Mission and Outreach

Valuable contributions

Valuable contributions

The Cathedral Outreach Committee sincerely thanks the congregation for fulfilling all 50 Christmas Angel requests by the November 14th deadline. Pictured are just a few of the toys and stocking stuffers delivered to the food bank to make sure needy children will have gifts under the tree this Christmas. Well done, everyone! The toys were […]

Back to school in Belize

Back to school in Belize

Our high school scholarship students in Belize have begun their fall semester. Thank you for your support and prayers! One of the students had been quite ill after a COVID infection, but was given clearance by a doctor to return to class in September. The four students (Caleb, Edvin, Gian, and Korey) are thankful for […]

Penny Ericson to receive Order of New Brunswick

Penny Ericson to receive Order of New Brunswick

The dedicated and talented chair of the Cathedral Outreach Committee, Penny Ericson, is being inducted into the Order of New Brunswick for her many accomplishments achieved during decades in this province. Penny is a professor emeritus from the University of New Brunswick and a retired Dean of the Faculty of Nursing. She has been recognized […]

Celebration at St. Hilda’s

Celebration at St. Hilda’s

Graduates of St. Hilda’s Anglican School were thrilled to receive their diplomas from Standard 6 (grade 8) at the end of June. Principal Jane Martinez shared photos of the happy students, which you can see below. She previously sent photos of a worship service held for the graduates in the school’s chapel. Upon this completion […]

Canada matches gifts to PWRDF for world hunger

Canada matches gifts to PWRDF for world hunger

In response to the hunger emergency unfolding around the world, including many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, 12 leading Canadian aid agencies are joining forces as the Humanitarian Coalition to raise funds and rush assistance to people on the edge of famine. One of those agencies is the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, itself a coalition of 15 […]

Graduation at St. Hilda’s

Graduation at St. Hilda’s

It’s graduation time in Belize! The Principal of St. Hilda’s Anglican School, Ms. Jane Martinez, recently sent a few photos from year-end activities, and a video of students singing during a worship service in the school’s chapel for the Standard 6 (grade 8) graduates. Watch it below. St. Hilda’s, an elementary school in the rural […]