Some are asking: What is a "Faith Alive! Deep Dive?"
Faith Alive! is our Cathedral programme of preparation for confirmation, reaffirmation of faith or reception into the Anglican Church. Both "classes" and "sessions" with participants and their mentors comprise the programme content. Specifically, the classes are opportunities when all meet on a Wednesday evening for a meal and some teaching by various individuals on the various topics.
The "Deep Dive" is being offered by the Dean during Lent as one of our Cathedral Lenten Study options in 2020, 1:00 p.m. on Wednesdays in the Formation Room at the Memorial Hall. The Deep Dive is for anyone, Faith Alive! participant or not, who would appreciate some extended, more detailed focus on the class topics. The extra attention will allow for more smaller gourp conversation and dialogue and are open to anyone who has interest in one or any of the topics.
The schedule with topics:
Ash Wednesday, 26 February 2020 - "Worship and Prayer"
Wednesday, 04 March 2020 - "The Holy Bible"
Wednesday, 11 March 2020 - "God/Creeds/Doctrines"
Wednesday, 18 March 2020 - "Ministry and Structure of the Church"
Wednesday, 25 March 2020 - "Rule/Ten Commandments"
Wednesday, 01 April 2020 - "Symbols, Sacraments and Seasons"
During the Season of Lent, all members of the Cathedral congregation are encouraged to take part in small group study or reflection.
The 40 days of Lent are an excellent time to take on a discipline of deeper reflection on the Christian life, growing personally in discipleship as well as helping us grow as a community of Christian faith in the world.
Living the Fifth ~ the Fifth Mark of Mission is: to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth. The online webinar from Queen’s College, Newfoundland, will explore the three themes. Wednesdays: 3-4 pm 04 and 18 March; 03 April
Liturgy of the Ordinary ~ Two groups offering a series of reflections on this diocesan-recommended text urging becoming aware of God's presence in overlooked moments and routines. Mondays, 2:30 p.m. OR Thursdays, 7:00 p.m.
More Monk-y Business ~ The Roots of Western Monasticism conceived as a 'sequel' to the series last Lent on the Desert Mothers and Fathers, will further explore the development of monasticism in western Europe, legacies of prayer and discipline. Mondays, 6:30 p.m.
Faith Alive! Deep Dive ~ Conversations on class (or session) topics from “Faith Alive!” – the Confirmation, Reaffirmation or Reception preparation programme now underway. Wednesdays, 1:00 p.m.
Parables: Scandalous Stories of a Saving Grace ~ exploration according to the book of the same title by Bishop Bill Hockin. Thursdays, 1:00 p.m.
Resources will be made available by the leaders of each of the studies. Contact the leaders directly to: express interest / ask a question / register, place the form on the offering plate or submit to the Cathedral office. Some flexibility in schedules and locations may be possible within given restraints.
Group Leaders
Mark Nichols, Creation Car Animator (Eastern Nfld and Labrador) Webinar link
Kurt Schmidt <formation at> (506) 259-3711
Alan Sears <asears at> (506) 450-9971
Geoffrey Hall <dean at> (506) 450-7761
Harry Palmer and Keith Radford <radford at> (506) 452-1793
Cheryl Jacobs <cajacobs84 at> (506) 459-5795
Five opportunties at six different times
“Living the Fifth” Online webinar format
Wednesday, 04 March - 3-4 p.m. “A missional calling” Wednesday, 18 March 3-4 p.m. “A communal calling” Wednesday, 01 April 3-4 p.m. “A personal calling” Open the link in your web browser to join Mark Nichols
“Liturgy of the Ordinary” Charis Group
Mondays 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Cathedral Hall Lounge Harry Palmer/Keith Radford
More Monk-y Business
Mondays 6:30 - 7:30 p.m
Cathedral Hall Formation Room Kurt Schmidt
Faith Alive! Deep Dive
Wednesdays 1:00 - 2:15 pm
Cathedral Hall Formation Room Geoffrey Hall
Parables: Scandalous Stories/Saving Grace
Thursdays 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Cathedral Hall Formation Room Alan Sears
"Liturgy of the Ordinary” Home Study
Thursdays 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Jacobs’ Residence Cheryl Jacobs
Please register by completing the form, place it on the offering plate or email to Kurt Schmidt.
Dr. John Valk presented "Christianity Through a Worldview Lens" in Fredericton on 11 and 12 February 2020. A "Christian forum" organized by the Spiritual Development Team of the Diocesan Council of the Diocese of Fredericton, John delivered a comprehensive overview which serves to describe the challenges of Christianity (and other religious faiths) in a post-modern world.
We live in an age of science, logic and reason. This is a time when religion and religious faith are struggling to be recognized to have a voice in a context where dimensions of reality, existence and meaning -- the "big" questions -- are disregarded.
John noted that his presentation was drawn from a more lengthy treatment of the subject in his paper with the same title: "Christianity Through a Worldview Lens." His insights are enlightening and descriptive of the challenge religious faith is experiencing. John's perspective is ultimately of great value and importance.
1. The Tithe Is the First 10 Percent
"Set apart a tithe of all the yield of your seed that is brought in yearly from the field." (Deuteronomy 14:22) Few of us bring in a yield from the field these days. But a "yield" we do possess.
Wondering how to calculate your tithe? It's easy! The tithe is the first 10 percent of your gross income—before any expenses or obligations, including taxes. Find out that number for the year, month or weeks and move the decimal point one place to the left. How do we know? God says, "Honour the Lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all your produce." (Proverbs 3:9). The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines firstfruits as "the earliest gathered fruits offered to God in acknowledgment of the gift of fruitfulness" (See also Genesis 28:22; Leviticus 27:32; Hebrews 7:2, 4).
There's something spiritually significant about giving God our first and best, rather than the leftovers. And it means something to him, too. In Malachi 1:6-12, some of the priests at the Temple got a bright idea. Instead of offering unblemished animals as sacrifices to the Lord, they decided to make sacrificing more convenient and cost-effective. So, they began encouraging people to give their blind and lame animals, instead of the best of the bunch. The priests were giving God the leftovers instead of the first and best. In response, God said, "Where is the honour due to me? And if I am a master, where is the respect due to me? says the Lord of hosts." (Malachi 1:6). God viewed the practice as dishonouring him—because it was!
When God gave his first and only Son as a sacrifice for our sins, he gave his first and best. He deserves nothing less from us.
2. The Tithe Belongs to God
"Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor's, and to God the things that are God's." (Matthew 22:21)
Some people get very defensive when a church leader talks about the tithe. "All they want is my money!" they'll say. That kind of attitude comes from a spirit of fear and judgment, and it is outside of the walk of love we are called by God to make our way of living. Most pastors are trying to help others understand the principle of tithing for their own benefit! But the real question isn't about whether or not a pastor is trying to get your money—it's whether we understand that the tithe belongs to God.
Is God really of first importance in our lives? If he is, there won't be such strong opposition to the idea of giving him our first and best. Scripture says, "All tithes from the land, whether the seed from the ground or the fruit from the tree, are the Lord's; they are holy to the Lord." (Leviticus 27:30).
In other words, when we tithe, we aren't giving our money to a pastor or a church—we're giving it to God. Certainly, it's important to be sure we are giving into good soil, but once we make that determination, our heart needs to release the tithe into God's hands for his purposes. If we don't, release it, there's no way around it—we're robbing God (Malachi 3:8). There is no blessing in robbing.
3. We Present Our Tithes to Jesus
"In the one case, tithes are received by those who are mortal; in the other, by one of whom it is testified that he lives." (Hebrews 7:8)
In the Old Covenant, the people presented their tithes to the high priest. Today, Jesus is the High Priest, so we present our tithes to him (Hebrews 4:14-16). That's why tithing isn't about money—it's about honour. We honour God with our tithe when we present our tithes to Jesus. How do we do this? First, we do it joyfully—we don't murmur. "God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7) Then, it becomes a deliberate act of worship.
"Honour the Lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine." (Proverbs 3:9-10) So, every time we give—we present our tithe to the Lord with honour. That's the heart that leads to increase; that is the heart with which we tithe.
4. We Give Our Tithes in Faith
"And without faith it is impossible to please God, for whoever would approach him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him." (Hebrews 11:6)
If we tithe in fear—fear that we won't have enough left over, fear that we won't be able to make ends meet, fear that we won't get a return, fear that it won’t be used properly—we're not tithing in faith. And if we're not tithing in faith, we're not eligible to receive the benefits.
So, don't just tithe—tithe in faith! Do it believing that God will rebuke the evil one for your sake (Malachi 3:11) and that he'll open the windows of heaven over your life (Malachi 3:10). If we aren't tithing faithfully, our priorities are in the wrong place. Our priorities are in the temporal realm instead of the spiritual realm. And it's what's in the spiritual realm that will always bring us out of trouble and bring about abundant blessing.
Faith says, "We're going to tithe first." And faith knows God will take care of us in the meantime.
5. We Tithe Using Words
At harvest thanksgiving this year we read from Deuteronomy 26:2 "Take some of the firstfruits…. and say to the priest ...”
If we approach our giving as a matter of the heart, rather than just bucket-plunking, we'll not only begin to see it as an act of honour and worship, but an act of faith. Part of that act of faith is that we give using words.
In the Old Covenant, God's people would place the firstfruits of their increase—in a basket, present it to the high priest, and say to him, "Today I declare to the Lord your God that I have come into the land that the Lord swore to our ancestors to give us." (Deuteronomy 26:3). Redemption was being spoken.
For the Christian, Jesus is the High Priest. When we present our tithe to him, we should do so with our words, declaring the benefits and protections. Say out loud, "As I give, I believe the evil one is rebuked in my life, and the windows of heaven are opening up over every part of my life. As you give, it "... it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap; for the measure you give will be the measure you get back." (Luke 6:38) And it is!
6. Giving the Tenth Protects the Other 90 Percent
"I will rebuke the locust for you, so that it will not destroy the produce of your soil; and your vine in the field shall not be barren, says the Lord of hosts." (Malachi 3:11)
Isn't it "the locust," which threatens to destroy, for no good purpose, that which we hold dear?
"I can't afford to tithe." Have you ever heard or said those words? You may have even thought, “When I can afford it, I'll tithe. “ Some of us may have been thinking that for 10 years, and we still don't think we can afford it. That should tell us something. What we're doing is not working.
Here's a simple truth about giving the 10 percent: Give God what is his, and he will protect what is yours. As you honour God with the 10 percent that belongs to him, he'll get involved with the rest. The other 90 percent will go further than ever before because you've got the generous heart God wants you to have when making financial decisions. Good financial decisions is what stewardship is all about. The majority of us don't make them. It’s the witness of every tither that the tithe given is never missed.
The tithe of our income belongs to God. It lays the foundation of our financial success and abundance. There’s a protection plan attached to the tithe.
If you're not a tither, you can look back in your life, and you can see where your fruit was destroyed, where your situation didn't work out, where your job didn't come to full fruition, where you weren't able to do what you intended to do. What's missing in all of that is assurance that we have invested in what really matters. Of one thing we can be assured, what we invest in the work of God matters and it is blessed. With that blessing also comes enormous blessing for us.
7. Tithing Is the Only Area of Life Where God Says "Test Me!"
"Put me to the test!" (Malachi 3:10)
This is God himself speaking, and God is saying, "Prove me in this." This is the only time in the whole of the Bible where God instructs us to test him, and it is the one area where most people have withdrawn from proving God. He tells us the evil one will be rebuked. "See if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing." (Malachi 3:10-11) Have you ever tried to test God? Have you experienced a result? Why not?
Tithing is a lifestyle choice, not a hobby. A tither is a giver from the heart. So, don't just toss some money in a bucket and wait to see what happens. It is necessary to test the Lord with the giver's heart. That's when harvest comes. If we're not sowers we're not entitled to the harvest. Harsh reality. Vivid truth.
8. Tithing Is a Covenant Connection
"They have transgressed my covenant that I imposed on them. They have taken some of the devoted things; they have stolen, they have acted deceitfully, and they have put them among their own belongings. Therefore the Israelites are unable to stand before their enemies; they turn their backs to their enemies, because they have become a thing devoted for destruction themselves. I will be with you no more, unless you destroy the devoted things from among you." (Joshua 7:11-12)
Refusing to give based on Scripture's direction, disconnects us from the Covenant which blesses. When we tithe, we give God the legal right to intervene in our affairs, to bless us richly, and to defend us against the destruction the evil one brings.
Why should we wait until our back is against the wall? Why not begin now? Meditate on the blessings God's Word promises. Learn to act on the Word now, and when Satan tries to put you in a financial corner, failure will result. Live into the covenant of God and there will be little which can ultimately prevail.
9. God Created the Giving Heart for Our Benefit
"Honour the Lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine." (Proverbs 3:9-10) Has that been quoted before?
Tithing isn't sowing—it's giving back to God what belongs to him. As a result, we will live in the overflow! That's the harvest. A good harvester is one who plans to give back what is already owned.
10. Our Giving Only Opens the Door to Blessing
"Then you ... with the aliens who reside among you, shall celebrate with all the bounty that the Lord your God has given to you and to your house." (Deuteronomy 26:11)
Being a wise and obedient steward of what God has given us is the least and the most that God requires of us. Perhaps it all begins with the proper handling of what belongs to God—the tithe. Tithing is an open door to the blessing that God set forth to bless us and keep us.
In Deuteronomy 28, God spoke to the Israelites about the curse and the blessing. But just prior to that, in Deuteronomy 26, he spoke to them about letting him in on their finances—through the tithe. Why? Not because God needed the money, but because they needed the help. They were going into the Promised Land where there would be many challenges. He told them about tithing, the curse and the blessing ... and in that order.
It's still the same for us today. If you've been thinking, “I believe in tithing but, I just can't afford it,” you're going backward. Because if you don't invite the blessing, you invite the curse.
These are 10 truths about giving. Is any of this magic or empty promises? Put these truths to work in your life—perceive them as the revelation they are—and just see if the result of God's promises don't increase. Are you hesitant to walk the life of a tither—take the plunge. Read the verses in scripture about giving, its central role in the walk of faith and, act on them. Start to tithe! Then, buckle your seatbelt and get ready for a truly exciting journey!
The Bible is much clearer about our giving than many of us realize or are willing to admit.
Read each passage and circle the choice or choices you think best answer the question. Don't look at the answers until you've completed all the questions!
1. What promises does God make to givers according to his direction in these verses:
a. an overwhelming blessing
b. no suffering
c. protection against losses due to "circumstances"
d. a better job
e. material riches
2. How does God look on those Israelites who withheld their tithe?
a. as shrewd financial planners
b. as robbers
c. as good people just trying to do the right thing
3. How does God decide whether to use a big scoop or a small scoop when he blesses us?
a. he uses the same size scoop for everyone
b. if we use our big scoop, he uses his big scoop. If we use our small scoop, he uses his small scoop
4. Principles of “sowing” and “reaping” include:
a. a single seed planted produces a plant bearing many seeds
b. sowing lawn seeds sparingly produces a full rich lawn
c. sowing lawn seeds generously means you'll have to mow a lot
8. Why does God withhold blessings from his people?
a. just to watch them squirm
b. to be faithful to his principle of sowing and reaping
c. to teach them to put giving to God first
9. How can a person tell whether he or she is serving God rather than money?
a. by the size of the VISA bill at the end of the month.
b. by the size of the paycheck
c. by the amount of the gift to the church
d. by the ratio of the paycheck total to the gift to the church
e. by the number of cars in the driveway
10. The lessons of this passage are:
a. the poor are being exploited in giving to God more than they can afford
b. God is pleased with the love represented by the widow's gift
c. two tiny copper coins given out of sacrifice are worth more to God than a bundle of cash given without sacrifice
Answers: 1. a and c; 2. b; 3. b; 4. a and c; 5. b; 6. b and c; 7. a; 8. b and c; 9. d; 10. b and c
3 to 5 wrong–look more carefully. 1 to 2 wrong– good. All correct–no excuses.
We began on 27 November with training for mentors and parents. The first "class" was Wednesday, 04 December beginning with supper at 5:30 p.m.. A schedule of classes and sessions is available on the Faith Alive! page. Any and all are welcome to join in classes that may be of interest beginning on the scheduled Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
Faith Alive is built on the foundational approach of mentorship. "It takes a church to make a disciple." All participants are encouraged to have a mentor or "friend in faith" to walk along this journey with them.
Have you ever questioned what you really believe? Have you ever wondered how what you believe compares to the teaching of the Church and its traditions? Are you concerned about our ability to pass on the Faith to coming generations and the community where we live?
Early in December, with the advent of a new Church year, Christ Church Cathedral will embark on an exciting opportunity for the whole Cathedral Family.
Confirmation is the sacrament in which the Bishop lays hands on a candidate to confirm and reaffirm the vows of Baptism especially praying for the strengthening and guiding Spirit of God their lives.
Reaffirmation is for any and all who have been confirmed but wish they had an opportunity to refresh their understanding of the faith now that a few (or many) years have passed since confirmation. The Bishop will pray with them for the strengthening power of God.
Reception (not the refreshments after worship!) is for those who have come to the Anglican Church from another faith tradition, have been confirmed there by a Bishop, but wish to be more officially received into the Anglican Church (Communion).
As you can see, there is something for everyone, but there’s even more! What will facilitate the preparation for these individuals includes pairing each participant with a friend in faith (a mentor) who walks along side candidates to help where they can and assure that no one is walking alone.
Unit 1: Faith Alive in Scripture and Worship
Discover again how the Bible is the Word of God, our sacred story, and the authoritative basis for all that we preach and teach. Rediscover some of the depth of meaning behind and within Christian worship and prayer traditions
Unit 2: Faith Alive in Doctrine
Review the most basic Christian teachings on creation, who is God?, how are we to live as followers of Jesus Christ and inheritors of the Kingdom of Heaven? We’ll explore how the church is structured and why, referring throughout to the Word that guides us.
Unit 3: Faith Alive in Law and Sign
Learn more about how the sacraments of the Church have for centuries been the physical signs of God’s great love and grace. We’ll discuss some of the spiritual tools readily available to the Christian, and have a guided tour of our Cathedral to explore how the faith is embedded there.
From now until Easter 2020, about every other Wednesday, we’ll meet (beginning with a meal) for teaching, presentations and discussion; alternating weeks are reserved for participants and mentors to meet one-on-one or in smaller groups to follow the session guides provided. Any of the “classes” are open to anyone to join for that or any combination of topics.
Are you interested in being confirmed? Would you like to reaffirm your faith or be officially received into the Anglican Church? Would you consider being a mentor?
Many church congregations have found value in creating an opportunity to physically see and experience what tithing would mean for the church community and its individual members.
You’ll remember the Chair of our Stewardship Team, Mike Toole, talked about a stewardship initiative this Fall at Christ Church Cathedral. During the time between now and the end of the Church Year, we’ll try to focus in specific ways to learn and grow in stewardship understanding and practice both personally and as a congregation to the glory of God.
Holy Scripture is much more clear regarding God’s expectations about our giving than many of us realize or are often willing to admit. In Malachi 3, God, speaking directly, invites his people to “test him” ... test him to see if by rendering to him what rightly belongs to him we don’t see the windows of heaven open and pour down overflowing blessing!
Will anyone rob God? Yet you are robbing me! But you say, ‘How are we robbing you?’ In your tithes and offerings! You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me—the whole nation of you! Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and thus put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts; see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing. (Malachi 3:8-10)
The Cathedral Stewardship Team has named 03 November 2019 Tithing (“demonstration”) Sunday. On that day, everyone is encouraged to tithe (give one tenth or 10% of) that one week’s income.
You may have specific questions about Tithing Sunday:
1. What if I’m already tithing?
If you already tithe, please give as you usually do on that Sunday. If you use e-offering and give once per month, please write that on a note and place on the offering plate that Sunday to alert us.
2. How do I calculate what a tithe would be for me?
A “tithe” is 10%. It’s never about the total or even about whether we calculate on gross or net income, but about the “proportion” of what we have that the Bible says already belongs to God. It’s impossible to be too poor to tithe. Tithing is for everyone since its not based on what we think we should have, what we think we should give or even what the total amount of that might be. It’s the proportion of what we have, and that number is one we need to discover if we are to tithe.
First, determine your usual income for a week:
• If your income is received every two weeks, divide that amount by 2
• If income is received once a month, divide it by 4
• If you wish, divide the income from your last income tax return by 52
Second, multiply that number (weekly income) by 1/10, 0.10 (that is, simply move the decimal point one place to the left )
$ 180.06 - a tithe is $18.00
$ 345.56 - a tithe is $34.55
$1245.50 - a tithe is $124.55
3. What if I can’t afford to tithe that Sunday?
Please do your best. Giving should never be compulsory or cause undo hardship. If the number you write on your cheque or the cash you put in your envelope fails to bring a smile to your face, its not the right number! It is, however, always a sacrifice. Focusing a bit in advance might make it possible to prepare by putting enough aside over the next few weeks to participate. The hope is that everyone will have an experience of what it feel’s like to tithe. It will give our community an experience of what a tithing congregation could mean for our ministry together. It’s an opportunity to see what blessing God has in store for those who bless him and his Church. One thing is for certain, God always blesses what we give.
We’ll report the results, with some historical data on weekly giving on the following Sunday, 10 November.
If you use e-offering, an envelope with that date is in the boxed set you received at the beginning of the year. Every participant in the convenient e-offering method of giving is issued a boxed set of envelopes for use occasionally, for giving to the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund and for Festival offerings at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. There are also extra envelopes on church pews on which you can write your name and envelope number, assuring those amounts are added to your yearly income tax receipt.
While the money is needed and will be put to very good use, especially since we are running a growing deficit this year, the main goal is not the money – it’s the experience. Follow what God commands and then watch for the blessings you might not have expected in the days and weeks to follow.
Still not able to participate? Why not take a step towards what a tithe would be for you. Increase what you do give by 1 or 2%. Depending on where you start, if you continue, in a few years you’ll be tithing!
What is stewardship and why is giving important?
God is the source of all we have. Making a portion of what God has given in time, talent and treasure is pleasing to God. Stewardship refers especially to the teaching of Jesus where the steward is the one who manages what the Master has given. Stewardship is simply what we do, with all that we have, after we say, "We believe." Using the gifts God has given us, to do the work God is calling us to do. Healthy stewardship is based primarily on our need to give rather than the church’s need to receive.
Isn’t stewardship just fund-raising – the way the Church compels members to give?
The stewardship practiced by church members definitely impacts the church, but its “our church.” We are the church and the church’s expenses are our expenses. Most of us would never consider not paying our bills. The ministry our church family is able to maintain (much of it in service to our own membership) is closely dependant on the stewardship of the membership in its community.
What about the tithe?
What does it mean to tithe?
The word “tithe” comes from the word tenth. A tithe is the practice of giving the first tenth (10%) of our income to God’s work in the world through his Church. A tithe is not just what we give to the church ie a “2% tithe” is a contradiction in terms. Many see the practice of giving a tenth extending also to time and talents.
Isn’t tithing just an outdated idea from the Old Testament (Covenant)? Hasn’t the New Covenant superceded the Old?
The practice of tithing is a discipline understood by, and taught in, the Hebrew Scriptures. Jesus speaks powerfully about the tithe in Matthew 23:23 and Luke 11:42. Anglican Christians don’t tend to assign degrees of importance to specific verses of the Bible. All of Scripture is the Word of God and everything necessary for salvation is found there. Those who fight the tithe need to fight the Bible.
Is tithing law?
Tithing is a good choice not a rule. The word “tithe” appears 67 times in Holy Scripture. The irony may be that most who submit themselves to the discipline find it enormously rewarding and uplifting.
Are we suggesting that we will magically receive more if we give more?
No. But we are challenged by these New Testament words: “The one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.” (2 Corinthians 9:6-8)
We aren't saved because we give money to God’s work. Salvation is a gift of God's grace that comes through faith (itself a gift from God). We enter life in grace through Baptism, claiming Jesus as Saviour and our submission to his Lordship. We grow in grace through steady participation in worship and ministry. Giving will not affect your salvation. Salvation will definitely affect your giving.
Don’t the taxes we pay in our times equal a good portion of what used to be considered part of the tithe?
Governments have always used taxation to fund public benefit. A tithe is not a tax. If it were, it would be 17% or even 30%. Modern taxes provide the lifestyle and standard of living we enjoy – the medical care we receive, the roads we drive on, the schools our children attend, the street lights we walk by, the public buildings we use. The church has never been just a provider of public services.
What is the difference between a tithe and an offering?
The Bible uses both terms, often together as in “tithes and offerings.” In Scripture, baseline and regular giving is the tenth (tithe). Offerings are additional giving as we are able and desire a special expression of thanks to God: at church festivals, in remembrance of a loved one, for a special achievement, event or other blessing for which we are thankful. We might consider the tithe as what we should give, the offering as the additional we are able to give at special times.
Doesn’t giving to other charities count as God’s work? God doesn’t just work within the church.
While there are many good causes and many opportunities to give charitable dollars, we may need to re-assess why we give what we do and to what causes. We should ask ourselves why we feel the need to support charitable work outside of our faith community and the commitments we have already made while our church family struggles financially.
Why should I tithe?
“Will anyone rob God? Yet you are robbing me! But you say, ‘How are we robbing you?’ In your tithes and offerings! You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me—the whole nation of you! Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and thus put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts; see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing.” (Malachi 3:8-10 - NRSV)
The Lord of hosts dares us to test him. For people of faith, the tithe does not belong to us, it belongs to God. When we give to God that which is his, his response is to bless us with what is ours and more!
Jeremiah 2:4-13 The passage speaks of God protecting Israel during their wandering in the desert and how they forgot God and put their trust in ‘cracked cisterns that can hold no water.’ – Parallel with today’s global idolatry of materialism and economic growth and how we are reaping what we have sown through climate change, biodiversity loss, and soil pollution.
Psalm 81:1, 10-16 Parallel to Jeremiah 2. Note how God’s blessing is seen in creation’s bounty v.16 of the “finest wheat and … honey from the rock”
Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 ‘Mutual love’ includes: – hospitality to the stranger (v.2) such as migrants and climate refugees. – keeping our lives free of the love of money (v.5) in a world where inequality is growing and materialism is a root cause of many of the ecological problems we face – v.16 the sacrifice God wants is sharing what we have!
Luke 14: 1, 7-14 This parable is about generosity to the outsider and stranger, not just looking after our own but seeking to love those on the margins. These include the victims of climate injustice and food insecurity.
Sunday, 08 September 2019
Jeremiah 18:1-11 God as the potter can break down and rebuild nations. – What is God doing today in a world of human-caused ecological chaos? Where do our nations need to be broken and remoulded?
Psalm 139:1-5, 12-18 God’s personal care and knowledge for each of us are described using the vivid language of knitting and weaving. – We need to take this truth for ourselves but also apply it to all who are the victims of climate change, water and food scarcity etc.
Philemon 1-21
Luke 14:25-33 To follow Jesus means ‘carrying the cross’ (v.27) and ‘giving up all our possessions’ (v.33). – What does it mean to us living in consumer cultures where worth is measured in possessions to give up all this to Jesus? Is it to be taken literally, or is it about changing our relationship with material things and learning to live lightly, simply and generously, recognizing that all we have is God’s gift, to be shared with others, and not to be acquired in ways that damage creation’s thriving?
Sunday, 15 September 2019
Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28 God’s judgement on human sin, seen now in creation’s groaning (Romans 8.22), causing biodiversity loss and desertification (v.23-26) – Should we see today’s crises as God’s judgment, or simply as the Earth reaping what we have sown in overconsumption, waste and greed? – Note v.27 promises hope beyond judgment, as always in scripture. This is important today when many have lost hope for the Earth.
Psalm 14
In the context of practical atheism, where people live as if there is no God (v.1) – which we can apply to today’s idols of hedonism and consumer materialism, note how God’s heart is towards the poor (v.6). How can we show the reality of God in how we care for those on the margins?
1 Timothy 1:12-17
Luke 15:1-12 Jesus’ joy and heaven’s joy over one sinner who repents. The celebration (especially for the lost coin) is out of all proportion to what’s been recovered, but reflects the theme of God’s Kingdom as a feast or party. – in our rightful passion for the poor and the planet, we must not lose sight of the heart of the Gospel, that we each need the transforming acceptance and forgiveness that God in Christ offers.
Sunday 22 September 2019
Jeremiah 8:18-9.1 A heartfelt lament on behalf of God’s people. – v.20 sums up how many victims of climate change might feel: ‘The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.’ – if we are to be moved to change our ways in response to God’s call and today’s crises, we need to recover how to lament, to feel godly sorrow and to experience the Spirit’s groaning through creation’s groaning (Romans 8,22,26)
Psalm 79:1-9
1 Timothy 2:1-7 In the context of summing up the centrality of Christ in God’s purposes (vs.4-7) we are called to pray especially for rulers and authorities (although next week’s Psalm 146.3-4 tells us not to trust our rulers!) – in the context of massive injustice, inequality and continuing destruction of God’s creation, how should this affect how we pray for our leaders? – if we can vote to choose our leaders, what kinds of priorities does the Gospel suggest we should base that choice upon?
Luke 16:1-13 The parable of the shrewd (or dishonest!) steward is a difficult one and commentators differ on the details of interpretation. – what is much clearer is Jesus’ application in vs.9-13: – ‘You cannot serve God and wealth’ (v.13) is a huge challenge to a world where the richest 20% consume 16 times as much of the Earth’s resources as the poorest 20%. – Being faithful stewards of what belongs to another (v.12) surely applies to our use of natural resources, because the whole Earth belongs to God (Psalm. 24.1).
Sunday, 29 September 2019
Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15 Jeremiah buys a field as a prophetic act that, despite a chaotic context, there would be a hopeful future (Jeremiah 29.11) where land would be bought and sold again. – This challenges those otherworldly spiritualities that suggest we should focus on heaven and forget all the problems affecting Earth. – We are called to invest our time, work and money in the land (the social and ecological context) where God has planted us – to seek the shalom – the peace and well-being of the city / town / village (Jeremiah 29.7)
Psalm 91:1-6, 14-end A psalm of hope written in the context of despair. – How might these words fit our current situation of climate refugees, biodiversity loss and injustice? – v.4 describes God as a protective bird hiding us under its wings. If God made the incredible diversity of wildlife we see, what creatures speak to you of God’s character, and how?
1 Timothy 6:6-19 Powerful reminders not to place our security in money and possessions (vs.6-10), but in godly virtues (v.11) reflected in our core relationships – with God, each other, and creation – and in the gift of eternal life (v.12). – note it is the love of money and the desire to be rich that arethe root of the problem (vs.9-10), but today’s media and the politics of endless economic growth feed us with lies that money and wealth will solve our needs. – Can we, as churches, learn to be counter-cultural in cultivating content with enough (v.8) rather than always wanting more? – Can the perspective that we bring nothing into the world and can take nothing out (v.7), and that it is God (not our work or the economy) that provides us with what we need (v.17) help us live more sustainably?
Luke 16:19-end The story of the rich man and Lazarus is another powerful warning that ignoring injustice and poverty is a form of practical atheism. Our faith in God has to be reflected in generosity and justice or it is meaningless. – How does this parable come alive in today’s situation of a globalized world where the poorest are on our doorstep, and the lifestyles of rich nations are exacerbating the impacts of climate change, deforestation, food and water stress and waste upon the world’s poorest?
Perhaps the first question that will be asked: "Why does Christ Church Cathedral need a giving policy?"
Every organization with the privilege of being considered a registered charity needs a giving policy. The Canadian Revenue Agency grants charitable status to organizations that meet very strict requirements. Churches, at least at the moment, are among them. Those organizations have authority to issue charitable tax receipts to those who give enabling them to make a charitable giving claim on a personal tax return.
That doesn't mean churches maintain that charitable status easily. An annual charities return is required every year in which multiple justifications for charitable status are required.
Remember, your charitable giving creates a considerable tax benefit at about 46%!
The purpose of the Cathedral Giving Policy is to make assumptions about gifts to the church as transparent as possible. Those who give to the Cathedral need to rest assured that their gifts will be used as they wish and that, if the purpose indicated at the time of giving no longer exists, it will be used for a purpose as close as possible to the wishes of the donor.
The Policy includes three appendices:
Current list of officially recognized "funds" (giving to any of these approved purposes is easy by simply adding that desired to the gift)
The Gift Information Form for larger, usually one time gifts, providing the specific wishes of the giver -- gifts that fall outside the perameters of official funds will need approval of the Bishop and Chapter Executive
Giving at Christ Church Cathedral is made as easy as possible by way of Online Giving, the Giving Envelope system and e-offering system, and the encouraged planned giving options. Information on each available on the Give Now web page.
Support of the important ministries of Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton is always most appreciated.