
Growing in Giving 2019 – A Giving FAQ

Growing in Giving 2019 – A Giving FAQ

1. A Giving FAQ What about stewardship? What is stewardship and why is giving important? God is the source of all we have. Making a portion of what God has given in time, talent and treasure is pleasing to God. Stewardship refers especially to the teaching of Jesus where the steward is the one who […]

Season of Creation 2019 Scripture Notes

Season of Creation 2019 Scripture Notes

The Sundays during the Season of Creation, 01 September – 04 October 2019 will help us to focus on this year’s theme: “The Web of Life.” 01 September | 08 September | 15 September | 22 September | 29 September Sunday, 01 September 2019 Jeremiah 2:4-13The passage speaks of God protecting Israel during their wandering […]

Giving Policy at Christ Church Cathedral

Giving Policy at Christ Church Cathedral

Perhaps the first question that will be asked: “Why does Christ Church Cathedral need a giving policy?” Every organization with the privilege of being considered a registered charity needs a giving policy. The Canadian Revenue Agency grants charitable status to organizations that meet very strict requirements. Churches, at least at the moment, are among them. […]

The problem with plastic

The problem with plastic

The General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada in 2019 will consider a motion to encourage Anglicans across the country to both curtail purchase of and, reduce reliance on, single use plastics. The proposed motion includes developing resources to assist local efforts to those ends. Plastic products are produced from oil, a non-renewable resource. […]

Practical Stewardship – Financial Transparency

Practical Stewardship – Financial Transparency

Episcopal Church Foundation Vital Practices – Vestry Papers – Practical Stewardship – Financial Transparency Transparency is a “buzzword” in many situations. It means many things to many people, but generally elicits a positive response in most minds – transparency is a good thing. When applied to the church as a whole and to a local […]

Money — What’s it to you?

Money — What’s it to you?

Episcopal Church Foundation Vital Practices – Vestry Papers – Church Finances for Uncertain Times – Money – What’s It To You? Are you emotional about your money? A lot of people are. Think of what happens to your body when that unexpected large bill – or an unexpected windfall – comes your way. Think of […]

Who taught you about thanksgiving?

Who taught you about thanksgiving?

Episcopal Church Foundation Vital Practices – Vestry Papers – Practical Stewardship – Because God Always Gives How would I answer the question, why do I give to the church? There are plenty of references in the Bible about the generosity of our God. James 1:17 and Psalm 145, especially verses 13c-18, come readily to mind.

The Season of Creation 2018

The Season of Creation 2018

What is the “Season of Creation”? Every year, from September 1st to October 4th, churches are called to participate in the “Season of Creation.” The World Council of Churches has been promoting this theme since 2008. This special time of year has gained popularity in Europe, and the United Church of Canada was the first to celebrate […]

Stewardship: what will you do?

Stewardship: what will you do?

Bishop David Edwards issued a challenge to people who attended the annual diocesan stewardship day this fall. “Stewardship is not just about money,” the bishop said. “It is using the gifts that God has given us wisely to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and to advance the Kingdom of God. This means using […]