Sing a New Creation

Sing a New Creation

New hymn compilation awaits Anglican voices – Anglican Journal Anglicans in Canada and around the world may find themselves singing some new hymns this spring. As this article was being written, Sing a New Creation, a supplement to the 1998 hymnal Common Praise, was set to be released- and was said to be already attracting […]

Life after Easter 2022

Life after Easter 2022

Join the Dean for lectionary studies during the Easter Season beginning Monday, 18 April, 2-3:15 p.m.. Both online via Zoom or in-person are options. See the Dean for printed materials and please contact him by phone or email if you plan to attend. Everyone is welcome. No former biblical scholarship necessary! Mary Magdalene’s encounter with […]

2022 Easter Pastoral Letter

2022 Easter Pastoral Letter

Holy Week 2022 Fredericton NB HE Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus is firmly rooted in historical events to which Christians have given witness throughout the centuries. The biblical witness is familiar to us. The historian Josephus writes in the first century about “all these things,” interestingly specifically, from an historical perspective not one of […]

Lenten Retreat – April 1st and 2nd

Lenten Retreat – April 1st and 2nd

LIVING WATER: Time at the Well “All who are thirsty, come to the water!” – Isaiah 55:1a LIVING WATER: Time at the Well Registration A Lenten gathering on Zoom designed for lay people Friday, April 1 (evening), and Saturday, April 2 (morning) Join in these enrichment sessions from the comfort of your home or with […]

Taizé worship during Lent

Taizé worship during Lent

This article about Taizé worship was originally written in 2018. Taizé is held weekly during Lent 2022, alternating between in-person at the Cathedral, and Zoom online sessions. Consult the Ad-LENT-ures schedule for details. Candles flicker in the semi-darkness of the cathedral on a cold winter’s evening as  people seated in a circle begin to softly […]

Bishop and Chapter News – February 2022

Bishop and Chapter News – February 2022

Bishop and Chapter met 21 February 2022 by video conference with 11 of 13 members present. The Chapter welcomed new member Harry Palmer. A conversation focussing on the article “People Support What They Help to Create” – David McAllister (Lewis Centre for Church Leadership) framed issues around approaches to leadership. Several phrases helped to summarize […]

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022

Plans announced for The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Central Weekend 2022 There will be year-long Platinum Jubilee celebrations throughout the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and around the world as communities come together to celebrate The Queen’s historic reign. On 6th February this year Her Majesty The Queen will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a […]

2022 Dean’s Annual Report

2022 Dean’s Annual Report

We approached year two of the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2021. It continues to be the hot topic of conversation even though many of us are growing considerably fatigued by it. It’s a circumstance unprecedented during my lifetime surely to be remembered as it shapes everyone’s perception of the world, perhaps especially younger generations. Many will […]