News from St. Hilda’s Anglican School

We hold our friends in Belize in our hearts, praying for the students and teachers at St. Hilda's Anglican School, as well as the scholarship students who have moved on to High School. Ms. Jane Ramirez, Principal at St. Hilda's, recently sent us this note about activities at the school.

Greetings Kelley,

I pray that this email reaches you in good health. It has been some time since we communicated so I just wanted to send a greeting and give you some updates about what is happening at St. Hilda's Anglican School.

We are now back fully face to face for four days each week. It has been a challenge especially since Covid19 is still among us. We have had a few teachers and students who became sick. Thankfully, no one has gotten extremely ill. We have protocols in place to help prevent the spread of the virus.

We are looking forward to the new school year. It is my prayer that our preschool will open in September. We already have 18 students waiting. We are on the finishing touches and are grateful for your continued prayers and support. We have had some difficult days but God has been faithful. He has been good. We are nearing the time of our graduation which will be held on June 22nd. Our school year is almost over! Yeah! I am really looking forward to some vacation time in July.

Please greet our Friends of St. Hilda's. Sending our love and appreciation. I will be forwarding the reports for the scholarship recipients as soon as I receive them.

I pray the best for you all and look forward to hearing from you.



Honouring the Queen with a Jubilee Tea

On Saturday, 04 June, 2022, the Cathedral Branch of the Mothers’ Union (with the support of the ACW and other Fredericton MU branches) hosted “The Queen’s Jubilee Tea” to commemorate the 70th year since Her Majesty’s accession to the throne.

The Cathedral looked beautiful with the red, white and blue bunting combined with the Pentecost decorations!

Approximately 60 people attended and greatly enjoyed the abundant sandwiches and sweets. We listened to British music and sang “God Save the Queen” while sipping tea, sampling the Jubilee cake, and enjoying the fellowship of those who were in attendance.

It was a wonderful celebration that was held in conjunction with similar events hosted by MU Branches around the globe.

Many thanks for the financial donations, to those who provided the fancy sandwiches and sweets, and to those who volunteered their time to make tea, decorate and serve at this event.

-- Susan Watson, Co-Branch Leader, Mothers' Union - Cathedral Branch

The Queen’s Jubilee Tea

Hospital Visitors

Cathedral hospital visitors are eager to see patients at hospitals but no longer have access to patient information. If you or a member of your family is admitted and would welcome a visit, it’s necessary for us to know about the admission and the unit/room location of the patient.

If you have a planned admission or unexpectedly find yourself or a loved one in the hospital, please contact the Cathedral Office or the Dean with the unit and room number of the patient. Hospital visitors can no longer access private records from hospital records and patient listings are no longer provided.

Protocols at hospitals and care facilities have changed frequently during the pandemic, and we are still following the various safety procedures at each facility.

Communion at home or in hospital is available.

If you would like a home or hospital visit for yourself or a family member, please contact the Dean or the Cathedral Office.

Dean Geoffrey Hall: (506) 450-7761
Cathedral Office: (506) 450-8500

Cathedral Building Conditions and Issues Report

The Building Conditions and Issues report was prepared by the engineering firm of Heritage Standing Inc. (HSI).  The report contains a total of 36 recommendations, and classifies each recommendation as one of;

  • Emergency
  • High Priority
  • Medium Priority
  • Low Priority
  • Operational consideration

For each recommendation the report details the scope of the recommended work, the necessity for it, and the consequences of inaction.

A summary of the recommendations by category, with the current available funding, is included as an appendix.

To successfully complete this task will require developing partnerships with donors who share our interest in maintaining a historic heritage property.

Successfully raising the $8.5 to $9.0 million for restoration of the Cathedral is only a partial solution.  In addition, we need to develop revenue sources that will support the annual maintenance at its required levels.

An experienced consulting firm was engaged in the Fall of 2022 to assist in the significant challenge of determining fund-raising potential.

Read the full Report

Note of Gratitude from Cathedral Sexton Ashley Swim

To the Christ Church Cathedral community and family:

Lana, Piper and I would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all of you for the prayers, well wishes, gifts and cards [after the birth of daughter Sundae Joy]. We are so grateful and have felt every single prayer. I am honoured and blessed to be part of this church and church community.
With thanks,
The Lewis-Swim family

Celebrating the Bishop’s Pilgrimage

On the Day of Pentecost, Sunday, 05 June we celebrated with Archbishop David Edwards the conclusion of his pilgrimage through the Archdeaconry of Fredericton, arriving at the Cathedral just before 2:00 p.m..

A picnic lunch with hot dogs, sandwiches, popcorn and sweets began at about 12:00 noon. About 25 headed across the river to meet the Bishop at the north end of the Bill Thorpe Walking Bridge at about 1:30 p.m. The final celebration commenced just after 2:00 p.m.

Funeral for Canon Tom Smith

We are sad to announce the death of Canon Tom Smith on Friday, 03 June. Tom was a much loved member of the Cathedral congregation and clergy, and his friendship and spiritual care will be greatly missed.

Rest eternal grant unto him, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him.

Funeral Service and Requiem Eucharist will be held at Christ Church Cathedral, 12:00 pm on Wednesday, June 8, 2022. For those unable to attend, a live stream will be available on the Cathedral YouTube channel.

No flowers please. Donations, if desired, may be made to the Christ Church Cathedral Restoration Fund or Hospice Fredericton.

Messages from around the world

A postcard from Christ Church Cathedral is part of an exhibition hanging in St. Saviour's Anglican Church in Rīga, Latvia.

Each May, a country-wide event called Baznīcu nākts (Night of Churches) is held throughout Latvia. The festival lasts well into the night, with churches hosting concerts, lectures, discussions and prayer, and the public is invited to visit multiple churches to learn about cultural and spiritual values.

Typically, St. Saviour's -- the only Anglican Church in Latvia -- displays an exhibition of art created by members of its congregation. For 2022, Churchwarden Joseph Horgan had a different suggestion.

“One idea I had for this year would be a wall/display of postcards from many different churches throughout the Anglican world,” wrote Horgan. “That way, we would be able to represent not only ourselves on this special occasion, but our entire denomination and your church as well!”

In April, he reached out to Anglican dioceses across the globe, and was met with an overwhelming response from people eager to participate.

Congregations were asked to send or email a postcard with a photo of their church, and a message for the St. Saviour's parish or for Latvia in general.

The volume of mail and email increased throughout May, and by Baznīcu nākts, postcards had been received from over 250 churches in 36 countries. Cards were displayed in several areas of St. Saviour's, on walls and in a large display with cards hanging from strings so visitors could read both sides. A digital map was also created, which shows the location of each participating church.

“From the bottom of our hearts, we cannot thank you enough for supporting our Baznīcu nakts (Night of Churches) event by sending us cards for our special display,” wrote Horgan in a message to participating churches. “Throughout Saturday evening, more than 500 people visited [St. Saviour's] and were able to enjoy your cards and learn about your special churches.”

Horgan also mentioned that the event was held one day after the completion of a large ceiling renovation project, so the congregation was thrilled to welcome visitors to see the improvements and access the entire church. Our Cathedral Verger, Jason Parsons, visited St. Saviour's in 2018 and wrote about his experience in the NB Anglican newspaper. Shortly after his visit, the church began its ceiling renovation campaign.

Church leaders at St. Saviour’s were touched by the outpouring support for the postcard project, and have decided that the display will remain as a permanent exhibition, and they will continue to add any further postcards that are received.

Horgan says, “If you are ever able to make it out to Rīga one day, then perhaps you can find your card on our wall! Thanks again for your friendship and cooperation in making this idea a reality.”

Postcard display at St. Saviour’s Anglican Church in Rīga, Latvia

Queen’s Jubilee Tea

Mothers’ Union is pleased to invite the congregation to The Queen’s Jubilee Tea, to be held inside the Cathedral on Saturday, 04 June from 2:00-4:00 p.m.

Tea, cold drinks, sweets and sandwiches will be served in honour of the Platinum Jubilee of her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. Everyone is welcome to dress in their “Royal Best“ including hats and fascinators!

Free admission. Donations given through Cathedral envelopes or online giving will receive a tax receipt (please note 'Mothers' Union Tea' in the message field).

In Memory of Bishop George Lemmon

EDITOR'S NOTE:  Bishop George Lemmon died on Sunday, May 22, after a period of failing health. This story is from 2015, part of a series on the diocesan bishops gives some insight into the much-loved man.

The Right Rev. George Lemmon never wanted to be bishop. He’s not even sure he wanted to be a cleric.

“I wasn’t fussy about becoming a priest,” he said. “I felt I had a ministry already, but I came to realize that I probably had to become a priest to do the mission.”

[Continue reading below]

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Read the full article, written by Gisele McKnight and re-published May 24, 2022 on the Anglican Diocese of Fredericton website.