Bishop and Chapter News – March 2022

Bishop and Chapter met 28 March 2022 by video conference with 10 of 13 members present. There was discussion of an article by David Odom (Faith and Leadership) titled: “How to rehabilitate in the midst of pandemics.” The author highlighted the need to tend integrity, mission and morale and we briefly discussed some of what we need to build into a time of rehabilitation. Adoption of minutes of the February meeting was deferred to the next meeting.

From the Dean

A brief summary of the time since the last meeting included:

•  March Farraline and Windsor Communions cancelled due to COVID
•  Diocesan Finance Committee
•  Diocesan online safe church training completed
•  Diocesan returns submitted by the 15 March deadline
•  informal staff review with S. Ecker following probationary 6 months
•  leadership vacancies include Hospitality Committee, Safe Church Officer and Synod Substitute (16-35 yrs)
•  arrangements for summer tour guides should begin soon


Report on Cathedral Conditions and Issues - Revision 1 (2022-03-21) of the report was accepted by the Chapter with plans underway to share it more widely


Cathedral Conditions and Issues - A lengthy discussion on the report by Heritage Standing followed feedback and suggestions on the draft recently presented to the Chapter, Property, Administration and Finance Committees and Cathedral Staff. Significant consideration was given to the process of sharing the report including how and when and the supports necessary for effective communication of its content. The report provides a high level of detail, is very well done and outlines both short and longer-term priorities for Cathedral maintenance and restoration. All items identified are important, some critical while others could be postponed. The Chapter Executive was charged with considering the rollout in more detail soon.

Funding future restoration work - T. Maston provided a summary of recent contacts and research regarding approaches to fund-raising according to the magnitude detailed in the Conditions and Issues Report


Treasurer - Regarding recent revenues, we had a strong conclusion to 2021 with January below anticipated offerings. February seems to be ‘trending in the right direction’ with a February deficit of about $17,000. Finetuning of Sage Accounting software continues. The survey to determine eligibility for government subsidy (unlikely) was submitted. E-transfer has been set up especially for groups making donation or rental payments

Property - the Committee is considering maintenance prioritization based on issues having been documented by Heritage Standing.

Christian Formation - Lenten programming continues with many devotional and study options this year

Worship - the Committee met with items of the scheduling of lectors, intercessors and servers in the coming weeks. Having an overseer of the scheduling is very helpful for reminders and smoothly filling

Health Ministry - recent review of the calling list and looking forward to re-establishing social opportunities for many who feel isolated

Mission and Outreach - an inquiry about the possibility of erecting an outdoor food cupboard. Committee will explore re the proposal


•  Tentative meetings: 16 May, 20 June
•  Holy Week begins 10 April usual schedule
•  Easter 17 April: 8. 10. 11:45



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