Thank you to everyone at the Cathedral who donated toilet paper and hygiene supplies to the 7th annual TP The Town campaign!
This spring, Fredericton High School students partnered partnered with community groups, churches, and other schools to collect toilet paper and as many feminine care and personal hygiene products as possible. Monetary donations were also gratefully accepted.
Cathedral youth Alex and Claire, along with their fellow student council members, have been counting rolls as they arrive. Their goal is 25,000 rolls!
Products will soon be delivered to shelters and transitional housing locations in the Fredericton area, such as Chrysalis House, St. John House (the men’s shelter), Grace House for women, Gignoo House, Transition House, and the 12 Neighbor’s Village.
The Student Representative Council of Fredericton High School provides leadership opportunities and serves the student body, the school, and the community. An integral part of their program is to provide service to our community.
A letter from the student council expressed appreciation for the support of TP the Town, "Thank you for helping give back to those that struggle to take care of what we take for granted."
On Sunday 6 March, the first Sunday of Lent, as part of our Ad-LENT-ures 2022 offerings, the Cathedral and the Cathedral Youth Group (CYG) were pleased to host a screening of the first episode of The Chosen. More than twenty people gathered in the Cathedral Main Hall and were introduced in a new way to four important scriptural figures -- Mary of Magdala, Nicodemus the Pharisee, Matthew the tax collector, and Simon the fisherman.
The Chosen claims to be the largest crowd-funded media project in history, and aims to film and produce seven full seasons of eight episodes each, portraying the life of Christ and the disciples. All of the episodes can be streamed -- for free -- from The Chosen standalone app.
If you missed episode 1, watch it at home and join us on Sundays to enjoy fellowship and watch more episodes!
The Cathedral/CYG will be screening the first season of The Chosen on Sunday evenings during Lent, from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in Cathedral Memorial Hall. Here is the tentative schedule:
6 March ~ Episode 1
13 March ~ Episodes 2 & 3
20 March ~ Episode 4
27 March ~ Episode 5
3 April ~ Episodes 6 & 7
10 April (Palm Sunday) ~ Episode 8
Please come along to any or all of the evenings for the viewings and a brief time of discussion afterwards. And bring friend(s)! Refreshments provided.RSVPs requested, to Kurt Schmidt -- by email to < at> or by text to 506-259-3711.
Recently, the Cathedral Youth Group (CYG) met at Mitch Clarke Park for an outdoor ice skating session.
The group of middle and high schoolers had taken a hiatus from in-person programming while the province was under more restrictive levels of the COVID-19 Winter Plan. Members of the group who were able to attend were thrilled to be back together and having fun outdoors.
Since then, CYG has been able to meet again inside Cathedral Memorial Hall. The kids typically meet in the Main Hall on the stage, which has been converted into a youth area now that the Synod Office has expended its offices into the former youth room upstairs.
Members of CYG are excited to host episode screenings of The Chosen as part of the Christian Formation Team's Ad-LENT-ures devotional programming. Individuals from the congregation and beyond are invited to visit Memorial Hall each Sunday in Lent from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. (the typical youth group time slot), to watch the show about the life of Christ and the disciples. The kids plan to make popcorn to share with attendees.
The Sunday Paper is a new resource at the Cathedral as of the First of Advent 2021!
Each week, check the Quick Links of our regular weekly Friday email for links to current editions (or bookmark these in your web browser for quick access). The content will change each Friday, updated for the upcoming Sunday and prior to sending the email announcing the Sunday bulletin. These can be viewed or downloaded to a device or printed for use at home. (We'll plan on having a few paper copies at the Cathedral on Sundays.)
“The Sunday Paper is informal, whimsical, faithful to Scripture, and in dead earnest. It is not condescending or cute. It helps children to acquire a vocabulary of crucial Scriptural images, and to relate the Gospel to the Old Testament, the life of the Church, and their own lives.”
The original SUNDAY PAPER appeals to intermediate through junior high, and presents one lesson (usually the Gospel) as a two-line cartoon; the other readings, and the Psalm, are presented as single vignettes. The lessons are tied together with a short commentary.
THE SUNDAY PAPER JUNIOR is aimed at younger children (preschool through grade 3 or 4). The SUNDAY PAPER JUNIOR features one lesson only, usually the Gospel. THE SUNDAY PAPER JUNIOR offers big, bold artwork, a simple storyline, an activity page designed to stir children's imaginations and spirituality and that requires pencil or crayons only (no glue or scissors) and does not involve word games or other literacy-based activities. THE SUNDAY PAPER JUNIOR can be used in church, nursery, or classroom.
Visit the Sunday Paper website or Facebook page for more information and other resources from many sources for providing formation experiences, especially with children.
Members of the Cathedral Youth Group (CYG) were happy to gather in-person on 17 October, after an extended summer break. About a dozen were in attendance; a combination of high schoolers, middle schoolers, and youth leaders, including three new members in Grade 6.
Returning members were very pleased to see one another again in the CYG circle after such a long time away. The group sang, prayed, played games, and discussed their goals, desires, and plans for the next few months.
Kurt Schmidt, Cathedral Director of Christian Formation, was pleased with the long-anticipated return, saying, "Thanks to all who helped make our Fall 2021 CYG Launch last Sunday such a lovely time together." He is especially appreciative of the assistance of several youth leaders, who have a great rapport with the kids.
CYG outdoor meetings earlier in the pandemic, distanced and bubbled.
At the gathering, he also unveiled a new feature... a location change! CYG has spent much of the pandemic meeting online, outside, in the Cathedral, and in the Main Hall. This fall, a decision was made to convert the Youth Room on the top floor of Memorial Hall into a workspace, allowing the Diocesan Synod Office to expand their daily operations. CYG is in the process of moving their materials to the ground floor and will be creating a gathering area on the stage. During their meetings, they will continue to use a variety of areas in the Cathedral and Hall that complement their activities, whether they be active, musical, prayerful, virtual, or culinary.
On 24 October, the youth returned to the Hall for pumpkin carving in the kitchen. They laughed and got messy, while making jack-o'-lanterns that won prizes for "(1) spookiest, (2) cleverest / creativest / wildest, and (3) youth-groupiest pumpkins."
The Youth Group will break for Halloween, resuming in November. Any interested young people in middle or high school are welcome to attend CYG, and all are warmly and formally invited. Spread the word! Contact Kurt for details, via email or phone (506) 259-3711.
Please note that proof of double vaccination or medical exemption for ages 12+ is required for indoor gatherings in the Cathedral and Hall, and masks are mandatory. Thank you for your continued cooperation and compliance on these fronts.
Half capacity is better than zero capacity in the Rev. John Galbraith’s mind. While the director of Camp Medley would love to see 130 kids running around on any given week, 68 campers onsite was a blessing to behold during the second week of July.
Camp Medley was closed last year, so they concentrated on facility upgrades, and held family drop-in days to keep interest up.
Fortunately this summer, provincial protocols have allowed overnight camping...
Washington National Cathedral in the United States has assembled an educational resource for Lent and Easter, filled with family-friendly resources to celebrate the seasons. It answers some commonly asked questions, and includes prayers and activities to explore the stories and traditions that bind us together.
On Sunday evenings in early fall, if you drove past the Cathedral around 8:00 p.m. you might have seen a group of teenagers, illuminated by light amidst the shadows, praying.
In the midst of a worldwide health crisis, this spiritual balm was welcomed and embraced by members of the Cathedral Youth Group, casually referred to as CYG, as they strengthened their bonds through ongoing communication and activity.
The Cathedral Youth Group is comprised of approximately 12 teenagers and 4 young adult leaders, and the group is spearheaded by the Cathedral’s Director of Christian Formation, Kurt Schmidt. Some of the teens’ families are regular members of the congregation, some attend Sunday services at different churches, and some are at the beginning of their formation journey, but all have found a spiritual home in the youth group.
CYG met occasionally throughout the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic using Zoom to connect the young people and the group leaders. As restrictions were loosened by New Brunswick’s Public Health officials during the summer and early autumn, CYG was able to meet frequently for gatherings on the Cathedral green. This return to in-person gatherings was a bright spot for the youth, providing them with much needed personal connection. The activities provided an outlet to share their feelings, an opportunity to continue their spiritual growth, and a source of fun. The teenagers played outdoor games, held physically distanced song circles, and made occasional (truthfully, fairly regular) trips to the nearby Queen Street Creamery ice cream truck.
September brought an evening of apple-picking at Everett Family Orchard. A Saturday in October at Camp Medley connected the group with other young people from across the Diocese of Fredericton. "Bubbles" of youth groups rotated stations, engaging in activities to explore what it means to be "in-between" -- in-between the start and end of a pandemic, and in-between Jesus' victory on the cross and the final celebrations of that victory. Lots of laughter was had during a beautiful day of fellowship and friendly competition.
CYG gathered for a virtual "watch" party for the 2020 edition of the Change Conference, in which speakers encouraged youth that God is good even when times are hard. The group also celebrated the Confirmations of two regular CYG members -- Rachel and Adriana -- in October.
The CYG crew continues to grow together in its knowledge of scripture, its experience of unusual games, and especially its abilities as a musical worship team. Subject to pandemic regulations at the time, you will be able to hear the group sing as a physically distanced music group for the Mini Advent Lessons and Carols on December 18th in the Cathedral. Reserve a spot to attend on the Cathedral Signups page or tune in to the live-stream.
Youth Group had resumed regular weekly gatherings inside Memorial Hall (wearing masks), but due to rising COVID-19 cases in New Brunswick, they have temporarily reverted to virtual gatherings.
Please continue to keep CYG in your prayers as they grow in their faith, and learn to adapt to the many challenges of life during the pandemic.
The YIG team is conducting a series of surveys for parishes, families (parents and grandparents) and youth (ages 12-25) to gather information, thoughts and opinions in regards to youth ministry and spiritual practices.
It should take less than 15 minutes to fill out one of the surveys. The data gathered will be used to give the YIG team an idea of what spiritual practices and youth ministry is like within the Diocese. A report and workshop/presentation will be featured at the next Diocesan Youth Ministry Conference on September 29, 2018 at St. Paul's Rothesay. We hope to see you and the survey participants attend.
After you complete the surveys you will receive instructions in how to enter a draw for 1 of 3 $50 Cineplex gift cards for youth and one free week at Camp Medley each for parishes and families.
The surveys can be done online using the links below: