Bishop and Chapter News – December 2019

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 16 December 2019 with nine of a usual twelve members present. Minutes of the November 2019 meeting were adopted as circulated. The Dean offered some reflections on the process of narrative budgeting referring largely to a version of an article by Susan Graham Walker - “How to write a narrative budget.” Considerable discussion yielded consensus that a narrative budget project would be beneficial to us with a delivery target of the congregational annual meeting in 2021. The Dean will refer to Cathedral Stewardship Team.

• No response as yet to a reply to the request to use the green for an upcoming RCR FROSTival event involving the military
• $1000 gift received from the estate of Sheila Laidlaw (Belize Missions)

Business Arising
Christmas memories - post preparation in process by the Communications Committee for sharing on the website prior to Christmas
Director of Music - Thomas Gonder will arrive mid-January to begin in the position. A letter of employment has been completed.
Housing First project - City Council approvals have been completed. Next step is transfer of land to the Cathedral. The Cathedral group will need to meet to attend to details, including legal and insurance issues. Completion of construction is estimated to be mid to late summer 2020.
Cathedral Restoration Fund by law - remains as an item for attention in the near future by Administration and Finance Committee
10:00 a.m. Sunday refreshments - in consultation with Worship and Welcome Hospitality committees, S. Dibblee to initiate discussion

From the Dean
Report on normal activities, pastoral and liturgical duties.

2020 Budget - draft 2. Budgeting progress includes good response from committees regarding anticipated ministry next year. Discussion identified several important questions regarding the budget strategy including: how to represent shortfall compared to anticipated offering in 2020. Chapter recommended a small budget team to meet in early January (with 2019 year-end results) to give further consideration, reporting to the Chapter 13 January meeting. Dean to initiate.

Treasurer - positive November (tithing Sunday) and a slight strengthening of average offerings since, the running deficit has been somewhat reduced. With seasonal generosity in December, the hope is that revenues will come close to expenses year-end.
Welcome and Hospitality - six large congregational events during the past year, well received and supported. Committee membership is needed. Inquiries regarding expectations at Annual meeting time
Health and Pastoral Care - written report read. Normal ministries continue. Up-coming consideration about future Healing Services. Some discussion about possible refreshments for 10 a.m. Sundays.
Christian Formation - Faith Alive, (confirmation, reaffirmation and reception) currently about 25 participants and is the present main focus
Communications - door hangers for Carol Sing and Christmas worship delivered to the neighbourhood. On-going maintenance of networks including website and social media
Mission and Outreach - St. Hilda’s, Belize support transfer of $1000 this month. Housing First. Monday outreach Christmas 16 December
Worship - new Director of Music 16 January. Carol Sing 18 December

Christmas Lessons and Carols - 22 December
• 29 December - 10:00 a.m. Carols for Christmas
• 01 January - 11:00 a.m. New Years Day with the Bishop
• 04 January - 11:00 a.m. Our Bishop’s wedding
• 23 February - Annual (10:30 a.m. worship, luncheon and meeting)

Next meetings: 13 January; 10 February


Posted in Bishop and Chapter, Bishop and Chapter News.

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