Cathedral Sunday intercessors meet

PrayerThose who lead Sunday intercessions gathered on Tuesday, November 7th with Deacon Isabel Cutler to discuss and share resources used in this ministry of prayer.

An invitation had been made to others with interest in joining the team which is comprised of about 12 individuals. Assignments are currently determined by way of the Cathedral Signup for worship and all were encouraged to sign up well in advance to facilitate planning and to make opportunities open to all who participate.

Prayer leaders facilitate the prayers of the congregation and encourage all who worship to be actively involved in the process by offering their intentions and petitions in silence or aloud reflecting their own need and those known to them. While there are several categories often routinely addressed like: prayers for the church, the world, the ill, those who have died and those who mourn, it's not necessary, possible or preferred to pray for "every thing or every body every time." The main goal is to assist the assembly in its corporate prayer.

Among topics of discussion were Anglican "models" of prayer, preparation time, pros and cons of extemporaneous vs formula prayers, the context of the day's scripture or season, the value of diversity, style and content, the need to be cautious with politically-loaded opinions, instructing God about how to behave, and resisting preaching through prayer. The usual or most common categories included in the Sunday intercessions or prayers of the people were identified.

Attendees were also encouraged to offer resources they have found helpful in preparation. Among were many that can be found online including:

Several books in print were briefly discussed noting that many are available at a reasonable cost by way of a web search of the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) number which often discovers items on sale or used book sources as well as affordable e-book options.

If you're interested in this ministry your welcome and encouraged to content Isabel Cutler or the Dean to explore. Mentoring or tutoring can be arranged to assist in becoming an intercessor.


Bishop and Chapter News – October 2023

Bishop and Chapter met on 16 October 2023 with 8 of 13 members present. Minutes of the 11 September and 19 June meeting were adopted. J. Yeamans was elected to the chair in the absence of the Lay-Chair. The Dean lead a short discussion following a reading of Philippians 2:1-13 and some reflections on the nature of decision-making by way of Christian discernment. Some references to “The Way of Discernment” (E. Liebert) were considered.


Safe Church Officer Dianne Wilkins visited with an update on recent efforts toward implementing diocesan policy on safe church. V. Hachey and G. Hall offered to be part of a task group to consider next steps



• 1 care facility Communion; Diocesan Clergy Conference (18-20 September); ill and absent on Sunday 01 October; 1 committee/group meeting; 1 meeting with assisting clergy and deacons; choir rehearsal 21 September; 1 meeting of the Diocesan Finance Committee.


• 21 October Farraline Place fund-raiser
• 01-12 Diocesan Council development retreat
• 03 December First Sunday of Advent


• Nominating Committee - J. Hand appointed to the Committee. Members: H. Palmer, J. Hand, K. Schmidt, J. Dunderdale. Chapter requests the Committee meet to attend to current/upcoming business
• Vice-Chair of Chapter - referred to the Nominating Committee
• Property Committee Chair - referred to the Nominating Committee


• East window repair - recent storm damage to plexiglass panel. Repair estimate $8,257 (Active Glass and Mirror). Insurance ($2500 deductable) claim investigated. Cost charged to property maintenance approved
• Snow removal contract - accepted a proposal for 23/24 winter from Pro-Care of $5,175 + $100 per sanding
• Parish nurse funds - that an investment fund account be created for monies received or accumulated and designated parish nurse


Treasurer - Financial update presented on Sunday, 24 September, 8 and 10:30 a.m.. No specific feedback received. 30 September deficit of expenses over income is $66,580. 2023 income includes Diocesan Synod (Fabric Grant) of $45,000. Unrestricted funds ($60,000) to cover summer cash flow could be returned to unrestricted investment if available at year-end

Administration and Finance - meeting pending

Worship - planning for Christmas upcoming. Server training needs to be planned

Property - several issues have arisen. The Lay-Chair has called a meeting 24 October. Theft of hall furnace exhaust cover was fabricated for replacement and installed with no indication of cost as of yet; east window cover damage, Guild of St. Joseph replaced west door carpeting; cathedral sprinkler system replacement (+/- $175,000) to meet current safety code; hall chair lift out of operation estimated +/- $60,000 repair; security project update; cathedral boiler project; snow removal

Health and Pastoral Care - committee hasn’t met

Mission Outreach - 25 September Monday Outreach - 56 served, volunteers needed for 30 October; 3 Belize Mission scholarships 23/24 to Silvia Trapp, Caleb Martinez and Korey Kelly

Communications - no recent meeting

Christian Formation - meeting scheduled on 19 October

Welcome and Hospitality - Sunday refreshments. Several future events


Monday, 20 November 2023                                                            GMH

Anglican-Lutheran statement on war in the holy land

Anglican-LutheranOn Saturday the world watched in horror as Hamas launched a rapid, devastating barrage of violence against Israel. Rockets, drone attacks, the killing of civilians and the taking of hostages have ignited long simmering tensions between Israel and Palestine. Israel has responded with ongoing rocket attacks and the death toll on all sides rises daily.

Our hearts grieve at the resurgence of violence that bereaves both Palestinian and Israeli families. We long for peace and security for the people of Israel who seek a safe place to live free from discrimination, anti-semitism and repeated pogroms. We long for peace and security ... continue reading

Bishop and Chapter News – September 2023

Bishop and Chapter met on 11 September 2023 with 10 of 13 members present. Minutes of the last meeting were unavailable and will be considered at the next meeting. Members read and briefly discussed “The Ultimate Guide to Delegation” (Nick Blevins) – categories: What to Delegate, To Whom to Delegate, How to Delegate. Resources to Delegate Better and 7 steps to follow included.



•   Preaching through the Season of Creation 01 September - 4 October; vacation 24 July - 13 August; staff meetings 27 June and 05 September, outside Communions (1), committee/group meetings (2), staff and deacon reviews completed, home visits (3), 3 home/hospital communions, 2 funerals / 1 committal / 2 attended, Evening Prayer Jackson Falls 23 August, July/August Sunday worship attendance (75 avg) - 10 September (106).

•   Vacancies: Chapter Property | Vice-Chair | Nominating


Synod Finance Committee (2)


•   17 September 8:00, 10:30, 4:00 every other week resumes
•   18-20 September - Diocesan Clergy Conference, Renforth


Bishop’s letters: appointment of Isabel Cutler, Deacon and permission to administer Communion (D. Beek)


•   Benevolence Policy - adopted as of 11 September 2023
•   Recognition - Canon Rod Black as Honorary Assistant


June Report of Planning Study - Source Alliance returned the final report of the feasibility study (January - May) regarding Cathedral restoration, Our Bishop has one other contact he wishes to make. Cathedral officers and the Bishop considering the next step in light of the current circumstances. Letters of thanks will be sent to planning study participants this week.


Treasurer - Offerings stable but below budget with a 31 August deficit of $55,657. Payroll and Shared Ministry is $36,000 monthly. $9,887 in flow through donations (PWRDF, community ministries etc.) to be transferred. Sunday financial update presentation before the end of September

Administration and Finance - tour guide season has ended with thanks

Worship - no report

Property - noted recent gifts-in-kind with thanks

Health and Pastoral Care - no meeting. Only a few COVID test kits left

Mission Outreach - completed draft Benevolence Policy; Belize Missions Yard Sale for scholarships a success; Mijia’s from Honduras visited 25 June

Communications - no recent meeting. Additional souvenirs were acquired for sale during the summer tour season

Christian Formation - planning for 30 Sept Day of Truth and Reconciliation; Life in the Eucharist postponed to Fall 2024; Godly Play has resumed; discussed possible quiet space on the Green

Welcome and Hospitality - no meeting. 3 committee members + Dean


•   Nominating Committee - 4-1st term / 1-2nd term vacancies upcoming in 2024. T. Maston (Lay-Chair) plans not to let his name stand for a second term
•   30 September - Day of Truth and Reconciliation
•   21 October - Farraline Gala Fundraiser


Monday, 16 October 2023                                                                GMH

Wildfire destroys Anglican camp in BC

A cross at the end of a dock is nearly all that remains of an Anglican camp in British Columbia ravaged by wildfire.

Camp OAC (Oakanagan Anglican Camp), like New Brunswick's Camp Medley and Camp Brookwood, offers faith-based summer camping opportunities for children and teens, as well as religious retreats and rentals for secular functions and celebrations.

Campers and staff were safely evacuated on Thursday, August 17, but by that evening fire had destroyed almost the entire camp.

ABOVE: the dock at Camp OAC, as shown in the 2023 Anglican Churches calendar. BELOW: Fire burned 90% of Camp OAC, including the dock. The cross remains.

If you own a copy of the Anglican Church Calendar, you may recognize Camp OAC as the photo featured for the month of August. It shows a cross on a deck stretched out over the Oakanagan Lake, with beautiful forested mountains in the background.

In her pastoral letter, The Most Rev. Dr. Lynne E. McNaughton, Bishop of Kootenay, writes,

"Although most of the dock burned, the large white Cross at the end of the dock remains standing. As always the cross is the sign for us that God brings new life out of death. God will sustain us through this loss and rebuilding, that OAC will once again be a place of life-giving Christian community where children, youth, and adults can experience living in right relationship with nature and God."

The destruction of Camp OAC has triggered an outpouring of sadness from the generations of people who have attended the camp since 1950, and donations towards rebuilding are encouraged. Click here to read the update from Camp Director Ian Dixon and find out how you can help.

Please pray for all affected by wildfires and other natural disasters during this year of increased climate change, and pray for those ministering to serve those in need.

In Memoriam: Archbishop Claude Miller

Archbishop Claude Miller died on Tuesday, 27 June 2023 after a brief period of illness.

The funeral was on Monday, 03 July at 11:00 a.m. in Christ Church Cathedral with a reception following.

Visitation was held the previous day, Sunday, 02 July 2:00 - 6:00 p.m. at the Cathedral followed by a vigil until 8:45 a.m. Monday with both clergy and lay participating.

Obituary of the Most Rev'd Claude W. Miller, 1944 - 2023
Order of Service on 03 July 2023
Archbishop David Edwards' reflections about his time with Archbishop Miller

Read an article about the funeral, written by NB Anglican Editor Gisele McKnight: Archbishop Claude Miller laid to rest



Bishop and Chapter News – June 2023

Bishop and Chapter met on 19 June 2023 with 12 of 13 members present. Minutes of the meeting on 15 May 2023 were adopted.



  • outside corporate Communions (2); committee/group meetings (4); Thy Kingdom Come (18-28 May) Novena weekdays; Ordination (30 May); weekly staff meetings (4); work planning with Director of Music; marriage preparation (1) Wedding (17 Jun); home visits (4); 3 home / hospital communions; 2 Cathedral funerals / 2 attended; Evensong - Installation/Collation (04 Jun); Staff and Deacon reviews underway (3); collaboration with I. Cutler re deacon appointment; generally running behind on pastoral visitation; proposing vacation 24 July - 13 August
  • Recommend publicizing “Help Wanted.” Various needs including: communion administrators; home communions; hospital visitors; lectors; intercessors; servers, website content and maintenance, social media maintenance; others identified by committees
  • Vacancies: Chapter Vice-Chair | Chapter Property | Nominating


  • Synod Finance Committee (1); Diocesan Council (1)


  • Appointment recommendation to the Bishop. That we recommend our Bishop consider the appointment of the Rev’d Isabel Cutler, as Deacon at Christ Church Cathedral
  • Administration of Communion. Request our Bishop grant permission for Donna Beek to administer communion.
  • Approve transfer of 400 shares of BMO securities to Diocesan Consolidated Investments (Cathedral Anglican Church Women)
  • move an additional $20,000 unrestricted investments to operating fund for summer cash flow bringing the total to $70,000


June Report of Planning Study - Source Alliance having returned the final report of the feasibility study (January - May) regarding Cathedral restoration, Our Bishop chaired this portion of the meeting. The Report suggests an urgency as well as several options for consideration. The Report was shared with members of the Chapter with a request that it not yet be made public. Our Bishop requested some time to make several key contacts and that the Chapter continue in discernment.


Treasurer - May offerings $36,860. Year-to-date deficit to 31 May -$39,739. Summer cash flow deficiency anticipated

Administration and Finance - interview of tour guides this week; June staff reviews underway

Worship - no report

Property - Unforeseen Cathedral furnace repair to be completed in the next few weeks - $34,000 to 38,000 estimated total cost

Health and Pastoral Care - no meeting of purview groups as of yet

Mission Outreach - in process: considering policy for request for benevolent funds; Belize Missions Yard Sale for St. Hilda scholarships; Mijia’s from Honduras visit 25 June

Communications - weddings at the Cathedral website post series; video for St. Saviour Latvia - Night of the Churches event;; Thy Kingdom Come “daily short readings” videos; publicity for current events

Christian Formation - planning for 30 Sept Day of Truth and Reconciliation; fall 2023 Life in the Eucharist

Welcome and Hospitality - assisted with refreshments for a June funeral; Mejia visit refreshments/luncheon 25 June



  • Monday, 11 September 2023                                                            GMH

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2023

Bishop and Chapter met on 15 May 2023 with 11 of 13 members present (11 0f 13). A printed version of preaching for the Fifth Sunday of Easter was circulated. (Audio here) Conversation re post-resurrection Sunday themes, contrasting planning from business and a spiritual perspective. Minutes of the meeting on 20 March 2023 were adopted.



  • outside Communions (3); committee/group meetings (3); Lenten book study; deaneries clericus; summary of Easter worship - total attendance 245; Vacation 11-25 April; MU Diocesan Rally 29 May; Ordination 30 May; Coronation Evensong 14 May; weekly staff meetings; marriage preparation (2); home visits (4); hospital/home communions (6); 1 funeral/3 funerals attended; challenge in meeting current pastoral needs.
  • Chapter vacancies: Chapter Property Committee, Vice-Chair, Nominating Committee membership.


  • Diocesan Finance Committee (1); Bishop’s Counsel 26 April; Clergy Day 04 May


Ascension Day 18 May; Thy Kingdom Come 18-28 May (Novena weekdays 5:15 p.m.); W. Turney funeral 30 May; V. Sinclair funeral 10 June; Ritz/Saulnier wedding 10 June; Installation of Canons and Collation 11 June; Swanwick/English wedding 17 June


  • Anglican Church Women Executive - letter dated 04 May 2023 expressing serious concern about the vacancy of the position of parish nurse and requesting there be a search undertaken to fill the vacancy
  • Canadian Heritage - response to inquiry. Canadian Heritage does not support church heritage renovation projects


  • Parish Nurse - high degree of awareness of the need for Cathedral health ministry under our circumstances. The Dean initially responded to the correspondence with the reminder that the parish nurse staff position was included in the 2023 Budget with the hopes that monthly budget targets could be met. Further consideration needed


  • Funds transfer - up to $50,000 from unrestricted invested funds to provide for cash flow May to September


Treasurer - 5 Sunday April (including Easter) revenue $50,785, slightly exceeding the budget target of $48,499 for the first time in 2023. The Year to Date deficit of expense over income stands at - $13,594.

Administration and Finance - advertising, training and hire of tour guides is a current priority

Worship - some decorating will be attempted for the Day of Pentecost

Property - no report

Health and Pastoral Care - exploration of possible programming with UNB student nurses

Mission Outreach - helpful first meeting with those engaged in mission and outreach ministries. Progress towards a draft policy to guide our response to requests made for funding

Communications - Chapter and others encouraged to join a schedule of 2 minutes for ministry presentations on Sundays

Christian Formation - exploring creating opportunities as part of advanced planning for the upcoming 2023 Day of Truth/Reconciliation

Welcome and Hospitality - newcomers event with 35+ in attendance Pentecost will include normal refreshments following 10:30 worship


  • Ascension Day (18 May) and Thy Kingdom Come (18-28 May)
  • Day of Pentecost (28 May)

NEXT MEETING Monday, 16 June 2023


Farewell to an artist

Hugh MacKinnon was an exceptional artist who did extensive restoration work on the Cathedral’s East and West windows. His stained-glass artisanship is present in churches, educational institutions and other sites throughout the Maritimes.

According to his obituary,

"Many church windows in New Brunswick have sunlight shining through his creations, including the small chapel in the Old Arts Building at UNB, where he transformed Molly Lamb Bobak's paintings into lead and glass works of art. If one wanted to know about any of the saints, you could just ask Hugh, who did extensive research on them to make sure he got the window imagery correct."

In retirement, Hugh freely shared his expertise with the Cathedral Property Committee, particularly in his consultations with Heritage Standing Inc., the engineering company assessing structural work required in the Cathedral.

He, and his exceptional artistry, will be missed.

Bishop and Chapter News – March 2023

Bishop and Chapter met on 20 March with members in person and by way of video conference. 12 of 13 members present. Members were asked to read in advance an article from Alban at Duke Divinity SchoolPutting the How Before the What,” Stephen Chapin Garner. Discussion about one church’s experience with a “call-based” approach to leadership, passion and energy for leadership and the importance of putting relationships/community as first priority. What could be identified as a crisis of organizational structure might rather be a crisis of faith. Minutes from a short meeting on 13 February 2023 dealing with the 2023 Budget were adopted.


•   outside Communions (2)
•   committee/group meetings (4)
•   Monday Lenten book study / dropping in on Lenten programs
•   weekly staff meetings
•   Narrative Budget completed and circulated
•   Vacancies
Chapter Property Committee
•   Diocesan Finance Committee (2)
•   Diocesan Council (1)
•   Vacation 11-25 April


• Appointments

- Vice-Chair - nomination to the Bishop needed- Advisory Committee on Appointments - appointed
- Nominating Committee - inquiries for appointment to be made
- Safe Church Officer - Diane Wilkins appointed
- Property Committee - nomination needed for Bishop’s appointment

[for more information see the current Chapter By-Law]

• 2023 Budget - slight discrepancy between Annual Report and Chapter-approved not affecting the bottom line. Motion to correct


  • Treasurer - Financials show a slight surplus having received the grant from the City for summer tour guides. Offerings in January and February slightly below budget. Parish Financial Return due 15 March now submitted.
  • Administration and Finance - helpful update from Envelope Secretary; noted difference in Chapter Budget and Annual adopted version; needs for 23 tour guide programme in view
  • Property - Unexpected Cathedral furnace repairs needed. Early estimated cost $12,000
  • Health and Pastoral Care - Health Ministry has several projects in process: health information session, Medley Tea; on-going: dementia support, Yoga, prayer shawls
  • Mission Outreach - reviewing annual reports and making contact with mission sub-groups and committees (Monday Morning, Belize Missions, Cathedral Missions) Monday Morning Outreach continues monthly with some new support for food contributions
  • Communications - nothing to report
  • Christian Formation - Review of Lenten programming, looking ahead to future. Considering future events on racism, indigenous reconciliation, anti-Semitism
  • Welcome and Hospitality - a committee meeting pending
  • Worship - contacting potential members for servers’ guild


•   Palm Sunday (02 April) Easter (09 April)
•   29 April Diocesan Mothers’ Union Rally / 30 April Ordination


Monday, 15 May 2023                                                                               GMH