Bishop and Chapter News – May 2018

Bishop and Chapter NewsBishop and Chapter met on Monday, 14 May 2018 with eight of twelve usual members present. Minutes of the 23 March 2018 meeting were briefly reviewed and adopted. The Dean offered some reflections on the person of the Holy Spirit, prefaced with a reading from the Gospel of John 15.26–27; 16.4b-15 . The gifts of the Holy Spirit, the fruits of the Spirit, biblical images and our understanding of them was discussed.

Business Arising

• Operating funds transfer - the $50,000 recommended and approved for transfer to investment has not taken place. Offerings are currently below budget and operating monies may be required in the next few months
• Ending Homelessness in Fredericton - there has not been any significant progress on this item. The Greater Chapter of the Archdeaconry of Fredericton includes this item of its agenda on 17 May   The Road Home
• K. Snow expenses - expenses incurred for Worldwide Mothers’ Union work have been considered by the Christian Formation Committee which has a recommendation.
• Mission Committee and Outreach Committee - E. Hadley reported the proposed meeting was held with progress on how we might create a group with a broader oversight mandate (Committee on Mission/Outreach)
• Jingle All the Way - donation has been received. Communications in conversation with JoyFM regarding a partnership with potential for mutual benefit

From the Dean

• Normal ministry commitments - 3 care home visits for Communion, 5 visits to hospitals, 2 home Communions, 6 staff meetings; several Chapter and Committee related meetings; Deanery clericus, Diocesan Finance Committee, 2018 Synod Planning, 2 Ad hoc Development Committee meetings with 4 teleconferences.
• Bishop of Qu’Appelle rides through NB in July, National Trust for Canada Conference is 18-20 October; L’Arche Fredericton will utilize facilities for shared meals; Staff reviews during June

For Discussion

Committee Terms of Reference - Progress continues to made in the development of Terms of Reference for Chapter committees. Presented for consideration were terms for Building and Properties, Communications, and Worship. Remaining are: Hospitality, Welcoming and Membership and Mission Outreach.

For Decision

• Terms of reference adopted: Worship; Communications
• The Chapter will make a $100 annual contribution to the Anglican Foundation of Canada
• that $1000 be forwarded to our Mothers’ Union Branch for reimbursement of Worldwide Mothers’ Union work expenses


• Treasurer
- offerings are about $27,000 below 2017 year to date
- designated funds review by Executive before summer
• Formation - update on programming; formation planning scheduled
• Administration and Finance - giving policy in process; Dean’s photo poster has been completed with thanks to Frank Morehouse
• Health and Pastoral Care - update on current work. First Aid Training being planned for June
• Communications - web team and social media team developing


Pentecost 10:30 worship - 20 May 2018; "Surprise the World" video night - 30 May 2018; BELLS Sermon series 27 May - 3, 10, 17, 24 June;
Ordination 24 June 2018

Next meeting: 18 June 2018


File of Life

The Health/Parish Nurse ministries are pleased to distribute a "File of Life" packet for use in your homes.

The packet consists of a small red plastic envelope which can be placed on your fridge door to alert anyone of your health history, current medications, and basic health information in case of an emergency. A medical information sheet will be given to you for completion; this sheet may be placed in the envelope on your refridgerator. Update the file every 6 months or so.

Contact Kathleen Snow at (506) 461-8201 or <nurse at> for information.

The Day of Pentecost – 20 May 2018


Plans are coming together for an exciting celebration at a combined 10:30 a.m. worship event on the Day of Pentecost, Sunday, May 20th.  Under the guidance of a planning group of the Worship Committee, lots of ideas for both the worship and  fellowship following in Memorial Hall have been suggested.  And while we are still in the planning stages, we can tell you a bit of what’s in store!

Pentecost 2018

We'll be inside this year. The Cathedral will be well decked out! Red banners to adorn the interior and the young and young at heart will be provided with streamers to wave as we all join a grand procession from the Cathedral to Memorial Hall as worship concludes. The congregation is invited, as are the clergy, to add a dash of red to the Sunday outfit!

A red hot Baked Potato Bar will be set up in the Hall for lunch featuring baked potatoes. The potatoes will be supplied but we'll need contributed dessert items and potato toppings: sour cream to chili and everything in between! Tea, coffee, cold drinks and dessert to round off.

This is a very user friendly time to invite a friend

At worship, a full printed version of the order of service will be provided. This is a very user friendly time to invite a friend! We'll be encouraged to join in song in the diversity of musical styles that are part of a normal Cathedral Sunday. The Gospel will be celebratively proclaimed. A focused teaching will be in a unique style appealing to every age. Pentecost is also a Festival of Baptism, so we'll appropriately have a renewal of the vows of our baptism. We'll break and share the Bread of Life in the Eucharist and the procession ... did we mention the procession?
The Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament), describes Israel's annual celebration of Pentecost (the 50th day after Passover - The Feast of Weeks - 7 x 7 +1 = 50) in celebration of the giving of the Law, the 10 Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai. Pentecost is the birthday of the Church. The Pentecost recounted in the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament reports that those gathered for Pentecost that year powerfully received the gift of the Holy Spirit. They spoke in numerous languages and all understood. The appearance of divided tongues of fire rested on them and there was a rush like a mighty wind. There was no doubt for the Galileans gathered there in Jerusalem that the promise of Jesus to send his Spirit as Comforter and Guide had been fulfilled.
Those gathered powerfully received the gift of the Holy Spirit
While most Christians are very conscious of the Christian festivals of Christmas and Easter in the calendar, often Pentecost comes and goes without much thought. Pentecost is one of the seven Principle Christian Feasts, significant landmarks in the unfolding story of Jesus the Christ our Saviour. Can you name the other six?
Combined worship events at the Cathedral are a wonderful opportunity for the whole Cathedral congregation and others, younger and older, to worship together, enjoying a time of fellowship and friendship maintenance. The Day of Pentecost promises to be a day of celebration!

Sandy Robb – A Fredericton Unsung Hero

The City of Fredericton Unsung Hero Awards are meant to acknowledge those individuals who go above and beyond to help build and shape their community. This includes helping bolster the work of social groups and organizations that offer recreational, cultural, or charitable services to the community.

Sandy Robb Unsung Hero

Penny Ericson, Fredericton South MLA David Coon and Sandy Robb

Sandy Robb, one of our volunteers with the Monday Morning Drop in, recently became an Unsung Hero recipient.

The photo is of Sandy, a formerly homeless woman. The award, given to eight people this year, acknowledges individuals who go above and beyond to shape a more compassionate and welcoming community. Among those who congratulated Sandy following the ceremony were Penny Ericson, chair of the Cathedral's Outreach Committee, and Fredericton South MLA David Coon.

The City web site says: "The Intercultural Award is given to an individual, group, or organization whose actions have contributed to promoting cultural diversity and have helped newcomers integrate into the community at large here in Fredericton."

Walk with our Bishop 2018 – Archdeaconry of Woodstock

This year's Bishop's Pilgrimage will be in the Archdeaconry of Woodstock.

Our Bishop invites others to walk with him for a part of his journey. Details about what you need, how to prepare and the detailed schedule are included on the Pilgrimage Blog.

"It has been wonderful to participate in this pilgrimage without actually walking! This blog has allowed many of us to take part, thanks very much for that. Our prayer will be that the Lord will work in and through all involved; and that He will bear fruit from this journey for many years to come. May He bless and keep you." (Debbie Collicott - 2015 Pilgrimage)

Ready to walk

Ready to walk at Bathurst

A Pilgrim Blessing

All-powerful God,
you always show mercy toward those who you love
and you are never far away for those who seek you.
Be with your servants on this pilgrimage
and guide their way in accord with your will.
Be a companion for them along their journey,
a guide at crossroads,
strength in their weariness,
defense before dangers,
shelter on the way,
shade against the heat, light in the darkness,
a comforter in their discouragements,
and firmness in their intentions,
in order that, through your guidance,
they might arrive unscathed at the end of their journey and,
enriched with graces and virtues,
they might return safely home;
through Jesus Christ your Son,
who lives and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

Walk illustration

Illustration from the Parish of New Bandon





May God the Father who created you, guide your footsteps,
May God the Son who redeemed you, share your journey,
May God the Holy Spirit who sanctifies you, lead you on life’s pilgrimage,
and the blessing of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
be with you wherever you may go.

Music Monthly – May 2018

Sunday May 6 - Sixth Sunday of Easter - Rogation Sunday
10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
If ye love me - Tallis
Missa Secunda - Hassler
Psalm 98
Ave verum corpus - Byrd
216, 631, 60, 209, 461
Pièce d’Orgue BWV 572 - Bach

4.00: Choral Evensong (BCP)
Ayleward Responses
Psalms 61 and 62
Stanford in C
Hear my prayer - Mendelssohn
Final Responses - Naylor (Festal)
204, 424, 226
Sonata No. 3 in A (1st movement) - Mendelssohn

Thursday May 10 - Ascension Day
7.30: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Mass for Three Voices - Byrd
Psalm 47
O God, the King of glory - Purcell
628, 245, 335(508), 569, 246(374)
Heut’ triumphiret Gottes Sohn BWV 630 - Bach

Sunday May 13 - Seventh Sunday of Easter
Choral Eucharist (BCP)
O Lord, increase our faith - Loosemore
Batten’s Short Service
Psalm 1
All people, clap your hands - Weelkes
247 (206), 515, 77, 78, 375
Prelude on Bryn Calfaria - Vaughan Williams

Sunday May 20 - The Day of Pentecost - Whitsunday
10.30: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Wood in C minor
Come, Holy Ghost, the maker, come - Gibbons
Ye birds with open throat - Meek
Hymns on Order of Service

Sunday May 27 - Trinity Sunday
Choral Eucharist (BCP)
Christ hath a garden - Drinkell
Missa Brevis - Murray
Psalm 29
O sacrum convivium - Davis
1, 326, 525, 644, 320
Toccata - Mushel

Bishop of Qu’Appelle – Living the Mission Ride

Bishop Rob Hardwick, (Bishop's Blog) Bishop of the Diocese of Qu'Appelle will ride across Canada as part of the diocese's "Living the Mission" campaign. The Bishop's Ride will begin in Victoria BC on 19 May. The Bishop will be riding through New Brunswick during July. Plans are underway to welcome him to the Diocese of Fredericton as his itinerary includes stops in the Parishes of Madawaska (Edmunston), Wicklow, Wilmot, Peel and Aberdeen, (Florenceville), Fredericton (Fredericton City parishes) and Salisbury and Havelock (Peticodiac).

Come join us at the Cathedral on Sunday, 15 July at 4:00 p.m. for informal worship and a BBQ!

Did you know?

The Trans-Canada Highway is the longest highway in the world, stretching from St. John’s NF to Victoria BC. Both cities consider themselves the starting point; journalist Walter Stewart once observed it is the only road on which you can drive (or cycle) 7,714 km just to get back to the beginning again.

The highest point on the Trans Canada Highway 1643 meters (5390 feet) is actually near the Parks Bridge by Golden BC." Irrespective, it will be a challenge!

The Bishop asks us to follow, pray, cycle with him, and /or donate.

... to do something that is going to impact the lives of many people will be the achievement ...

"It will be a great personal accomplishment to cycle over 7,800 kms" says Bishop Hardwick. "But to do something that is going to impact the lives of many people will be the greater achievement."

Hardwick Jersey

Bishop Hardwick receives a jersey at the House of Bishops

"Even now when the training sessions get tough, I think of those who will be helped by our financial and prayerful support on this ride: the medical center we are building in Burundi, money to begin a self-determining indigenous church within The Anglican Church of Canada, Habitat for Humanity Regina, and continued funding for mission and ministry initiatives within the Diocese of Qu'Appelle.

"Together we have an opportunity to something that will truly make a significant difference. Thank you for your support."

Follow the Bishop on the Bishop's Ride page on the Diocese of Qu'Appelle web site.
Visit the Bishop's Ride Facebook page

Bishop Rob Hardwick

Living the MissionFaithful and loving God, you call us to be disciples of your Son
and co-creators in your mission.
Open our minds and hearts to a greater awareness and deeper
appreciation of your countless blessings.
Transform us through the power of your Spirit
to enable a way of life marked by faith-filled prayer;
to equip congregations for mission and ministry;
and to engage all in outreach and in the generous sharing of our faith.
Bless the Living the Mission campaign with a deepening devotion to prayer,
a growing commitment to service, and an increased level of generosity
as we work together to advance the mission of every parish in our diocese,
through Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord.

Moment for Missions – April 2018

“The Missions Committee would like to thank Beverly Morell for her leadership in the Belize Ministry. Over the past 10 years she has willingly devoted herself to the many tasks involved in this role, and we are very grateful for her leadership.

The four members of the 2018 mission team who will be assuming Beverly’s duties are Rebecca Butler, Caryn Gunter, Kelley Hall and Carol Ann Melvin. We wish them success in their new roles.”

Moment for Missions: March 2018

Moment for Missions

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I; send me!” ~ Isaiah 6:8 (NRSV)

The living God of the Bible is a sending God, which is what ‘mission’ means. He sent the prophets to Israel. He sent his son into the world… He also sent the Spirit to the church and sends him into our hearts today. ~ John Stott, Authentic Christianity, (1995), p. 315

~Gregg Finley, on behalf of the Missions Committee

Spring 2018 Kitchen Cleaning

SHINY KITCHEN – Kathy McBride (centre), chair of the cathedral's kitchen committee, chats with Linda Waugh (left) and Mary Allwood (right) from the ACW who were preparing to serve refreshments following a presentation. They appreciated the recent seasonal cleaning of the kitchen at the church hall by the “Holy Joes.”

The kitchen at the Cathedral church hall is spick and span, and the aim is to keep it that way.

A team from the Guild of St. Joseph recently tackled the greasy stove vent; cleaned the refrigerator, microwave, and two stoves including ovens; scrubbed three sinks; wiped down all the cupboard faces; washed the windows; tidied the drawers and cupboards; checked the dishwasher, and disinfected the counter tops. The freezer will be defrosted shortly.

“Our kitchen is a big, beautiful workspace which is used frequently for shared meals and preparation of light refreshments,” Kathy McBride, chair of the cathedral's kitchen committee, said. “Users are good about keeping it tidy from one event to the other, but a thorough cleaning is done three or four times a year.”

The committee, which meets monthly to ensure a clean, safe, efficient kitchen,has come up with a few tips for users to follow. For example:Always rinse your coffee cups and dishes if you don't have time to run them through the dishwasher.

  • Always date and label any items that you store in the refrigerator or freezer.
  • Don't leave any items uncovered in the fridge (e.g., dish of margarine, pitcher of milk, etc.)
  • At the end of each event, fill out the kitchen departure checklist. It's in a sparkly pink binder in a top drawer near the serving window.

The one-page checklist offers a quick run-through of important points, such as is the dishwasher turned off, is the door locked, who is laundering the dirty dishcloths?

“As a committee, we review the entries in the binder regularly,” Kathy said. “Has someone reported that we're running low on vinyl gloves? Do we need to replace a broken teapot? Of course, anything more urgent, such as a plugged sink, should be reported to the sexton or the office at once.”

Kathy said the kitchen is usually kept tidy, but the tips have been posted on the fridge as reminders and for the benefit of occasional or external users of the facility.

“It's about common sense and pride in our kitchen,” she concluded. “We appreciate everyone helping to keep the kitchen clean and safe for all to enjoy.”

Ann Deveau