Bishop and Chapter News – February 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 16 February 2021 by video conference with 11 of 14 members present. Guests Kendra Patrick (Bringloe Feeney LLP) and Tom Maston were welcomed. A faith conversation and discussion of the article “We’re in the Innovation Business” (Dwight Zscheile) was postponed to the next meeting. Minutes of 18 January 2021 adopted.

From the Dean

  • during Orange Alert level no hospital (end of life care only) or home visits. Telephone contacts when possible. Communion is available upon specific request following restrictions
  • no care facility Communions (Farraline/Windsor Court) in current alert level.
  • meetings with Chapter committees and other groups
  • lecture on Anglicanism for students at Northeast Christian College on 08 February
  • refresher course on Prepare Enrich - relationship inventory tool and resources for preparing couples for marriage
  • conversations continue regarding Synod and Cathedral sharing and future development

Items Arising

Cathedral Video Project - one PTZ camera received and temporarily installed yielding significant improvement in the quality of our live streams. Remaining equipment expected soon. Project overview

Chapter By-law - several needed adjustments being identified. Possible revisions to be considered by the new Chapter in 2021

Parish Nurse - Search Committee (S. Dibblee chair) is at work. A next step is finalizing and posting an advertisement for the half-time staff position as soon as possible

Committee and Group Reports - thanks to all for attention to annual reporting. The 2021 Annual Report has been circulated.

Nominating Committee - a current version of the report to the Annual was circulated. Last-minute adjustments in a final version circulated for the Annual Meeting, new nominations up to the time of election


Financials - 2020 reports including Review Engagement presented by Kendra Patrick and approved for presentation to the Annual Meeting. 2021 Budget approved for presentation

Invested Funds - Agreement between corporations and the Synod regarding participation in the Diocesan Consolidated Investment Fund, as an investment tool of choice, moving to Diocesan Regulation 5-3 from individual contracts. No substantial changes. Motions carried

2021 Nominating Committee - member nominations recommended


Annual Meeting - 1) In-person (by signup), 2) observe by live stream 3) Zoom video conference option. See details in the normal Friday email.


Treasurer - Brief overview of January month-end and Proposed Budget.

Property - Heritage Standing update of 2016 report on Cathedral maintenance on-going

Christian Formation - “Ad - LENT - ures” opportunities for Lenten study and reflection complete with all encouraged to participate

Communications - see annual report for 2020

Health and Pastoral Care - Parish Nurse search a priority. C. Stevenson has resigned as chair of the Health Ministry Committee.

Welcome and Hospitality - see annual report for 2020

Mission and Outreach - progress on Housing First Project - construction expected by summer 2021. Monday morning last Mondays

Finance and Administration - stewardship team hopes to continue progress on narrative budget. Mike Toole has resigned as committee member, Stewardship Team Chair and Cathedral Safe Church Officer


•  Ash Wednesday (17 February); Annual Meeting (21 February)

•  Next Meeting: 15 March 2021


Bishop and Chapter News – January 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 18 January 2021 by video conference with 11 of 14 members present. The Dean provided in advance an article “When the Mission Changes” (Dan Hotchkiss). Discussion included the value and necessity of our congregation understanding our true mission as God's church and challenges in involving broad-based engagement. Minutes of 14 December 2020 were adopted.

From the Dean

•  continuing in the Orange alert level of pandemic recovery
•  no hospital or home visits by telephone contacts when possible
•  no care facility Communions (Farraline/Windsor Court) in current alert level. Communion at Farraline Place 22 December
•  various meetings with Chapter committees and other groups
•  worship attendance - Blue Christmas (21 December) - 11; Christmas Eve - 175; Christmas Day - 34
•  CBC Information Morning interview 18 January
•  annual discussion with accountant re Review Engagement
•  Synod office(s) settling in at Memorial Hall


Cathedral Video equipment - required equipment not in stock. Work will proceed to acquire what’s possible and begin pre-installation

Chapter By-Law - possibility for adding past lay chair position on hold for the moment as recommended by Chapter Executive


Parish Nurse - K. Snow resignation as of 31 January 2021 noted. Unanimous recognition of the difficulty/impossibility to replace Kathleen Snow. Chapter directed the Health and Pastoral Care Committee to proceed to create a search committee, Sally Dibblee chair.

2021 Budget - current draft discussed, received and recommended


Annual Meeting - scheduled for Sunday, 21 February 2021. Streamlined, time economical agenda. Immediately following worship in the Cathedral. Virtual options to be explored if necessary.

Nominations - one member Bishop and Chapter still required. Chapter’s assistance requested


Treasurer - December 2020 financials were provided and briefly discussed. 2020 giving was down, expenses also reduced. Note extraordinary elements including Wage Subsidy allowing revenue to slightly exceed expenses. 2020 review engagement in process

Property - continuing work with Heritage Standing to determine short and long-term property goals. Bishop’s graves to the east, choir steps and stained glass window ventilation are current first priorities. Large basswood at west door removed by the City on 07 January - wood shared with indigenous carvers

Christian Formation - Taizé and Godly play continue virtually. Youth Group suffers from online gathering. Lenten programming considered

Communications - meeting reviewed current web content and Facebook maintenance. February 2020 survey results will be studied

Health and Pastoral Care - main emphasis is parish nurse vacancy Hospital visits are not possible during current pandemic alert level

Welcome and Hospitality - no specific actions during pandemic restrictions

Mission and Outreach - St. Hilda’s Belize end of year $1000 support transferred. Monday outreach continuing as best as possible on the last Monday of the month

Finance and Administration - no meeting since December. Presentation of narrative budget may not be possible with modified meeting format


•  Annual Reports due 31 January

Next Meeting

16 February 2021, Annual Congregational Meeting - 21 February 2021

Bishop and Chapter News – December 2020

Bishop and Chapter met 14 December 2020 by video conference with 11 of 14 members present. The Dean lead some reflection on “How to Shine Your Light for Christ - So how exactly do you shine?” – practical tips. Members added additional insights. Minutes of 16 November 2020 were adopted.

From the Dean

•  Cathedral Pandemic Operational Plan was revised 01 December 2020 to accommodate the NB Orange Level of Recovery
•  in-person staff meetings continue. Sexton Ashley Swim 30 November
•  consultation with the Diocesan synod regarding temporary facility sharing
•  work completed on a proposal to equip the cathedral with video equipment for better live streaming in the future (December project)
•  Cathedral committee meetings as possible
•  diocesan meetings including Diocesan Council, Finance Committee, Creation Matters, and Fredericton deaneries’ clericus
•  brief report on Christmas worship schedule


•  Stipend and Salaries - In 2021: Cathedral staff 2% cost of living;. Dean’s Stipend $59,708 ($15,786 above minimum stipend scale)

•  Cathedral Video Equipment Project - acceptance of a proposal to purchase ($12,000 by the end of this calendar year) and install equipment for improved video live streaming and recording. Contributions to the Project (labelled “audio/visual”) are invited


•  2021 Budget - draft discussed. Challenges will include some reduction in offerings during the pandemic and no future government subsidies ($52,000 in 2020)


Treasurer - In November operations income exceeded expenses by $11,711. Diocesan Shared ministry contribution not owing in November due to reduced diocesan expenses year to date. Cathedral Shared Ministry reduced by $1000 per month in 2021. No further federal grants (Canadian Wage Subsidy) expected in December or in into 2021

Property - An initial meeting of the Restoration Committee was held C. Ferris chair). Several repair items: Bishop’s graves, choir room steps, window ventilation. Security camera system under review and awaiting proposal. New sexton 30 November. Heritage Standing to update 2016 report at a cost of up to $4000.

Communications - Coordination of advertising for Christmas. A next Cathedral Connections in the new year.

Health and Pastoral Care - meeting of Health Ministry before Christmas is expected. Health Ministry budget received

Worship - no recent meeting. Presentation of the Video Project proposal

Welcome and Hospitality - no events and little committee activity during the pandemic

Mission and Outreach - $1000 funding for St. Hilda’s School (Belize Missions) will be transferred in the next couple of weeks. Monday morning programme (Outreach) continues on the last Monday of the month in a modified format. Missions Committee needing members

Finance and Administration - hiring of sexton complete. Follow up with Treasurer on 2020 review engagement management letter recommendations. Stewardship Team: “narrative budget” for 2021

Nominating Committee - interim report. Good progress being experienced on acquiring nominations for positions opening in 2021. Further nominations welcome


•  Blue Christmas - 21 December, 7:00 p.m.
•  Christmas Eve - 4:00, 8:00, 11:00 p.m. Christmas Day - 10:00 a.m.
•  New Years Day - 11:00 a.m.

Next Meetings

18 January 2021, 16 February 2021
21 February 2021 Annual Congregational Meeting


Bishop and Chapter News – November 2020

Bishop and Chapter met 16 November 2020 by video conference with 11 of 14 members present. The Dean lead reflection on an application of Matthew 25:31-40 , part of the Gospel for the following Sunday. Some related reflection on Passing the Plate” (Smith/Emerson/Snell) regarding research on the top 4 reasons Christians do NOT give financially. Reason 3 – Christian giving may (be seen too much as?) largely benefit those who give. Minutes of 21 September 2020 were adopted. There was no meeting in October.

From the Dean

Pandemic Operational Plan 18 September. Weekly meetings of Cathedral Staff have been in person since early September. Committee and group meetings attended when possible. Work on a proposal for equipment to improve and make sustainable a commitment to live streaming worship continues. Mothers’ Union Executive installed and a Confirmation, Reaffirmation of Faith and Reception concluded the “Faith Alive” preparation programme. Outside Communions have resumed monthly at Farraline Place. Home and hospital visits by request, under current restrictions. Christmas worship schedule being considered. Use of the Memorial Hall is up with many outside groups requesting meeting space. Commitments to Diocesan Council, Diocesan Finance Committee, and Bishop’s requests (installation of Canons and Collation of Archdeacons) have been fulfilled. Consultation with our Bishop and Diocesan Synod re future office accommodations.


Diocese of Fredericton/Cathedral MOU - A draft memorandum of understanding was presented, discussed and adopted representing Cathedral openness to enter into both an offer to provide temporary accommodation for diocesan office needs and, to explore potential future opportunities to share office/programme/meeting space.


Treasurer - month-end financials for September and October. A high level summary was provided. Past federal government wage subsidies (now significantly reduced), Diocesan reduction of shared ministry for one month due to reduced expenditures, and the generous and consistent financial support of our congregation, results in our “holding our own” to date. A slight 2020 surplus over expenses may be a result.

Property - No committee meeting but several property related accomplishments and other issues are being monitored.

Communications - A November issue of Cathedral Connections was published. Committee members continue to monitor and update the Cathedral Facebook page and the Cathedral website.

Health and Pastoral Care - visitation continues to be a challenge. Parish Nurse, Dean and visitors make attempts to connect and offer care.

Worship - no committee meeting. Monitoring worship needs and plans for in person worship demand and possibilities being considered.

Welcome and Hospitality - welcome and hospitality has understandably been challenged by pandemic restrictions. The Committee will contact volunteers for welcoming ministry about helping with greeter needs for worship as a current priority.

Mission and Outreach - Monday morning outreach initiatives continue on the last Monday of the month out of doors. Community Kitchen volunteer involvement is on an individual basis. The Housing First project is delayed to 2021.

Finance and Administration - office photocopier/printer and phone service upgrades have been completed resulting in cost savings. A proposal to have a security camera system replace onsite security for the Memorial Hall is under consideration. Office Administrator position filled. Sexton position filled: Ashley Swim beginning 30 November.


•  20 November Organ Concert

Next Meetings

14 December, 18 January 2021
21 February 2021 Annual Congregational Meeting                              GMH

Bishop and Chapter News – September 2020

Bishop and Chapter met 21 September 2020 by video conference with 11 of 14 members present. The Dean lead reflection on Gospel themes during the Season of Creation. Minutes of 15 June 2020 were adopted.

Business Arising

From the Dean

Telephone visits as time permits and avoiding in-person contact when possible. Very few recent admissions to hospital. Outside Communions will resume once considered safe by Farraline Place and Windsor Court. Tuesday staff meetings have returned to a more regular schedule. Involved in preparation of proposal for equipment for live streaming from the Cathedral and video security for hall and church. Continue covering administrative work (printing, bills, deposits, facility booking) in about 7 hours per week. Cathedral office remains closed. Good progress toward hiring the Office Administrator with interviews planned this week. Diocesan meetings as usual. Re pandemic with restrictions - steady as she goes.


Cathedral Restoration Committee - members appointed: Marion Beyea, John Leroux and Wayne Burley. (In addition to: The Dean, Chapter Lay Chair and Property Committee chair.) See Restoration Trust By-Law.

Heritage Standing Retainer - the retainer agreement as proposed was approved. Heritage Standing Inc.

Diocesan Consolidated Investment Fund - revised agreement of understanding between the Synod and participants for signing. Participation in the DCIF is our management of Cathedral investments


Treasurer - A report including monthly financials and a report on DCIF interest January-June 2020. Our financial situation is positive, mostly due to the Federal Government Wage Subsidy for months since the onset of the pandemic.

Property - report on August steeple repair, Heritage Standing retainer agreement, appointment of Restoration Committee, and proposed update to restoration plan were among current activity.

Communication - An issue of Cathedral Connections being planned. Chapter members asked to provide content for both web and newsletter if possible. Another project being considered

Health and Pastoral Care - minimal hospital visitation and only upon request. Parish Nurse continues to minister within restrictions

Worship - music considerations in light of restrictions have been discussed. Worship schedule will remain the same for the time being. Taizé worship will continue virtual for the near future with a community now joining from a variety of locations

Welcome and Hospitality - pandemic restrictions have limited what is possible but a meeting of the committee to regroup should happen soon

Christian Formation - Faith Alive! wrap up on 19 September with confirmation, reaffirmation and reception scheduled 18 October.

Mission and Outreach - Monday morning programme once per month on the Hall steps. Housing First project delayed to 2021.

Finance and Administration - a 2021 narrative budget remains on the agenda. Progress being made with hiring an individual as cathedral office administrator. Other work plan priorities will be addressed as time permits


  • 04 October 4:00 p.m. Installations and Collations
  • 18 October 4:00 p.m. Confirmation, Reaffirmation and Reception

Next Meetings

  • 19 October
  • 16 November


Bishop and Chapter News – June 2020

Bishop and Chapter met 15 June 2020 by video conference with 11 of 14 members present. The Dean lead a devotional (Get Moving! “In the matter of drudgery,”) by Oswald Chambers with associated scripture. Minutes of 20 April 2020 were adopted.

Business Arising

  • 10 am refreshments (Worship and Hospitality) - no development
  • Project 2045 - pandemic isolation preventing progress but cooperation with the Diocesan Synod is noted
  • Housing First land transfer - transfer documentation complete
  • Restoration Fund By-law - posted as adopted
  • Committee detailed budgets - some committees confirmed
  • Corporate worship - Operational Plan Task Group presented a current version of the Plan. Beginning 24 June, every other Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. Eucharist proposed for now. Information and update to congregation will be circulated soon

From the Dean

Activities and ministry according to the “new normal” with more and more happening by video conference. During the last month: weekly staff meetings, daily offices, Sunday worship by YouTube, audio podcasts and various committee meetings both Cathedral and diocesan. Six meetings of the Operational Plan Task Group. One committal, one grave-side funeral, continuing contacts as possible.


Property Committee - terms of reference and membership adopted


Treasurer - To 31 May we have stepped up to the appeal for offerings. Wage subsidy received from Federal Government $23,580. Funds held as designated: $39,602. To date, expenses exceed income by $4,319. The request continues for financial support and to maintain offerings. Thanks to all for the response and exceptional effort made thus far.

Property - work plan well defined with a number of issues pending: steeple roof repair, water leaks in the nave, choir door steps, bishop’s graves, windows, 10 year repair plan to be refreshed

Communications - Issue #4 of Cathedral Connections complete and awaiting publication. Committee work mostly by email

Health and Pastoral Care - telephone network calls continue. Health Ministry committee met 27 May.

Worship - 11:45 music recording this week. Continuing with YouTube worship on Sundays. Mostly focussed on requirements of our Operational Plan. Consultation regarding video equipment needed

Christian Formation - Faith Alive! Class 27 May. “Faith Forward” will coordinate various opportunities for Cathedral members to become involved in a faith building/faith formation series of activities. Taizé worship continues Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. God Is Indestructible study during Thy Kingdom Come with about 12 attendees.

Mission and Outreach - Community Kitchen teams cannot serve during pandemic protocols. Student Scholarships ($4000) and St. Hilda’s School support ($1000) scheduled for September. Outreach vouchers next on 29 June, Hall steps only.

Finance and Administration - Cathedral and office phones now on VOIP (voice over Internet protocol) system. Photocopier is operational. Continue to attempt establishing e-transfer as a giving option. About 60 letters encouraging giving were sent and response was very positive. 2019 year end financial review engagement included several recommendations requiring followup. Stewardship Team has a narrative budget for 2021 on its agenda.


24 June 2020 - 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Holy Eucharist with Operational Plan protocols in place

Next Meetings

  • 20 July, 24 August (if needed)
  • 21 September

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2020

Bishop and Chapter met 20 April 2020 by video conference with 11 of 14 members present. The Dean shared chapter summaries from “God Is Indestructible: 12 Responses to the Relevance Crisis of Christianity” (Christian Schwarz -Natural Church Development). One of the most common claims is that Christianity has become “irrelevant.” Invitation to virtual group study with the Dean during Thy Kingdom Come (21-31 May 2020). Minutes of 20 April 2020 were adopted.

Business Arising

  • 10 am refreshments (Worship and Hospitality) - no development
  • Project 2045 - pandemic isolation has prevented progress
  • Housing First land transfer - moving toward completion
  • Committee detailed budgets - discussion regarding how much “detail” - current coded line items in the financial statement
  • Staff payroll - to continue, monitored by Executive

From the Dean

Staff continues to work as possible remotely with the exception of Fran and Lou who are engaging in some work on-site and behind locked doors. The Dean regretfully received a letter from Fran Miles notifying of her intention to retire as of 30 June 2020. VOIP phone and photocopier installed. The need for an operational plan for re-opening will require a task group. Phone visits, Sunday worship and sermons streamed and podcasted, daily offices, meetings of staff and several committees have met virtually. Diocesan work continues including meetings of bishop and clergy regarding reopening plans. Invitation to the congregation to study “God Is Indestructible.”


Restoration Fund By-law - adopted. Directs the purpose and use of funds given in trust for the purpose of Cathedral “restoration.”

Pandemic Operational Plan -Using a diocesan template and guided by NB Public Health a working group to be assembled (membership recommended) to consider the many aspects of a gradual reopening.

Insurance - May renewal on the Diocesan programme (25% savings)

Office Administrator - group to consider process, timing and details re staff vacancy. Need to organize thanks to Fran for many years of faithful ministry and service was recognized


Treasurer - Offerings holding up, but need continued encouragement. Expenses lower. Waiting word on our application for Apr-May-June federal wage subsidy. Monthly projections to end of July look OK. Cashflow needs to be closely monitored. Decisions may be needed

Property - recent contact with members addressing needs ad hoc including securing the outside mail slot. Waxing of floors in process

Communication - Issue #3 of Cathedral Connections published with a next issue in a week or so. Attention to social media/website

Welcome and Hospitality - potentially a role in planning our formal thanks to Fran Miles. Activities considered during re-opening

Health and Pastoral Care - the ministry continues with regular contact with isolated individuals and support where possible. The Dean visits by phone. Communion not yet available

Worship - will contribute to operational plan regarding re-opening from pandemic restrictions. Music Group recording session last week.

Christian Formation - virtual Taizé continues to end of May. Some virtual fatigue may be realized. Faith Alive planning a last teaching session

Mission and Outreach - S. Mayo announced military deployment July-December. Others will oversee areas of ministry while he is away. Outreach vouchers distributed on the last Monday of the month.

Finance and Administration - Phone and photocopier. Restoration by-law. Insurance review. Future agenda - staff vacancy, narrative budget, 2020 financial review engagement recommendation follow up


Ascension Day (21 May) Thy Kingdom Come (21-31 May), Pentecost

Next Meetings

• 15 June 2020, 20 July, 24 August, 21 September


Bishop and Chapter News – April 2020

Bishop and Chapter met 20 April 2020 by video conference with 13 of 14 members present. The Dean lead a brief discussion on part of the Gospel for the Third Sunday of Easter. Discussion included thoughts about the unique characteristics of the risen Jesus in the Gospels, some considerations about how the presence of Jesus is experienced by those in the post-Easter accounts and how Jesus is present to us today. Minutes of meetings: 10 February, 23 February, 02 April 2020 were adopted.

Business Arising

·  10 am refreshments (Worship and Hospitality) - planned conversation not yet undertaken
·  Restoration Fund by-law and narrative budget for 2021 - will be agenda items for Finance and Administration
·  Project 2045 - no further movement on current discussions
·  Housing First land transfer - Property and Housing First Project committees following up
·  Committee detailed budgets - no further developments

From the Dean

Pastoral visitations by phone continue. Daily offices continue. During Holy Week daily worship was facilitated online with relatively good attendance. Stations of the Cross and Music for Holy Week and Easter recorded, edited and made available. Sunday worship, pre-recorded in advance continues. Some Cathedral groups have met virtually thus far (Taizé Thursdays, Youth Group, Stewardship Team). In attendance with Diocesan usual groups including Deaneries Clericus, Diocesan Finance Committee and others as scheduled. Installation of VOIP phone system in process. Tools for alternative meeting methods still being assessed and made available. Regular podcasts continue as usual.


Cathedral staff payroll - Upon recommendation of the Executive Committee, the Chapter endorsed maintaining payroll for members of staff during the pandemic shut down. While wage subsidies are promised by government, it will be some time before we see those resources. Our ability to continue to pay salaries will depend on income by way of offerings. There has been response to the request to “catch up and keep up.” We’ll continue to monitor our financial status.


Property - Cathedral and Hall are being checked regularly. We’re thankful that a flood is unlikely this year.

Communication - Issue #2 of Cathedral Connections published mid April with plans to maintain every other week. Social media, website and other means of communicating continue to get attention.

Welcome and Hospitality - considering ways to celebrate community once pandemic restrictions are lifted.

Health and Pastoral Care - a recent website post by the parish Nurse was reviewed. Contacts by telephone and meeting needs where possible continue.

Worship - Committee has not met but efforts continue to provide worship opportunities by virtual means.

Christian Formation - additional virtual programming that might be undertaken. Faith Alive! (Preparation for confirmation, reaffirmation and reception) may reconnect by video conference.

Mission and Outreach - Monday drop-in not held regularly but vouchers given at a distance on the last Monday of the month. Some communications with Belize over the last several weeks. Continuing to monitor Housing First project.

Finance and Administration - No meeting as of yet but possible in the near future. Installation of VOIP telephone system will be completed soon. Stewardship Team has been active.

Next Meetings

• 18 May 2020
• 15 June 2020


Bishop and Chapter News (April 2020)

Bishop and Chapter met 02 April 2020 by video conference. While communication among members has been frequent this was its first formal meeting since February. 12 of 14 members were present including newest member Victoria Hachey.

Business Arising

Approval of February minutes deferred. Recommendations pending re coffee time for 10:00 a.m. Sunday worship, Restoration Fund by-law and narrative budget for 2021.

From the Dean

During Coronavirus crisis over 20 pastoral visits by phone. Working closely with the Bishop on Sunday worship via YouTube. As is normal, composing and circulating regular Sunday bulletins, podcasting worship and sermons. Daily Offices continue, most remotely. Planning for Holy Week and Easter Day. Communication with staff members, some of whom are able to do most or more of their normal work from home. Guiding implementation of a new VOIP phone system for Hall and Cathedral which will cost less with more features. Facilitating online tools that can be used by various Cathedral groups to conduct normal business during this crisis and into the future. Many phone calls and on-line Cathedral and diocesan meetings. Challenging times learning new ways.


Housing First - Executive Committee is authorized to continue discussions with City of Fredericton leading to the signing of a legal 'purchase and sale agreement' that will transfer to us for $1.00 a lot at the corner of Regent and Albert Streets. The Chapter recognizes that the current financial situation may impact governments' ability to deliver the necessary financial and human resources as originally planned.


Property - Cathedral and Hall closed, heat turned down but being monitored regularly. New circulating pump ordered for Cathedral hot water heating system. Flood watch is on.

Communication - Various tools being used to inform and support congregation members - Caremongering Cathedral Group on Facebook, phone calls to those not online, a newsletter (Cathedral Connections) coming soon with Cathedral stories and information during the crisis. Overall, the congregation is appreciative of being kept informed.

Health and Pastoral Care - Our most vulnerable congregants are being personally monitored by phone and with selected visits by our parish nurses and others to ensure they are looked after, safe and healthy during the crisis. Normal pastoral visits not possible at hospitals, care facilities and homes.

Worship - The Committee has not met. It is positive that the Cathedral is being used for on-line services intended for a diocesan audience, and several of our people are involved.

Christian Formation - Thursday Taizé worship has been well-received with on-line participants. Some Lenten studies and Charis groups have continued to meet on-line. Possibility of on-line Godly Play activities is being considered.

Mission and Outreach - A modified Monday drop-in (4th Monday) continues. Participants grateful for grocery vouchers. Health and safety rules are being followed. Housing First committee is awaiting news. Cathedral is participating in discussions by L'Arche Fredericton that is planning for a new group home in the city. Just announced that volunteer teams at Community Kitchen will not be needed during the crisis.

Finance and Administration - Treasurer reported that there has been a significant drop in weekly offerings, but that for now our bank balance is sufficient to cover monthly expenses at least until May. Our monthly fixed costs total approximately. $35,000 even with the deferment by synod 'shared ministry' contribution. Eligibility criteria for government support programs. Stewardship Team will communicate about giving.

Next Meeting
• 20 April 2020 by video conference


Bishop and Chapter News – February 2020

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 10 February 2020 with ten of a usual twelve members present. Minutes of the 13 January 2020 meeting were adopted with agreed corrections. A faith conversation reflected on a devotional from My Utmost For His Highest (Oswald Chambers) – “Are You Exhausted Spiritually?” “Have you delivered yourself over to exhaustion because of the way you have been serving God? If so, then renew and rekindle your desires and affections.”

Business Arising

ACW Plaque - to be hung on the back wall of the Cathedral
Narrative Budget - the goal will be to work toward a narrative budget for 2021. The Stewardship Team has added to its work plan.
Cathedral Restoration Fund by-law - is on the Finance and Administration Committee agenda
10:00 a.m. Sunday refreshments - a group to be formed will consider

From the Dean

A brief report outlining usual work including pastoral duties, normal worship, Holy Eucharists at Farraline Place and Windsor Court, committee and team work and preparations for Annual Meeting.


Project 2045 - a January Final Report was circulated and discussed. Mark Gunter visited the meeting on behalf of chair Melissa Dawe. Five options were investigated in depth. Ultimately, recommendations for next steps are:

1) Enter into formal discussions with Synod about the potential for constructing a new purpose-built facility between Bishops Court and the Synod Office. Discussions would focus on the concept of sharing ministry and administrative space, and space for most of the activities currently held in Memorial Hall.

2) Continue to pursue opportunities to enhance the flexibility of the existing space within the Cathedral footprint to better accommodate Cathedral and community activities.

The full report is available on the web site and in printed format

Future Facilities exploration - Mark Gunter and the Dean appointed to continue with discussion with the Diocesan Synod regarding potential for future planning with the power to add membership

2019 Year End Financials - Kendra Patrick (Bringloe Feeney) following the review engagement, visited the meeting and presented draft statements and management letter. Both accepted by motion for presentation to the Annual Meeting.

2020 Proposed Budget - final approved for presentation to Annual


A general suggestion was made to refer to the Annual Report for committee reports.

Treasurer - January 2020 financials were available for review. Thanks expressed to Kendra Patrick with appreciation for her work

Welcome and Hospitality - a reminder that Chapter committees and membership are asked to attend to duties to facilitate the Annual meeting on 23 February

Health and Pastoral Care - regular programming continues with the exception of Chair Yoga which may begin again after winter. Plans for a possible Health Information Session in February or March.

Christian Formation - Lenten study opportunities are now being arranged with a variety of times and offerings for 2020 thanks to several facilitators

Nominating Committee - the Committee of the Congregation provided its current draft report for the information of the Chapter to be included in the Annual Report.


• 23 February - Annual (10:30 a.m. worship, luncheon and meeting)
• 26 February - Ash Wednesday
• 12 April - Easter Day

Next meetings: 23 February (Annual Meeting); 23 March (TBC)      GMH