Project 2045 Report Update

At its February 10, 2020, meeting, the Christ Church Cathedral Bishop and Chapter adopted the following recommendations of the 2045 Task Force, to:

  1. enter formal discussions with Diocesan Synod about the potential for constructing a new purpose-built facility between the former Bishop’s Court and former Synod Office. Discussions would focus on the concept of sharing ministry and administrative space, and space for most of the activities currently held in Memorial Hall.
  2. continue to pursue opportunities to enhance the flexibility of the existing space within the Cathedral footprint to better accommodate Cathedral and community activities.

The status of the Bishop and Chapter progress on this resolution is as follows:

  • With respect to replacing Memorial Hall with a new, shared ministry building with the Diocese, extensive exploratory discussions have been completed, and it is expected that there will be more definitive information in 2022.
  • With respect to the possible development of a more flexible Cathedral church space, the Bishop and Chapter will shortly receive a Cathedral Condition and Issues Report which will enable us to evaluate and prioritize the Cathedral restoration.
  • Complementary to a Cathedral restoration masterplan, we are investigating the possibility of replacing most pews with chairs that incorporate kneelers and book racks. This work, which includes the assessment of ecclesiastical chairs from at least two manufacturers, will be incorporated into the Heritage Standing Inc. Condition and Issues Report.

All three initiatives, regardless of their outcome, are significantly important for the future life and ministry of our congregation. The three initiatives also impact each other, both functionally and financially. Therefore, it is the intention of Bishop and Chapter that they be considered together, hopefully at some point in 2022.

Cathedral Bishop and Chapter
17 November 2021

Read the Project 2045 report here

Bishop and Chapter News – November 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 15 November 2021 by video conference with 11 of 13 members present. The Chapter regrettably received the resignation of Lynn Meehan. The article “Moving Forward in Uncertain Times” (Susan Beaumont) was read in advance and discussed. We continue to live in liminal time learning through rather than planning through. How do organizations adopt new ideas? 18 October minutes adopted.

From the Dean

A summary of the time since the last meeting included:

•  training with administrators of Home Communion
•  Communion at Windsor Court (first since Feb 2020)
•  3 sessions of baptism preparation for 07 November
•  bi-weekly Sunday Choral Evensong continues
•  work with stewardship narrative budget team
•  Diocesan responsibilities/meetings

Items Arising

Sharing space with Diocesan Synod - discussion and planning continues with a next meeting scheduled next week. Renovations to the former youth room pending completion. Next on the agenda is arrangements for how the diocese will compensate the Cathedral for occupied space and consideration of a time line for future development and cooperation


Neighbourhood Home and School - a need identified for local outreach to students (winter clothing/food) identified. A grant to Montgomery Street School Home and School of $3000 was approved recognizing a possible over spend in the Cathedral Mission/Outreach 2021 budget

2022 Budget - initial draft proposing a slight increase including cost of living increases to stipend/salaries at the direction of Diocesan Synod


Leadership vacancies - Notification to Nominating Committee on up-coming Bishop and Chapter vacancies, Synod delegates, Safe Church Officer and Chair of Stewardship Team
Project 2045- a draft document under consideration as communication about current status and follow-up on recommendations


Treasurer - income continues slightly ahead of expenses. Year to date we are 1.6% ahead of last year’s offering actuals. Work is nearing completion on new programmed capabilities to the current accounting software (Sage 50) which will result in clearer reporting. Canadian Employment Wage Subsidy applications up to date but we no longer qualify for further Federal Government subsidy

Health and Pastoral Care - Our parish nurse continues to make connections and become familiar with her role. Parish Nursing course in progress. Webinar 17 Nov (Wholistic Care and Wellness - IHMC) Training for Home Communions. Hospital remains closed to visitors

Mission and Outreach - Monday morning programme 41 recipients. Angels returned and complete. Potential school outreach

Property - Heritage Standing continues with engineering report and provided update

Christian Formation - Taizé, Godly Play, Youth Group, and Life Shared (November) continue. Advent opportunities TBA. Meeting this week

Communications - usual invitation for communications contributions. Christmas advertising discussed and direction given for 2021

Finance and Administration - work on a narrative budget continues. Contents of a new staff handbook outlined with plans in process for the drafting of content. Various financial management issues considered at the last meeting including the 2022 operating budget.


•  First of Advent - 28 November
•  Christmas Lessons and Carols 4:00 p.m. 19 December
•  Usual Christmas worship schedule anticipated
•  Next meeting - 13 December


Bishop and Chapter News – September 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 13 September 2021 by video conference with 10 of 14 members present. An article by Rich Birch: “5 Mindsets Church Leaders Need to Change Post-COVID” unSeminary, June 2021 was circulated in advance basing a conversation on the return to pandemic green. Minutes of 21 June 2021 were modified slightly and adopted.

From the Dean

•  a list of usual commitments was provided for review
•  vacation 02-29 August
•  diocesan clergy conference 20-22 September - Renforth
•  staff reviews were completed in June
•  currently processing feedback regarding Sunday worship schedule
•  Day of Truth and Reconciliation September 30th
•  Diocesan Synod 06 November 2021


Returning to green - primary current considerations are the Sunday worship schedule moving into the fall. The Dean is listening. While some are quick to count the pandemic past, many others are not. Considerations necessary are many, including our capacity for volunteers, vaccination stats, and several new post-pandemic realities. We’ll strive to proceed cautiously and responsibly with safety in view and in a way that accommodates the comfort level of the majority

Items Arising

Window venting - the project to vent Cathedral stained glass is complete without breakage of the lexan covering at a cost as quoted without breakage

Shared space initiative with the Diocesan Synod - the conversation with Bishop and Synod regarding space needs at memorial hall continues as we attempt to meet needs this fall. With planning consultants finishing this fall, the Synod will be paying per square foot rental for office space


•  Housing First Project - a lengthy discussion to clarify status and risks both financial and otherwise. The current request is to sign project agreements and begin construction. Chapter is concerned about the congregation volunteer base necessary to manage this project, potentially a 20 year commitment. The Executive will take steps to consult with the congregation to determine if we have that capacity

•  Home Communion - that the dean request permission from our Bishop for Kurt Schmidt to administer the reserved sacrament

•  City electrical on the Green - a letter to outline liabilities the Cathedral will give permission at the request to install electricity on the Green on the north side of Queen for seasonal lighting


Treasurer - revenue year over year is down while to August we have continued to meet expenses. Several items of expense are upcoming including: venting of stained glass; sprinkler system repair and resuming the salary of the Parish Nurse.

Health and Pastoral Care - Sarah Ecker began work on 01 September

Mission and Outreach - decision item for Housing First. Monday morning programme has continued one day per month

Property - authorized necessary replacement of valve and compressor for fire suppression sprinkler system $8000-$10,000

Christian Formation - Godly Play and Taizé worship both scheduled to resume this month. Committee meeting next week

Communications - website and social media content possibilities discussed. February 2020 survey results were shared with members of the Chapter


•  Season of Creation (01 September - 04 October)
•  Day of Truth and Reconciliation (30 September)
•  Diocesan Synod (06 September)
•  Next meeting - 18 October                                                                   GMH

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 17 May 2021 by video conference with 10 of 14 members present. The Dean lead some discussion on an article entitled “Managing Resources - Part 1 Finances” (Nancy Davidge and Susan Elliott) from “Vestry Papers” of the Episcopal Church Foundation. “hard questions and their corresponding answers are necessary and vital to your church’s health.” Subtitled sections include: Financial Management, Good Financial Management Begins with the Budget, Different Funds for Different Purposes, Taxes, and Annual Audit/Review. Minutes of 15 March 2021 were adopted. There was no meeting of the Chapter in April.

From the Dean

•  a report outlined usual weekly and monthly commitments
•  monthly communions have resumed at Farraline Place
• a proposal will be put forward for new security equipment (door locking and cameras) and upgrade work on the network at the Cathedral and Memorial Hall to support it
•  Thy Kingdom Come (13-23 May) resources have been made available with encouragement to take part
•  noting again an upcoming need for congregational consultation and visioning regarding future facilities development

Items Arising

Parish Nurse - the application deadline closed 30 April with two received. Interviews will be scheduled. Sally Dibblee search committee chair.

Shared space initiative with the Diocesan Synod - operational costing is under development for a plan proposal of a facility on the east side of Church Street

Housing First Project - terms of reference are being developed for the committee that will oversee the project. Members are needed, including an individual for the role of treasurer. Documentation describing the responsibilities is being sought. Projected costs currently exceed identified funding. Construction completion estimate Fall 2021.


Security/Network Project - a motion was carried to proceed with security and network upgrades as proposed at a cost of about $12,000, funds to be identified from existing sources. Nightly security site visits ($300-$400 per month) will not be required upon completion.


Poet’s Corner - proposal for consideration by Peter Pacey regarding an area (Sherman’s Wharf) with some seating and quiet space for reading. The Chapter suggests a written “letter of understanding” detailing responsibilities and expectations to serve as a document for approval.


Treasurer - an overview of current financial statements

Property -the work towards updating a 2015 maintenance and restoration plan has resulted in the potential for a major restoration project. Heritage Standing will work on proposing a cost for the creation of a master plan. Breakin and theft from the storage shed on 12 May.

Health and Pastoral Care - Some health ministry programming continues with the help of volunteers

Mission and Outreach - Belize Missions funding is depleted with no recent fund-raising activity. Housing First priority issue

Finance and Administration - a Stewardship Team meeting will be scheduled. The Treasurer will work with the Committee to provide financial background for future monitoring and planning

Christian Formation - overseeing current programming. June meeting will consider the committee work plan

Communications - an initial meeting with the new chair was 20 April


•  Day of Pentecost (23 May) 8:00, 10:00 and 11:45 a.m.
•  Next meetings (third Mondays) - 21 June 2021


Bishop and Chapter News – March 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 15 March 2021 by video conference with 10 of 14 members present. A faith conversation and discussion of an article “We’re in the Innovation Business” (Dwight Zscheile) was lead by the Dean. Minutes of 16 and 22 February 2021 were adopted.

From the Dean

  • meeting with Pandemic Response Task Group making adjustments for yellow level restrictions Operational Plan 11 March 2021
  • no care facility Communions (Farraline/Windsor Court) in March
  • meetings with Chapter committees and other groups
  • Lenten programmes continuing with thanks to leaders/particpants
  • work progressing on proposal for security upgrades, main entrance monitoring/cameras and potential refurbishment of networking
  • upcoming need for congregational consultation regarding future facilities development

Items Arising

Cathedral Video Project - we await two more cameras. Current live streaming significantly improved thus far. Operators in training

Chapter By-law - members asked to bring current By-law items possibly in need of modification to the next meeting of the Chapter


Housing First - information is needed about the current status of the Cathedral Housing First Project. S. Mayo will coordinate a meeting soon.

Resignation of Treasurer - the Chapter regrets having received the resignation of Treasurer Kevin Percy as of 30 April 2021.

Committee membership - J. Mahar will facilitate an accessible online document for submitting/listing up to date committee membership

Annual meeting - noted request for Cathedral consultation re facilities


Facilities development - The Chapter appointed Jim Morell to act as liaison in current discussions with the Diocesan Synod regarding facilities management and development

Thanks to the Treasurer - a vote of sincere thanks to K. Percy for his service as treasurer. The Chapter Executive will meet soon to discuss next steps


Treasurer - an overview of February financials noting that expenses significantly exceeded income ($22,500) year to date. Several other reports including the 2020 Diocesan Financial Return, Financial Survey for Diocesan use in applications on our behalf for government subsidy when possible, Diocesan Consolidated Investment Fund to year end 2020.

Property - a report is expected from Heritage Standing updating renovation and maintenance required now and in the future. The current proposal regarding security/network will be shared with the Committee when available.

Health and Pastoral Care - Parish Nurse search: advertisement posted this past week with deadline for application of 30 April.

Mission and Outreach - Clarity regarding the Housing First Project is a priority. Financial management, committee membership and documentation describing commitments, responsibilities and expectations needed

Finance and Administration - the Committee continues to seek leadership for the Stewardship Team and a Safe Church Officer. Recent updates to the Report on Deferred Funds (money in our operating account designated for specific purposes) were considered and recommended. The chair will follow up on a meeting of the Stewardship Team in the near future.


  • Holy Week begins 28 March
  • Easter Day 04 April

Next Meetings: 19 April 2021 (if necessary); 17 May 2021


Annual Congregational Meeting

2021 Annual Report (for 2020)

The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held in the Cathedral on Sunday, 21 February at 11:45 a.m, following worship. A representative from each family in the congregation is urged to participate.

Members of the congregation can participate in three ways:

1) Attend the meeting in-person. Please sign up separately for worship and in-person attendance at the meeting. Maximum capacity of 50 for each event, according to pandemic regulations for gatherings in the Orange Alert Level.

2) Observe the meeting by watching the livestream on the Cathedral YouTube channel.

3) Participate online via Zoom, using the link in your Friday bulletin email (if subscribed), or email the Cathedral Office <office at> for the link. If you've used Zoom on your device before, you're all set. If not, you'll be given instructions for installing the Zoom application. Zoom participants will be able to view speakers at the lectern, vote, and ask questions through a moderator. Looking for detailed instructions for voting via Zoom?

See the "Voting on Zoom" how-to guide.

Please bear with us as we launch out in these new ways of being the Church in community with the uncertainties we face.

View the Annual Report or obtain a print copy at the back of the Cathedral.

Bishop and Chapter News – February 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 16 February 2021 by video conference with 11 of 14 members present. Guests Kendra Patrick (Bringloe Feeney LLP) and Tom Maston were welcomed. A faith conversation and discussion of the article “We’re in the Innovation Business” (Dwight Zscheile) was postponed to the next meeting. Minutes of 18 January 2021 adopted.

From the Dean

  • during Orange Alert level no hospital (end of life care only) or home visits. Telephone contacts when possible. Communion is available upon specific request following restrictions
  • no care facility Communions (Farraline/Windsor Court) in current alert level.
  • meetings with Chapter committees and other groups
  • lecture on Anglicanism for students at Northeast Christian College on 08 February
  • refresher course on Prepare Enrich - relationship inventory tool and resources for preparing couples for marriage
  • conversations continue regarding Synod and Cathedral sharing and future development

Items Arising

Cathedral Video Project - one PTZ camera received and temporarily installed yielding significant improvement in the quality of our live streams. Remaining equipment expected soon. Project overview

Chapter By-law - several needed adjustments being identified. Possible revisions to be considered by the new Chapter in 2021

Parish Nurse - Search Committee (S. Dibblee chair) is at work. A next step is finalizing and posting an advertisement for the half-time staff position as soon as possible

Committee and Group Reports - thanks to all for attention to annual reporting. The 2021 Annual Report has been circulated.

Nominating Committee - a current version of the report to the Annual was circulated. Last-minute adjustments in a final version circulated for the Annual Meeting, new nominations up to the time of election


Financials - 2020 reports including Review Engagement presented by Kendra Patrick and approved for presentation to the Annual Meeting. 2021 Budget approved for presentation

Invested Funds - Agreement between corporations and the Synod regarding participation in the Diocesan Consolidated Investment Fund, as an investment tool of choice, moving to Diocesan Regulation 5-3 from individual contracts. No substantial changes. Motions carried

2021 Nominating Committee - member nominations recommended


Annual Meeting - 1) In-person (by signup), 2) observe by live stream 3) Zoom video conference option. See details in the normal Friday email.


Treasurer - Brief overview of January month-end and Proposed Budget.

Property - Heritage Standing update of 2016 report on Cathedral maintenance on-going

Christian Formation - “Ad - LENT - ures” opportunities for Lenten study and reflection complete with all encouraged to participate

Communications - see annual report for 2020

Health and Pastoral Care - Parish Nurse search a priority. C. Stevenson has resigned as chair of the Health Ministry Committee.

Welcome and Hospitality - see annual report for 2020

Mission and Outreach - progress on Housing First Project - construction expected by summer 2021. Monday morning last Mondays

Finance and Administration - stewardship team hopes to continue progress on narrative budget. Mike Toole has resigned as committee member, Stewardship Team Chair and Cathedral Safe Church Officer


•  Ash Wednesday (17 February); Annual Meeting (21 February)

•  Next Meeting: 15 March 2021


Bishop and Chapter News – December 2020

Bishop and Chapter met 14 December 2020 by video conference with 11 of 14 members present. The Dean lead some reflection on “How to Shine Your Light for Christ - So how exactly do you shine?” – practical tips. Members added additional insights. Minutes of 16 November 2020 were adopted.

From the Dean

•  Cathedral Pandemic Operational Plan was revised 01 December 2020 to accommodate the NB Orange Level of Recovery
•  in-person staff meetings continue. Sexton Ashley Swim 30 November
•  consultation with the Diocesan synod regarding temporary facility sharing
•  work completed on a proposal to equip the cathedral with video equipment for better live streaming in the future (December project)
•  Cathedral committee meetings as possible
•  diocesan meetings including Diocesan Council, Finance Committee, Creation Matters, and Fredericton deaneries’ clericus
•  brief report on Christmas worship schedule


•  Stipend and Salaries - In 2021: Cathedral staff 2% cost of living;. Dean’s Stipend $59,708 ($15,786 above minimum stipend scale)

•  Cathedral Video Equipment Project - acceptance of a proposal to purchase ($12,000 by the end of this calendar year) and install equipment for improved video live streaming and recording. Contributions to the Project (labelled “audio/visual”) are invited


•  2021 Budget - draft discussed. Challenges will include some reduction in offerings during the pandemic and no future government subsidies ($52,000 in 2020)


Treasurer - In November operations income exceeded expenses by $11,711. Diocesan Shared ministry contribution not owing in November due to reduced diocesan expenses year to date. Cathedral Shared Ministry reduced by $1000 per month in 2021. No further federal grants (Canadian Wage Subsidy) expected in December or in into 2021

Property - An initial meeting of the Restoration Committee was held C. Ferris chair). Several repair items: Bishop’s graves, choir room steps, window ventilation. Security camera system under review and awaiting proposal. New sexton 30 November. Heritage Standing to update 2016 report at a cost of up to $4000.

Communications - Coordination of advertising for Christmas. A next Cathedral Connections in the new year.

Health and Pastoral Care - meeting of Health Ministry before Christmas is expected. Health Ministry budget received

Worship - no recent meeting. Presentation of the Video Project proposal

Welcome and Hospitality - no events and little committee activity during the pandemic

Mission and Outreach - $1000 funding for St. Hilda’s School (Belize Missions) will be transferred in the next couple of weeks. Monday morning programme (Outreach) continues on the last Monday of the month in a modified format. Missions Committee needing members

Finance and Administration - hiring of sexton complete. Follow up with Treasurer on 2020 review engagement management letter recommendations. Stewardship Team: “narrative budget” for 2021

Nominating Committee - interim report. Good progress being experienced on acquiring nominations for positions opening in 2021. Further nominations welcome


•  Blue Christmas - 21 December, 7:00 p.m.
•  Christmas Eve - 4:00, 8:00, 11:00 p.m. Christmas Day - 10:00 a.m.
•  New Years Day - 11:00 a.m.

Next Meetings

18 January 2021, 16 February 2021
21 February 2021 Annual Congregational Meeting


Video Project – December 2020

Since March 2020 the Cathedral has provided a combination of video recording and live streaming Sunday worship. Live streaming Sunday and special worship events are well ‘attended’ with the number of views this fall ranging between 50 and 75 per service. The November worship during Covid orange had 117 views and the fall ordination had 146. Comments and feedback indicate that the streaming is very much appreciated by those who do not attend every week (allowing others a chance to attend with the 50 or 80 maximum) and those who do not feel comfortable worshiping in person. The live streams keep Cathedral people engaged, nourished, and feeling a part of the church community.

This is an investment in the wider Cathedral community and an outreach tool

We believe that video streaming should be part of the Sunday routine in the future, recommend that and request the funding for purchase and installation. This is an investment in the wider Cathedral community and an outreach tool that will appeal to those not currently part of a church family.  To date, we have used a web camera and computer belonging to Peter Jacobs. Video editing, when it has occurred, again has used personal computers. There has been a steep learning curve regarding pricing and determining the specifics, but it has been successful, and we have used what we have learned to create this proposal. We want to proceed quickly in order to provide a higher quality solution which will be simpler to provide as soon as possible. To date Peter Jacobs and Kirsten McKnight have been operating the live stream, but we would add to those numbers and create a sign-up category to ensure each event is covered.

Contributions toward this project are welcome. Label "Audio/Visual" as an envelope offering or use the convenient GIVE NOW option on the Cathedral Facebook page or Online Giving page on our website.

Read the entire project proposal here.

Unit Price Total
1 Video switcher, recorder and Streaming encoder $1,319 $1,319
(4 HDMI Channel, Stream to Ethernet, Record 4 channels)
2 PTZOptics PTZ Camera 30X optical HDMI, SDI 1080P $2,499 $4,998
(Pan - Tilt - Zoom camera remotely controlled-no Operator)
2 PTZOptics camera stand $125 $250
1 PTZOptics ElectronicPTZ Camera 4K Optics two SDI outputs $689 $689
1 Basic 1080P camera $300 $300
2 Video Signal Converter $85 $170
1 HDMI audio interface (HDMI in - out, Audio out) $70 $70
1 Dell HDMI monitor for Switcher display $300 $300
1 SSD USB external drive $200 $200
1 Dell Desktop computer with Video Editing capability $1,200 $1,200
1 Dell HDMI monitor for Computer $300 $300
1 Cabling and mounting hardware $500 $500
Sub-Total $10,296
Tax $1,544
Total $11,840


Bishop and Chapter News – November 2020

Bishop and Chapter met 16 November 2020 by video conference with 11 of 14 members present. The Dean lead reflection on an application of Matthew 25:31-40 , part of the Gospel for the following Sunday. Some related reflection on Passing the Plate” (Smith/Emerson/Snell) regarding research on the top 4 reasons Christians do NOT give financially. Reason 3 – Christian giving may (be seen too much as?) largely benefit those who give. Minutes of 21 September 2020 were adopted. There was no meeting in October.

From the Dean

Pandemic Operational Plan 18 September. Weekly meetings of Cathedral Staff have been in person since early September. Committee and group meetings attended when possible. Work on a proposal for equipment to improve and make sustainable a commitment to live streaming worship continues. Mothers’ Union Executive installed and a Confirmation, Reaffirmation of Faith and Reception concluded the “Faith Alive” preparation programme. Outside Communions have resumed monthly at Farraline Place. Home and hospital visits by request, under current restrictions. Christmas worship schedule being considered. Use of the Memorial Hall is up with many outside groups requesting meeting space. Commitments to Diocesan Council, Diocesan Finance Committee, and Bishop’s requests (installation of Canons and Collation of Archdeacons) have been fulfilled. Consultation with our Bishop and Diocesan Synod re future office accommodations.


Diocese of Fredericton/Cathedral MOU - A draft memorandum of understanding was presented, discussed and adopted representing Cathedral openness to enter into both an offer to provide temporary accommodation for diocesan office needs and, to explore potential future opportunities to share office/programme/meeting space.


Treasurer - month-end financials for September and October. A high level summary was provided. Past federal government wage subsidies (now significantly reduced), Diocesan reduction of shared ministry for one month due to reduced expenditures, and the generous and consistent financial support of our congregation, results in our “holding our own” to date. A slight 2020 surplus over expenses may be a result.

Property - No committee meeting but several property related accomplishments and other issues are being monitored.

Communications - A November issue of Cathedral Connections was published. Committee members continue to monitor and update the Cathedral Facebook page and the Cathedral website.

Health and Pastoral Care - visitation continues to be a challenge. Parish Nurse, Dean and visitors make attempts to connect and offer care.

Worship - no committee meeting. Monitoring worship needs and plans for in person worship demand and possibilities being considered.

Welcome and Hospitality - welcome and hospitality has understandably been challenged by pandemic restrictions. The Committee will contact volunteers for welcoming ministry about helping with greeter needs for worship as a current priority.

Mission and Outreach - Monday morning outreach initiatives continue on the last Monday of the month out of doors. Community Kitchen volunteer involvement is on an individual basis. The Housing First project is delayed to 2021.

Finance and Administration - office photocopier/printer and phone service upgrades have been completed resulting in cost savings. A proposal to have a security camera system replace onsite security for the Memorial Hall is under consideration. Office Administrator position filled. Sexton position filled: Ashley Swim beginning 30 November.


•  20 November Organ Concert

Next Meetings

14 December, 18 January 2021
21 February 2021 Annual Congregational Meeting                              GMH