Bishop and Chapter News – December 2023

Bishop and Chapter met on 11 December 2023 with 8 of 12 members present. R. Crowe attended as guest. Minutes of the 16 October meeting were adopted. J. Yeamans was elected meeting chair. The Dean lead discussion on an Alban Institute article “This Thing Called Church,” from A. B. Robinson’s “What’s Theology Got to Do With It?”



• 3 care facility Communions; Deanery Clericus; 1 funeral; 1 funeral attended; 8 committee/group meetings; congregational meeting 21 November; choir rehearsal 30 November;10 home/hospital visits

• noted: no work review, housing allowance or stipend review in 2023

• Chapter vacancies: Lay Chair | Vice Chair | Property


• 2 meetings of the Synod Finance; over-night Diocesan Council 1/2 Dec


• Spencer funeral 10am 16 Dec; Farraline 12 Dec; Windsor 28 Dec; Christmas Lessons and Carols (b) - 17 Dec; 24 Dec 8am, 4pm, 8pm (b), 11pm (b); 25 Dec 10am (b); 31 Dec 8am, 10:30 am; 01 Jan 11am (b)


• 2024 Budget - draft was discussed. Adjustments over the next month with the goal to adopt a proposed budget version in January


• That we reimburse K. Schmidt $1500 for an October course on Celtic spirituality

• That the Dean request Bishop’s permission for Michele LeBlanc to administer the chalice in worship and administer Home Communions

• That staff salaries receive a 3% cost of living increase in 2024

• That the stipend of the Dean be $65,976 (3% cost of living increase, $16,906 above the diocesan minimum stipend scale (Regulation 7-2)

• With security cameras and locking system installed at the hall, that we end our contract with Garda Security (one visit per night) at the end of 2023


Treasurer - November reports need revisions for accuracy. Deficit to end of November $46,549. Bookkeeper Ben Bourque resigned in November; engaged Justin McCoy as bookkeeper. Working with Scotiabank on Anglican Church Women BMO shares conversion

Nominating - 4 meetings thus far. 2024 nominations remain to be required

Buildings and Property - R. Crowe graciously offered to be interim chair. 1) Cathedral sprinklers need maintenance ($60,000) in 2024. 2) Hall platform lift is inoperable needing replacement. Exploring grant and other fund possibilities. 3) East window has been repaired ($8257) insurance coverage less deductable ($5219). 4) Leaks inside Cathedral are an ongoing concern. Next meeting 09 January

Christian Formation - Advent programming proceeding. Consideration of Medical Assistance in Dying (Faith Seeking Understanding)

Health / Pastoral Care - assisted Anglican Church Women luncheon. Christmas gifts to be delivered by Cathedral Visitors. Chair of Health Ministries, Sally Dibblee has resigned.

Mission / Outreach - Angel Christmas gifts for children complete. Giving Tuesday exceeded $2000 commitment to school food and winter clothing programme

Worship - committee met in November including discussion/planning for Christmas worship including a possible youth choir. Meeting of Sunday intercessors on 07 November


• 17 December, 4 p.m. Christmas Lesson and Carols

• 01 January, 11 a.m. New Year’s Day with our Bishop


Bishop and Chapter News – October 2023

Bishop and Chapter met on 16 October 2023 with 8 of 13 members present. Minutes of the 11 September and 19 June meeting were adopted. J. Yeamans was elected to the chair in the absence of the Lay-Chair. The Dean lead a short discussion following a reading of Philippians 2:1-13 and some reflections on the nature of decision-making by way of Christian discernment. Some references to “The Way of Discernment” (E. Liebert) were considered.


Safe Church Officer Dianne Wilkins visited with an update on recent efforts toward implementing diocesan policy on safe church. V. Hachey and G. Hall offered to be part of a task group to consider next steps



• 1 care facility Communion; Diocesan Clergy Conference (18-20 September); ill and absent on Sunday 01 October; 1 committee/group meeting; 1 meeting with assisting clergy and deacons; choir rehearsal 21 September; 1 meeting of the Diocesan Finance Committee.


• 21 October Farraline Place fund-raiser
• 01-12 Diocesan Council development retreat
• 03 December First Sunday of Advent


• Nominating Committee - J. Hand appointed to the Committee. Members: H. Palmer, J. Hand, K. Schmidt, J. Dunderdale. Chapter requests the Committee meet to attend to current/upcoming business
• Vice-Chair of Chapter - referred to the Nominating Committee
• Property Committee Chair - referred to the Nominating Committee


• East window repair - recent storm damage to plexiglass panel. Repair estimate $8,257 (Active Glass and Mirror). Insurance ($2500 deductable) claim investigated. Cost charged to property maintenance approved
• Snow removal contract - accepted a proposal for 23/24 winter from Pro-Care of $5,175 + $100 per sanding
• Parish nurse funds - that an investment fund account be created for monies received or accumulated and designated parish nurse


Treasurer - Financial update presented on Sunday, 24 September, 8 and 10:30 a.m.. No specific feedback received. 30 September deficit of expenses over income is $66,580. 2023 income includes Diocesan Synod (Fabric Grant) of $45,000. Unrestricted funds ($60,000) to cover summer cash flow could be returned to unrestricted investment if available at year-end

Administration and Finance - meeting pending

Worship - planning for Christmas upcoming. Server training needs to be planned

Property - several issues have arisen. The Lay-Chair has called a meeting 24 October. Theft of hall furnace exhaust cover was fabricated for replacement and installed with no indication of cost as of yet; east window cover damage, Guild of St. Joseph replaced west door carpeting; cathedral sprinkler system replacement (+/- $175,000) to meet current safety code; hall chair lift out of operation estimated +/- $60,000 repair; security project update; cathedral boiler project; snow removal

Health and Pastoral Care - committee hasn’t met

Mission Outreach - 25 September Monday Outreach - 56 served, volunteers needed for 30 October; 3 Belize Mission scholarships 23/24 to Silvia Trapp, Caleb Martinez and Korey Kelly

Communications - no recent meeting

Christian Formation - meeting scheduled on 19 October

Welcome and Hospitality - Sunday refreshments. Several future events


Monday, 20 November 2023                                                            GMH

Bishop and Chapter News – September 2023

Bishop and Chapter met on 11 September 2023 with 10 of 13 members present. Minutes of the last meeting were unavailable and will be considered at the next meeting. Members read and briefly discussed “The Ultimate Guide to Delegation” (Nick Blevins) – categories: What to Delegate, To Whom to Delegate, How to Delegate. Resources to Delegate Better and 7 steps to follow included.



•   Preaching through the Season of Creation 01 September - 4 October; vacation 24 July - 13 August; staff meetings 27 June and 05 September, outside Communions (1), committee/group meetings (2), staff and deacon reviews completed, home visits (3), 3 home/hospital communions, 2 funerals / 1 committal / 2 attended, Evening Prayer Jackson Falls 23 August, July/August Sunday worship attendance (75 avg) - 10 September (106).

•   Vacancies: Chapter Property | Vice-Chair | Nominating


Synod Finance Committee (2)


•   17 September 8:00, 10:30, 4:00 every other week resumes
•   18-20 September - Diocesan Clergy Conference, Renforth


Bishop’s letters: appointment of Isabel Cutler, Deacon and permission to administer Communion (D. Beek)


•   Benevolence Policy - adopted as of 11 September 2023
•   Recognition - Canon Rod Black as Honorary Assistant


June Report of Planning Study - Source Alliance returned the final report of the feasibility study (January - May) regarding Cathedral restoration, Our Bishop has one other contact he wishes to make. Cathedral officers and the Bishop considering the next step in light of the current circumstances. Letters of thanks will be sent to planning study participants this week.


Treasurer - Offerings stable but below budget with a 31 August deficit of $55,657. Payroll and Shared Ministry is $36,000 monthly. $9,887 in flow through donations (PWRDF, community ministries etc.) to be transferred. Sunday financial update presentation before the end of September

Administration and Finance - tour guide season has ended with thanks

Worship - no report

Property - noted recent gifts-in-kind with thanks

Health and Pastoral Care - no meeting. Only a few COVID test kits left

Mission Outreach - completed draft Benevolence Policy; Belize Missions Yard Sale for scholarships a success; Mijia’s from Honduras visited 25 June

Communications - no recent meeting. Additional souvenirs were acquired for sale during the summer tour season

Christian Formation - planning for 30 Sept Day of Truth and Reconciliation; Life in the Eucharist postponed to Fall 2024; Godly Play has resumed; discussed possible quiet space on the Green

Welcome and Hospitality - no meeting. 3 committee members + Dean


•   Nominating Committee - 4-1st term / 1-2nd term vacancies upcoming in 2024. T. Maston (Lay-Chair) plans not to let his name stand for a second term
•   30 September - Day of Truth and Reconciliation
•   21 October - Farraline Gala Fundraiser


Monday, 16 October 2023                                                                GMH

Bishop and Chapter News – June 2023

Bishop and Chapter met on 19 June 2023 with 12 of 13 members present. Minutes of the meeting on 15 May 2023 were adopted.



  • outside corporate Communions (2); committee/group meetings (4); Thy Kingdom Come (18-28 May) Novena weekdays; Ordination (30 May); weekly staff meetings (4); work planning with Director of Music; marriage preparation (1) Wedding (17 Jun); home visits (4); 3 home / hospital communions; 2 Cathedral funerals / 2 attended; Evensong - Installation/Collation (04 Jun); Staff and Deacon reviews underway (3); collaboration with I. Cutler re deacon appointment; generally running behind on pastoral visitation; proposing vacation 24 July - 13 August
  • Recommend publicizing “Help Wanted.” Various needs including: communion administrators; home communions; hospital visitors; lectors; intercessors; servers, website content and maintenance, social media maintenance; others identified by committees
  • Vacancies: Chapter Vice-Chair | Chapter Property | Nominating


  • Synod Finance Committee (1); Diocesan Council (1)


  • Appointment recommendation to the Bishop. That we recommend our Bishop consider the appointment of the Rev’d Isabel Cutler, as Deacon at Christ Church Cathedral
  • Administration of Communion. Request our Bishop grant permission for Donna Beek to administer communion.
  • Approve transfer of 400 shares of BMO securities to Diocesan Consolidated Investments (Cathedral Anglican Church Women)
  • move an additional $20,000 unrestricted investments to operating fund for summer cash flow bringing the total to $70,000


June Report of Planning Study - Source Alliance having returned the final report of the feasibility study (January - May) regarding Cathedral restoration, Our Bishop chaired this portion of the meeting. The Report suggests an urgency as well as several options for consideration. The Report was shared with members of the Chapter with a request that it not yet be made public. Our Bishop requested some time to make several key contacts and that the Chapter continue in discernment.


Treasurer - May offerings $36,860. Year-to-date deficit to 31 May -$39,739. Summer cash flow deficiency anticipated

Administration and Finance - interview of tour guides this week; June staff reviews underway

Worship - no report

Property - Unforeseen Cathedral furnace repair to be completed in the next few weeks - $34,000 to 38,000 estimated total cost

Health and Pastoral Care - no meeting of purview groups as of yet

Mission Outreach - in process: considering policy for request for benevolent funds; Belize Missions Yard Sale for St. Hilda scholarships; Mijia’s from Honduras visit 25 June

Communications - weddings at the Cathedral website post series; video for St. Saviour Latvia - Night of the Churches event;; Thy Kingdom Come “daily short readings” videos; publicity for current events

Christian Formation - planning for 30 Sept Day of Truth and Reconciliation; fall 2023 Life in the Eucharist

Welcome and Hospitality - assisted with refreshments for a June funeral; Mejia visit refreshments/luncheon 25 June



  • Monday, 11 September 2023                                                            GMH

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2023

Bishop and Chapter met on 15 May 2023 with 11 of 13 members present (11 0f 13). A printed version of preaching for the Fifth Sunday of Easter was circulated. (Audio here) Conversation re post-resurrection Sunday themes, contrasting planning from business and a spiritual perspective. Minutes of the meeting on 20 March 2023 were adopted.



  • outside Communions (3); committee/group meetings (3); Lenten book study; deaneries clericus; summary of Easter worship - total attendance 245; Vacation 11-25 April; MU Diocesan Rally 29 May; Ordination 30 May; Coronation Evensong 14 May; weekly staff meetings; marriage preparation (2); home visits (4); hospital/home communions (6); 1 funeral/3 funerals attended; challenge in meeting current pastoral needs.
  • Chapter vacancies: Chapter Property Committee, Vice-Chair, Nominating Committee membership.


  • Diocesan Finance Committee (1); Bishop’s Counsel 26 April; Clergy Day 04 May


Ascension Day 18 May; Thy Kingdom Come 18-28 May (Novena weekdays 5:15 p.m.); W. Turney funeral 30 May; V. Sinclair funeral 10 June; Ritz/Saulnier wedding 10 June; Installation of Canons and Collation 11 June; Swanwick/English wedding 17 June


  • Anglican Church Women Executive - letter dated 04 May 2023 expressing serious concern about the vacancy of the position of parish nurse and requesting there be a search undertaken to fill the vacancy
  • Canadian Heritage - response to inquiry. Canadian Heritage does not support church heritage renovation projects


  • Parish Nurse - high degree of awareness of the need for Cathedral health ministry under our circumstances. The Dean initially responded to the correspondence with the reminder that the parish nurse staff position was included in the 2023 Budget with the hopes that monthly budget targets could be met. Further consideration needed


  • Funds transfer - up to $50,000 from unrestricted invested funds to provide for cash flow May to September


Treasurer - 5 Sunday April (including Easter) revenue $50,785, slightly exceeding the budget target of $48,499 for the first time in 2023. The Year to Date deficit of expense over income stands at - $13,594.

Administration and Finance - advertising, training and hire of tour guides is a current priority

Worship - some decorating will be attempted for the Day of Pentecost

Property - no report

Health and Pastoral Care - exploration of possible programming with UNB student nurses

Mission Outreach - helpful first meeting with those engaged in mission and outreach ministries. Progress towards a draft policy to guide our response to requests made for funding

Communications - Chapter and others encouraged to join a schedule of 2 minutes for ministry presentations on Sundays

Christian Formation - exploring creating opportunities as part of advanced planning for the upcoming 2023 Day of Truth/Reconciliation

Welcome and Hospitality - newcomers event with 35+ in attendance Pentecost will include normal refreshments following 10:30 worship


  • Ascension Day (18 May) and Thy Kingdom Come (18-28 May)
  • Day of Pentecost (28 May)

NEXT MEETING Monday, 16 June 2023


Bishop and Chapter News – March 2023

Bishop and Chapter met on 20 March with members in person and by way of video conference. 12 of 13 members present. Members were asked to read in advance an article from Alban at Duke Divinity SchoolPutting the How Before the What,” Stephen Chapin Garner. Discussion about one church’s experience with a “call-based” approach to leadership, passion and energy for leadership and the importance of putting relationships/community as first priority. What could be identified as a crisis of organizational structure might rather be a crisis of faith. Minutes from a short meeting on 13 February 2023 dealing with the 2023 Budget were adopted.


•   outside Communions (2)
•   committee/group meetings (4)
•   Monday Lenten book study / dropping in on Lenten programs
•   weekly staff meetings
•   Narrative Budget completed and circulated
•   Vacancies
Chapter Property Committee
•   Diocesan Finance Committee (2)
•   Diocesan Council (1)
•   Vacation 11-25 April


• Appointments

- Vice-Chair - nomination to the Bishop needed- Advisory Committee on Appointments - appointed
- Nominating Committee - inquiries for appointment to be made
- Safe Church Officer - Diane Wilkins appointed
- Property Committee - nomination needed for Bishop’s appointment

[for more information see the current Chapter By-Law]

• 2023 Budget - slight discrepancy between Annual Report and Chapter-approved not affecting the bottom line. Motion to correct


  • Treasurer - Financials show a slight surplus having received the grant from the City for summer tour guides. Offerings in January and February slightly below budget. Parish Financial Return due 15 March now submitted.
  • Administration and Finance - helpful update from Envelope Secretary; noted difference in Chapter Budget and Annual adopted version; needs for 23 tour guide programme in view
  • Property - Unexpected Cathedral furnace repairs needed. Early estimated cost $12,000
  • Health and Pastoral Care - Health Ministry has several projects in process: health information session, Medley Tea; on-going: dementia support, Yoga, prayer shawls
  • Mission Outreach - reviewing annual reports and making contact with mission sub-groups and committees (Monday Morning, Belize Missions, Cathedral Missions) Monday Morning Outreach continues monthly with some new support for food contributions
  • Communications - nothing to report
  • Christian Formation - Review of Lenten programming, looking ahead to future. Considering future events on racism, indigenous reconciliation, anti-Semitism
  • Welcome and Hospitality - a committee meeting pending
  • Worship - contacting potential members for servers’ guild


•   Palm Sunday (02 April) Easter (09 April)
•   29 April Diocesan Mothers’ Union Rally / 30 April Ordination


Monday, 15 May 2023                                                                               GMH

Bishop and Chapter News – January 2023

Bishop and Chapter met 0n 16 January 2023 by video conference 11 of 13 members present. Members were asked to read in advance “5 Ideas for Managing Your Church Budget in the New ‘Normal’” by Ken Sloane (Discipleship Ministries - United Methodist Church). The “ideas” included: quarterly planning, approaches to past comparisons, recognizing “inflation dollars,” use of technology to making funding the budget more efficient and, study of building assets. Minutes from 12 December 2022 were adopted.


•   a note of thanks was received from Sexton Ashley Swim


•   funerals (2); outside Communions (1)
•   committee/group meetings (3); nominating committee (2); Narrative Budget Team (2); Chapter Executive (1)
•   usual staff meetings weekly
•   Christmas worship attendance: Eve: 187/70/81; Day 16/39
•   Vacancies

Safe Church Officer
Synod substitute (16-35)
Assistant(s) to the Verger
Mission Outreach

•   Diocesan Finance Committee
•   Vacation 11-25 April 2023


Planning Study - Meeting of Bishop and Chapter, diocesan officers and Source Alliance regarding the planning study being conducted over the next several months to determine potential renovation fund-raising


Amendment - minor correction for accuracy to November 2021 minutes
Reception of report - Cathedral Conditions and Issues Report official acceptance
2023 Budget - several issues pertaining to the 2023 budget were discussed and decided. Larger projects can complicate clear communication about giving targets and progress. Consideration of simplifying weekly bulletin updates in 2023 was discussed and may help continue to keep the most important information before us
Annual Meeting - Sunday, 26 February 2023
Investment - movement of some funds for year-end


Treasurer - December was a strong month for offerings with $84,047 enabling us to finish December in a surplus position ($40,368 offering over expenses). Overall offerings year over year down by $38,000. Underspending on maintenance and staffing, finishes 2022 in a slight surplus position
Administration and Finance - work on 2023 budget with the Stewardship Team working on a narrative version; intend return to staff handbook task; thanks to a retiring offering counter team; new team appointed
Property - continuing to deal with critical issues while minimizing expense where possible
Health and Pastoral Care - Health Ministry struggling to determine what events are appropriate under changing circumstances
Nominating - challenges exist regarding nominations for Chapter


•   24 January - Source Alliance, Chapter and Diocese
•   21 February - Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
•   22 February - Ash Wednesday
•   26 February - Annual Meeting
•   02 April - Palm Sunday


Monday, 13 February 2023                                                                       GMH

Bishop and Chapter News – December 2022

Bishop and Chapter met 12 December 2022 in person and with video conference participation, 7 of 13 members present. A short discussion on an article entitled “One Invitation Away from Returning” by Rebekah Simon-Peter (LeadingIdeas - Lewis Center for Christian Leadership). One premise included is similar to that of the “Back to Church”/ Season of Invitation movement: that personal invitation is the one most effective tool for building congregations. The reminder is significant, especially as we move into post-pandemic times when many changed worship attendance patterns. Minutes from 21 November 2022 were adopted.


•   letter of thanks was sent to Vice-Chancellor Kelly VanBuskirk following legal advice requested and received during the Fall

From the Dean

•   outside Communions (1)
•   committee/group meetings (4)
•   usual staff meetings weekly
•   Giving Tuesday successful campaign
•   meeting with Source Alliance
•   Narrative Budget Team (1)
•   Staff dinner at Lexington
•   Funeral out of town (1)
•   Nominating Committee (1)
•   Guild of St. Joseph social
•   Mothers' Union dinner and social
•   Vacancies: Safe Church; Synod substitute (16-35); Assistant(s) to the Verger; Chapter Mission/Outreach
•   Diocesan Finance Committee (1) / Diocesan Council (1) / Synod Planning (1)

For Information

Feasibility Study - Source Alliance continues to work towards the community interview stage of a study to explore wider support for a project to address Cathedral needs summarized in the 2022 Building Conditions and Issues Report. Over a hundred individuals have been identified. A case for support document is nearing completion for use during interviews and to share information about a potential campaign. Funding for the Study accessed from non-restricted invested funds. A meeting of Chapter and Diocesan executive representatives tentatively set for mid-January

For Decision

Stipend and Staff salaries 2023 - cost of living increase of 4% on the 2023 scale of minimum stipends. Dean’s stipend in 2023 $61,324 ($16,414 above minimum). Regulation 7-2 Remuneration and Compensation. A 4.5 % cost of living increase to 2022 budgeted amounts for staff salaries in 2023. In addition, the Sexton’s salary was increased by $3,000. Details will be in the proposed budget for 2023.


Treasurer - deficit position has improved, largely due to no unexpected expenses and lower than expected fuel costs (milder weather.) We continue showing a consistent decline/under performance in offerings year-to-date at about -10%. With revenue counted from unplanned sources, including from the Diocesan Synod, the deficit stands at $6,685.

Miscellaneous - Giving Tuesday campaign in support of school lunch programme exceeded the initial goal and the total of $2000. Some insulation of Cathedral basement doorway/conversion of choir room lights to led. Nominating Committee is exploring possible nominations for 2023. Formation and Welcome may be collaborating on an event for new congregational members in the new year.


•   Christmas Lessons and Carols, 4:00 p.m. (18 December)
•   Christmas Worship (Christmas and New Year’s on Sunday)


Bishop and Chapter News – November 2022

Bishop and Chapter met 21 November 2022 in person and with video conference participation, 9 of 13 members present. The Dean led some discussion about governance structure referring specifically to the board model now in place for Bishop and Chapter since 2015. The goal is that all Cathedral ministries fall under one of eight Chapter committees which improves communication, the Chapter being elected for the purpose of making decisions not solving problems. A simple schematic was referenced. Minutes from 17 October 2022 were adopted.


•   request for funding from Montgomery Street School Home and School Association

From the Dean

•  Cathedral: outside Communions (1); committee/group meetings (6); baptism preparation concluded; Greater Chapter and Diocesan Synod; usual staff meetings weekly; opening of the legislature; Remembrance Day and Campus Ministry Event; First Communions; 20 November; Deanery Clericus (1)
•  Role Vacancies: Safe Church Officer; Synod substitute (16-35); Assistant(s) to the Verger; Mission Outreach
•  Diocesan: Diocesan Finance Committee (1); Synod Planning (2); Ordination 20 November; Fredericton and York Deanery Clericus (1)

For Information

Potential Restoration Project - Facilitated by Source Alliance, the draft of a Case for Support of a project responding to the Building Conditions and Issues Report is nearing final stages. In the next several weeks meetings of both Chapter and Diocesan executives will be scheduled with the goal of interviews beginning in the new year.

Nominating Committee - a motion to amend the Bishop and Chapter By-Law regarding appointment, membership, and function of the Nominating Committee was adopted unanimously and will be finalized by Archbishop Edwards.

For Decision

Electrical Contractor - Dobbelsteyn S&M retained as contracter

School Lunch Programme Support - that we support Montgomery Street School lunch programme in the amount of $2000

Transfer of Funds - that $9,669 be transferred to the investment fund having been given and restricted for special purposes


Treasurer - some significant progress was made in revenue during October with Thanksgiving and a five-Sunday month. October expenses under budget but YTD expenditures are $26,838 over. Year-to-date revenue deficit $15,019. Decline in regular offerings continues during 2022. Preparing the 2023 budget will be challenging

Communications - 2 Minutes for Ministry presentations encouraged. Christmas advertising budget to be used on Facebook

Property - moving to complete the smaller possible projects. Northside Cathedral basement doors have been identified

Finance and Administration - work on a Narrative Budget, staff policy handbook and consideration of third-party insurance continue

Welcome and Hospitality - refreshments following worship are slowly resuming. Interest is being expressed and will support a new committee

Health and Pastoral Care - Health Ministry met 10 November. Assessing possible programming under current circumstances

Christian Formation - one baptism on 05 November, six first communions 20 November. ADVENT-ures programming underway.


•   Advent Lessons and Carols, 4:00 pm (27 November)
•   Giving Tuesday 29 November
•   Christmas Lessons and Carols, 4:00 p.m. (18 December)
•   Usual Christmas Schedule (Christmas and New Year’s on Sunday)


Bishop and Chapter News – October 2022

Bishop and Chapter met 17 October 2022 in person with video conference participation with 8 of 13 members present. An article “7 Ways to Make it Easier to Talk About Money” by Ann A. Michel was discussed. The Dean shared his three guiding principles for communication about money: consistency, transparency and removal of emotion. Minutes from 26 September 2022 were adopted with thanks to the Secretary.


•   resignation of Sam Mayo as member of Bishop and Chapter

From the Dean

•   outside Communions (Farraline Place and Windsor Court) (2)
•   committee meetings (3)
•   1 funeral
•   worship for Truth and Reconciliation 30 Sept
•   Farraline fund-raising dinner
•   following legal counsel, final termination letter to Parish Nurse
•   Worship customs under review
•   Life in the Eucharist continues
•   Weekends with Evensong are “full”
•   Baptism preparation underway for one adult on 06 Nov
•   Vacancies
Safe Church Officer, Synod substitute (16-35), Assistant(s) to the Verger

•   Diocesan Finance Committee (1)
•   Synod Planning (1)
•   Bishop’s Counsel (1)
•   Fredericton and York Deanery Clericus (1)

Information and Discussion

Potential Restoration Project - In response to the Conditions and Issues report, Source Alliance is engaged to prepare a “case for support” by mid- November. Interviews will follow to gauge support and possibility. Final report by Spring. We are reminded that such a project will require considerable internal resources and effort. The challenge will be to determine if we have what’s required to launch such an endeavour and if not, what that means for the Cathedral and perhaps, even more importantly, for the Diocese.

Nominating Committee - proposal to be circulated for modification of the Chapter By-Law regarding function of the Nominating Committee

Governance - some initial discussion of “board” vs “ad-hoc” models


Treasurer - there was some progress made on our deficit in September. We continue to be $37,000 + in expenses over revenue. October thus far appears to be a stronger income month especially with Thanksgiving. We’re hopeful we can continue to make progress to the end of year

Property - the retainer with Carmichael as mechanical contractor has been secured. Batteries for Cathedral emergency lighting have been replaced. Several technical manuals have been digitized.

Finance and Administration - clarification on status of Sarah Ecker as Parish Nurse. Hopes to convene our Stewardship Team. Progress on the Staff Handbook (employment policies). Exploring concerns about third-party liability insurance of users of our facilities

Welcome and Hospitality - working toward building committee membership. Considering worship refreshments

Christian Formation - Life in the Eucharist with six participants - First Communion 20 November, Dante’s Inferno study group, Godly Play and virtual Taize on-going. Advent planning in progress


•   Diocesan Synod 05 November 2022 (Cathedral)
•   First Communions - 20 November 2022
•   Ordination 20 November 2022
•   Advent Procession (Lessons and Carols) - 27 November 2022
•   Christmas Lessons and Carols - 18 December 2022