments of B. Greenwood and K. Percy to the Chapter

•  Thanks from Kathleen Snow on congratulations re Mothers’ Union

•  2019 Town Tour Promotional information from the Calithumpians

From the Dean

Normal duties reported. A request to be made of our Bishop to appoint an individual in deacon’s orders to Cathedral ministry. Plans to attend the Conference of North American Deans 02-05 May 2019. Lenten studies continue.


Welcoming initiative and growing the congregation - led by L. Meehan. How has our recent emphasis on welcoming been received? While newcomers obviously appreciate the opportunity to connect, regulars also note the changed atmosphere when we are intentionally welcoming. How might we continue to make this a priority with the knowledge that it could have significant impact on growth? Several thoughts were discussed. There is a specific need for more volunteers to be welcome teams at the various Sunday worship times. The conversation prompted some other ideas and possible directions.

Brief discussion by way of orientation for new members S. Mayo (Mission/Outreach) and C. Macdonald (Worship). Work plans, terms of reference and recent history would be of help


•  Treasurer - in the absence of the Treasurer, the financial report to the end of February 2019 was reviewed. Expenses continue consistently $7000- 8,000 +/- over income per month so far this year.

•  Worship - intent to gather a small group to discuss Easter worship. Service for Healing and Wholeness 09 March considered success

•  Health and Pastoral Care - Leaving in April, Carole Hines has resigned as coordinator of Helping Hands. An automated electronic defibrillator (AED) has been purchased for the Cathedral


07 April, 4 p.m. Choral Evensong (Guilds of St. Joseph)
14 April - Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week
21 April - Easter Day, 8, 10, and 11:45 a.m.

Next meetings: 13 May; 17 June                                                              GMH


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