Bishop and Chapter News – March 2024

Bishop and Chapter met on 13 March 2024 with 11 of 14 members. Minutes of the 16 January, 06 and 25 February 2024 were adopted. With the intent of providing some brief orientation for newer members, the article “Re-inventing Boards That Bore: Overcoming Micromanagement” was circulated. The Dean offered reflections on the Cathedral Chapter structure, some of the unhelpful ways we regard committees, minutes, agendas and meetings creating barriers and “Tips for Chairing Effective Meetings.” "Reluctant to embrace formality we can’t allow informality to become disorganization.”


J. Yeamans - resignation from the role of Treasurer as of 30 April 2024. Jamie is making an employment change that will require his attention


• the usual report of pastoral and administrative activity since the last meeting of chapter

• 2 meetings of Synod Finance Committee; 1 Diocesan Counsel

• Holy Week begins 24 March, Easter 31 March, North American Deans Conference in April. Schedule to be published.


• Signing authorities - R. Crowe and H. Palmer be added to bank account signatories
• Safe Church - that all members of Chapter acquire Police Record Checks and Safe Church Training by 30 April 2024


Nominating - noted that succession planning be part of Chapter committee goals. A meeting will be scheduled soon to consider the impending treasurer vacancy

Buildings and Property - currently assembling and updating a list of items now before us. Cathedral heating zone pump replaced in January. Committee meeting scheduled 14 March

Communications - usual ongoing tending of web and social media. The Committee is prepared to offer design/creation of graphics and posters for events and other needs

Finance and Administration - active items: formulation of strategy for implementation of Safe Church policy, Staff policies handbook, need for ongoing initiatives on financial/giving with former Stewardship Team now inactive

Christian Formation - committee moving forward with planning for a program offering of several learning sessions on “Living with Dying,” hopefully during the Easter Season, Ad-LENT-ures devotional/educational opportunities continue and going well

Health / Pastoral Care - active items: 2 new hospital visitors, spring social gathering, Helping Hands and Prayer Shawl ministries active; exploring offering spring blood pressure clinics; chair Yoga to resume in April, initiative to update Call and Cathedral Visitors’ lists

Mission / Outreach - on-going conversation about pending proposal by Mothers’ Union for a neighbourhood food cupboard, Belize Missions financial commitments re school support and scholarships up to date

Welcome Hospitality - luncheon following Annual Meeting seemed to go smoothly. Simple Soup Supper being planned for Maundy Thursday, 5:30 p.m.

Worship - hopes for servers and youth choir for Easter Day at 10:00 a.m.; proposed that keyboard needed for choir rehearsals be purchased; investigating Prayer Book replacement needs at the Cathedral


• Next meeting - 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, 09 April 2024: Safe Church training
• Palm Sunday 24 March; Easter 31 March


Posted in Bishop and Chapter News, News.

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