Bishop and Chapter News – December 2018

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 17 December 2018 with eight of a usual twelve members present. Minutes of the 19 November meeting were adopted. The Dean lead discussion on the Gospel for Advent 4, Luke 1:39-55, the Song of Mary, highlighting its prophetic and subversive characteristics.

Business Arising

Road Home letter of intent - being finalized for sending
By-Law update - the December 2017 version needs to be modified with nominating committee details and signed by the Bishop
Lower hall floor - beginning of repair to begin this week
Hall kitchen refrigerator and freezer - installed. Refrigerator purchased; upright freezer donated with our thanks
J. Edwards memorial - sent to Parish of Fundy and the Lakes. Letter of condolence sent to our bishop
Thanks to E. Saunders - letter still to be sent

From the Dean

The Dean briefly reviewed the past month and pointed to up-coming events. Particular reference to the welcoming initiative underway and success of the 12 December Carol Sing


ACW thanks - letter received following the Anglican Church Women Sunday, the Reign of Christ, 25 November.

For Decision

Stipend and salaries - 2019 Diocesan scale of minimum stipends increases by 2.5% (cost of living). Dean’s stipend set at $58.824 ($16,607 above minimum) $1500 housing and $350 car replacement per month. Staff salaries to increase by 2.5% 2019
Safe Church Officer - adoption of the position description and the appointment of Michael Toole, effective immediately
O’Dell House sale - the Property Committee empowered to make preparations for the sale of the property advisedly in the spring of 2019. By diocesan policy, such funds are held for purposes of clergy living accommodation - interest can be used for housing allowance


2019 budget - +/- $75,000 deficit looks likely for 2018. Current revenue not meeting expenditures. Many costs are 'fixed.' Key questions include: How much increase in weekly offerings is reasonable? Should revenue be supplemented with trust funds? Staff or facility reductions? 14 January special budget meeting, 2019 budget to be finalized at the regular January meeting.
Committee work plans - recommended that each committee create early in the new year a work plan for the next twelve months


Treasurer - We continue to carry an excess of expenses compared to revenue. While it is possible to balance year end by spending down on unrestricted investments, the goal would be that we pay our way
Administration and Finance - work on current items continue: records management, giving policy, new safe church officer
Christian Formation - family faith fiesta, Taizé, DYI (young adults), Godly Play, youth groups all successfully functioning
Communications - good feedback on Carol Sing and Christmas publicity efforts
Welcoming and Hospitality - 16 December was the beginning of the new trial welcoming initiative. Adjustments until mid-February
Property - lower hall floor, monitoring steeple roofing issue, O’Dell House sale issues, repaired west door asphalt has cracked again


23 Dec - Lessons and Carols; Christmas Eve 4, 8, 11 p.m.; Christmas Day 10 a.m.; New Years Day with our Bishop and reception 11 a.m.

Next meetings: 14 and 21 January, 11 February, Annual Congregational Meeting 24 February GMH

Posted in Bishop and Chapter, Bishop and Chapter News.

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