Recently, the Cathedral Youth Group (CYG) met at Mitch Clarke Park for an outdoor ice skating session.
The group of middle and high schoolers had taken a hiatus from in-person programming while the province was under more restrictive levels of the COVID-19 Winter Plan. Members of the group who were able to attend were thrilled to be back together and having fun outdoors.
Since then, CYG has been able to meet again inside Cathedral Memorial Hall. The kids typically meet in the Main Hall on the stage, which has been converted into a youth area now that the Synod Office has expended its offices into the former youth room upstairs.
Members of CYG are excited to host episode screenings of The Chosen as part of the Christian Formation Team's Ad-LENT-ures devotional programming. Individuals from the congregation and beyond are invited to visit Memorial Hall each Sunday in Lent from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. (the typical youth group time slot), to watch the show about the life of Christ and the disciples. The kids plan to make popcorn to share with attendees.
Imagine Christians from over 170 countries coming together in spirit, uniting on a common day to pray for relevant issues affecting women and children. This is a reality: the World Day of Prayer movement has been active for nearly 100 years.
The motto of the World Day of Prayer movement is Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action. Through our participation in the World Day of Prayer, we affirm that prayer and action are inseparable and that both have immeasurable influence on the world.
A television broadcast of the World Day of Prayer will be available to watch in Fredericton on Friday, 04 March at 9:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. and 10:05 p.m. on Bell Fiber TV channel 26 and Bell TV satellite channel 539.
Donations made online or by mail to Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada will help support women and children who are fighting injustice and abuse. Learn more at <>.
The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement which brings Christians of many traditions together to observe a common day of prayer each year. Through preparation and participation in the worship service, we can learn how our sisters of other countries, languages and cultures understand the Biblical passages in their context. We can hear their concerns and needs and can join in solidarity with them as we pray with and for them. In this way, it is possible to enrich our Christian faith as it grows deeper and broader in an international, ecumenical expression.
During the Season of Lent, all members of the Cathedral congregation are encouraged to consider individual or small group study or reflection. The 40 days of Lent are an excellent time to take on a discipline of deeper reflection on the Christian life, growing personally in discipleship as well as helping us grow as a community of Christian faith. (See BAS p. 282 and BCP p. 612)
Listen to Kurt Schmidt speak about Ad-LENT-ures this year.
Grace and Gratitude
Lectionary study with the Dean on the upcoming Sunday readings. 2:00-3:15pm, online or Cathedral Memorial Hall. RSVP to dean at or the Cathedral Office.
Lent us Pray
A five-part series of hands-on study and practice with various methods of prayer. Explore lectio divina, intercessory prayer, prayer with photography and poetry, the Psalms, and lament -- with a different local-expert facilitator for each session. Drop in to one, some, many or all! No RSVP needed. 5:30-6:30pm, Cathedral. **Please note that this time has been changed from the printed version.07 March: Kurt Schmidt, lectio divina; 14 March: Isabel Cutler, intercessory prayer; 21 March: Jill Dunderdale, photography and poetry; 28 March: Kurt Schmidt, praying with the psalms; 04 April: Cheryl Jacobs, lament.
Art & Faith
An Ignatian-flavoured contemplative consideration of select works of sacred art. Drop-in session hosted by Kurt Schmidt. 5:30-6:00pm, online via Zoom. Link through the Cathedral calendar.
Practicing Lament
Diocesan Lenten Study of the recent book by Rebekah Eklund. Led by Cheryl Jacobs and sponsored by the Diocese of Fredericton and Bishop David Edwards. 7:00-8:30pm, online via Zoom (beginning 9 March). Register here.
Virtual Taizé Thursdays
Ecumenical and contemplative service of worship that incorporates simple song, scripture and silence. 5:30-6:00pm, alternating online via Zoom (03, 17, 31 March, 07 April) and in-person/live-streamed from the Cathedral (10, 24 March). Link through the Cathedral calendar or Cathedral YouTube channel. Curious about Taizé? Read about an online session and in-person Taizé at the Cathedral.
The Power and the Glory
Study of the 1940 novel by Graham Greene. RSVP to host Alan Hall <alanwilliamhall at> or the Cathedral Office. 7:00-8:00pm, Cathedral Memorial Hall Lounge.
Stations of the Cross
Various versions of the ancient meditation on the Via Crucis (Way of the Cross). 12:00 noon, Cathedral.
The Chosen
Intergenerational screening of the first season of The Chosen, the largest crowd-funded media project in history, about the life of Christ and the disciples. 6:00-8:00pm, Cathedral Memorial Hall. RSVP requested, and popcorn provided! Contact Kurt Schmidt <formation at> or the Cathedral Office.
Contact Facilitators and Join
Please contact the facilitators directly to: express interest / ask a question / register. Take special note of online options. Flexibility in schedules and locations may be possible within given restraints.
Geoffrey Hall: email or phone (506) 450-7761 or the Cathedral Office
Kurt Schmidt: email or phone (506) 259-3711 or the Cathedral Office
Cheryl Jacobs: email or phone (506) 459-5795 or the Cathedral Office
Alan Hall: email or phone (506) 443-0196 or the Cathedral Office
The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, 20 February at 12:00 p.m, in the Cathedral following worship, and simultaneously via web conference. A representative from each family in the congregation is urged to participate.
Members of the congregation can participate in two ways:
1) Attend the meeting in-person.
2) Participate online via Zoom using the link in the Cathedral calendar. If you've used Zoom on your device before, you're all set. If not, you'll be given instructions for installing the Zoom application. Zoom participants will be able to view speakers at the lectern, vote using on-screen polls, and ask questions through a moderator.
Please note: As of Monday, 28 February, proof of vaccination will no longer be required in the Cathedral or Memorial Hall. All other pandemic precautions listed below remain at this time.
New Brunswick returns to Level 1 of Public Health's COVID-19 Winter Plan on 18 February. As a congregation, we continue to be watchful and will implement and communicate changes as needed. During Level 1, we will continue to require proof of vaccination upon entry. Please be as understanding as possible with greeters, who are required to check vaccination records as required under Public Health directives.
At the Cathedral, current precautions during worship include:
1. Vaccination status (ends 28 February). Proof of full vaccination is required for all age 12 and up at the Cathedral. ID will be required for those not known to greeters. These requirements apply similarly to weddings, funerals, and events held in Cathedral Memorial Hall.
2. Face masks. The Government of New Brunswick mandates wearing masks in gatherings. Choose a tight fitting mask without gaps, and ensure that your nose and mouth are covered.
3. Self-monitor. If you have any symptoms of illness – even mild – please stay at home. Livestreams and recordings of worship are available on our YouTube channel.
4. Entering and exiting. Please be understanding of those who may wish to maintain some personal space. Keeping personal traffic flowing at entrances will be helpful.
5. Seating. Greeters may be able to help you find suitable seating if you prefer to remain distanced.
6. Hand sanitation. Please continue to be attentive to frequent hand washing and the use of hand sanitizer, especially before and after contact with high touch surfaces.
7. Communion. At Communion, approach in one line up the center aisle, with your mask in place. The host only will be safely delivered to your hands. Return by way of a side aisle. Please consume the host after leaving the Communion station, removing your mask briefly
8. Offering. The offering will be received with a plate near the back of the Cathedral and collected by greeters following worship.
As always, thank you for your continuing cooperation as we care for ourselves and others.
Our worship livestream is available to watch at 10:30 am on Sundays, if you are not able to be with us. Both livestreams and recordings can be found on our YouTube channel. Audio podcasts are also available. Listen here. Get notification of new episodes when you Subscribe here.
The Health Ministry Team is willing to assist members of the congregation with making appointments for vaccinations and answering health questions. Please contact our Parish Nurse, Sarah Ecker.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Cathedral Office by email or phone (506) 450-8500, or the Dean by email or (506) 450-7761.
Our Parish Nurse, Sarah Ecker, offers her reflections on change.
It seems to be time again for some more changes to be coming our way. This can be exciting and daunting, even at the same time. Part of maintaining your whole health is to accept that these things are not always as “either/or” as we would like them to be, but more of “both/and”. As this pandemic churns on, and hopefully begins to wane, we will be met with new opportunities and old obligations to consider. I would like to offer you this question to ponder: What is your readiness to return? In looking forward, what do you desire your life to look like? This season is a really good time to reflect on what brought you connection, joy, and fulfillment pre-pandemic; what was changed by the pandemic and what do you need to bring you wholeness, going forward?
Some food for thought might be, group activities - like book clubs, Bible studies, hobbies, community socials, worship, support groups, sports or even games or yoga; or maybe you were more interested in music, choirs, watching a play, going for a walk with a friend, travelling, or volunteering. Whatever your mix, I would love to encourage people to start dreaming again. As the days begin to warm up, the snow begins to melt, and we all start to thaw out of this very long literal, and proverbial winter state, what will be “life-bringing” to you? It is very important to not bypass legitimate feelings of anxiety or caution, but now is a good time to take an inventory of them and ponder the external metrics that will help you spring to life in ways that honour your experiences and values. As well, we want to be intentional about making space for others as we find our “new normal”.
To come together and heal and grow in community is always the goal, but to have some authentic self-definition is a good starting place to begin the reflecting and introspection phase. That will allow room for the gentleness, compassion, patience, and connection that we are all needing, while respecting people and the pace they feel comfortable moving at. We have adapted and grown and have many tools in our kits for our safety, like, the use of masks and vaccines. Some might be ready to go and others might need a nudge from a friend to consider joining in something again, and that is okay. When mandates and restrictions are no more, the responsibility will shift to us -- to know our own limitations, and to accept that others have their reasons for caution, but to work together to use wisdom to engage safely in this next unknown phase.
Where are you at, and what will be your next steps in your readiness to return?
Beverly Morell (center) with granddaughters Rachel (left) and Cara (right), delivering lunch bags to Cathedral Memorial Hall - with Bailey the dog.
Donations accepted until 15 April.
When Beverly Morell heard that Lunch Connection in Saint John was looking for volunteers to sew cloth bags to help make their school lunch program more environmentally friendly, she was struck with inspiration.
Her granddaughter, Cara, has an interest in sewing and had received a sewing machine for Christmas. Beverly saw this as a perfect opportunity to teach her granddaughter while helping others.
Volunteers are requested to sew simple drawstring bags for lunches donated to schoolchildren. Through the program, approximately 400 children in six K-8 schools receive subsidized lunches three times a week. Cloth bags will result in a significant decrease in waste, as the program currently uses paper bags. Program organizers are requesting 1200 cloth bags so they can be washed between uses.
The Anglican Diocese of Fredericton has placed a drop-box in the lobby of Cathedral Memorial Hall. They are asking people to put completed bags or fabric (at least 12" x 28") in the drop-box in the lobby of Cathedral Memorial Hall during office hours, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. The deadline is April 15. Bags will be delivered periodically to Saint John by Synod Office staff.
On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 11:59 p.m., the Province of New Brunswick returns to Level 2 of the COVID-19 Winter Plan, with precautions to reduce the spread of the highly transmissible Omicron variant. We continue to be watchful and will implement and communicate changes as needed.
*** Please note that worship on Sunday, 30 January will remain online as scheduled, since preparations were already in place. Watch the livestream at 10:30 a.m. on our YouTube channel. We look forward to resuming in-person worship on Wednesday, 02 February.
New Brunswick Public Health's COVID-19 Winter Plan informs all sectors of current restrictions and protocols. Visit the website for information about how the Plan will affect your activities.
During Level 2, our capacity at worship gatherings is reduced to 50%, requiring 2 metres of distance between bubbles and masks are required at all times. No corporate singing is allowed, which means that there will be no congregational singing but a soloist at 4 metres distance is allowed. We will continue to require proof of vaccination upon entry. Please be as understanding as possible with greeters, who are required to check vaccination records as required under Public Health directives.
Groups and events at the Memorial Hall are also limited to 50% capacity, two metres of distance, masks at all times (except briefly when eating or drinking while seated), and proof of vaccination.
In Level 2, the Cathedral Office will return to regular office hours: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.
To review
Proof of double vaccination or medical exemption is currently required for anyone 12+ attending worship in the Cathedral or visiting Memorial Hall. Please remember to bring your vaccine record to worship and group events, and wear your mask. Leaders of groups holding meetings at Cathedral Memorial Hall will be responsible for checking proof of vaccination for those attending [details]. Individuals visiting during office hours please check-in at the Cathedral Office.
The current Sunday bulletin will continue to outline restrictions in place, including:
NO CORPORATE SINGING - the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus is proving to be quickly spread and readily airborne. Some studies have indicated that singing in groups can add an unnecessary risk of transmission if someone happens to be infected.
VACCINATION STATUS - Proof of full vaccination is required for all age 12 and up at the Cathedral. ID will be required for those not known to greeters. These requirements apply similarly to weddings, funerals, and events held in Cathedral Memorial Hall as per current direction by Public Health.
FACE MASKS - The Government of New Brunswick currently mandates wearing masks in gatherings.
As always thank you for your continuing cooperation as we care for ourselves and others.
Worship livestreams are available at worship times and as recorded on our YouTube channel. Audio podcasts are also available. Listen here. Get notification of new podcast episodes when you Subscribe here.
The Health Ministry Team is willing to assist members of the congregation with making appointments for vaccinations and answering health questions. Please contact our Parish Nurse, Sarah Ecker <nurse at>.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Cathedral Office <office at> or phone (506) 450-8500, or the Dean <dean at> or (506) 450-7761.
Ms. Jane Martinez, Principal of St. Hilda's Anglican School in Belize, recently sent us a 'Year In Review' document with photos that show an overview of activities at the school in 2021. Throughout the pandemic, education has been a combination of in-person and online learning, depending on the COVID infection rates at different times of the year. Several construction and repair projects have also been underway at St. Hilda's.
She also shared a video greeting on behalf of the staff and students. Watch it below.
Please pray for the students and teachers at St. Hilda's elementary school, our high school scholarship students, and their families. Contributions towards the Belize mission are welcome and appreciated, especially during these pandemic times when the Missions Committee has not been able to hold a fundraiser. You may give and receive a charitable tax receipt by making an online donation or submitting a donation marked 'Belize' through the Cathedral office or offering plate.
Our Parish Nurse, Sarah Ecker, offers encouragement and suggestions for wellbeing.
In the cold of January during another round of single household bubbles and reduced contact with family, friends, and community, I just want to send a note of encouragement. You are not alone. Part of maintaining wholistic health is found in taking care of our mental and spiritual wellbeing. Here are a few practical ways to do this:
** Connect with others over phone or video calls - you can even schedule a group chat with some friends on a weekly basis.
** Try to get some sunlight, even if that means pulling up a chair beside the window and pretending to be in a warmer place. On the odd warm day, bundle up and get some fresh air, even if that means opening your windows or sitting outside for a few minutes.
** Make room for your feelings and emotions. Being cooped up is hard, and it is important to recognize when it is making us feel out of sorts. You can use this as an indicator that maybe you should reach out to someone you trust to have a meaningful conversation and connect.
There is no shame in talking about the challenges of these times. We can accept that while we have many things to be thankful for, we can also struggle. Those two concepts can exist together, and accepting reality and finding ways to connect will help us stay mentally and spiritually well until we can all meet again. If you need a person to talk with, please reach out to myself or someone you feel comfortable sharing with. I pray for wellness despite the circumstances for you all.