Dear Friends,
Greetings from Bishop McAllister College and Anglican Seminary! It has been a long time since ive been able to get a newsletter out, but a shout of thanks goes out to Teacher Ainebyoona Annibo who made this possible. Annibo is busy rebuilding the school web site for which we are greatly appreciative.
We are now comfortably into our new school year, having opened a few weeks back.

Students reported in large numbers, building on last years surge in enrolment, we are now almost a thousand students. All very exciting and encouraging. The increase is largely due to the consistent academic performance (2nd in our local school district) and the good discipline of our students. We are very grateful to our faithful teaching staff who have made this success possible, often working in difficult conditions. But we know well, that all things are possible with God.
We are very thankful for all the blessings of 2016. Some of the highlights were …
- Enrolment increased by 20%
- For the beds and desks for all the new students.

For many years we have struggled with having enough water for our growing population. Going from crisis to crisis in 2016 we were able to connect to the the national water supply. i think for the students that wat was one of the highlights of our development. Probably also a highlight for the Headmaster who on many times days was driving back and forth to a nearby town carrying water.

For construction of a new girls dorm consisting of a staff apartment, tow dorm rooms, baths and toilets in the primary section.

For the completion a new room for boys replacing the former chapel they were using (a mud structure)

And for the finishing of the classroom blocks we had constructed some years ago.

The school is a busy place now. New students have settled in to their new school, for some their first boarding school. While many are looking forward to the annual Rectors “Resurrection Race” part of our Lenten activities as we make our way to Jerusalem, some very dedicated staff and students gather each morning at 6:30 am for a lenten bible study. They are studying the Gospel of Mark this year.

After being out of touch for so long, there is to much to share and to give thanks for in one news letter.
But these are a few of the highlights. As we begin this new school year we are still faced with some challenges, some of which are pressing. Of an increase in enrolment means there is a further need for more beds and desks. At present we need 50 sets of bunk beds, 25 triple desks and 30 single desks.

We are also facing a big challenge in the computer program. Our aging computers are few in number and no longer adequate for the job. So we are faced with replacing the existing computers and increasing their numbers. At present we have about 25 computers about 15 years old, shared amongst 250 students. In the first phase we are looking to instal 13 System units, each unit accommodating six students at separate stations. Already we have been able to install one unit, and it is working great.

But the most pressing challenge of all is accommodation for girls. The girls have far surpassed the numbers their dorm can accommodate. To reduce the congestion and to prepare space for new students in 2018 we are faced with the urgent challenge of constructing 1-2 rooms for them.

Please join us in giving thanks for all our tremendous blessings, and praying for us as work to address the challenges of 2017. Please check out our Chaplains Prayer Letter.
We continue to be so grateful for all your prayers and financial support. May God bless you and keep you!
God bless!
Rev. Canon Paul Jeffries
Bishop McAllister College & Bishop McAllister Anglican Seminary