Bishop and Chapter met on 19 June 2023 with 12 of 13 members present. Minutes of the meeting on 15 May 2023 were adopted.
- outside corporate Communions (2); committee/group meetings (4); Thy Kingdom Come (18-28 May) Novena weekdays; Ordination (30 May); weekly staff meetings (4); work planning with Director of Music; marriage preparation (1) Wedding (17 Jun); home visits (4); 3 home / hospital communions; 2 Cathedral funerals / 2 attended; Evensong - Installation/Collation (04 Jun); Staff and Deacon reviews underway (3); collaboration with I. Cutler re deacon appointment; generally running behind on pastoral visitation; proposing vacation 24 July - 13 August
- Recommend publicizing “Help Wanted.” Various needs including: communion administrators; home communions; hospital visitors; lectors; intercessors; servers, website content and maintenance, social media maintenance; others identified by committees
- Vacancies: Chapter Vice-Chair | Chapter Property | Nominating
- Synod Finance Committee (1); Diocesan Council (1)
- Appointment recommendation to the Bishop. That we recommend our Bishop consider the appointment of the Rev’d Isabel Cutler, as Deacon at Christ Church Cathedral
- Administration of Communion. Request our Bishop grant permission for Donna Beek to administer communion.
- Approve transfer of 400 shares of BMO securities to Diocesan Consolidated Investments (Cathedral Anglican Church Women)
- move an additional $20,000 unrestricted investments to operating fund for summer cash flow bringing the total to $70,000
June Report of Planning Study - Source Alliance having returned the final report of the feasibility study (January - May) regarding Cathedral restoration, Our Bishop chaired this portion of the meeting. The Report suggests an urgency as well as several options for consideration. The Report was shared with members of the Chapter with a request that it not yet be made public. Our Bishop requested some time to make several key contacts and that the Chapter continue in discernment.
Treasurer - May offerings $36,860. Year-to-date deficit to 31 May -$39,739. Summer cash flow deficiency anticipated
Administration and Finance - interview of tour guides this week; June staff reviews underway
Worship - no report
Property - Unforeseen Cathedral furnace repair to be completed in the next few weeks - $34,000 to 38,000 estimated total cost
Health and Pastoral Care - no meeting of purview groups as of yet
Mission Outreach - in process: considering policy for request for benevolent funds; Belize Missions Yard Sale for St. Hilda scholarships; Mijia’s from Honduras visit 25 June
Communications - weddings at the Cathedral website post series; video for St. Saviour Latvia - Night of the Churches event;; Thy Kingdom Come “daily short readings” videos; publicity for current events
Christian Formation - planning for 30 Sept Day of Truth and Reconciliation; fall 2023 Life in the Eucharist
Welcome and Hospitality - assisted with refreshments for a June funeral; Mejia visit refreshments/luncheon 25 June
- 2023 Summer Music Series Fridays 30 June - 25 August
- Monday, 11 September 2023 GMH